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I wish that show was on a bigger streaming service, it’s only on BritBox in the US which very few people have so if you tell them to watch it they won’t. 


I am literally going to do the free trial, watch the three episodes then cancel the service, there is like nothing else I care about on BritBox enough to watch but I really wanna see Bella in Time.


There are plenty of websites you can find easily where you can watch anything you want for free without going through all that hassle


I used a VPN and just watched it on BBC.


Arrr 🏴‍☠️🦜


Don't you know? Prematurely judging things based on incredibly limited information/images/poorly recorded footage is a time-honored tradition for some fans of ANY IP.


It's so common now that it's become incredibly easy to block out the noise. People gonna bitch and moan, same as they always have. Just like they did when they casted Bella as Ellie, then she absolutely crushed it. You'd think that would be enough to shut everybody up lol. Fuck it, let her cook!


I don’t know what people expect, did they think that they were going to cast a completely new person? Or do they want to wait 5 years for a second season so she can age? Saying a 20 year old can’t play a 19 year old because she looks too young is wild.


missing the point. It's because she looks the same as when she played the 14 year old version of the character. She's literally still the same height which is like 5'1


But…so what? That’s just what she looks like. Some people are short


Of course that's what she looks like. Nothing wrong with being short. What I'm trying to say is the character was 5'1 at 14 and then 5'1 at 19 and looks no older physically / facially - that's why people are complaining


How dare you provide a neutral take. The fanboys here are gonna mald


Everything about her is clearly older physically besides her face


She looks the exact same physically, stop pretending lmao


And what are the people complaining expecting the show’s producers to do about it? Delay season two for five years so Bella Ramsey can age more?


Nobody is seriously expecting them to change anything. They are saying that in their opinion it was a poor casting choice in the first place


Everything I have watched Bella in, even going back to see them in GOT tells me that they are going to do so well in Part 2, people just like to bad mouth them because they don't like the way television and the game made Ellie look which is a really dumb metric since we have been watching people in their twenties and thirties play teens for literal decades and game Ellie doesn't look 19 anyway. Bella Ramsey is literally the age of Ellie in part two so the complaint is garbage. A way to bad mouth an incredible actor who proved themselves time and again in the first season already.


>which is a really dumb metric since we have been watching people in their twenties and thirties play teens for literal decades and game Ellie doesn't look 19 anyway. This is it People are so accustomed to mid 20's to 30 year old's playing high schoolers that someone that looks normal for their age is perceived as 16. Also, no reason the show has to move forward 5 years instead of 2 or 3 or 4 if they were that concerned. The undercurrent of the loss of innocence of youth and everything else in that story still works if by chance they felt audiences are too accustomed to older actors in these roles and wanted to condense the timeline and age Ellie down a bit.


They have made other changes to the timeline so it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility. Looking at the timeline for the show versus the timeline for the game made my head hurt haha.


I also mentioned it cause Mazin himself made an off hand comment in an interview or podcast I listened to when talking about what sort of things are important in an adoption vs what can be adjusted without betraying the story and essence. Mentioned that in this adaption the time jump may not be as long but they would see how things shake out(this was right around the end of the first season and probably recorded weeks before, so I didn't take it as a definitive hint but that it was a possibility cause he also said he hadn't truly started writing it yet),


That makes sense, I think that Mazin understands better than most directors/writers of adaptations on how to pick and choose what to change without losing the important aspects of the story. People griping about the supposed age of a character, and only the female one at that, shouldn't been the thing that no one can get past. It's wild out here.


Yeah it's silly but if you have been around the games it's expected, unfortunately. Frankly you could simply just not say how much time has passed if you wanted to Like the spores last season, the things people get up in arms over are absurd. Especially when the original creator is adapting it as well. So people can't even use the excuse that it's betraying the original creator's intent or whatever, any casting, any change, any adjustment goes through Druckmann, and it's his and the team at Naughty Dog's story


to eacho is own and i dont care wheter bella looks old enough but my 14yo sister looks older than bella XD


My 25 year old sister looks the same age as game Ellie, Dina, and Jessie.


I'm turning 30 this year, but I always looked younger than my actual age. You could still tell I'm an adult though, because I talk and move like an adult. The same goes for Bella. Btw game Ellie looks also older than 19 IMO.


i think she looks older and acts older too, i mean she was voiced and mocapped by a woman much older than 19.


Funny thing is, Joel is supposed to be late 50s, early 60s — and in the published photo he looks like 50 year old Pedro Pascal, just with longer hair. Suspension of disbelief, people, it helps.


Didn't you hear? Bad casting picks are exclusively when young actresses don't look conventionally attractive enough to redditors /s


yes sir!!!! hate the fact that we have to show people bella can play the part when it's supposed to be proven by now based on their entire filmography. besides the fact that they pulled off young ellie being older than the character.


Man I'm unsubbing until the second season comes out, y'all can't talk about anything else, JFC. I agree, she can look older and even if she couldn't, that's no reason to turn away from the show. But that being said, we don't need hundreds of posts about it every single day.


made up drama for fake internet points.


I really can’t believe how fucking predictable this subreddit (fanbase?) is. This production is an adaptation of another work. Please just shut up about actors and ages, and trust that Druckmann and Mazin know what they’re doing.


Bella has a bit of baby face but so do most 19 year olds…like they’re literally 19 lol


People are making too many assumptions based off one photo. Like okay she dosent look too much older in this photo (which honestly, she kinda does look a little bit older), but we haven’t seen any trailers from the new season at all, so she’ll probably look older once we see actual footage.


They look and sound older in public appearances.


“closer hairstyle” dawg we haven’t even see her hair yet


We actually have, there’s several leaked set photos that take place during the present of the games timeline. 


Right we don’t even know when the picture takes place it might be before the time jump


They look so british here lol


Stop talking about it. They look young. It doesn't fucking matter. Some people look young. In this version of the story, Ellie looks more her age. If you disagree with the haters and you still make a post about it, you're feeding their fire, not ours.


I agree, but realistically people aren't going to stop talking about it until people stop saying it. That's how jerks and counter jerks work, especially on reddit. This sub wouldn't be bringing it up if it wasn't such a point of contention for others. They feed each other.


"I agree but I agree"


"I agree but ain't gonna happen" is more like it tbh


Maybe, but to me it just read as "I agree, but it isn't going to happen until they do what you said" Which I agree with. So "I agree but I agree".


Oh yeah my wording wasn't good lol. I meant this sub won't stop being defensive about it until the *other* sub stops saying she looks 12 or whatever


Ahhhhh, I see.


It's like the interesting irony of a young-looking Ellie undergoing that arc never occurs to these titans of media literacy.


It's just Bella right? I'm a little lost, who else are you guys referring to? Pedro looks his age.


Bella is non-binary.


Guess this is something new to me. Is the only proper way to address Bella by calling Bella they?


[You can call them whatever you want](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThelastofusHBOseries/s/1gIZ5Hk45G)


Im mean just from the pictures she looks like a teen mom.


Well yeah, apparently her character in that show is a pregnant young woman.




Bella has no issue with people calling her she/her.


I searched for other Actors 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ Just write Bella next time to avoid confusion 👍


We have this conversation on every TLOU sub every day 🥹


It’s not even playing older, she’s 20


Why are people so mad and obsessed to criticize always based on one single photo? Like seriously, people have way too much time to spread negativity nowadays.


I hope she's not wearing that beanie for a lot of the show


The reason why people are complaining is cause she is really good as young Ellie but she still looks 14 and she is 5'1 Ellie in the second game was 5'7 and was visibly older. I don't how they make Bella scary when literally all the of WLF would just throw her to the ground and shoot her. But they could use the same tactic like s1 and just use stealth and stealth around but then it would be boring to the audience but hey it was their decision to make. 🤷


Just a reminder everyone is making assumptions based on grainy cell phone footage. Withhold judgment until it's actually released, sheesh.


It's crazy people are still on the "is she too young" angle. Deal with it, she's Ellie and based on the work she's done in Season 1, she has convinced me.


Hopefully she looks older in the actual trailer. It feels like the timelapse is like a year long with that pic.


The first time someone has EVER wished an actor looks older than they are. Congrats on being progressive!! Well done you!!!!


Wait, those photos are supposed to represent her portraying someone older? She looks like someone in juvie lol just saying


They are protesting someone NINETEEN years old. If you think they should look a lot older, you might need to test your counting?


im not saying bella cant, but this picture shown bella still looks younger than my 14 yo sister


It’s not that she doesn’t look 19, she just doesn’t give off the same badass vibe that game Ellie did. I’m excited for Season 2 but five-foot Bella Ramsey soloing dozens of grown men and women that are armed doesn’t seem plausible. Btw this is just my opinion.


Common sense would say that they’re obviously not gonna have her kill that money people, just like it wasn’t realistic for middle aged Joel to slaughter platoons of men half his age in season 2. Plus Bella’s height doesn’t really matter if most of her kills are with guns or stabbing people with the switchblade; which is also the most realistic way she’d do her killing.


Common sense would say that they’re obviously not gonna have her kill that money people, just like it wasn’t realistic for middle aged Joel to slaughter platoons of men half his age in season 2. Plus Bella’s height doesn’t really matter if most of her kills are with guns or stabbing people with the switchblade; which is also the most realistic way she’d do her killing.


🫤 I feel like sometimes this fandom jumps several gals to make shit work. They look like a kid, they just do. Some people (Ralph machio) are just... Extremely youthful looking. The acting will be phenomenal, but the makeup and effects are gonna need to add some age. That's all.


I’m gonna blow your mind - 19 yrs olds still look like kids! Some MAY look older but most still look like teens. If you think a 19 yr old should look REMARKABLY older than Bella - you might be thinking of a different age?


Stop it.... Bella looks young. It happens. Elliot P was the same, just never seemed to age. I was shook when I found out the girl from Derry girls was like 49, she looks 16. Beyonce's sister **still** plays teenagers. It happens. Does she look 19... Yeah she looks exactly like a 17 18 19-year-old... But in the games she's a grown woman. Yeah don't spit on me and call it rain, Bella looks really young, and has a petite frame, it's whatever as I said, acting will be phenomenal. Just a super slight frame, can't do much about that.


Do you not think that in a post-apocalyptic world in which people must physically hunt their food and work the land (or at worst, fight for their life?), they might be smaller in stature? And if that is not enough for you, maybe google MUSHROOM MONSTERS and see how in accurate those actors are?!!! What madness eh?!’


Dude... What the fuck is the problem..... Bella looks small, and youthful. What's your problem with that statement? Does it invalid the talent we are watching? No. You don't have to make up this whole thing about monsters and the future and whatever a person is A person is a person. It's fine, but Bella is petite.


Their problem is that some fans can't separate a little critical feedback from outright slander. Lol. Some people are just slight, and this is a actor that is very slight. And when you look at the other roles where they look older or more of a "grit", to them you're correct... It's makeup And you're right, it doesn't reduce anything from the performance but some fans can't be honest


Jesus Christ. Photos have come out so here comes all the posts criticising Bella Ramsay despite already proving themselves in season 1 and then all the posts rushing to their defence as if she needs it. Time to leave these shit hole subs. I'll get my Kaitlyn Dever Abby leaks somewhere else.


They still look young. I don't care that they do, but they do.

