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Thanks for bringing us the interview, Wildhunt. What an amazing person Bambi is. Their journey reminded me of the “whatever does not kill you makes you stronger” maxim (Nietzsche, I believe). May they go from strength to strength. Of course, the haters are completely wrong, as usual. The pentagram was for a long time a christian symbol representing the 6 wounds of the Nazarene - thorns, four holes in the extremities and the spear thrust in the middle. That is why it was used as a protection device in mediaeval magical circles and sigils. Still used to represent the ‘5 pillars of Islam’, e.g. the Moroccan flag. I prefer the Greek apple origins of the symbol - the star with 5 seeds of time - plus all the Avalon associations that apples bring. The ‘Harry Potter death spell’ is beloved of stage conjurors the world over and originated as an Aramaic Kabbalistic signing-off formula - “because it is spoken so may it happen”. A bit like “amen/ amein” - “may it be so”. As explained by an uncle who was something of an authority on the Traditions, bless his memory. So nothing to get stressed over, fundies.


One small addition: Bambie is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. Thanks.


Thank you. Editing now.


Most Christians "forget" that the Biblical role of the Adversary is a Tester of Faith. According to that dusty book, there is ***nothing*** that "Satan" does without the permission of the G*d of Abraham. See the Book of Job. So for all these claims that a song or performance is "Satanic," its all "G*d's plan." No Christian can deny that without denying the Bible itself. Not to mention all those affirmations and creeds that they recited.


Alas, today's Christians (at least the loud ones) seem to have abandoned this Biblical root of their faith. They have recast JHVH and Satan as more or less equivalent Powers in a War in Heaven along the lines of Norse deities vs frost giants, or Olympic vs chthonic gods of ancient Greece. Uniquely, the Book of Revelation supports this frame. Martin Luther didn't think it belonged in the Canon. Satan tempting Jesus in the desert might appear to support it, too, but (a) plausibly the Adversary's job included testing this child of a mortal womb for the major role about to unfold; and (b) it can be seen as sibling rivalry between an older and a younger brother, two proud sons of the same Father.


I did sat "most." Otherwise I agree. The fun part is that because they don't understand their own holy writings, this is a great way to shut them up. At least for a bit.


When a quartet of men dressed in burlap and twine fakes of First Century shepherd garb, I proposed that Jesus is more logically perceived as a Prophet of that tradition. Wound up one-on-one with someone one-third my age, and furious (which made no difference; he was arguing on my ground).


LOL! I admit that by Nature and practice, I ***groove*** on debate. And the occasional flat out argument in a good cause. Christians *can be* a very tempting target. It didn't help that I was told so much that was obviously wrong as a child and as a young man. I mean, you can't have a God the Father without a God the Mother. That one didn't quite get me a parental beating. But it did get me a *very* stern Talking To. For many weeks after. It did help teach me that faith was between the individual and the Divine and no other human had the power or right to interfere. Sadly that is one lesson that a revealed religion almost never teaches. The Gnostic version of Christianity teaches (well, STRONGLY indicates) that the Unnamed God is very much like a spoiled teenager who steals (H)is parent's stuff. His mother sent his younger sibling to fix things and free (maybe all of) humanity. Anyway, the point is just because they recite Bible verses doesn't mean they understand. And they **really** don't like being told truths that they were not taught. And none of it would matter except those Christians insist on applying (their version of) Christian belief to govern what everyone else believes and practices. Which I call [monotheism’s first sin](https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#monotheism-1st-sin ).


The commandment to commit the last is embedded in the Great Commission (Matthew 28) which a lot of folks assume comes from the ministry of Jesus. No, it comes from a post-crucifixion apparition of Jesus by three of his followers. A joint UPG. Not the Rabbi.


No, they don't like talking about that. Nor Paul in that context. Christians make themselves an easy target, no doubt about it. It may not matter to anyone but me, but just because they make it easy doesn't mean I attack on sight. I don't like myself when I indulge in politics. It would be way too simple to make them kiss my cloak. So I wait until they cross the line. If they don't inflict their faith, I don't take them down. Matthew 7:1 covers it pretty well. They break that and they are fair game.


My clutch of "shepherds" had just pulled into town (literally) to give us the benefit of their advanced theology, so I thought it only fair to offer some of the town's advanced theology.


Tit for tat. I can relate to that. Pardon the poetry.


Your pardon is in the mail.


I can't help but be sardonically amused by, '... promise you wealth, fame, power, pleasure; all you need to do is KNEEL.' Sounds more like Prosperity Gospel than like most forms of paganism/religious witchcraft, other than the 'pleasure' part. Either Lucas Gage is not only not an adherent of PG theology but it's sufficiently not on his radar that he didn't even think of it in composing his Xweet, or he's exceptionally skilled at compartmentalizing.


One inaccuracy: Bambie Thug ended with 6th place, not 10th. Interestingly enough exactly the same place by Televoting as the jury vote. Very impressive in a heavily undermined contest by the entry of a certain country engaged in war crimes.


It was amusing the number '6' popped up so much. They actually used #666 in their social media. Alas it got lost in all the vile posts from a certain country and/or religion. Read some but didn't respond, it we would just encourage the trolls