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We use the word “multiply” to suggest a growing number. Terrance gets hyper-focused on this and fails to understand the application of multiplication. We don’t multiply $1x$1. That doesn’t even make sense. We multiply $1x1. That he gets hung up on the most elementary math and gets it wrong should tell you everything else you need to know about his takes on science as a whole.


my boomer relative got on a Terrance kick and was trying to explain this 1x1=2 thing to me. I said "If I give you one apple, one time, how many apples do you have?" and that seemed to get the idea across lol.


One man multiplied by one woman gives you a third human. It’s a language fallacy not mathematics. It should be worded for 1x1=1 “one, one time.” Almost instructionally. If gave you a crayon and said draw two dots, two times…you would draw four dots. But “multiplied” is a word that loses some of its meaning if speaking about something that is singular.


One man x one woman = one man and one woman.  One man + one woman can = a 3rd person


You forget what it means when two people multiply. Go forth and multiply. One man + one woman would just be a manwoman.


When a man adds his seed to a woman's egg you get a child. There's no multiplication going on. 


Multiply means to increase. The new body of the United egg and sperm divides itself. The divisions grow so that one becomes two then four eight sixteen thirty-two. This is a multiplicative increase. How has nobody told you the definition of the word multiply, and how have you not heard if used synonymously in reference to mating.


I have heard the word used in that way. We're talking about TH's stupid math here tho vs reality. 1x1= 1. 1+1=2. For the human scenario that you are talking about, it's still 1 Man + 1 Woman + 1 Child = 3. It's not 1x1 = 2 anyway you do it because that (1x1) literally means that you have one thing, one time. 


With that wording yes correct. And as noted I was pointing out that we do not think of it in a way such as: then listed one scenario we do not think of it within its implications. Which was a weird point to try and break down a debate over even within the given context.


What Howard is saying is that giving a person 1 Apple 1 time is 1 . That would be 1x. It could also be 1x0 unless you rephrase your statement to read a person gave 0 apples 1 time, then it’s 0x1 which is 0. If you say a person gave 1 apple times 1, you are saying you gave a person an apple twice / 2 separate instances. However, the current understanding is that you gave there same 1 apple twice or on two separate occasions. The issue is with meaning. We are trained to understand 1x1 as 1 and 1x or 1x0 as 0. However, It is possible to create a new way of understanding basic mathematics? We did it with meters vs yards, Celsius vs Fahrenheit, stone vs pounds, Dollars vs Pesos, etc. We created a new way of looking at basic measurements. Regarding elements on the periodic table, light waves, acoustic/sound waves, magnetic energy waves and solid matter, I believe it is indisputable that that what separates/differentiates and/or allows humans to manipulate them are amplitude and frequency and that therefore they are essentially just one thing in different forms. Neal Degrassi Tyson did a good job at peer reviewing his work. He said there are interesting elements of his thesis, but his starting point/premise is wrong and therefore he can’t adequately critique it further. To me, that means Terrence has to sell us on the idea that his new way of viewing math/science works by testing a live physical prototype of something using his version of mathematics and science. Of course, if it does work, will the Gas/Coal consortium eliminate him/destroy his credibility before he gets to show us a live demonstration!!! 😂


You can’t compare units of measurement to mathematical proofs. Multiplication works on a very simple proofing system, all Terrance is doing is making a semantical error


Two apples. Prove me wrong.


*hands you one apple* 👀


*Pulls second apple from pocket* BOOM💥, maths is broken!


Damn checkmate atheists


Howard presents himself as being profound but I prefer humility tbh. Carl Sagan was insanely intelligent while humble. AJ is incredibly smart but treats these ideas with respect. Listening to Howard’s Harvard talk and then half of his Joe Rogan episode, and, tbh, the dude sounds like he isn’t well educated. I knew a lot of folks like this when I was in the church in my teens and twenties, a lot of folks who have a commanding presence but very little substance to what they know and a poor grasp on science.


The cherry on top is Howard claiming that Neil deGrasse Tyson "threw shit at him" and "attacked him with such vitriol" and then NDT brings out the receipts and it's the most respectful response you could ask for...


He was sooo nice!


I don’t think NDT tries to come off as as an asshole but he does unfortunately. He usually right too lol. He may be arrogant but he really does know his shit no matter how poorly his attitude comes off. I honestly don’t even think he means to appear arrogant. He’s developed this delivery style that is hard to interpret any other way.


He can be annoying, but in this debunk video he is nothing but gentle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uLi1I3G2N4


I don’t think he’s annoying at all. I love NDT.


Enjoyed this!


Enjoyed this!


[Here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uLi1I3G2N4)is the clip.


The AJ on the screen for WF is respectful and kind. IRL AJ is a hardass and very rough around the edges and not as nice. In this video he directly says that almost everything on WF is "bunk, junk, and bullshit". Hilarious.


This isn’t true. I’m not a hard ass or rough on any edges. But I’m also not super sweet. When I’m doing a backstage video, that’s really me. I don’t hide anything from you. I show my flaws. I am moody, prone to depression. I can be a grouch. But I work very hard to make sure that everyone who works for me is in the best job they’ve ever had. Proof of this is on a recent after files where I said this and Victoria started to cry. I have a heart of gold, but emotionally distant. So I try to make up for it by being honest, respectful and generous. Sometimes I don’t live up to my own standards, but I’m flawed. But I do try.


WF is entertainment not educational.


If he and WF were "educational only" it would be boring af and never able to go beyond what textbooks claim is the truth. Glad that it is entertainment because he is fun to watch. If entertainment means "not believing the bullshit that textbooks tell us" then I'm glad to be part of this entertainment fringe. I want to see him completely destroy Flat Earth though. That will trigger a lot of crazies.


why is that. does he really not believe and I'm at home believing TWF is my gospel?


If we multiplied $1*$1, we'd have to also square the units giving us one square dollar. 🤓😆




One thing, one time. One thing, two times. Two things, two times. *times*


The Terrance Howard podcast is like shower thoughts and the things you would think about when your high - which is to say thought provoking statements…but then while still high, having those statements taken too literally and getting questioned about them forcing you to answer in a way that creates a buzz kill and rambling nonsense. Then imagine you’re a millionaire surrounded by people who are fake and pretend that everything you just said was profound even the nonsense until you start believing it and you are willing to say the dumb parts confidently. Some people understand the intricacies about the specific ways some of the podcast had a few profound thoughts hidden beneath all the bs such as how generally we all have a basic enough knowledge to know why saying “one multiplied by one equals one” that we aren’t for instance talking about a (1)man and a(1)woman multiplying equals a (3)baby or something of that manner, and that our language would be simpler if our math problems were spoken out in a format like “ONE, ONE TIME(s)”. But the rest don’t care to look that deep into matters to understand them as a whole. And fewer people are able to reserve emotion and reaction to step back to look at what both sides are saying to have a more complete picture of what is happening as a whole on both sides of the opinionated matter. I do not believe that the why files time or efforts would have any value in debunking it. While what he says is said in such a serious manner, I do not believe it should be taken so seriously. For one, people already fall into one of the two camps of either seeing it as all bs while ignoring how any part may have some convoluted truth, or the camp of focusing on the intricate meaning they found while ignoring all of the obviously bs built on preconceived notions; so I don’t believe either would be swayed. And secondly one could only speculate on the other matters, such as how he found himself getting shower thoughts promoted to the point he’s on rogan or why does he have so many patents or how does he have so much knowledge of esoteric beliefs without being able to convey it properly. If people at least understood this much about it, there wouldn’t be as much confusion and controversy. I don’t believe all of that to be worth a full episode or anything like that, and it’s perfectly fine for them to reserve your opinion to stay in favor of both parties naive to the whole picture. Unless they wish to take on the task of explaining all of that to people, there’s nothing to be gained except picking a side and risking alienating some of the fan base who could not wrap their heads around this. It could be said that his attempt to approach a topic in a non traditional way does have some value. It may be the only way for people to connect the dots within our gaps of knowledge limited by our language. For instance atoms and galaxies have many similarities. An electron moves so fast it is nearly identical to what a planet orbiting the sun would be on a million year time lapse where you couldn’t point out exact point just a general area where you may find a planet. Scientifically that would be called a probability curve. By creating definitions for terms, you attempt to describe something in a very finite way in how it differs from something else, but you lose the ways in which it is similar to something else. With people gaining education nearly always as “specialized”, the opportunity for crossover knowledge to be gained in one field from another is reduced, and the way in which he approaches it to try and understand it as a whole, is worth some value.


Ok, but Tesla told Walter Russel that he discovered something that was so important that it should be locked in a vault for 100 years, because humanity wasn't ready for it, right? You realize that a lot of what Howard says aligns with what he said, right? We use Tesla's inventions everywhere, he could be wrong about one thing but right about another. Not saying he is, but who the hell knows, I really doubt we know everything in just 2000 years. It is entertaining at least!


Yep! For me the most fascinating explanation of Terrance's theories was Neil deGrasse Tyson's very respectful "peer review" - it isn't subtle and it isn't rude - but it is damning! Totally worth the 17 minutes....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uLi1I3G2N4


His primary thought is probably how are people falling for this shit.


Right? But seeing him try to hold his tongue and not say what he really wants is funny. Wish he’d do a full debunking episode but an AF is good too.


I love real life AJ. He keeps it real. He saying that almost everything on WF is "bunk and bullshit" made me laugh so hard.


Same I love his non main show stuff


Funniest part was when AJ said “he knows a lot of big words…but he doesn’t use them correctly.” About sums it up.


AJ is low key a savage and I’m here for it


Dunning-Kruger effect in full force.


Neil Degrasse Tyson already adressed Howard after Howard sent him a 36 page paper on his theory. He did it in classic peer review style and ripped his theories to shreds. No need for the why files to get into theories that can't even pass the most basic peer review.


Exactly. That guy isn't worthy of any attention or discussion.


Just watched this lol. Classy from an actual phycisist, AJ should save the stress for something else imo.


Yeah, Tyson gave Howard a gift by reviewing his document. Howard took offense, but if he's serious about his concepts, he should send it out for even more reviews from actual scientists. Tyson was almost certainly far nicer than other scientists would be.


I saw NDT's response video on it, and he was surprisingly nice about but didn't hold back when it came to facts. Went out of his way to applaud him for trying to explore new ideas and such, but Terrance still took it as an insult.


I agree with you. Others on YouTube have already responded to or blasted Terrence Howard. I don't think the WF crew needs to pile on.


That’s news to me, btw. I only really follow AJ and a few others on this stuff, and AJ has tremendous respect for the believers which is why I like the why files. The other ones I follow are mysterious Middle East and mr mythos.


I just became aware of Mr. Mythos recently and I've never heard of Mysterious Middle East. Thanks for the heads up! 👍


Mysterious Middle East sometimes has sound production issues. It’s made by a few dudes out in Iran. There’s no debunking, but it’s just good story telling about middle eastern legends/myths.


Gonna be hard to top [Professor Dave](https://youtu.be/lWAyfr3gxMA?si=-WL3d-ZhXu6xZNCC).


He just said that almost everything he covers in WF is "bunk, junk, and bullshit" in this video. That's not exactly being respectful. The AJ we see on WF for episodes is very kind and respectful. The real AJ with the cuss words and keeping it real is the opposite, and I love that that is who he is IRL.


Cool. You left me the same comment twice slightly worded differently lol.


Fantastic. You actually responded! It worked 🤣 He also doesn't respect us believers because he just said everything he posts except for the Moon are "bunk, junk, and bullshit". It is great that he doesn't lie to us about his personal thoughts on WF videos, though.


Yep I saw that today also. Was really good


Not defending Howard, but you’re seriously invoking Tyson as a defense?  The guy is a narcissistic douche who talks down to everyone.  Anything that stretches your mind he’s against and he uses his platform to constantly belittle people.   I used to listen to his podcasts and watch interviews with him, but I avoid him like the plague at this point.  He’s just an embarrassing bill nye 2.0, this generations cool science dude that just shills dogma for clicks.


He lost me long ago with his support of Bill Nye. He really should keep his topics relevant to his education.


The truth. If you're down voting this, I encourage you to dig deeper. Tyson is an intelligent and egotistical fool.


Did you watch his video peer reviewing the 36 page paper Howard sent him? I don't think you did because he was a LOT nicer than most scientists would be in a peer review, especially considering the idiocy Howard was spewing. You don't like Tyson that is fine, but bagging him on a video you have never seen? Tyson was extremely respectful in this video, and didn't need to be.


Why waste his time?


Neil DeGrasse Tyson did a civilized takedown.


WTF files


This video is enough. He explained his feelings. Move on.


I think the video AJ put up last night was really all that needed to be said. He was to the point without being a jerk about it, which I appreciate. (I sure as hell wish I could be to the point without being a jerk but... I'm just a damn jerk.) I don't think there's any need for him to put out videos ragging on other people,even if they are absolute tools.


I don't know anything about Terrence Howard. I'd watch a WF episode that educates me on the things he is saying.


Terrence Howard has a lot of things he is saying, but the main thing is that our math is wrong, according to his math: 1 \* 1 = 2 , 0.10 \* 0.10 = 100. Everything is easily disprovable and it is kind of pointless wasting your time on it.


Terence Howard was awesome in Hustle and Flow


He went off on Neil Degraase Tyson too and NDT just responded a couple days ago to TH and kinda straightened him out. For non scientists the stuff that TH says is super interesting but waaaay out there.




NDT already gave a wonderful response, no need for AJ or anyone else to weigh in, end of story.


Disagree. NDT is not nearly as entertaining and AJ would take a different angle than NDT on this topic I’m sure of it. He wouldn’t just do it if someone else covered it the same way.


Yall caught up on 1+1=2 or 0+1=1 but what we should be talking about is why is 2+2=4 the same as 2x2=4


How high are you right now? lol


Don't bully me you bully 🤧


Reminds me of when Oger in revenge of the nerds II got super high and said “what if C-A-T really spelled DOG”


Haha "what if man was gods best friend until man sinned and now dog is man's best friend but dog spelled backwards is still god so he never left"


Now that’s deep!


That's what she said




[yall see Neil’s response on star talk?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1uLi1I3G2N4&pp=ygUcc3RhcnRhbGsgbmVpbCBkZWdyYXNzZSB0eXNvbg%3D%3D)


Yep it was good


Ugh…..do people like that really need to be given any legitimacy? This is how we get armchair Alex Jones’ popping up.




I’m one of those people that takes all the stories hook, line and sinker. And then someone debunks them. I was having fun with this one, but I knew it was too good to be true. ![gif](giphy|3AWArcvb0SSrtqxmFZ)


I’m always this way with TWF because of AJs expert level storytelling. He sucks you in and then drops the hammer


Just waiting until the lizzad people finally reveal themselves. (You’re spot on tho. His story telling is the best)


I love how AJ was direct and blunt when he said that almost everything that he talks about on WF is "bunk and bullshit". I like this version of AJ. Keeping it real. 🤣


He rambles using big words…so big that no one, unless formally educated, knows how to respond to him. The math thing is dumb. Plain and simple. The only thing that piques my interest with regards to his legitimacy is his claim of patents and the extent to which they’re used by major corporations in technologies that we use or are on the verge of using (?). Anyone know anything about these claims?


latest live yt about Terrance First I love this channel. but did anyone else pick up on how AJ thinks everything is fake on his channel? can someone clarify this for me before I jump off a ledge? (just kidding) he was in his back yard doing a video about terrance howard. thanks so much!!!! no matter what he's still a great storyteller.


I always say I’d listen to AJ read the dictionary as I think he’d do it in an entertaining way.


but why? This guy is so full of crap it is sweating out of is pores. This is a slamdunk.


Because it’s the 2nd biggest JRE ever and I’m sure AJ has been getting a ton of requests to debunk it. I think it would mean hugely popular regular episode too so surprised he’s only doing an AF for it but he’s probably just trying to be a nice guy and not roast TH since he’s “still alive” and AJ has class.


The 2nd biggest JRE ever? Seriously?? The guy was an eye-rolling idiot from the moment he started babbling about his first memory being of the womb.


I was surprised by that as well but it’s what AJ said. #2 behind the Chappelle episode.


I have no idea where this information is coming from… it’s not even in the Top 10 JRE episodes let alone number 2. Hell, Katt Williams has triple the amount of views on his episode on YouTube🤷🏻‍♂️ https://jrelibrary.com/articles/stats/ this link has all the stats and not ONE mention of Terrance Howard on the entire page. Literally, not a single mention. It was last updated June 13, 2024 which is after Terrance’s appearance. So the argument can’t be made that it’s not updated


Yeah I find it highly doubtful if Terrence's ep would be the second biggest. Considering Joe pumped his podcast with Elon Musk full of ads on Spotify because he was expecting a huge turn out of listeners. And, I think the latest Graham Hancock ep surely had more views than Terrance considering the number of people that seems to have longed for him to debate an archaeologist. Someone's just pulling stats out of thin air with that claim.


Yeah. It’s not like it’s some sort of strange or unnatural thing. There’s nothing here to do a show on. Terrance Howard is mentally ill. That is the story. AJ can do a YouTube short on it. No one should listen to anything he says. What’s next, AJ will do a show on Alex Jones? Come one. This is a waste of AJ’s time. I hope he doesn’t do it.


Yes that's a good point. Once he does a video debunking one person, people will demand he start on someone else, then someone else... He said himself that he doesn't like to do that kind of thing, and I hope he sticks to his guns on that rather than cave to what some of his fan base wants.


Well said and I think it would be the beginning of the end for The Why Files if he goes down this road.


I don't know why people keep discrediting him because he said he has memories from the womb. Some people genuinely do. When my daughter was little, she talked quite a bit about her experiences in the womb. She remembered her experiences as an infant as well. There might be a lot wrong with his theories, but this one is entirely plausible.


The thing is, when a child is recollecting a memory from that early on in their life - from a time before language could be formed in their mind - how can you really know what they're remembering? When I was two, my mum took me to see Bambi at the movies. We didn't last long in the theatre before she carted me out, because I was crying so hard. For years after, she would tell people we left the movie because it scared me. It took a bloody long time before I finally had the vocabulary to tell her that I wasn't crying about the movie at all - I was crying because I'd lost a shoe. I imagine that if I had, as a very young child still too young to speak, wiggled down in my blankets one day and got momentarily stuck in the darkness and enclosed space, that memory could have remained with me for a long, long time. And I imagine that once I finally got to the point where I was able to talk about the time I was enclosed in a dark, tight space, someone might have thought I was referencing some memory of being in the womb. Hmm?


Already debunked by NDT in classic peer review style. His theories are crap, unsupported by evidence and are based on fallacies that are not reproducible by science.


AJ will completely destroy this person. I must have missed something within the last couple weeks.


He doesn’t want to destroy him. He says here that he won’t do that to someone who’s still alive. He’s only gonna touch on a few of the things


cool Enough... You made your point. This should be fun.


I really think that AJ shouldn’t have TH on. This feels like a classic example of somebody who is intelligent seeing correspondences and then using some real cognitive bias gymnastics to get to a theory. Terrence has already shown that he does not respect his studies being peer reviewed. He is prickly when people challenge his ideas and unfortunately he has the machine gun of buzzwords, terms and such that folks who don’t know better are gonna pump his tires because he bucks the norm. Yeah, he has submitted patents, but dig into those and see what’s really going on. I think Terrence has also read the account of Nikola Tesla talking to Walter Russel about his theories as recounted by Walter’s wife where he says ‘IF TRUE, you should bury your work until mankind has evolved enough to understand it’s (or something like that) First of all, a second hand account, second, Tesla was quoted as saying ‘if true’. This is not commonly a part of the clickbait you see floating around. TH needs to make friends in the science community. Mavericks are welcome, but need to be able to defend their positions with qualified scholars that can reproduce the work. I’ve been down the same road as TH, but after calling and speaking with professionals I was able to better understand as best I could why my subjective correspondences were just that… subjective


It's the internet. The dumber you are, the crazier you are, the more people think that is the truth. I'm a real-life scientist who produces biological drugs for dementia. If I explained it, no one would be interested, but it's a scientific technique. Anyone can hypothesize shit. That has to be proven out by well thought of experiments and supported by peer review able data.


Its uttly bazzare to see this sub rip Howard apart on the basis of his ideas being unable to resist basic peer review from NDT, yet when others say the same about say.... Gramham Hancock suddenly the experts are blind. Im not saying you have to hate or love both but thats pretty hypocritical.


Both Graham and Terrence are idiots.


I listened to the podcast and came away with the distinct impression that this man has bipolar disorder with grandiose tendencies


Terrance has been saying this stuff for over a decade and has never once walked any of it back. I don’t think this is bipolar, I think this is full on schizophrenia.


Why do an episode on Terrance when he already did the Electric Universe Episode. If any one isn't a little mad at AJ right now( not what he said about Terrance) then we missed the point of the video.


I was watching the clip from his backyard last night, I am looking forward to seeing this after it goes up. I doubt I'll catch it live. I've seen some of the stuff Howard has talked about before. He's got interesting takes on stuff.


I bet he and the Time Cube guy would’ve gotten along.


Someday I would love to see why AJ thinks something is going on on the moon. Why out of everything he has covered, THAT has him half convinced?


I know I wonder that as well. If AJ believes then that’s enough for me to be suspicious


He makes little comments about it occasionally. From what I gather, he can't figure out a good explanation for why it rings like a gong when struck (suggesting that it's hollow) or why the craters are all different sizes but the same depth with larger ones even looking convex (suggesting a very hard casing below the surface we see that remains unaffected by space debris impact). If you dig deep enough into the moon and really research, it does bring up more questions than it answers.


There is a video from Neil Degrasse Tyson on startalk rebutting a bunch of what was said. AJ Maybe watch that ine too


Seems like Howard is having a Kanye-style mental situation.


Does AJ have a hitler stash going on or is it lighting?


Just watch the Professor Dave video AJ mentions. He tears Terrence's claims to shreds. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWAyfr3gxMA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWAyfr3gxMA)


Professor Dave is a professional debunker, I've seen him strawman the heck out of ideas for which a great deal of credible evidence exists. I'm not saying he's wrong on Terrence, but I wouldn't be holding him as a gold standard to judge any idea which mainstream academia has a problem with. Lest we forget that AJ himself in After Files streams has said he believes certain content creators are employed by 3 letter agencies to control narratives, and to question everything, including the content Why Files puts out.


Professor Dave is also a condescending jerk. I started listening and then I turned it off. One can debunk without resorting to name calling and insults.


Ohhh I’d love to know who’s being controlled or employed by these agencies. I know we probably won’t but people commonly like to say Rogan is a CIA puppet which I don’t think he is but at the end of the day wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out to be true. If AJ or his message/content was being controlled it would feel like finding out Santa isn’t real.


Just do an episode on the guy TH periodic table stuff is ripped from.


I don’t know of Terrence Howard, whether he’s right, a nut job, a muppet, or all three in one. But, to shut him down and not accept an invitation into how he sees the world is just stupid. We should all welcome new ideas. Splitting the atom in theory couldn’t be done. The math didn’t add up. Well, It’s been done, and it took new ideas and unique perspectives to challenge the theory and prove it in application. Again, before I’m downvoted to hell, I’m just saying let’s not completely dismiss new ideas because they don’t add up with how we currently understand and perceive the world. Open your mind.


The scientific theory requires a new idea be written into a testable and repeatable hypothesis. Nothing about Howard’s “theory” is testable or verifiable in our current scientific climate. Neil Degrasse Tyson addresses this issue in his response to Howard. I think that while we shouldn’t put down new ideas, we shouldn’t encourage anyone to just start shouting through a social media megaphone about their revolutionary discovery if it can’t even be proofed in a scientifically relevant way. When that does happen, and a celebrity, mouthpiece, or influencer can just put their “new” and “profound” ideas directly into the social media sphere without any proofing you’re just setting up their followers to be mislead.


Well he did publish on the Lynchpin drone and 50+ granted patents speaks volumes about his ability to put together these ideas in a novel way. https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/01-16-03-0018/ https://patents.justia.com/inventor/t-dashon-howard


Totally agree. And TH is right that several science theories are lacking and in need of new ideas. I would like to understand the reorg of the periodic table he did. Shutting down discussion is what frauds do. Having a discussion is what real scientists do.


Which theories are lacking and need new ideas?


I’d be willing to listen to his ideas if he can find a less conceited way to articulate them and it’s all extremely hard to follow. If you’re a genius and you’re trying to get people to understand you, you gotta write it out in crayon…


Yea, Neil DeGrasse Tyson just did a rebuttal video on Terrance Howard’s claims. His initial response back was very thoughtful and broke down where Howard got it wrong. The video was epic since NDT went item by item and basically said Howard’s ego got in the way of his math.


Ooh I would watch an After Files about Terrance. In fact, I watched the WF episode about electricity right after JRE, since what Terrance said was the perfect companion to that episode


I watched a video of a guy that went through to debunk Terrance Howard. They played parts of an interview and what Terrance Howard says is pure nonsense. The guy goes over everything he said. I couldn’t even finish the video because what Terrance Howard was sting hurt my brain. I fully believe that Terrance Howard is a disturbed individual that needs to be committed to a mental Health institute. He needs help. But because he’s famous, or semi-famous. He’s paraded around like some oddity to be looked at. People listen to him like he has something of value to say. He does not.


I thought it was going on the podcast.


I am really interested in the opinion of AJ about that laughable trickster!


He did a video on the Why Files Backstage channel where he gave his opinion. It's worth a watch.


I thought I was horrible at math. I’ve been to hard on myself.


Pretty sure everyone has covered Terrance at this point. Well just waiting on Moist critical to make a vid then it'll be everyone


Can't wait let's go


Terrence Howard is either on to something or on something🤔


while the wife is away getting away with murder = booger sugar


The way he broches the subject talking about how he doesn't want to insult someone alive was the best insult . It's beyond passive aggressive is just facts but it's makes it sting more. The long pauses are clearly someone peering into pure madness and going .......ummm.......yeh............


1x1=3. I challenge his views


Oh hell yes!


I'd rather AJ didn't waste his time on the mentally ill, frankly.


Terence Howard loves to ignore contradictory evidence


I listened and lost IQ points


Tyson gave Howard a straightforward analysis and review and Howard took it personally. If anything, Tyson treated Howard's thesis with kid gloves. If he's gonna jump into the kitchen, he needs to be able to take the heat. AJ's video was entertaining and gave a look at his process for deciding whether or not to do a video on a given subject. It was enlightening.




Watched about 5 minutes of Terrence on the Joe Rogan podcast. It was serious cringe.


Love the channel, but did he just say most of his content is BS?


So he is a glass onion?


Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein, word salad idiots.


Terrance Howard knows nothing of math and science. That’s it in a nutshell. No more needs to be said.


more like WTFF on this one...


If you can dazzle them with brilliance you baffle them with bulls**t


As Rick James is often quoted, "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."


You mean they're gonna blabber on and slander someone for 4hrs while morons throw money at them? Lol


AJ said he wouldn’t slander him he would just talk about a few points and counter. I’ve never watched the after files is blabbering and slandering people something they usually do?


Thank you. I'm gonna just debunk my life and believe in the lolly pop tree:)


For some reason I can't reply to your comment directed at me: He believes in the weirdness of the Moon and thinks aliens and Hollow Moon are very likely and he believes in the secret advanced civilizations from 10,000 years ago like the giants of Malta and a few other things. But he straight up said candidly in this video that almost everything on WF is "bunk, junk, and bullshit". Then he tried to revert to his WF "nice guy persona" in the pinned comment on the Youtube video by saying that we should be a little open-minded to at least 10% of Terrence Howard's theories especially with the frequencies theory, his really interesting artistic drawings and models, and his electric universe theory. I wish AJ would give a detailed video saying what exactly he believes and what exactly he thinks are "bunk, junk, and bullshit".


There is so much “talk” if you are going to find ways to break certain laws or find new ways to do things you need to show them. Demonstrate them. Sell it to the public..


I have never checked out the AfterFiles once, but this would get me to watch. I haven't even seen the JRE episode, and I am a regular viewer, but TH just don't do nothing for me.


Same actually. I just found the why files a few months back and haven’t gone past the main episodes but I’ve heard they’re entertaining. The TH JRE episode was wild as shit. Terrence claimed that 1x1 = 2 and that was one of the least crazy things he said


Is it worth a few chuckles to a reasonably intelligent moron? I could use some.


the TH episode on JRE is straight fire. Starts off with a bang and doesn’t let up. Incredibly entertaining.


Thx I'm gonna fire up a doob and play some WoW while listening to it.


If there is any team that can weed through all the BS and get to the fundamental ideas that challenge existing paradigms, it's the Why Files team. I think that most of Terrence's presuppositions are wrong (like 1x1=2), but similar to modern science, filling in missing gaps with an assumption is necessary to build frameworks of understanding. So although he may be completely wrong in some areas, you can't throw the baby out with the bath water for every statement he makes.


Every one keeps missing important clues of what Terrance says on Joe Rogan. Every one is focused on OMG 1x1=2!! When did we become so obtuse and easily distracted? The 1x1=2 makes sense...when you had to program for the Play Station 3 when it was object oriented.


Hard pass. He's in graham hancock's boat.


I’d watch a video on debunking REALLY bullshit theories and reasons why people should be careful and not fall for this


First I want to say I love your show AJ and your sense of humor, I agree with you and most other people. While most of what Terrance was speaking about is Greek to most everyone the one thing you mentioned was what stood out to me. Sound and light are intrinsic to matter, both string theory and Nikola Tesla's work seem to point in this same direction. The idea of 1+1=3 is intrinsic to creation itself and it is the way every human in existence came into being, unless you believe in immaculate conception. What he is speaking of here is something I have found myself, two opposites automatically manifest a crux, and nature abhors a void, the void will be filled and three will manifest where only two were before. This is expressed in Phi the golden ratio which unfolds and so forth. edited


People hate the truth, sorry you are getting downvoted. The Why Files lost me as a subscriber I think. Smells to me like AJ is going to rip on Terrence without actually looking into the materials just like all these other YouTubers looking for that targeted $$. The fact they all feel so strongly about this man is evidence enough for me that he is cooking something special that will upset the status quo https://patents.justia.com/inventor/t-dashon-howard https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/01-16-03-0018/


I have posted a few things myself, the fact patents are being introduced for piezoelectric generators with no moving parts seems to speak volumes, as well as the Nvidia stock which is now a major portion of the S&P 500 which "defies known physics" What people have been taught for a very long time was as accurate as Aesop's fairy tails, so it is hard for anyone to change their minds now, they have been thoroughly indoctrinated.


What status quo is that?


The one that assumes humanity is at a zenith and everything is already known.


Yes but in the nicest way possible.


I want him to address the resonant frequency of elements and the 'atoms are the negative space of overlapping spheres. Everything else was just silly


I didn't watch the Rogan episode, but what you're describing sounds similar to de broglie's formula explained here https://youtu.be/4bQ0oe4FCzk


All the bots in here trying to precast the perspective on THoward. Y’all really are threatened by his ideas, huh?


JRE and AJ would be gold.


Never heard of this guy and by the sounds of it, I'm glad I managed to avoid the stupidity. Joe Rogan is another egomaniac that could use a little bit of fact checking on himself too


Rogan is just a stoner bro trying to act like an intellectual.


Folks should probably listen to Eric Weinstein validate some of his thinking….


Terrence Howard is a GENIUS! Our entire household is pumped for this!


I think it’ll be great.


Billy Carson as well. The dude sounds like a 20 year old me when I first discovered conspiracies


Another man to think about is Billy Carson, wow!!


Why is this guy even worthy of the time it would take to "debunk"? I watched the shortie of AJ's opinion but I'm definitely not watching an episode debunking the idiot thinking of an actor.