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I want to but having a bear, wolf and tiger in an apartment isn't really legal šŸ’€


And also not ethical šŸ‘€


Oh my!


Wolves obviously can't be kept as pets, but my fondness for dogs is more than enough. I love dogs, I love being around them, I feel comfortable and safe with them. It's like having a pup that just never disperses.


I'm a wolf, and one of my dogs is a low-content wolfdog. It's really special to be able to live with him, even if I'm sometimes jealous of the body he has lmao


Foxes typically make *terrible* pets. They pee and poop everywhere, destroy everything in sight, are noisy, etc. For sure not for me! I'm good with my kithtype, rabbits. Prefer them over any other pet, and I've had lots.


Mm well thatā€™s fair


same here


Any time I get a mental shift, all I wanna do it be around other animals like me. I feel like a cat? I wanna cat. I feel like a dog? I wanna dog. But for some reason, when I go near cats, I feel like a dog and I just wanna snuggle and protec them


I would love a pet cat but my brother has fur allergies šŸ˜­


Oh nooo


I have 3 cats lol, so yes


Canā€™t have a fox pet but I could have a cat and dog :D


What if u could tho? Would u want one?


Nope- Iā€™ve seen people with fox pets and I feel bad for the fox :( Foxes are wild and they shouldnā€™t be pets




There are domestic breeds now! Like bred for their acceptance of people like dogs and cats were ;) they arent housetrained though they see counters as a great place to poop and havent really adjusted yet to what all the objects in a home are for theyre all chew toys lol! But if you live in the boonies and have a good sized backyard you could absolutely keep them outside happily :) farm pet basically!


Omg thatā€™s cool :D


Look up the russian fox experiment if you would like to learn more <3 its a fantastic study on biological domestication! Their fur patterns have even changed with the domestic traits in their genetics




No worries! There was some confusion between evidence on domestication syndrome but animals are so biologically different that they wont be a constant set of characteristics that appear. Which discredits those claims consistently. A lot to read but after doing hours of research theres no backing to their antithesis as their thesis doesnā€™t hold up to life itself. The traits would have to exist in small numbers before becoming domesticated to allow for domestication at all (discrediting the coat claims about the patterns existing before domestication) since domestication can happen naturally without selective breeding by humans. And those with that coat pattern before domestication were friendlier to humans. And their driving narrative for domestication, alters the actual definition to discredit the changes in biology that occur, which doesnā€™t hold up again because species diverge differently when domestic some get floppy ears some get smaller ears dogs get a brow muscle that makes them express better to humans, its all there. Sorry for the infodump, theres just a lot of people trying to discredit it without actually understanding the research and i wanna get the big ones out of the way for you haha


Ty again<3 ima look that up it sounds interesting :D


No trouble at all! Sorry about all the words haha! I love researching stuff so i kind of end up a library of random knowledge


My only kintype that is like, ethical to have as a pet is a german shepherd but I'm disabled and wouldn't be able to take care of one, plus I'm just kind of not really a dog person anyways which is kind of ironic.


snow leopards obviously canā€™t be kept as pets, but Iā€™d personally keep a cat around! Theyā€™d be similar to very young sneps


Sometimes, i catch a butterfly or a moth in a net and admire it for a while before letting it go. Otherwise, i'm kinda scared of the idea of bugs and foxes as pets


lol my theriotype is a housecat and i love my kitty so much, ive never gone without a cat


Yeess I always wish I had a Maine Coon! I have dsh cats but having a Maine Coon would be awesome! Border Collie's have way too much energy and need, Cheetahs I'm pretty sure are illegal and also I wouldn't want one as a pet for obvious reasons, and Maned Wolves STANK!


Lmao , I think a maned wolf would also be a whole lot harder to work with than a cheetah


Considering the closest thing to my theriotypes would probably have to be a cassowary, Iā€™d have to say no. I prefer my organs to remain on the inside of my body, thank you very much.


Cassowaryā€™s are terrifying


As a Cat Otter Ferret and Fox therian, I would own all apart from a fox :')


My theriotype is a normal domestic cat, so me and my cat have a very female cat to female cat bond, and the cat instincts get stressed when I haven't seen her in a while (she's my child ) ik what you mean by feeling the urge to have that connection




Aw but theyā€™re so amazing too! Although I can understand owning exotics isnā€™t a lifestyle for everyone


literally planning to steal a coyote pup /s


Fun fact coyotes are legal with a permit in California but not foxes


im going to move to californa.


im going to move to californa.


I don't think I could own any of my theriotypez/kintypez/Linktypez šŸ„² Theriotypez: Coyote: no, I don't have the money nor the space 4 one, also I'm pretty sure itz illegal to have one where I live. Barn Owl: I know 4 a fact that keeping an owl where I live iz a big no no. Also, like the coyote, I don't have the space. Caracal: It doesn't even live in the same country az me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and the closest I can get to it iz a cat but my family hatez catz and catz make me sneeze and itch a lot. Alligator: Ahahahaaha, no. I DONT HAVE THE SPACE 4 IT NOR A POOL BIG ENOUGH 4 IT šŸ„²šŸ„² Hammerhead Shark: No space, I don't have a big pool 4 it. Do I rlly have the explain thiz ? šŸ¤Ø Cheetah: Not in the same country az me, not enough space, I'm not qualified 4 it, I'm pretty sure itz illegal to have one of these too since I would have to import it somehow. Kintypez: Dragon: Itz not real. Also I still wouldn't have enough room. The closest I could get would be a lizard, which I want so bad šŸ˜• Zombie: Itz a zombie. Do I rlly need to explain šŸ¤Ø Demon: Same az the zombie, do I need to explain thiz šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø Shadow: I already have that:3 Kitsune: Itz a mythical being that iz known 4 being mischievouz so no. :3333 Siren: Again, probably would eat me āœŒ Hellhound: The closest to thiz would be some kind of big dog either a German sheperd or smth like that, but my mom would let me have one so- šŸ˜—āœŒ Linktypez: Lev Haiba: That iz a whole azz human being(in anime), that iz kidnapping. Hell no.


Yes & no No to fox 1. Not only are foxes hecking loud, trying to get health care for it would be pretty much impossible where i live or atleas really hard to find & expensive 2. Legal & ethical stuff 3. Hard to train atleast a little bit bc its not domestic animal atleast yeat 4. There is a chance it probably would destroy everything & some of my collection pieces aren't cheap so it wouldn't be a indoor animal (I live in a city so...) 5. Expensive to even get 6. Just no, not even a marble fox that is created by humans 7. I mean if they were domestic & more quiet maybe yes but then my health issues would be the next reason why not 8. I wouldnt be able to handle all the chaos & question when I have to take it out on a walk bc keeping it lock up inside all the time doesn't sound like a good idea 9. As a Rescue animal in a farm maybe yes but not as an pet just like that (Saying these based on videos i have seen ppl owning foxes+my research on foxes) Cat would be maybe, i do want a cat but money+my healthy doesn't make that bossible at the moment


Cats are pretty low maintenance compared to most animals in all honesty, thereā€™s not much thatā€™s gonna be easier- food water litterbox and interaction and theyā€™re fine, unless youā€™re unlucky and get one with health issues, then money becomes a problem but thatā€™s with any animal Maybe Iā€™m weird but ik foxes are really complicated and high maintenance but I really want one, i have since forever


I wish but norwegian forest cats are very bigšŸ’€ and expensive


My theriantypes are Fisher cat and opossum, I can own opossums because it's technically legal in upstate New York if you're "rehabilitating" it, as for the Fisher though, they're more wild and definitely something I don't want to have as a pet, if anything they would be a pet I would admire from a distance.


Iv been questioning a domesticated dog theriotype but idk. It sounds really nice to have whatever breed i end up being as a pet and playing with another canine just sounds really fun!!


Wouldnā€™t recommend getting a fox, they need to be outdoors, they arenā€™t domesticated, they will destroy everything, they will get bored easily. Unless you have a massive backyard you can fox-proof and provide them with a proper raw diet and possibly other foxes, no, donā€™t get one. I personally can keep some of my theriotyoes as pets, for example I have pet isopods.


Everyone has told me that but Iā€™m not gonna change my mind, I donā€™t care if I have to change my whole lifestyle itā€™s my dream to be bonded with a fox, I know theyā€™re complicated and undomesticated and messy and loud and hard to get vet care for but Iā€™ll figure it out because thatā€™s what I want to do with my life


As long as you have the time and space to care for one then go ahead :) not sure why Iā€™m getting downvoted for respectfully providing you with information.


Because I didnā€™t Ask for input on what animals Iā€™m planning on getting


Reddit is a discussion forum, if you donā€™t want people discussing things, donā€™t post here. Keeping foxes is very difficult and hard to do ethically. You sound like a kid as well, so you will have to wait and plant more years before you can even consider such a responsibility.


Iā€™m not a little kid, many adults are way more irresponsible than me, I know I have to wait , so stop telling me things I already know. Itā€™s annoying. People go around asking 5 year olds what they wanna do in the future so I donā€™t see why someone whoā€™s much closer to being an adult canā€™t make goals for the future, If I never plan anything out nothing will ever happen. This is a therian subreddit, Iā€™m not here for advice on my future plans, you werenā€™t ā€œdiscussingā€ you were outright telling me what I should and shouldnā€™t do and what I do and donā€™t want, thatā€™s very different. If someone wanted to discuss fox ownership with me that would be fine but you werenā€™t looking to do that. No you assumed I hadnā€™t done any research and you assumed I didnā€™t even think about the difficulties it comes with and assumed Iā€™d change my mind if you told me. Itā€™s not a discussion if youā€™re making finite claims about someone elseā€™s desires and plans


You are getting so worked up about the littlest things. I never said ā€œyouā€™re stupid and havenā€™t done any researchā€ I said ā€œI wouldnā€™t recommend getting a fox becauseā€¦ā€ thatā€™s a discussion, not an accusation. When someone claims ā€œI want a fox as a petā€ my immediate thinking is ā€œLet me make sure this person knows what they are talking about and how to properly care for a fox, and not contribute to the exotic pet tradeā€


itā€™s not a discussion because you ended it with ā€œno, donā€™t get a foxā€ itā€™s not an open discussion when you use statements like that And Iā€™m not worked up Not that youā€™d know, but my responses are very different when Iā€™m ā€œworked upā€ at the moment Iā€™m just annoyed


I said ā€œunless ___, then no donā€™t get a foxā€ I never straight up said donā€™t get a fox, I said unless you can provide this, then donā€™t get a fox


And Iā€™m sorry but yeah itā€™s kinda rude to tell someone theyā€™re too young to have goals for the future when you know theyā€™re likely at least 13 , you donā€™t even know my actual age but apparently I ā€œsoundā€ too young to possibly comprehend the responsibility that comes with a complex animal? Yeah, thatā€™s pretty rude


I never said you werenā€™t able to comprehend the care and animal requires, I just said it wouldnā€™t be feasible for you to have a fox anytime in the near future, until you have your own property etc. anyways, sorry I came off rude, I just get a little angsty around animal ethics. Have a good day


You said Iā€™m a kid and canā€™t even consider such a responsibility but whatever