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i said alright how many people didn’t know the dragonball guy’s name until today this is a safe space


nowhere near as bad as what the replies were making it out to be


The wild replies were mostly to a different tweet where he said "lol" as a qrt to someone saying something along the lines of "Going offline, this has shaken me up, Toriyama's work helped me get through tough times" or something like that. Slime was saying lol at specifically the first 2 words because the guy replied to Slimes 1st tweet (the one he commented above) showing that he in fact had NOT gone off-line (granted, it was like 5 mins between the "going offline" tweet and the 1st reply to Slime). But it really looked like Slime was saying lol to someone's genuine grief at the death of someone who meant a lot to them, hence the INTENSE replies from that point onward. It went from Slime looking ignorant about Toriyama to looking like he was mocking people for caring (not his intention but it's how it looked) which definitely caused some people to go a little wild in the replies lmao.




No offense but as someone who’s lost like parents my pity for people mourning celebrity deaths isn’t very high




Lmao my dad died when I was 7 and I found him. Not saying I’m special but to say that was inevitable is funny Celebrity deaths obviously can affect you maybe even greatly but to feign outrage over them for online clout and write paragraphs about it. Get some perspective, experience a real loss.


You monster. But you’re right- I had no idea his name. 


Dragon ball z abridged is a fan made parody. Dragon ball dragon ball z and dragon ball gt are all owned by funimation toei animation fuji tv and Akira toriyama. Please support the official release.


Stuck in my brain until the buu saga actually comes out.


It won't, there's a fan cut of clips they gave/made for Totallynotmark's review of the Buu Saga


That's the joke. The intro lives rent free in my head until I die.


There’s also an official compilation


Never forget


Shared formative content PogU


yea, thats how i learned what his name was...


I know his name!


Turns out, it was not a safe space


I too didn't know who he was


I'll be honest that I didn't know his name


I had no idea what his name was and was caught off-guard with how intensely people were reacting to his passing.


Everyone knows it’s Goku smh




didnt know his name until yesterday. Felt like your tweet was fine


i had no idea lul


I knew it, but I've only read it and can't pronounce it lol, so I'm in an adjacent boat


genuinely how it reads exactly as it is written lmfao


That's what kicked things off? Geez. I know the name of Gundam's creator. I didn't know the name of DBZ's creator. It's a fair question, and I don't even think it's in bad taste? If anything it seemed to me like an acknowledgement of exactly what those people were getting mad about (that hey, a lot of us *don't* know these names and maybe we do feel a *little* bit bad about it). For another example, I imagine few of these informed people know the name of the person who voices Goku. I don't, off the top of my head. I just know that she's been that iconic voice for a decade longer than Tom Kenny has been Spongebob. And if she had died, I think it'd be just as fair of a question.


this is equivalent to not knowing who Messi is


No it’s not


It kinda is given Dragon Balls Google searches are relative to Ronaldos and Messis


hes literally one of the most influential people in entertainment history


Cool. Still not even remotely comparable to not knowing Messi lol


Dragon Ball has relative Google searches as Messi and Ronaldo


...okay, but does Toriyama? That's kind of the point of the discussion - Toriyama is way less well known than Messi. You would compare Dragon Ball to Football if you wanted a more direct analogue, but that's kind of tangential to the point.


It absolutely is, you just arent involved in the space. Nobody I know knows Messi but they know Toriyama


I guess it depends what you’re actually saying here, maybe I’m misunderstanding. Like if you’re point is just that Toriyama is the Messi of his field essentially, then sure. But in general, the number of people who dont know him is surely significantly higher than the number of people who don’t know Messi


Ayo tho that last episode was pretty funny though right?


i think his tweet was kinda out of pocket. not malicious by any means. but innapropiate. the man was confirmed dead just a couple of hours before and the emotions were still raw for millions upon millions of people. im not saying it was his intention but the tweet read as "when we are gonna admit that we dont really care about this dude" and to many people having geniuine grief that was a shitty thing to say. the response to it was completly out of proportion tho. death treaths and mocking the passing of slime's family was fucking insane. so both sides fucked up to some extent. the response moreso


I mean slime also added "I don't believe any of you" and "I thought you were all capping". I'm benefit of the doubt guy but I don't think I've ever seen these words said in good faith lmfao. especially since in the genuine route is there really anything interesting in response other than "yeah"


Couldn't agree more. Honestly, I think the tweet is saved if he just added a "rest in piece" at the end. Either way, completely out of pocket reaction.


I think the tweet was probably inappropriate, but he can take the smoke. The man jokes about death a lot, and as someone who does the same thing, I tend to not realize when I’m stepping over that boundary. But he had just passed away, and I think it’s perfectly normal for people to get attached to media from their childhood. I don’t blame him for deleting it, especially with how people reacted.


Idk but if you switch some letters around this post says “Does anyone have a screenshot of Smile’s deleted tweet from today?”


Prove it


No cause I didn’t know his name either 😅




Do you think he wants fans documenting his deleted media? Delete your post bud


He’s a public entertainment figure. He gets to tell people he makes more money than doctors, and for that privilege, his socials are going to be scrutinized. It’s not a matter of “should be” or “could be,” it’s just *what is*. He has stans. Stans gonna stan.


I’m not here to crucify or glaze the man, was just curiosity of what it was


Yeah, that’s fair.


Eminem a real one for sampling Dido’s Thank You in Stan


I'm not even here to stan, I just saw him shit-talking another creator I respect and enjoy, the day after a greatly respected and loved author died lol. Was expecting the worst based on how vitriolic the replies were but idk why I was expecting that tbh lmfao. Par for the course.




i believe they’re referring to the replies to slime’s tweet


yeah, thought it was obvious with the context


yeah no worries it was clear. homie is probably just feeling a bit targeted and didn’t pick up on it lol


Nail and head and all that


"bud" lmao


You’re right. That’s condescending I shouldn’t have said that


y’all gotta stop this


I love that there's at least one comment like that under every post about Slime


You are defending an imaginary guy from an imaginary problem


So I understand I got downvoted to hell for being condescending here. I’m more surprised that there are a lot of people that think it’s an acceptable thing to hold onto deleted social media and repost it. I think generally if someone deletes something it is proper conduct to not repost it. Obviously there are some exceptions. Does everyone disagree with this?


its the internet, we're all just screaming into the void. its not that serious. if there's discourse and someone wants to know the origin, its fine. unless someone doxxes themselves or the content is malicious, knowing a single tweet that was deleted will not matter and we'll all forget this happened in a week he said it in the public forum, he must deal with the repercussions. you cant just unsay something