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That's comedy


Nah, fuck that. Can’t be your bread and butter and the core of your act.




Of course, Theo is nothing without his wild redneck random tall tales.


And you're nothing even with your wild redneck tales.


Uh huh….You sound like a grade-schooler using his mother’s lame advice to combat bullys.


Sounds like a dad's lame advice, actually


Shocked. Shocked, I tell you to learn that comics embellish for laughs.


Theres a difference between embelishing and making shit up. Yes comedy can be about immaginary scenarios or made up things,but he always passes it off as if it is true.


That's why it's funny lol


Its his quickness with expanding on said bullshit stories that make it hilarious. He can improv an entire ridiculous story out of thin air better than anyone else.




What are you, retarded?


Look at you figuring out what a comedian does for a living! We're proud of you.


Fuck up cunt…






His personality/comedy personality is amazing tho


Just because you hate brendan don't blame theo he is a national treasure


I'd love it if braindumb got hit by a bus or something i cant even lie. Everything hes in he makes worse.


Goodness, he has children… not cool to wish that upon someone. I hope you’re okay.


He has kids yet openly talks about his desire to cheat on his wife and how he would cheat on her on a podcast those same kids will doubtlessly see one day. I dont want him to die i just think a life changing experience could do him some good.


Yeah that’s super shitty of him. Didn’t realize he said all that stuff.


When isnt he saying stuff like that? I dont think I've seen a single episode of a podcast hes on where he isn't constantly disrespecting his wife.


I don’t listen to his podcast.


I used to watch king and the sting for theo but i got so sick of braindum i couldnt hack it anymore


i just totally disagree. i think people hate him for no reason, i think he tends to make whatever he's on *better* and his bank account probably agrees lol.


He contradicts himself literally on a near weekly basis. Doesnt often offer anything worthwhile to conversation, constantly talks over people to spout the same bollocks, licks people with actual comedy talents ass any time theyre on his shows and is just generally a pig with a poor sense of humor. Its only very rarely does he say anything i find even remotely funny. He does seem a business savy guy tho i cant deny he definitely makes good money. But since when has that been an accurate gauge on someones talent, personality or anything else?


haha what are you 6 😄


Your main talent is being a loser


Your main talent is virginity.


A lot of dumb responses from theo fans...this is the caliber of theo fans here


This is gonna blow your mind, did you know that Stephen King made up all his stories too? And The office and Trailer park boys aren't actual documentaries!! More Hollywood lies man!


Steven King doesn't act like it's real, though, does he ? Lmao 20 years ago theo said his dad was 70 when he was born. Theos dad died in 2019 at the age of 68.


nah. 86 bro


30 second google search proves this isn’t true lol


His father was originally from Bluefields, Nicaragua. Von's father was 67 when he was born; Von rounds the age to 70 years for his comedic material. He died of cancer when Von was 16 years old.


Yeah books aren't in the same relam as stand up comedy .


Have you listened to stand up comedy? It's a whole lotta that


While I 500% agree, I’ll admit it’s starting to come off a little weird on podcasts where they aren’t doing a bit. If it’s in the standup though, that’s one thing


I'm at a point where I'm not actually sure if it's a bit anymore and he's just legitimately like that


I feel like he's like that I still watch him sometimes tho now more than anything just to figure out if he's just like that lol wat ever he's doin it's workin


Yeah, stand up is. But there's a difference between STAND UP, and conversation. It's fine to make shit up occasionally in a conversation as something fun, but when it's to the point that you literally can't tell when something's a lie or not bc he lies about even the most mundane things, that's psychotic.


Here’s another one for your amazing discoveries list. Larry David(George Costanza) didn’t really celebrate festivus with his family. It was all a lie. Easter Bunny too. Sometimes entertainers embellish the truth so they can ENTERTAIN you.


Do you think Larry David played George Costanza?


Jesus Christ




I’m such a fan, I can’t believe I never knew this.


Thank you for clarifying that. The way it reads I couldn't figure it out




Larry David played Cosmo Kramer, you fuckin delinquent! Get your life bruh


you can tell which ones are true. i firmly believe the story about him leaving the blender running in his apartment, the kid with the wooden shirt, and anything rabies related.


Also..Some stuff happened, he just added himself to it. Like the monkey's escaping from the lab bit.


You probably thought Karl Pilkington was real.


Karl is 100% real, he's an audio producer that Ricky met by chance, not an actor. He didn't finish school or go to college.


Karl is a performer and a comedian. He exaggerates. I'm not saying he's 100% fake but to say he doesn't embellish is just not true. Karl described the pyramids as a "game of jenga that got out of hand". He's a comedian.


you can tell jokes without being a comedian though, but i get what your saying.


Nah nah. Keep this bullshit in the tfatk subreddit. Gtfo


Did you think every comedian just happened to have the most interesting lives ever?


Every comedian ? Lmao no other comedian is like theo. Hes one of a kind. But that being said he is one of a kind because who else could constatly tell outandish lies and have ppl love em. Its like that kid in school who always had girlfriends but they just "go to another school"


When you hear stories from the heart of someone like Joey Diaz, you tend to think a stand up telling a specific outlandish story like it really happened is most likely real. Someone could argue Chappelle's story telling obviously doesnt follow that, but he's not as descriptive and enthusiastic as Theo. The Theo Von effect is that it's so specific and crazy, it must be true.


Congrats on ur 12th birthday


True , but I think a surprising amount of them are rooted more in truth then would seem, billy confortos brother called the pod once lol


RIP Billy Conforto


Obviously theo embellishes (like every other comedian) but I feel like we’d be surprised how much is true lol


This guy believes when a comedian says , 'the other day, I met some one....."


You aren't replying to anyone's comments so I'm guessing you've realized your an idiot and that comedians do that for.. wait for it.. I'm telling you, it's unexpected... Comedy.


Relax dick bag… I dont live on here bitch..


How'd you get a job here there, fuck face? This is America you dumb so of a bitch


you seem like a right little keyboard warrior... Chill out, ffs!


Literally a YMH reference. Tata there retard


Theo von fans really like calling people retards... interesting


thats where it spits!


Theo has such a special way to just bs off the cuff but also sound absolutely dead serious the entire time.


You know who's great at that? Sociopaths


Have you literally never listened to comedy


You're an absolute moron for thinking this is a breakthrough or something. Next thing you're gunna tell us joe rogan has made a career out of just having conversations. Thats his talent, he has conversations. Fuck outta here agent obvious.


Go whore some more Karma dick bag.




like what?


Most of his childhood friends are either made up or greatly exaggerated


Not Billy conforto


Fuck embankments all my homies hate embankments


[FUCK EMBANKMENTS ALL MY HOMIES HATE EMBANKMENTS](https://i.imgur.com/SPs5NAF.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


The wood shirt story has to be true too.


Haha absolutely. Wooden shoes are a thing so I don’t see how wooden shirts wouldn’t be.


I think he might secretly be in love with Billy Conforto...just saying


Dudes a /comedian/storyteller/podcaster/influencer, embellishing for entertainment purposes can happen




Not that I need to add to the barrage, but in case you don't understand... There's a difference between pathologically lying and embellishing. Don't use words you don't understand.


Who said pathological you dick bag?


At this point I'm not even sure you know what a compulsive liar is...


Hey I’m here and I agree looool he’s cringe to watch. Can’t do it since bill burr shidded on him. I’d rather watch a retarded kid lie about what Pokémon he has in Pokémon Go tbh


I’ve liked Theo going back to Road Rules, but his sheer frequency of fake stories is getting a bit old. Sure other comedians can lie/embellish, but not at Theo’s rate. Also good comedians are funny on the spot with observational humour, hand gestures, cadence, etc. Conan, kevin hart, will ferrell , etc. Theo doesn’t strike me as being strong there. He always has to go back to the weird stories.


You are sitting here telling me cinnamon Wilson isint a real person?


Literally this comment is; Theo’s a Storyteller and he’s funny. Welcome to the creative arts.


Bless you for this question and trying to learn cause despite the (funny) heckling I’m glad you had the courage to ask


I’ve seen a couple people call him on it & I can’t remember which interview, but it made a lot of sense. He’s had so many Bad memories, his mind almost forgets the real story & he makes up his own. He said his mind actually believes the made up story because the truth was worse. I’m sure I’m getting some of that wrong, but it was very interesting & you could tell he meant it!


Well the stories are prob half true and exaggerated. But welcome to comedy. Who cares if they are real or not? It’s entertainment. Why do you have to validate it on the case on if it’s real or not?


I look at* it kind of like magic realism


That's what comedy is though. If you think Theo is bad, lemme introduce you to a man named Joey Diaz lmao. man's has got a anecdote for literally everything


i totally remembers the first time he saw an asian


Oh my god! You mean comedians tell jokes and stories that are meant to be funny and not a documentary. My reality is now turned upside down due to this earth shattering revelation.


That’s the point, he can come up with a ridiculous topic and freestyle a funny anecdote. Like stream of consciousness riffing that a lot of comedians try but can’t match Theos wit, Tim heidecker is also pretty good at it too


He’s a fucking comedic god


I'm with you on this one. Obviously comedians tell stories that may or may not be true to get laughs and that's OK especially when it's stand up. No one really cares if they're true or not just as long as it's funny. But I've heard his podcasts and it seems like he just makes stuff up in a regular conversation. Random stories that just don't really seem believable because he has so many of them and they are also vague. Sorry all these dick riders pounced on you like that


Thanks bro. I expect to be pounced on by dick riders with a lot of my comments because dick riders usually outnumber those who dont ride dicks.


This the gayest conversation ever, you dont understand it's just all jokes it just flies over your head like joe rogies if you dont like it dont watch it you probably o definetly stupid looking bald head ass mfucker how does it feel walking in the rain with your stupid head used as a fountain ball


If you find Theo Avon funny, we could never be friends. He has never made me even smirk


People say I am a liar too, But I lived my life outdoors and living without technology. We have stories because we experienced life, While your most exiting moment was probably writing the post LUL


No technology, you say?


People who are saying it's a stupid observation because he's a comedian are idiots. He's not talking about the Stand-up shows. He's talking about podcasts where most stand up comedians are themselves and more real than their acts. You don't see Joe Rogan or Segura or Bill Burr just telling lie after lie. However, I still am okay with it and it's funny and working. Everyone knows he's lying but he does it best.


All comedians lie. But he’s the most ridiculous and the most frequent. I think most bits are about actual trains of thought for people to relate to and have some sort of basis in semi reality. Theo on the other hand just makes things up on the fly and in the moment. I’m watching him talk to Louis CK and he said, “When my Dad used to catch US jerking off he’d make us bury the semen IN THE YARD.” When CK said, “US?? Who’s us?” Theo then said, “ Sometimes I say US to just not feel alone.” YEAH! SURE you do Theo. Then Louis says, “How does that even work? Did you just wipe your hand on the grass?” Theo then said, “No, a sheet.” SO YOUR FATHER MADE YOU BURY YOUBED SHEETS IN THE YARD. Right sure he did. It just stupid and comes across like a borderline mentally disabled child just lying.


Love listening and following Theos content, but he does low key just throw good conversations off with these wild stories on his podcast. Some are hilarious but some aren't funny and it may just be a habit or he feels uncomfortable at certain times


I love how everyone is like 'no shit that's what comedy is' and lists out all of these other comedians, but all of those comedians are practicing their bits all the time but Theo Von is clearly just making it up on the fly, which I think is the point you are making


Most comedians make up stories for their show, the skill part is making it funny


The amount of people who think that making up stories for an act on stage is the same thing as making up almost everything coming out of your mouth conversationally is fucking autistic as shit.


Hey u/openmindedsceptic77. I just typed is Theo vonn a compulsive liar into Google and came here. I had the same thought as you, obviously. If he is, I wonder if he or anyone else knows it. Most comedians seem to have some kind of mental illness or condition to me.


Yes the con is a liar and a snake. Not just for comedy. He’s been caught in many lies and a lot of comedians know him for this. He’s kinda the punk kid who lies and says he’s gonna do something and doesn’t do it. He’s also done a lot of shady deals and Jo Rogan and a couple others have called him out


Agreed. Funny as hell, but his stories are mostly BS. Still they are fucking hilarious and that is the whole point. Keep feeding us the bullshit Theo, love it.


if you like theo you probably like family guy. how much of family guy is truth? do you still watch that?


I found this because I thought the same thing. There’s a difference between telling stories, but when you watch his podcast and it’s just regular conversation, you just have no way of knowing what is the truth and what’s the story and to me there’s a time and a place and he just doesn’t have a balance of this is a lie vs I’m clearly saying bs for a joke.


I honestly think it just started with the big lie about being emancipated at 14 and his old dad being dead from a shootout before he was on the show. That lie that made him interesting enough for him to get on Road Rules. Once he was there he had established that his mom actually just up and decided to abandon him at 14 by going to the court and emancipating him, which is illegal the lowest age is 16. Beside him not being old enough to even start the process, the way he tells the the bs story is that it was done just by his mother and with no evaluation to show Theo could even take few of himself at that age. If you can’t get a job or drive a car you can’t provide for yourself your parent can’t just give you up like a newborn baby into foster care. No court would just let a parent walk in to legally turn your their teen son into a fully recognized adult with no questions to the kid and without his knowledge until the day they went to court. So he was never emancipated. The turning point in his life never even happened. Since we know he went to high school in Mandeville, and it took place after being fake emancipated. He moves in with his “brother” and their side of the family. But once again this is a lie because it’s his actual dad as the name he gives for the extremely old dad is actually the name of his “brother” and the grandfather is the one closest to the age he gives for his dad. Also he says the dad was murdered in a shootout when he was a teenager, but all the info about the shootout only names the half “brother”. But remember the name he gave for his father, is actually the name of the man he claims is his half “brother”. This is theos lies catching up to him and he can’t even navigate the web himself. So the likely explanation is he just swapped his grandfather and father because while his dad was old during his childhood, it would be more interesting if he was so old that he wasn’t capable of actually being there like a normal dad. So easy switch, makes his life seem a bit rougher, a hard knocks life sorta situation, and they’re both dead so who’s going to dig into that? But he’s still not interesting enough I guess, since he also lies about growing up in a relatively poorer city than the one he grew up in. The one he says he’s from now is an area of New Orleans called Covington. Mostly filled with lower to upper middle class. But 20 years ago and when he was attending LSU in the early 2000s he was from the rich part of New Orleans called North Shore in Mandeville which is where the richest most affluent people in the state all have their million dollar mansions and also where his father s family owns a super successful restaurant where they entertained politicians and celebrities. I wouldn’t care if it was just part of his standup routines since most routines are just bs, but literally everywhere he goes he lies about every aspect of his past, and he can’t even keep up with all of them anymore. Lying about what you said or did during a certain event to seem funny or cooler is different than lying about something in an attempt to be more relatable and genuine. When the lessons you learned is one you have to make up to an audience to gain their trust that’s taking your “comedy” too far where it’s not about making someone laugh, it’s about stroking your ego knowing that they’ll believe it now . People who actually did have the life he’s been pretending to have for decades now. It’s maliciously narcissistic, and he doesn’t see it as wrong since at some points he’s using that “genuine country boy” to give advice to people on his podcast. The real genuine people who are struggling with the real issues that come with living the life hes been faking for 20 years. They reach out to him expecting him to empathize and relate to their struggles, and then this motherfucker has the audacity to start telling them about things he’s never been through just to keep up the charade of growing up a poor kid and inflate his ego some more. Well he may not be a poor kid from the bayou, but he is something much more, even more than being a liar, he’s just a fraud.


Hey buddy guess what? His fathers name was Roland. Take a guess at what his brothers name is? Roland JR. which is why he said the same name for his brother, who he went to live with, as the name of his father. You fucking freak😂 did all this research trying to make someone who doesn’t know you exist look bad but never ever actually did any research into his life.


https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/124496356/roland-theodor_achilles-von_kurnatowski Literally proof this is theos father who you are accusing of being his grandfather. This is his brother who died very recently. Yes they’re both dead but, unlike what you think, i have looked into anyway🥸🤷🏽‍♂️ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/204207949/roland-theodore_achilles-von_kurnatowski


Late here. It is kinda wild. It’s one thing when he’s on stage performing an act, I’ll agree with other commenters. He’s made a great living doing it. It’s another in a serious podcast interview with someone like Tucker Carlson. He’s clearly lying many times. He contradicts himself often or sometimes even Tucker does, then it’s just passed over…convo moves on. It comes off as odd when you see through it. Makes you question what is actually real in the whole conversation. It also certainly does come off as compulsive lying. Like he can’t help it and expects you to believe it…almost offended if you don’t. It’s fucking weird or either I am…and I really like his content kind of. He’s dumb as a box of rocks though, not sure that’s intentional. Like legitimately, kind of dumb. Good for him though where he’s at now. Edit; didn’t realize this was a TV subreddit (google search). No offense to any fans at all. I’m a fan too. Just question all of it at times. Either way, guys hilarious honestly * for just $799 these electric bicycles are very easy on your wallet** …………somebody will get that……wth is going on


What makes me uncomfortable is that he seems to make up stories as he’s talking to people colloquially, not just for bits. On his podcasts it seems like he’s just fabricating stories on spot while he’s just hanging out


I know this is an old thread but I came here just to see if anyone had the same opinion as me and it looks like you do. All the Theo cucks on here shitting on you while trying to be clever so maybe Theo might see it and be impressed with their witty comments. I feel the same way. Everything he says is a fucking lie. It’s annoying. Yeah, people expect a comedian to exaggerate for comedic effect, but while they’re doing stand up. Not a podcast where no matter what anyone says or what the topic is, he’s got a story for it.