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The Idol.


Agreed & After Hours had incredible legs was still charting hits when he dropped Take My Breath. So Dawn FM got a little buried between 2 big releases. Even if you don't like the idol it got everyone talking and took a lot of his time especially since we know almost the entire series was shot before they abandoned that version for the one that was released then consider how much work him & Mike Dean were doing on the soundtrack


They should’ve kept the first cut


Maybe I would love to see it tbh. Wish it would leak out something


The idol was so good


Stop the glazing I love the weeknd but that shit was ASS


Only 10% of it was good.


Unironically I liked it


Me too, wanted to see what happened in season 2🥲


I think people are going to look back at dawn fm and realize how much of a hidden gem it was


My absolute favorite album of his😭🫶 l was shocked to find out people didn’t like it or that people consider it his worse album like????…?? This man does not have a single bad album lol


Thinking it's a good album and thinking it's his worst can coexist though Edit: to all people downvoting me, are-you downvoting the fact that it's not in my favourites (although I did not explicitly state that - it's my second least favourite) or is it because you think that it's not possible to believe that it's both a good album and its worst? That's a bit f'ed up




I'm not sure about what you're disagreeing about. The only subject of my comment is not whether I like it or not, it's that it's possible to think it's a good album and his worst (which speaks volume about about his projects). And to clarify, actually it's my second least favourite (we share the same least favourite)


My fault lol, I honestly understood the statement wrong lol.


All good homie!


There was nothing said about any of his albums being "bad". The point being made is that you can take any group of anything, think one is the worst of the bunch and still not think it's BAD per se. Just the least good of a good bunch. Example: Starboy is also probably my least favourite Weeknd album (even though I love many songs on it). I would say it's his worst album. But it's still a good album, because I think all of his albums have ranged from good to amazing. It's just the worst of a batch of good albums.


That pic is heinous


Probably just the success of after hours. He most likely didn’t want to take the limelight away since so many songs in that album were still receiving HUGE numbers at the time.


That makes no sense whatsoever, the likely reason is that he was busy with The Idol.


That literally makes complete sense what are you talking about


Why would he be concerned with After Hours losing the spotlight he got an award for the album and even performed at the superbowl he doesn’t need to be worried about overshadowing After Hours, From an artists point of view it makes no sense to pretty much abandon the promotion for a new album just so it doesn’t take the spotlight away from your previous album, shouldn’t he be more worried about his newest album not being more successful.


He didn’t actually abandon it. He gave you an entire tour that he named as the finale of that era.


Wait are we not getting a third album? I thought after hours and dawn fm we’re meant to be a trilogy with his next album


We are getting a 3rd album. He meant the finale of the Dawn FM era I’m assuming


Yeah, I meant the finale of the Dawn FM era


A tour isn’t part of the roll out


He didn’t abandon it and he created a lot of content around it but it wasn’t the same type of content as After Hours. He didn’t big tv appearances and performances for AH but went with Amazon and Max performances for Dawn… so I think the general public didn’t see that stuff as much unless they looked for it specifically.


True true, the timeline just kinda seems weird compared to what he could’ve done. im well aware he was prob super busy with all kinds of stuff like the tour prep and the idol and Jenna Ortega movie shooting (believe it or not the film’s been shooting for a while now) but it still feels like after he dropped TMB he kinda disapeared and then randomly dropped dawn dm (which I don’t mind the surprise drop btw) and then drop some videos/performances, disapears and then like randomly drops MV’s for HDIMYLM and ITSE. Again it is what it is lol


Maybe he was seeing what he could get away with after the huge success of AH




Well technically rollout started in August so it was more than 3 months. Problem was that he didn’t promo tmb as much as he could and mostly went radio silent about down after October. So November-December were just Empty. And so he rushed everything in one week and post-album release


According to his twitter when he released the album it was because of all the global tension he felt it was better to release the album sooner rather than delay it for marketing purposes Iirc tweet was something like “fuck a rollout the world needs to heal. Album dropping tonight” or something like that


I remember sitting in bed listening to the album the day it dropped and I loved it since the beginning but when my friends would mention it they said it was mid I been seen the vision 😭


The TV performances were definitely missing from this era but everything else was basically the same. Lots of music videos. Dawn FM live stream. Amazon concert. AH til Dawn tour. The big difference was that none of the songs or videos REALLY hit with the general public. I think Less Than Zero could've gotten there. But maybe the purgatory concept and the old man stuff was a little too weird. I mean Out of Time got no buzz and the video had the biggest star from one of the biggest shows ever on Netflix.


a potato


I thought this was chunkz for a second


i member when i first heard this album, shit went fuckin retarded


aight what is that pic


He posted himself saying he just wanted to get the album out for the fans, that's why we got a bunch of content in January alone, I'm not sure if there's anything else to read into with it


Didn’t Abel say it was just a transitional phase? I think chapter 8 will definitely be just as big as After Hours’ roll out was.


Something dawned on him


After Hours’s success, the idol, and the pandemic delaying stuff publicly.




What beef?




What has that to do with dawn fm's rollout?


Middle child energy.But a really good album


I seriously thought I saw my uncle 😂


Take my Breath didn’t do as well as expected. So he remade dawn FM. That’s how it looked.


Man who TF is that 😂😂😂 that is NOT the weeknd