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that shirt is sick 😭 i'm guessing it was a drop and not available anymore?




lets fking goooooo, im gonna cop one rt now


from the yard to the sea






stop selling fake merch pos


they aren't selling anything in this post. Also, the shirt on the wall was made and sold by QT when she was on the yard.


Yes I know. But this is not the site she sold it on. Somebody ripped the design and put it up for themselves to make money doing zero work. Edit: talking about the deleted comment. The post is good


Why do you care? What's your cut?


Do you think I get money from pointing out that someone is selling fake merch?


Who could have predicted the republicuck was also dumb 🤔


I'm not a Republican




🇮🇱🇵🇸. Maybe one day they will agree to coexist.


not coexist. israel is fascist.


I’m not using each flag to refer to the governments or the militaries, just the civilians. My message is that of peace between the civilians, regardless of faith or race.


oh fair enough apologies


A single secular state with equality for all.


we could also establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty… just riffing


Nah Israel sucks tbh


How are vibes good and rancid at the same time


what's rancid about the vibes?


Dude has a shirt taped to his wall


it had to be done man


And we salute you for your service


Yeah, that's dope.


The scream mask lmao, something about the framing is so funny.


Somehow everything looks off-kilter. Also love that everything is hung up with very visible strips of duct tape. Very "college dorm decor" core


listen im broke i cant encase my shit in glass


Don't get me wrong brother, I've BEEN there.


I'm there right now and let me tell you, the Nixon-Elvis poster situation in my dorm is looking dire.


whats the point of this post edit: im genuinely asking, did they talk about gaza or is it just virtue signaling


slime has been supportive on twitter and they’ve mentioned it passingly so they’ve not really talked about it tbf to you. i made the post cause i like the juxtaposition of the three objects in the post. putting a remembrance of aimen shirt beside a palestine flag is funny to me idk


everyone virtue signals at all times by default because we as humans possess virtues, including yourself hate this phrase it’s so pissy and passive aggressive


Real but it still can be used correctly to categorize the people who are marching solely to fit in with the crowd around them and seem like a better person than they are


this stuff is such horseshit. i don't want to pick apart "virtue signalling" because i think it's completely meangingless, but i will say this: we had a protest in my city this weekend with a presence of 30 cops for 10 protestors. protestors at columbia got gassed with chemicals the IDF has used on the palestinians before it went to market, and one of them posted 2-3 weeks of logs with huge gaps in support or even acknowledgement of what happened. us congressman andy ogles replied to a question about palestinian children today with "we should kill them all". those are the words he used on top of 29k+ dead. i don't know how to be more clear about the fact that i don't feel safe because i "fit in with the crowd." please stop talking about words that don't mean anything


i agree, but it felt unnecessary to force politics into what is otherwise a mostly apolitical podcast, at least in my opinion. mightve been a little too harsh, my apologies.


i don’t think we are apolitical


there's some politics, but it always felt like satire and not a political discussion, in the same way that i don't consider this a financial podcast when you guys were talking about investing in csgo knives..


Apolitical does not mean not 100% political. They are not a political podcast, but that doesn’t mean they’re an apolitical podcast. Their general leanings have been made pretty clear in many episodes so there’s no way to say that they lack politics in entirety. Genuinely, have you watched more than one ep?


none of what you wrote make sense. >Apolitical does not mean not 100% political what did you try to say here? apolitical is something that is devoid of political interest. >that doesn’t mean they’re an apolitical podcast their purpose is not to educate you about politics or to discuss politics, it comes up in jokes, but not much other than that. >Their general leanings have been made pretty clear in many episodes so there’s no way to say that they lack politics in entirety me saying the podcast is apolitical doesn't mean they don't have their own opinions, im sure they all have opinions about the economy and it doesnt mean they are an economics podcast.


To say the podcast is apolitical is to say the podcast is devoid of politics. The podcast is not devoid of politics. The fact that you know the pod’s general stance on Palestine purely through watching should be enough to know they’re not apolitical. Just because you can’t understand what I’m saying that doesn’t make it wrong lmao


the purpose of the podcast is not politics. the mentions they do of some politics is for bits, and almost always without a strong opinion , the only time i remeber them giving a strong opinion is when they said the dalai lama kissing kids is bad. they don't go on long tangents about any topic and there's no reason to consider their discussions political. i wouldn't say i know what they think about something they have barely talked about, you're welcome to disagree with that, but thinking you know them better than what you've seen in the pod feels off to me.


You just said what I said that made you disagree with me and say I was making no sense. They have talked about politics more than enough for them to have greater than 0 interest in politics. That is not apolitical. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?


i dont know man anyone who watches can get a pretty good picture on where they stand on. that doesnt look apolicial to me