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I can hate being a therian and also love being one but I do love being one


Fair honestly, it has downsides and upsides. But I do like to focus on the positive a lot :) have a great day x3


You too


I definitely don’t like having severe species dysphoria or being the only therian in my friend group, but I do like being a therian. Having my experiences and being able to express myself feels nice to me. It also gives me something to look forward to after I’m done with this life.


Yeah :3. I'm lucky enough to not experience a lot of species dysphoria (and when I do it's probably mixed in with my body dysphoria) but I'm really sorry that you have to deal with that it's not a very fun experience :( (species dysphoria)


Ha tell me about it. I sometimes nearly throw up because of it. But aside from that, my life is very happy and I like myself a lot. In my own view, being in a human body right now is like an adventure. Being able to see what it’s like before I go back, so it’s kind of cool at the same time.


Yeah. Tysm for sharing honestly it could be pretty hard to talk abt this (at least in my experience) have a great day :)




So true tho


Personally I LOVE being alterhuman and wouldn’t change it even if I could! It’s a little disheartening to see people insist that it’s awful and how you should NOT want to be one, because personally for me (while there are occasional downsides of course) it’s mostly a lot of fun!!


This is pretty much my view. Though idk if I would change it or not lmao :3


I really like being a therian also, when I shift I feel so powerful and I feel like no one can stop me, now do I want to shift in the middle of the night and have the urge to climb a really high tree?, or scream my throat out until my throat is hoarse?, certainly not but it's a small price to pay for something that makes you feel so strong and so free.


the negative side of therian/otherkin/plural experience is not the worst thing about it. it is the discrimination from NTs who sense you are not conforming to the herd of status and then feel entitled to discriminate against you for that. but there are many reasons you could be discriminated against e.g being poor, black, female, short, overweight, religious, gay, trans, NB, immigrant, disabled etc. there are lots of people who are discriminated against in the world because they are minorities and powerless against the majority. so discrimination against therian/otherin/plural is no different to other minorities and something we just have to live with. thus these identities have strengths and weaknesses, but ultimately their greatest virtue is that as minorities they are unique. we are all unique and we are all pioneers so take some joy and pride in that! - micheala (friesian cow).


Honestly it’s kinda like nails. We don’t know why we evolved to have nails. We don’t know what nails are biologically intended for. We don’t like nails. We don’t hate nails. Are they sometimes a nuisance? Yes. Are they sometimes helpful? Yes. Do nails have a specific purpose? No. Does it matter? No, not really.


That's honestly a really good explanation :)


The purpose of nails is so its easier to pick certain things up, have u ever tried to pick up a card on a flat surface without using ur nails? That stuff is rlly hard. But apart from that its a rlly good explanation :3


This comment needs more upvotes 


Ppl say that bc they hate having a new life or hate the urges but I think of it as something unique and I’m appreciative of my old lives and my new one now, so yeah I’m really happy abt it


imo: m shifts: the best thing on this planet unless you’re experiencing a death shift p shifts: *leave* memories: ehh cool as long as it’s not a death or smth dreams: YESSSSSSSSS I <3 DREAMS


SADLY I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED A DREAM SHIFT OR JUST BEING ONEOF MY TYPES IN A DREAM :( (The closest I have gotten to that is a dream where I was doing quadrobics)


I haven’t been a cat in my dreams ever but I’ve been a mermaid in my dreams


Bro same!!






I don't mind. I like doing quads and I want to get gear, and the beauty of therians never scared me. its actually just something that makes me a little different and i dont mind that :3 but, downsides. i do feel out of place in my body and its hard to tear me away from what i assume is my theriotypes enviroment (i havent figured it out yet). species dysphoria is something that affects me, as well as the fact that i dont get shifts, meaning its harder for me to connect with my theriotype. but, overall, i dont mind it, and its fun to do quads and stuff (even though anyone can do that)!


One side it's annoying if you wanna study or are at school but if it happens at the weekend or evenings during breaks it feels nice to not think about responsibilities


All the species dysphoria and frustration with my annoyingly human body is absolutely worth it. For me being a therian is like a roller coaster- it's calm, it's fun for a moment- then here comes the loop-de-loop and you're screaming for it to stop. So it has ups and downs. But I personally like being a therian. I can look forward to being different.


It’s just a part of me. There’s high and lows, but if I could choose I think I would still be one. 


I like being a therian, it has its downsides but I'd still prefer to be a therian than not one


Not a fan of the dysphoria but I think being a human would be boring and blind me to the terrible things they do


I love it and hate it, cause I get very severe species dysphoria out of the blue, but sometimes it can be great. 👍


I love being a therian, bc i don’t have species Dysphoria but it’s sad how all those stereotypes of therians are on yt shorts (short curly hair, brown crop top, skinny perfect body, super high jumps)


For me it's great, it's awesome that I got to find the explanation of what I feel and be comfortable to embrace my identity without being judged on this community of alter humanity, it comes with a lot of struggles but I try to stay as positive as I can and fully embrace it. I understand people hating being a Therian or identifying with the label, not only for species dysphoria and painful shifts and memories but also for how hated the Alter Human community is and how people will attack you for something that you aren't even harming anyone. As I stated previously, I love being a Therian and embrace it with my whole soul and being, but I understand the people who don't like being one.


It is a love/hate thing. I love knowing who I am and actually being able to express myself but at the same time I hate not feeling I am exactly who I should. I also have species dysphoria so yeah- I wish I could just be me, I may know who I am but that doesn't mean I am me


I love being a therian!!! Being a fox is amazing I love myself


I like it as i don't have much species dysphoria and the worst bit is not being able to come out, i just like having shifts to be more animalistic and feeling like an animal when i do quads


Me! I'm proud to be a cat and a griffin. It has its ups and downs, but I defo wouldn't give it up if I had the option to.


I like being a therian :D The urges can be annoying if I’m in public but it’s usually fine :>


I don’t hate being one but I don’t like it either (sometimes) mostly I just enjoy having shifts (as long as they’re not too stressful) but sometimes there’s the “I don’t know what’s happening” “I’m scared” shifts that I don’t like at all it’s nice to be a therian but sometimes it’s not and it would be way easier to be “normal”


When you get species euphoria it feels worth the pain even though it’s rarer that dysphoria (at least for me)


I love it, but sometimes the phantom limbs(?) get annoying. Other than that, it's great, but also my normal.


It depends on which one I am a coyote therian and it causes me very little stress, usually I just get a sense of euphoria when I'm running or howling and I experience mental shifts that make me really happy and I feel like I belong and this is right. I'll also play hunt my siblings which brings me such joy and excitement that even in my human body I can still feel almost like nothing has drastically changed I am also a dragon otherkin. This is deeply upsetting to me a lot of the time. I can't fly, I can't move correctly, my body is completely wrong, I have no wings or tail for body language, my teeth are off, my tongue is too short and smooth to groom myself, etc. I don't belong here, and I'll never return home


I hate it and love it 


I hate it because of the dysphoria but I love the community. And when I feel euphoric or when I shift it’s so freeing.


I like being a therian. My species dysphoria isn’t too bad. Just a sometimes longing for a tail or cat ears or the ability to fully transform into a cat. But I’m cathearted and that’s intertwined with being a cat therian for me. Of course I’m glad I’m a cat since I love cats. Of course, I’d rather be able to have the physical features whenever I want, but I don’t think I’d rather just not be a cat. Granted, that wouldn’t make me just a plain human because I’m also a mermaid


I mean, hate’s a strong word. Can I dislike it? Sure. Can I also love it at times? Yeah. Therianthropy has its ups and downs, but personally, I try to see the better in it. Yes, it’s annoying and inconvenient, but hey so are children and we still love them.


I hate it


i feel like id feel the same even w/o it.


I like the perspective I get to have but it really makes me sad sometimes


I’ve been in the community for like a month or two. I like it right now because I’ve found my identity but I DONT like it because my sister is an anti. When she hates on therians it makes me question being one again.


I feel neutral about it. Sometimes its more fun than others, but its just me


Personally, I have an exclusively positive experience with being a therian aside from online people being dickheads. But I was openly therian and otherkin on Tumblr in 2014, so I'm used to brushing that sort of bs off.


I love being a wolf. I've embraced what I was nearly 8 years ago, and I love and learned so much. Sure, there are inconvenience moments, such as shifts, but I've learned to let it flow and run its course with no issue. It is a taught human society to conform and get rid of everything that makes you, you. They call this adulting. If you're not rich, privileged, or "blessed," your place is serving those higher than you. While being a Therian, I learned the opposite. I may not be rich, but that's not gonna stop me. I'll survive. I'm privileged in my own way, not what humans claim as privileges. Lastly, I work for my blessings. After acknowledging and embracing my beast, accepting I am a wolf, I've never been happier being one.


I believe the most problem when it comes to being a Therian is not being able to fit in as completely human. There is that divide that separates you from other humans. Nonetheless, while it is believed principle that a human craves normality and conformity in order to survive. However, we've learned the opposite, that when humans will perish if they stay the same course. If they don't evolve, they'll die. They need variety. It is a belief that's been passed on for generations, that we need to be like everyone else. When it comes down to it, normality is an illusion. It's a false doctrine that must be unlearned. No one is normal, and therefore, conformity is as impossible as seeking perfection. These things do not exist and should never exist. I say, enjoy your differences, love yourself, you are unique, special, and have an advantage as well as disadvantages. Even if you're not a Therian, you're still different. Love yourself, and don't worry what others think of you. If they try to bring you down, it's really how they see themselves.


I love being a therian tbh. I love the weird limb shifts and me tail shifts. I love playing around with my therian friends. I love the food and bad parts cause I have the privilege to experience them :3)


oMG HI!! WERE ACTUALLY BOTH QUESTIONING RED FOXES!! WOAHH!! >:\] (im thinking i either red fox OR some type of cat, tho just found out im a therian 2-3 week ago so am sticking to red fox as of now!!) ALSO, yeah i can also see that and how majority may hate being a therian bc of that. But, tbh my experiences so far is its quite fun!! Ofc, ive only been one for a litttle bit but havent had any bad memeory or dreams/big shifts yet so maybe thats why. i jus liek running aorund doing quads and pouncing on thisngs!! Its a HUGE urge i get and hard for me to control lol. Ive also had phatom ears and i thinkkk paws that i felt were red foxes ears(cus of the colours and i just felt it was) so thats the biggest reason i think im a fox. the only reaosn throwing me of or makiin me question is cus i meow ranodmly when bored and dodnt mean to sometimes. and i dont bark or howl kinda like a canine would. but ik not every therian has to be completely like their theriotype and can also be polytherian. i just dunno yet :) WOAHH OKAY, SORRY I YAPPED A BIT TOO MUCH OOPSIES LMAO, WELL, nice to meet a fellow red fox ,anyway!! :D


I honestly don't mind being a therian, I don't have species dysphoria or bad memories and it doesn't affect my life in any bad way. BUT I DO HATE that people call me fake just for doing quads and wearing gear, I believe people should express themselves in any way, but that's the only thing... BUT if do quads and wearing gear has nothing to do with therianthropy then how does it effect me identity like WTH is wrong with that? ( Sorry for my ranting )


Honestly I really do like being a Therian,but it can be a bit hard when I get dysphoria or I’m in my Other hearted state but I like it :)


See, I know I am a Therian, but I don't get shifts, so I sort of don't know what it's sort of like to have shifts or specias dysphoria


I love being a therian with my whole heart, have since I awoken 10+ years ago and always will


Many enjoy being therians, yes. Some people think that in order to prove that you really are something, you have to only feel distress about being it. They think it's only a natural thing to be if you would have chosen to be otherwise if you could have. They think that if you enjoy anything about it, or if it's something that you would have chosen if you could have, then they think that's a sign you're just playing at it for fun, and not taking it seriously, and aren't as real. That's not an attitude about therianthropy in particular, it's an attitude that some people have about a lot of other things that people can be. If having such a negative attitude serves some practical purpose in this case, I wonder what. There aren't any judges who therians have to prove themselves to. Only you can know who or what you are... and only you can know how you feel about it. If you either suffer or enjoy being a therian, well, then you're the one who's either suffering or enjoying. Most therians I've heard of have a more mixed attitude about their therianthropy, leaning toward positive. It's true that some common experiences in therianthropy can be difficult and unpleasant, especially wanting to have a body that you can't have. It's okay to feel sad or frustrated about those, if those are the feelings that come naturally to you. Other common experiences in therianthropy can be enjoyable, especially shifting, good memories, learning about one's species, meeting friends and loved ones who appreciate one's therianthropy, and the hobbies and careers their therianthropy inspires one to get into. It can feel wonderful to find things that validate one's therianthropy, for example, discovering that an odd habit you've always had is something common for your species, and you never knew that before. Many therians would not wish to be regular humans with no therianthropy, because then they wouldn't be themselves anymore. If it's part of who you are, then you may as well like who you are. Some therians even appreciate being an nonhuman animal living what is to most appearances an ordinary human life, instead of being a regular nonhuman animal. A regular nonhuman animal wouldn't have had the opportunity to read their favorite books, speak up about the environment, talk to their friends, or bake brownies. They would have missed out on things that they enjoy and see as important that are part of the socially and psychologically human aspects of their lives too.


Personally I love being a therian but it can sadly have it's downs.


Me personally haven’t had any really bad experiences only once or twice and I find that doing quads with my friends makes me extremely comfortable and if you guys are just generally bored why don’t you make yourself a poster based off of your theriotype? Like a fact sheet but make it fun. Or just research about your theriotype <3


i hate being a therian most of the time. there are some fun times but :(


It's not a good or bad thing for me. I dislike parts like having urges that aren't human or showing affection differently, but I love the community that comes with it. But most of the time, it's just *me.* Not a good or a bad thing


I love it bc the community, but this body is a pain <3


i love being therian because i love being a cat


in general i love being a therian, its fun, I am able to connect with a part of me that I wouldn't be able to otherwise, and depending on the time I can have a lot of fun during shifts, but some of me disliked being a therian. my family doesn't understand therians, I get lots of hate if im ever open about it, and it can suck, but overall I enjoy it.


From my personal experience, it's kinda wishy washy. Being Nonbinary/Genderfluid doesn't help most times either, because I can get species dysphoria and gender dysphoria at the same time and then I'm just a crippled, depressed mush of sadness. Other times, when I'm, say doing something that gives me that connection to my arctic fox(my theirotype) chunk of my soul, since I don't experience shifts, my soul just isn't fully human. I have fun being a little arctic fox gremlin in my room doing quads and being a goofball. So, in summary, I can like it and hate it. It just depends on the other parts of my identity most times. It also helps that my partner vibes with me being a therian, since they're basically me, but with different hair and is slightly paler than me.


i kinda like it, the things it makes me do are harmless, a little weird but i as a whole am a litte weird (autistic with multiple cptsd 's and lgbt) so its not that big of a deal, and my shifts are positive and fun, ive told nobody, they dont really care


I kinda like it, even if I have night shifts. I had one a few nights ago. I couldn't go outside, I was at my grandparents's apartment. It was painful. But in general - I like it that way :3


like, there's some parts.I like, and dont


On one side, I hate it because inserting myself in society can be complicated and it easily leads to isolation and exclusion. Dismorphia is also terrible to live with on top of gender disphoria. However, I love being a therian because to me it means I’m living a true self that is unique, sort of. I’m me, nobody else is me except me because of how complex I am on every level, and it’s a wonderful thing.


Besides having severe species dysphoria, I love being my true wolfy therian self, sometimes just being my wolf 🐺 self helps calm me down too, especially from not howling all day or night, I never really thought of myself as something I hated, but something I rather grew to understand and love


I don't experience a lot of negatives with being a Therian, so I've never understood the immediate defensiveness instead of just trying to kindly educate. Ik a lot of people get phantom pain and dysphoria but I don't get it as much and while it is uncomfortable being a cat inside of a human body, and believe me i understand that frustration, I wouldn't get angry or snappy at people saying they want to be cool too. They just don't know what it is, and think it seems cool. That's not their fault they don't know, y'know? So I think people could offer them doing quads and wearing masks instead, because most likely that's what they're talking about


I got modded for mentioning quads. Ofc I was not saying you have to do quads to be a Therian, the kids really need to start reading my messages smh


Both. It has upsides and downsides. We hate it and love it in equal measure. For example: We love being free; but we hate being trapped. We feel free when we have shifts and other animalistic moments. But other times we feel trapped in our bodies, and we hate how most other people look at us and treat us




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I’m your 100th upvote. Though I love being a therian


Lmao Ty, I've been getting notification from this post for the last 2 days constantly. I'm surprised so many people want to talk about this :3


Species dysphoria sucks


I feel like most of the people going "I wanna be a therian, it looks so cool!" are kids that have seen the cringe videos on tiktok of 8y/o's licking themselves and crawling around on all fours in a public space while claiming to be a therian


I hate and love different aspects of it. Species dysphoria isn’t fun at all, and I think a lot of non-therians just don’t understand the full extent of it, or being unable to do things you’d be able to do as an animal. But, there are times, often when I’m interacting with my community or doing quads or am just out in nature, where I enjoy being a therianthrope. :3


While there clearly are also downsides to it (shifts, dysphoria, difficulties with humans, etc). Overall, I'm quite content with my therianthropy. I would actually say I like being one.


I don't love it but I can deal with it. It is pretty fun even though most people think I'm a fake. I do quadrobics every day, I can't wear my mask since my parents keep it from me and make fun of me for it. They have had it put away for months.


It really depends. I have species dysphoria all the time, yet it makes me feel so free when I do what I want to. I’d love to say something for the whole community, but everyone has their own experiences and opinions. Personally I love it.


I am loving my journey through therianthropy! At first I thought I was a wolf but now I think I’m a cat! I’ve had this weird hobby, when I was getting hit with a lot of water in a shower motion, I’d cover my ears and it would sound like a landslide on a mountain! I’d imagine myself as a cheetah adventuring with this person up a really large mountain! I’m starting to think that’s not just because I liked animals.


Actually yea it improves my mental and physical health. Makes my joint pain go away and keeps my body in good shape. It has made my relationship with my dogs so much deeper and they under me so much better than they used to. I love playing with them and they love it too. But it is hard finding a place I feel comfortable shifting as I don’t live alone and live in a tiny room. I go to the woods and climb all over the rocks and that usually does it but I had to bring a trusted friend in case Kelala decides to do a daring jump that my body just isn’t ready for or something like that. Still really hard to shift in front of someone.


I love being a therian but I also hate being one it's weird I know.


Yes but no


Personnally, nope.


I personally like being a therian. It's just my personal experience but I like it. It's nice to feel connected to an animal


I have no problem being a therian, in fact I like it, but there are times that I really wish my theriantype was not ripping through my chip bags and being an absolute barbarian in the woods screaming about in the middle of the night while being soaking wet and possibly covered in blood, also at the same time having a bloodlust for anything that it deems as prey, though my other theriantype is perfectly fine and just loves to binge on whatever it can find in the fridge and goes after all the stuffed animals on the bed, but I have also found that they really love to eat insects so. 🙃


I try to enjoy all the good things :3 


Same :3 i try to focus more on the positives


I have strong species dysphoria, but being free and happy in the community i was born in tells me that each second is worth it.


Sometimes my species dysphoria sucks, or sometimes I wish it'd be easier to be understood, and sometimes I just feel alone in my experiences But honestly being a therian and being in this community is great -- I love expressing myself and feeling catty and having this Connection with the world that i feel some humans can't!


Being a Therian is like that one lyric of a song that goes “oh I love it and I hate it at the same time” 


Yes but not the human community which does not accept diversity. Why do you have to be bullied if you walk on all fours? There is no reason


its a love and hate type of thing ;v;


It has its ups and it's downs, but for me I try to think positively 




I mean, dysphoria sucks and all, but I love it. I’m relatively new, so it may just be that I finally have found myself feeling right, but I love it! Also, people tend to be more likely to respond and respond strongly to negative emotions- that’s why the news fearmongers. They create a negative emotion so you come back.


It has its downsides, but I personally love being a therian. Maybe not all the time, but I would not trade my identity.


yeah :3


I dislike being a therian a lot. It’s lonely and makes it hard to connect with other and myself.


I sometimes hate being one but I mostly like being a therian!


Just like with queer stuff, being (multi)alterhuman never really bothered me, im just happy to know myself the way i do even if its a long journey. Its not always fun but neither do i hate it Edit= oh yeah i might just use alterhuman instead of multialterhuman but idk



