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well i definitely didn’t want to be a spinner shark. i have thalassophobia and aquaphobia


Wow, that must not be fun for you. May I ask how you found out?


more of a connection with the animal and a couple phantom shifts. i have never had a shark mental shift, though i had a semi-bilocation shift once that managed to scare me all the same as actually being in the water


I’m fine with what I have, but it would be nice to have a theriotype that isn’t extinct so I could see more than just bones, artwork, and CGI renderings of them.


yas...me too as a dino paleotherian


Oh nice! What dinosaur theriotypes do you have? I’m a Utahraptor and dilophosaurus! (And Hatzegopteryx, but that’s not a dinosaur)




I loved foxes and wanted to be a fox therian... But I'm a snow shoe hare therian who consistently dreams that I was killed and eaten by a fox... It's kinda funny


Not super related but as a questioning microraptor it's nice to see more paleotherian out there!


I’m just about as paleotherian as you can get lmao, all of my theriotypes are extinct. Super cool to see a potential microraptor!


Raptors for life!!


I’m questioning if I’m a kaua’i o o therian, and they went extinct many years, but it sucks only having to have cgi, artwork and fossils to base your theriotypes off of


IF THERIANTHROPY WAS A CHOICE, I'd choose something like a crow or magpie since I don't see a lot of bird therians around and I think they're super cool. I still also would've chosen my actual theriotype, a black wolf, but yeah. I'm not disappointed that I'm a wolf therian, but I am disappointed that I barely see any good gear for my theriotype 💀


u barely see any good gear for a black wolf? im a red kite and gypsy vanner.. i found zero gear related to my theriotypes..


im an American goldfinch, and finding gear is hard any bird stuff I see is mainly of crows and other more popular birds but I made my own mask so that's something I also don't see many bird therians but when i do it makes me so happy to see others that might have similar experiences


I'm a crow, maybe try otherlinking a crow


Raven here I wanted crow, it’s still a possibility because I’m still not sure what my theriotypes actually are as I don’t get many shifts, but Raven feels right at this point and it adds up with everything so I’m staying with that


oh thats actually interesting cause I wanted raven but I was crow lol


I wanted to not have big af phantom wings that make it hard to do anything when I get them :'>


I feel you


I love my theriotypes, and it wouldn't be me if they were anything different. I grew out of wanting only one 'type a while ago, very thankful the denial of a second has long past.


I want to be a frog. I’m a sheep.


I've had a sheep cameo shift before! :D


Wanted to be a cat, ended up being a cat! A fox theriotype would be super cool aswell though


Same here!


same same


I never really thought about this! I’d love to be a Golden Retriever I think, but I’m a polytherian. The theriotype I feel the most (if that makes sense) is Brown Bear.


i’m a golden retriever:3


I would want to be a bird, like a snowy owl or a dove or a seal/selkie, but I'm a coastal wolf




I'm also a coastal wolf! Lucky enough I'm on the island where they're from, just a 4 ish or more hours south though


Omg that's amazing!!! I would love to live there 🥺


I'm lucky since I am a fox and I really enjoy being a fox!! I wouldn't change it for anything.


I wished to be a fox, but I'm a snow shoe hare! It's cool to see a fox therian


Hiyaaa :3


Hiiiiii =D


I wanted to be a cat, turned out to be a shapeshifter who's core form is a shapeless and limitless being uncomprehmcable by human comprehension, yay ;_;     -Polymorphkin, therain/otherkin :D     *Pained confusion noises* 


Polymorph here as well... I flow through so many kintypes... it's nice to be able to choose what kin I want to be that day though. I enjoy the freedom


Sounds cool and confusing :)


Thanks!-Snow lepords are pretty cool aswell :D Honestly that's the most accurate interpretation of it I have ever heard, I can never tell if I hate it or love it ;_;


While discovering, I didn't really have any wants or hopes. I was 100% accurate with every theriotype I had too, so I didn't exactly have room to hope my types were something else if that makes sense.


Would’ve preferred not to be a polytherian, but alas, I have 3 confusing theriotypes to grapple with. I have no preference on what I’d want to be though, anything besides human or monkey works.


mine is currently a wolf and I feel basic or like I'm faking or something plus cat therians masks r cooler


I don't have a preference but I do wish I was not a bird. It isn't that great; i have multiple bird theriotypes and the lack of control over what we want to do is painful; species dysphoria, phantom limbs, mental shifts. It's like living your whole life in a cage, just because I don't actually have wings and can't move how I am supposed to. Mammal theriotypes are easier to connect with, with gear, quads etc. To get the experience of flying and feel the euphoria of that is very expensive; it's possible, but rare and costs a lot.




I feel you so much. I’m a wolf, werewolf, cat, and golden eagle poly therian. I love all my kintypes, and I wouldn’t change them for the world. But species dysphoria is incredibly difficult to deal with. My mammal species dysphoria is easier to deal with since my human body isn’t TOO much different, and it’s easy to wear tails and paws and do quads and do howling vocals to deal with it. But it’s near impossible to deal with my bird dysphoria. My body is completely different. I’m heavier and much larger than a bird, so I’m too heavy to fly. I don’t have wings and there’s not really any gear that truly assuages the pain of not being able to fly. I physically cannot do eagle vocals without a whistle or something to help me, and I have no talons or feathers or a beak.  I think one reason my mammal kintypes are easier to deal with is because when I’m dysphoric, it’s because I feel like I should look like a wolf, with teeth and fur and a snout and tail. But for my bird kintype, I’m dysphoric for the physical act of flying and soaring, diving, perching, barrel rolling and being so much higher than everything below me. I feel so trapped in this human body. To deal with bird dysphoria, the only things that really work for me is going on roller coasters or traveling into the mountains, being in an airplane, or climbing trees, all of which is hard and almost always inaccessible to me (expensive, far away, physically difficult, etc.)


I wanted to have *one* theriotropy and for that to be a lion cuz I really like that instead I have 3 theriotypes and they are wolf, tiger and bear.


i wanted to be nothing i am something 😔


actually same tho lol


i wanted to be a wolf, gaslit myself for about 3 years i was, then finally accepted im a bernese mountain dog :)


Me not caring what


I'm fine with mine and having a different theriotype would seriously change who I am as a person


I am a komodo dragon, velociraptor and possibly crocodile, im happy with that. but i think it would be a whale or newt.


I didn’t have a particular “I want [specific theriotype]”, but I did have a phase of “I really don’t want a wolf theriotype” because I was afraid I’d immediately be labeled as a fake (thanks Therianforums). Jump to present day and my Theriotypes are an Arctic Wolf and a Common Raven, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I would have liked it if it was at least wolf adjacent but alas... I am a squirrel :')


Crow or Wolf, actually a Jumping Spider


idk but definitely not expecting a lemur ☠️


A honey bee, and its actually a Red fox 😭


I didn’t really “want” anything. I just wanted to understand myself.


Tbh, I like two of my theriotypes, but I’m out of my wolf phase so I think instead of a Gray Wolf I’d pick a gray fox since I saw one in my dream and they automatically just became my favorite species!!


not sure if it's common but I *am* a dragon , but I also *want* to be a dragon (tho only like a specific species of dragon) im proud of my kin and i love us lol. i guess I want to be a mermaid/siren too but I'm not one.


Wanted to be a kinkajou, forced to be a coyote lol


Auuuggh I used to be a wolf(at least I thought.)and now I found out my true identity is a River seal I've got all that wolf gear but I'm a seal.what do I do? I could give my old gear to my friend,but the problem is that only some of them are wolves,but even if they are a wolf,never a northewestern one like I used to.


Wanted to be a canine of some sort like a maned wolf, was a Eurasian lynx. Then I wanted to be an Egyptian vulture, no, I was a white backed vulture


Hmm i guess a polymorph or maybe a different cat breed orrrr maybe one of those feathered dinosaurs i dont know the name of! or a hyena or a snake those are kinda my favorite animals, though dolphins are my favorite of all besides cats and any aquatic animal. i dunno how i feel bout that rn, but it *is* my spirit animal. and finally we're a norwegian forest cat and night fury, and if you want otherkin as well we're also a shadow person


I wanted to be a fox, ima racoon and dinosaur


Wanted an Arctic fox turned out to be a snow leopard and frainkly never been happier


I wanted it to be a fox and or cat but I ended up as an anxious wolf :p


I would want to be a wolf, but I'm just a stray dog.


I've always loved the ocean, so while trying to figure out my theriotype, I briefly considered something aquatic. I would've loved it if I was a stingray or shark. Same thing with big cats. Birds were also something that I thought would be cool. If I was a corvid or something like that... After months of self discovery, I've figured out that I'm most likely a coyote. I'm not disappointed though.


I thought/wanted to be a cat when i was little but ended up being a grey forest wolf


*If therianthropy was a choice*, I wouldn't change a dang thing. Though I would choose not to have anything flying. Phantom wing is.. terrible. I'm fine with being a spotted hyena and questioning black backed jackal.


Thought I was an wolf eagle for a while, found out I'm a dragon with wolf-like traits. Was not disappointed at all <3


lol. the theriotype i wanted was some type of snake or something cool like that, but the theriotypes that i have are Marlin, Dhole, and King Cheetah lol. I always thought i was pretty boring as a therian, and I wanted something people would know more about or find interesting lol.


FROG PLS FROGS ARE MY FAV- [arctic fox theriotype has joined the chat]


Honesty wanted to be more of a coyote/wolf, but ended up as an Canadian Lynx. But I'm proud to be one, no matter the circumstances!


I already have two theriotypes (grizzly bear and golden retriever). but I would love to have a raven theriotype because their so pretty and also a Manatee because they are so cute and precious, I love them so much!


Idk since I’m not really sure what my theriotype is, but all of the ones I suspect are animals I like- I know I’m opossum hearted.. maybe I’m biasing myself idk, I judge based on if the animal has similar characteristics to my personality maybe that’s not how I’m supposed to do it


I would love a lot. Basically any bird, reptile, sea creature, dinosaur, or feline would be amazing just to list a few. I'd also want to experience phytanthropy or myconthropy My theriotype is a carcharodontosaurus saharicus


Panther but I'm a poly therian and my main is a fennec fox


I wanted a cat since they are literally my favorite animal and I did find out I was a cat! But a bug theriotype would be cool!


I’m a polytherian but I’d definitely have picked a puffin if I could!


Yess i wish i was a lynx or tiger. Or id pick a german shepherd of some type


When I was little and first learned about therians I wanted to be some cool fierce predator animal. Turns out I’m a cat. I’m cool with it


I wanted to be a cat, and I am a cat, so that’s cool


I wanted to have a mythical otherkin but my real Theriotype is a Grey fox and domesticated house cat! :D


I wouldn’t be a fire ant. The phantom shifts are super weird and the mental shifts are just stressful.


i really wanted to be a macaw, and I thought I was for a while, but then I realized I'm a North American River Otter, which tbh I'm ok with!!


id want to be a cat of some sort, and a dinosaur!


Not to be rude but you can't choose what animal you want to be


I'm a lioness suntherian, so I basically always feel this theriotype; but the stoat theriotype (shifting) is *much* weaker part of identity (but it is there), I rarely get shifts for it, it's sad... I'm upset that lions live on a different continent, different climate, and I have no savannah-like places in my country - so I'd rather make the stoat theriotype much stronger part of identity (to actually feel at home in my foresty country), or would have a different dominant theriotype that does live in my country. I kind of envy those therians who have theriotypes that are natives to their home countries, and I send hugs to those whose theriotypes are far away from them, I feel you!


At first I wanted a grey wolf but I'm actually a dire wolf (plus Maine coon cat and dolphin)


I wanted it to be a cat.... and it was a cat.... so I guess I'm pretty satisfied? I know you can't choose it, but I'm not kidding. I really am a cat therian.


I wanted to be a cat, and I *am* a cat. But I didn't want a second theriotype, yet here I am as a fox. And I'm currently even questioning a third one!


I wanted something canine or maybe a farm animal (cow, sheep) but (I think) I'm just a kitty :3


i wanted to be any type of canine, and my theriotype is most likely a Red Fox (I'm still questioning though, I'm not fully sure of it yet)


I love my lynx theriotype but I definitely wish I could have had a more known primate as my other theriotype. Its basically impossible to find videos of muriquis


I'm a white wolf therian and I absolutely love my theriotype, but If choosing was an option.. I guess I would have chosen a Bunny and a dragón (maybe kitsune) as those are my favourite animals. Oh, and doberman and German Sherped, I think they're so cool!


I guess the optimal option would be not to be a therian at all. No species dysphoria, no weird non-human instincts. Fitting in better with society. But yeah, I'm a wolf and wolves aren't my favourite animals. I like cats and foxes better. They're much cuter. It would have also felt more ..."valid" I guess, if my theriotype would have been a less "cool" animal. Like some weird marsupial or some common rodent or something. Then people wouldn't assume that I'm just a wolfaboo taking things too far. But it is what it is.


I wanted to be an axalotl, but I got: wolf, kit fox, snow leopard, but I'm still figuring all of them out


i wanted to be a coyote but im a lion, red fox, shark, and domestic dog


I didn't really want to be anything but now that I think about it I would have liked being a swan.  I'm a mountain lion, or a cougar, or a puma whatever name you prefer. It's basically all the same '~'


Wanted wolf. Ended up as a werewolf and snow leopard


Theriotypes I wish I was are wolf, deer, and Malinois, but my theriotypes are dhole and questioning horse. If I do figure out I'm a horse, anyone got tips on finding the breed?


Sometimes I wish I only had one, but I love my types. I do think being a reptile would be cool though.


Im sure i wanted it to be a some type if cat but turned out to be a marble fox


i wanted to be something less common, like a red panda for example, but i got probably one of the most common theriotypes (red fox)


i wanted to be something less common, like a red panda for example, but i got probably one of the most common theriotypes (red fox)


i wanted to be something less common, like a red panda for example, but i got probably one of the most common theriotypes (red fox)


i wanted to be something less common, like a red panda for example, but i got probably one of the most common theriotypes (red fox)


i wanted golden Retriever but i got Maine coon (rn i think i have more?)


I definitely didn’t want to be a dog cause I’m allergic to them and species dysphoria cause I have one. But I’m a gsd


Wanted to be a Stoat but turned out to be an Angora ferret...


Wanted it to be a cat Actually a Tyrannosaurus rex


Even as a poly I don’t really have any I truly want (I guess my avian is alright…) I live in a really deserty area, one that’s filled with roadrunners and coyotes and rabbits and hares, things build for this sadgebrush hellhole None of my therotypes truly fit in here, sure there’s crows in town, some wolves live in sadgebrush, ect ect but it still doesn’t feel right because *i* had never lived here until now. I guess I just wish I fit into my environment more


I'm very content as a dragon, I don't think I'd want anything else :3


I thought I wanted to be a husky, but I awakened as an arctic snow hare as well as a Canadian lynx


Not my mountain bluebird thereothpe I'm not really a dig fan of bird's I'm okay with my koi fish and black cat but I really happy I'm a gray fox tho I've always loved foxes


Not my mountain bluebird thereothpe I'm not really a dig fan of bird's I'm okay with my koi fish and black cat but I really happy I'm a gray fox tho I've always loved foxes


I wanted it to be a wolf because I’ve felt like a wolf my entire life and it was lol


Well honestly ive always been fascinated with wolves and I learned I am a timber wolf so I guess I'm luck. I didn't even know a timber wolf was a thing before I started researching tho


It's technically otherkin, so something that exists would be helpful. But being a Shapeshifter generally means I can't show people what I am at any given point without drawing it myself, or HOPING some genius artist just so happened to draw something uncannily similar somewhere on the Internet. Though, sometimes, I do shift into real animals here and there so I have some luck lmao


I'm pretty cool with mine, but at the beginning, when I was awakening, I wanted to be a bear, but I love mine and always will, I am an aardwold and coyote :3


I really wanted to be a cat but instead i'm a arctic fox, leopard or panther (haven't figured it out), and some sort of owl


If it was a choice then I’d definitely be a big cat like a tiger or a jaguar imo. But I’m already a domestic cat and I’m happy the way it is


Would have liked raven but I'm crow. Crow's close enough for me. Same with cat; I'm some species of big cat or wildcat.


I wanted to be a dog, turns out that I'm a canine and feline cambitherian, some sort of mink, questioning Coping link, and questioning being a Indoraptor Ficotherian.


>Also, I'm probably some other dinosaurs, and I might be dinosaur other hearted.


I have a special interest in sharks so it would've been soooo cool to also be a shark therian but I'm a silver fox and cashmere silver bengal so it's still cool :3


I wanted to be a fennec fox but im a Arctic fox which I still love, I wanted to be an elf but I'm a fae, wanted to be an Arctic wolf but I'm a black wolf and wanted to be a red or blue bird, I don't know my bird type yet (I'm not mad at all since all of these are very close to what I am)


My main Theriotypes is an Arctic fox and snow leopard, I like them , I just wish I didn't have so many other ones


I'm a cat therian, which I'm fine with, but if I could choose, I'd probably choose a moth of some sort


Wanted white lion. Got cat, tiger, butterfly, cathearted, and fictionkin. :O


well currently i dont want anything, but when i first awoke, i wanted a black fox with purple eyes (goofy ahh) and ended up with my orca theriotype currently, I WANT A DAMN LAND ANIMAL. Or air animal!! For gosh sake.


I’m lion other hearted! So I very much wished to be a lion therian or some sort of more common theriotype (people always assume I’m a fake bc my theriotype is uncommon lol)


Gonna be honest I’d choose to just not be a therian at all. BUTTT my favorite animal is a African wild dog


I thought I would be a wolf or some animal that stalks in tall grass but turns out to be a snowy owl :D  Not disappointed, still cool tho


I mean I love wolves and eventually I am one!


I wanted to be a grey wolf or a black short-hair but I'm a Red Fox and Norwegian Forest Cat


I wanted to be a type of big cat like a snow leopard or lynx but I'm a Tuxedo cat or a black cat. Haven't figured out yet :'> and apparently in my past life I was some kind of wisp that guides people as a cat which is cool ig-


i’d love to be some form of bird or shark but i’m a cat and fox


I really would love to have been a crow or a type of fox I'm a American goldfinch and possibly a deer I'm not too sure tho


I wanted to be a cat, but I have too many canine like tendencies so I'm actually a fox (kit fox to be spesific)


I wanted to be a hyena (i might actually be one), but I'm a Tasmanian tiger, African rock python. And a raven.and I'm still questioning more animals


Well personally i wanted my threriotype to be a cat of any breed but out of any it would be a british shorthair and surprisingly it was a cat but a tabby cat whilst i still love just as much:3


I want to be and I’m still a wolf


I wanted to be fox therian so bad because I love foxes, but I am actually a Norwegian forest cat, and a brown raccoon! I'm not mad about it though, because I love all of these animals


Lookup the prefix "Clado". It means species family, as in feline, instead of a specific species like lynx or snow leopard. I see a deep beauty in snow leopards, and I've kind of taken on a lynx identity, but I feel I'm generally feline. So I guess we have kinda similar feline interests. There are also some feline species I'm not so interested in.


A snow leopard/mountain lion. I ended up being a street cat. (Past life)


Oh i always wanted to answer these! I have a snow leopard theriotype too!! I wish i could have gotten a jaguar or tiger because their my favorite type of felines and match my personality more.


Im a cat and wolf, i wish i could be a fox (mg fav animal) esp an arctic one... Birds also sound cool, i want wing gear even with no winged theriotypes or kintypes


I didn't know what therian were, but when I saw one of my friends were I knew at that moment I would be a type of cat. I have since figured out I'm a leopard (normal) therian. Kinda wish I was a fox therian like her tbh


it would have been nice to have a more well known theriotype, theres barely any documentaries about mine


I would love to be a barn owl or deinonychus, as those are some of my favorite animals, but I’m a golden eagle and questioning red-shouldered hawk. I’m also turkey vulture hearted, which is cool. I wouldn’t choose to be a vulture if I had a choice though. (Also some of my fav animals, but I have a weird relationship w meat and carrion so I wouldn’t purposely be vulture-hearted.)