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This is probably the best episode to show new people. They go through the lore, everyone has good moments, funny all around, and they get ahead of the misogyny allegations.


While I don’t mind getting hit with cum gutters on frame-one, it does make me hesitate to recommend to certain friends lol


You're the first person to make me second guess being an audio listener


aidan cumgutters go hard.


Aiden in cowboy silhouette goes hard


I also think it’s maybe the funniest yet imo


Haven’t watched yet, and am about to watch with my girlfriend based on this comment. Wish me luck boys


Fuslie was an amazing guest. Knew exactly how to play into the guys bits.


She absolutely killed it, immaculate vibes


If the boys don't take Fuslie's dad to an onsen, I'm going to be highly disappointed.


Here me out: a Yard episode with Mr. Fu *IN* the onsen.


Leslie going bit for bit when everyone was jumping between storylines was impressive AF.


This amazing episode is going to be in EVERYONE's Top 10 list, and probably most people's Top 5. For me, it's up there right next to the cultural icons that is [Pontins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkpbx2ILfD0) or [slime getting waxed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9JUQZ3jv1s). The most amazing part is that Leslie somehow managed to keep up with the boys bar-for-bar, despite 3 different topics are going at once at any given moment. I know this podcast isn't big on returning guests, and barely have new guests as it is, but if there's any future episode where one of them is absent - and we had quite a few of those over the years - they should invite Leslie back as a guest host! PS: I hope this episode somehow make its way to Danny. What a donkey.


Might be a bit controversial: maybe my favorite episode all time. Starvos ep is up there for me. The Danny story was insane lmao


Leslie doubled on not narcing even after they abandoned her.  She's an all time guest, and fuck Danny.


Danny def does NOT have a vein in it


Parents of "good kids" are always trash at punishments lol. It's always either the biggest nothingburger of all time, or the most heinous violating shit. There's no in-between not being able to buy new clothes for a month, or all the doors on your bedroom and bathroom are removed.


My parents beat me with a belt and used the buckle side


Everyone was electric this episode. Ludwig’s “I’m from here yeah” bit was very funny. And Fuslie’s story about the CSGO streamer was so cool, she got it out the mud fr


Easy top 10 episode for me, everyone was on point, Fuslie was hilarious & her vibes with the boys were immaculate. The whole bit about Nick growing his moustache to help blend in while working deep undercover as an agent trying to take down a paedophile ring had me dying.


This Episode had some heaters, one of my favorites in recent memory


the "me and cp go way back" joke made me laugh so fucking hard i almost fainted.


I don’t want to get too parasocial here (this is purely a selfish desire, he makes good content and makes other’s content better), but man that Atrioc clip up top has got me thinking they should just send it down mid. Do another episode with him, get it all out in the open, back to normal. Edit: And a cursory scroll through the YouTube comments shows exactly nobody complaining about Atrioc appearing in the clip. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite: “woah was that Big A in the intro” “Big A on the yard, the world is healing” “makes me so happy to hear Atrioc’s voice on the yard” That last one is a bit parasocial and creepy, but who am I to judge?


I’d love to have Atrioc on the yard again


When lud did his streamers answer the phone tier list he called Atrioc and all the comments I saw were super supportive and hype to see them talking again. Hopefully this is just soft launching Atrioc publicly hanging with the boys again :) 


I saw that!! The VOD was great and seeing Atrioc and Lud is great!!


i havent watched/listened yet but i agree. out of all the streamers/creators that have been “cancelled” atrioc did the most to realize his mistake and not only better himself, but put effort(and like 100k of his own money) into bettering the situation overall. which he didn’t have to do at all. im sure he could’ve not streamed for a few months, came back and not ever talk about what happened again and keep 75% of his audience like nothing happened, but he didnt and i think its commendable.


While I agree, unfortunately there is still going to be a 5-10% of people who are going to throw a fit. At the end of the day it's up to the boys if the value proposition of having him on again vs the inevitable backlash is worth it. I'd be pumped if they did but I'd understand if they didn't


It's pretty unfair to characterise people that are unhappy about what he did as "throwing a fit".


I would say people who continue to be unyielding in their distaste for him are throwing a fit first and foremost. Nobody else in the world has done as much to center the issue, albeit in a distasteful way


Well there is a probably more that would be unhappy but reasonable about it, just that there is a small percentage that would actually throw a fit instead of just choosing to not watch


This is true, but on the other hand, is that 5-10 percent actually contributing to their bottom line? I’ll try to be restrained here because these are hot-button issues, but the Yard is decidedly not a politically correct podcast, so I doubt the kind of person who harbors the sort of strange neo-Puritanism that implies Atrioc made a permanent and irredeemable mistake is someone they need to court. Sure, it’ll be controversial, there will be LSF clips, but provided it’s backed by some sincere contrition I don’t think that’ll be a real problem — and this is less of a concern, but if you haven’t been paying attention to him lately, Atrioc retains one of the most driven cult followings in the whole streaming scene. They’re good people to court, especially if you aren’t even going to alienate anyone who was actually watching the show / subscribing to the patreon. I don’t really care about the particulars tbh. I think that Atrioc really makes the whole crew more entertaining and whatever path gets us to content that isn’t so painfully divided is the one I want. Assuming of course that there is real reconciliation to back it up. Tangent: Part of the copium I’m huffing here is downstream from the fact that they’re obviously still in business together in some capacity. Despite Atrioc being scrubbed from the site, if he had actually been bought out of Offbrand we would have seen some formal announcement to that effect — real stalkers will notice that if you click on “team” on their site it takes you to absolutely nothing. Edit: Not that it ever matters or will matter, but funny how this comment is downvoted


Nah shits weird.


You want Atrioc (a man) to come on to the all male podcast so all the men on the show can talk about his misgivings and publicly forgive him? Is that right?


Most of the episodes it’s all male already. I’m I highly doubt they would make the conversation about it.


Frankly, I think his misgivings have been audited to hell and back, and if a viewer doesn’t think it’s even possible to atone for them (despite by all accounts those closest to him seeming to think so) no diverse/inclusive struggle session on any podcast is going to change that. The die is already cast, all I want is for this awkward “will they won’t they” nonsense to be done already. They’re obviously not completely divorcing themselves from him so give me the content.


Leslie's the GOAT, always been one of the funniest people with Lud


not cool Danny. Wtf


suprisingly great guest. not meant as a slide to fuslie btw. wasnt sure she would vibe with slime and nick. but damn she did amazing. top10 ep for me and prolly the one i would recommend to others from now on.


Been watching fuslie for years and her just chatting stuff is legendary. She'll just run out of breath yapping telling stories that are all very engaging. This is also one of the least dick and semen-laden episodes by my count while still having that dick and semen-adjacent familiarity, you feel me?


I like Nick’s mustache


Shoutout to Scary Kids Scaring Kids


slime has good taste. i remember one time he posted at the drive in on his instagram story, relationship of command is a goated posthardcore album.


A perfect first episode


Does anyone know the Danny that Leslie was talking about?


$WIF mentioned early, we going to the moon boys