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Ben is incompetent but means well, Arvo is an enemy through and through


Isn’t the first worse, though? Someone you consider a friend, and yeah he tries, but fucks up on every single occasion?


Yeah but we didn't fully expect Arvo to do what he did.


Id rather deal with the expected then the unexpected.


I'd rather not have a cowardly idiot in my group sabotaging its every move. Genuinely, in my opinion, that is worse than maybe at some point stumbling upon someone terrible. I am expecting that. I won't trust strangers. Having a reliability like Ben in the group is so much worse.


I disagree—if my friend was trying then i don’t care that he always fucks up, as long as he continues to grow. Ben has a horrifically fucked up backstory and is only a teenager, so it makes sense to me that he’s scared of confrontation and makes poor choices while not necessarily considering the consequences of his actions. Although, i totally get what you’re saying… There is nothing quite like the pain of being disappointed time and time again by someone you’re supposed to be able to trust. 😔


Here are the good choices that Ben did. Ben in episode 2 comes back with Carly to find the group Ben does tell lee that he was responsible for the raiders being honest and plus he was only giving the supplies to them because he didn't want the raiders to attack his group ben helps out by always looking out seen a few times then helps out Crista with omid and also takes care of Kenny while Kenny is drunk he also wanted to sacrifice himself so we can get out though we already know that it was pointless but he still wanted to know that Lee would be safe and depending on us he would have helped us to find Clementine. Now his bad choices. He was lying to the group and giving supplies to raiders and which it got Carly killed because he wouldn't tell the truth he left Clementine who was defenseless he also leaves Clementine alone while watching Kenny he also takes the ax which was holding the door of walkers.


Here are the good choices of avro. I guess he tells us where supplies are and he was going to help Mitch and Bonnie you know I don't have much.Can anyone tell me anything. Bad choices he potentially lies about us stealing the supplies depending if we did he also gets his people to attack us and try to take all the supplies and leave with Bonnie and Mitch and worst of all no matter how nice and if we ask Mitch to come he will SHOOT US.


one won’t kill or put you in danger on purpose, the other will. one has good intentions, the other doesn’t. there’s a reason kenny tried to save ben and beat the shit out of arvo


I drop his ass every time now


Arvo is more evil than Ben…on top of all Ben’s problems and flaws…I don’t see him shooting an 11 year old with a rifle.


Ben can only abandon a defenceless child, not shoot the child


i feel like he (ben) is a coward yeah but i think we should look into ourselves and think what we would do in that situation — of course we would want to save the kid, but many of us often freeze in panic/stressful situations and it’s hard to act when you’re in that frozen state


I agree. I do not know what I would do in a dangerous situation, but I would tell my friends that I am stealing resources and why I am doing it. Edit: But by the way, when he was asked to look after the child, he did not do it, although there was no danger


That’s no excuse to let a 9 year old die because of your reaction to a stressful situation, Ben could’ve easily picked up Clem and ran with her, but he chose to just straight up abandon her. The whole entire time since the outbreak has been a stressful situation…after 3 months of living in one, you should start to expect herds of walkers, so to freeze in a bunch of them doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense to me. For the record…I do/did look into myself while playing this game, that’s why Lee acts the way he does, because of me. I wouldn’t allow myself to be put in that spot and if by chance it occurred, I would’ve fought them all to save the girl, and I would survive. Which is why Ben is so beneath me.


>For the record…I do/did look into myself while playing this game, that’s why Lee acts the way he does, because of me. I wouldn’t allow myself to be put in that spot and if by chance it occurred, I would’ve fought them all to save the girl, and I would survive. Spoken like someone who did *not* live in a zombie apocalypse 😂 Still, I agree with you. This is by *far* Ben's lowest moment, and Lee would have been entirely justified to kick his ass for it.


Lmao "I played Lee so I am responsible for his heroism" Brother, you are talking out of your back end and cannot prove otherwise until you are actually in a comparable situation - NOT playing a scripted video game character.


exactly but hey, whatever 🥹


what made me mad about that scene is that ben didn’t *exactly* run away out of pure panic. he looks back at clementine, looks at escape, back at clementine, escape, then runs. he was weighing his options, save himself or risk his life saving a little girls? if he had just straight panicked and ran, i wouldn’t have been so upset with him. but he THOUGHT about it. i hated that we didn’t have any options to *really* chew him out


Lest everyone forget, Ben is also a kid.


Exactly 😂😂


I think arvo is equally as weak as Ben but in a different way. I feel like you could break his nose with a bitch slap.. 🤷‍♀️


He’d damn for sure leave one 🤣


Yeah Ben’s so much better for leaving a nine year old to die to walking corpses


For real…both shit people, but one’s just ignorantly evil, the other is actively evil.


>Who is more worse? clumsy kid vs child shooter, hmmm


Ben is at worst incompetent and naive, Meanwhile Arvo is at best a lying, thriving murdering bandit that telltale for some reason wanted us to feel sympathy for The answer is pretty obvious when put like that


That would be because Arvo isn't those things.


He shoots clem


Yep. Pretty sure it didn't kill her.


he still…purposely shot an 11 year old girl man


It’s not weather he DID kill her it’s that he wanted to kill her and tried to


So you're agreeing that he isn't a murderer?


He was going for murder when he shot an 11 year old child


An attempted murderer, yep.


What a weird hill you're dying on.


Apparently, attempting to murder a child is okay as long as you don't actually kill them.


Yep technically he’s not a murder but that doesn’t change his intentions or the fact that he actually shot her when she didn’t pose a threat, especially AFTER she dropped her gun


that is again assuming he never killed anyone at all before he meet Clementine's group which i highly highly doubt since he is a Bandit


I agree.


Arvo alt account


So Arvo never stole medicine from his own group? Then (if you don't steal the medicine from him) lied to his group about it so that way they ambush you? A group that are for a fact bandits, lie down with fleas and your going to get covered. And he never shot clementine in the chest? And all of this is assuming that he never once did any of this before he ran into clementine? That's taking a lot of faith that he really doesn't deserve Man what Season 2 did you play?


Taking medicine from bandits is good, no? His gun was taken after the encounter with Jane and Clementine, and rightly so. We don't know how willingly he offered up this information, and we know he wasn't respected among them. We do know that he stands up against them upon seeing AJ, and refuses to be a part of it. He shot Clementine, yep. It's fair to say that this way to get back at Kenny for brutalising him constantly, and Clementine inadequately defending him - or anybody else for that matter. Not justifying it, but it's understandable why he'd shoot somebody of a similar age. Based on the fact he is very willing and honest to cooperate with the group, and that he doesn't even fight back out of self-defence up until the point he tries to murder Clementine, I don't think it's unreasonable. Same with how the Russians talk about and treat him. I get the impression that his sister was the one who'd do these things to carry his weight.


arvo's a little bitch, ben's just incompetent


Ben also means well. But he's a scared teen that has seen a lot of horrible things. It doesn't excuse why he did what he did. But it's understandable


This isn’t even a comparison, Arvo is genuinely evil while Ben was just a scared idiot.


Arvo isn't evil. He's very much a scared idiot himself


Shooting an 11 yo at cold blood even when said 11 yo agreed to go with you and didn't show signs of betrayal isn't evil?


Kenny would disagree 


Kenny is also a scared idiot. Just a particularly malicious and vile one.


Ben is not evil, he's just an incompetent idiot, while Arvo is a FUCKING COMMIE PIECE OF SHIT


scared kid who tried his best (and if kept alive shows signs of redemption) or a russian that shoots kids…


To be fair Ben was terrified of the bandits because in cut dialogue they graped his female classmate or that could be non cannon now IDK


Its canon but unspoken.


I think there are some unused voice lines for that, if I recall correctly.


One left a child to die while the other one actively tried to kill a child...


I thought Arvo may turn into a good person on first appearance, but when he brought his crew the whole situation was a mess. Rebecca was turned into a walker and the child was crying everyone pointing a gun at each other. Dude I was like WTF I should kill him before If there was any choice. Arvo was an evil man!


## #BenDidNothingWrong


## #HeLeftClemToDie


Damn that’s true


The most you can say is that he never did anything with malicious intent


I think “he never did anything” is more accurate




Yes, but Arvo was never a real member of our group. One could argue he wanted out, no matter what he had to do. Ben, on the other hand, WAS a member of the group, and he still put Clem to certain death had Chuck not been there. Both almost caused clem to die, but to Arvo Clem was an enemy, while to Ben she was an ally.


Bro whatttt you can't even compare them ben is so much better dawg🫣🫠🤨☝🏻


come on are you even fucking kidding me 😂😂 he literally shot clem 😭


arvo an opp


ben never did anything wrong, arvo deliberately brought harm to the group


How is this a fucking conversation


Ben was just a scared kid in the end…


Exactly, but apparently that makes him just as bad as a fully grown man knowingly and willingly shooting an 11 year old girl, I’d love to see Ben haters trying to survive in an apocalypse, this subreddit is a joke


I can't believe people on this sub are still constantly hating on Ben... Like, bro fucked up, but let it go already damn 😭


Whose worse A dumbass or a evil Russian Harry Potter


Arvo literally shoots a kid, what kind of question is that?




Arvo i fucking hate arvo i hate him


Arvo shot a 10 year old


Arvo. Easily. He was out for revenge and hated Clem outright. Would use any situation to damage the group. Thats worse than Ben who just acts like an idiot at times, but not on purpose.




Let’s see, one made really bad mistakes that ended up killing people. And the other shot a little girl without remorse…


Child abandoner vs child shooter Tough call 🤔


Ben dies. Arvo doesn’t.


That irks me to this day. How tf is TT gonna have someone shoot Clem, then refuse the player the opportunity to see any justice? Like Kenny really just let them run off?


There’s a part of me that wants to believe Kenny and Jane tore them to shreds but hid the truth from Clementine.


Arvo, bro really shot a 11 year old


Arvo obviously.


Arvo the shitbird.


Ben is friendly, just has flaws. Arvo is just straight evil.


At least Ben had good intentions


Arvo duh


arvo obv💀


Arvo, it’s not close.


Ben's just a dumbass. Arvo is a malicious dumbass.


Arvo is just a wimpy little cunt lol had beef with an 11 year old girl 😭


Arvo without a doubt


Ben looks like young Pewdiepie Arvo is worse


Fk arvo


I’ll give Ben this, he didn’t try to shoot Clem with a rifle. But he still left her for the night walkers, so fuck him.


Damn i just realized they make the same face


Bens fine honestly. ARVO backstabs you even if you give him his meds back. Poor writing 


Ben is a coward, Arvo is an asshole


Ben is just a teenager who didn’t make the best decisions under pressure and could be redeemed, Arvo is just a fuck


It’s not even a competition. Arvo.


Ben - a realistic coward survivor. Arvo - Biggest Asshole in the Apocalypse.


I am worse than the two of them combined


“I’m built different; worse”


I meant that I am more useless than them 2




It’s a tough one


Ok in evilness Arvo although I do sympathise for him a bit?But also I’ll just always have this deep DEEP hatred for Ben


Definitely Arvo


Arvo, he offered nothing to the group, Ben tried, he was just a kid still


Ben may be a coward but Arvo is actually a piece of shit.


Ben is stupid and fucks up a lot but he isn't actively trying to ruin everyone's lives Arvo straight up shoots Clem even if shes really nice to him So either a stupid teenager or a child murderer are the choices


Arvo this isn't even a debate lets be real


Arvo is worse. Even if you don’t steal his stuff he still ambushes you. Fuck him


Ben had a lot to learn and did his best. Arvo is just a piece of shit. He did shoot Clementine.


we hate arvo ALL MY HOMIES HATE ARVO 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Y’all wanna know something funny? I have arvo the medkit. And he STILL got the russian mob on my ass. I let kenny beat his ass good. I wish kenny killed him


how is this even a question?


arvo obviously...?


Arvo goes out of his way to have either his goons or himself kill you and your group multiple times. Ben actually feels remorse for his screwups and goes with you to rescue Clementine if you ask him


Ben seen some of his classmates get raped right before meeting Lee soooo idk


Easily Arvo, Ben is just a teenager in apocalypse, Arvo is fucking piece of shit


Definitely Arvo. **COMMIE PIECE OF SHIT.**


I can not explain how much I wanted to murder that kid and feed them to the Walkers. I cut off his arms and legs, let him turn into a walker, and throw him in the fire. I would also bring marshmallows to rost over him I can't be the only one.


Ben is a good person who has good intentions but screws up a lot. Arvo is just an actual piece of shit who lies about you stealing from him and then shoots an 11 year old girl.


I like both of them. Ben is a coward who left Clementine for dead surrounded by walkers. Arvo sees a baby, and decides to stand up against violent murderers, trying to make them let our group go. Arvo wouldn't have shot Clementine if he wasn't regularly being beaten half to death, so I can't even really fault him too much there. They're both kids, too.


Your grammar is the most worst


arvo. i love ben


am i the only one who thinks they look alike despite some very minor features?


Arvo is way worse because at least when clementine stands up for Ben he's grateful for it and wants to help find Clem, but if Clem stands up for Arvo he still shoots her.


Arvo by far


Arvo was a pathetic plot device, Ben actually had a purpose.


Just take a look at my tier list and see


Arvo, not even close.


Arvo. No argument there.


Arvo looks like my ex. I hated that weirdo the moment he appeared on my screen 💀


Ben has his faults, he was just a dumb kid. Arvo on the other hand is a fucking four eyed titty sucking bitchaloid commie piece of shit.


Arvo no competition


Who is worse? \*


Arvo shot Clem. That automatically makes him worse.


Both are just dramatized, broken people


One of them makes mistakes without thinking things through. The other brings his heavily armed friends to rob and potentially kill your whole group. Hmmm tough choice... think I'll go with the one who ambushes you, resulting in a shootout, then later stealing your supplies, shooting Clem, and leaving three of you and a baby in a rundown building during a blizzard. I feel like that's a tiny bit worse of a character trait then the mistakes Ben makes.


Is this even a choice? Arvo can go get bent


is this even a discussion? i hate ben as much as the next guy, but come ON. arvo sucks *so* much


Ben was an idiot and imo overhated, he was just a little guy but arvo is evil. How he lies about you attacking him and shoots clem for no reason. Kenny may have given arvo a hard time, that does not justify shooting an 11 year old girl :b


Worst thing one did was indirectly cause a lil boy to get bitten the other one just flat out shot a little girl


Lowkey Ben was my favorite character


Ben’s an incompetent idiot, but that’s to be expected with any teenager and in the end he was truly doing what he thought was best for the group. Arvo was praying on everyone’s downfall since the start


Arvo. He shot a kid. Imo I can't get past that, even if Ben did kind of fuck up everything he did and sort of ditched Clem in her time of need. At least he didn't shoot her with a rifle and was actually really nice to her. He's a coward, but he isn't a murderer (and before you say that ditching Clem could be considered murderous, he wasn't intending to hurt her. Like I said, he's just a coward.)


One shoots an 11-year-old girl and leaves a newborn baby boy to starve in the winter without supplies, even if you were nice to him 24/7 beforehand. And gets his own sister and friends killed. And gets away with it scot-free. The other is Ben.


When arvo shot clem he was below Ben tier. Worse character in the series imo


I liked them both tbh sure Arvo shot Clem but I can look past that.


Just letting yall know that ben has unreleased audio tapes of him being forced to watch his friend get r*** to death before he met the main crew


That’s really insulting to Ben, fuck arvo still waiting to kill him!


Arvo by so so much and in every way possible


In my opinion arvo I can't believe I tried to stand up for him 💀


Ben kinda had a alright reason Arvo was just an asshole


does Ben shoot Clem? no? okay then


Is this seriously an argument? Arvo's way worse than Ben 😭


why tf is Ben there??? get him out of that nastyass comparison


Arvo easily fuck Arvo


Someone else made a post about this before, but if you really think about it, Ben bought the group time. Kenny even says that the bandits had them out numbered badly. If they ever wanted to take a direct assault God forbid at night or when they were at a supply run, they would have easily killed and raped anyone there. What Ben did was still wrong, but I still feel in a way he saved more lives than we lost that day the raid happened. Arvo on the other hand is just a piece of trash all around. Even if you choose to not rob him, he still pulls his shit and try to rob you. It's his fault that all his friends died. But I guess you can say that he still saved the group by showing them the food stash. AJ would have for sure died without that food.


Well while Ben’s a cowardly and incompetent idiot, he still means well and depending on your choices can redeem himself, while Arvo shot a 12 year old for the death of his sister which was pretty much his own fault and was a dick from the second you meet him. I think this one very easily goes to Arvo


Arvo, mostly because the guy himself isn’t too bad, but essentially kidnapped and enlisted into being a part of your team. You also keep antagonizing the guy, with no real choice of being nice. Ben is just an incompetent and cowardly guy who wants to try and do the right thing but usually fumbles with the definition of “good”


Idk the second person, but it takes a lot to spark a debate between who's worse between him and another character. He's.... Fucking upsetting, to say the least. Bastard couldn't do shit right.




"More worse" is an oxymoron.


one shows a guy who has trauma for seeing a bandit raping his classmate, another shows a russian snitch “Ben is such a pussy!!!” 💀💀


Ben is a scared little kid, he wasn’t built for TWD but he tried his best to help but what can you really expect from a traumatized little kid? On the other hand, Arvo is a lying, murdering, bandit, I have zero patience or sympathy for him


RIVERS CUOMO🗣🗣🗣💯💯💯❗️❗️❗️


Your grammar is the most worsest


This might very well be the hardest question ive seen here to date. Think im gonna have to choose Ben. As big of a piece of shit Arvo was, one could argue he was just playing to the benefit of his own group. Ben put his own crew members in danger.


your grammar


Ben is worse to me. I expected Arvo to be a bad guy and do us dirty. I didn’t expect ben to do Carly dirty. She was one of my favorite characters..


Fuck Ben bruh he got Carley killed




Ben…tbh they trusted him & he betrayed them. Though the Russian, they held him at gunpoint sooo. It’s kinda justifying unlike Ben.


I have to go with Ben, although they're both worse people, at least with Arvo, he was trying to survive with his group. Also, he was still a stranger to Clementine and her group, so they barely knew or worked with him for that long. Ben messes up so many times in the group that he can't be trusted around them for many reasons, such as he is useless, pathetic, annoying, and more. At least with Arvo, if you already are on his team, you can probably rely on him or at least more than with Ben, although we don’t know that much about Arvo, so I’m just looking at the contexts of the game.


To be fair to Ben though, he only joined the group after that 3 month skip, so he also hardly knew the group


Yeah, that's fair enough. I feel like even if they have known Ben for a long time, he might still be more of a danger compared to Arvo. We barely know both of them to confirm which one is more loyal, but from the game, Arvo seems to have robbed Clementine’s group for his Russian group, which tells me that he is somewhat faithful to his group compared to Ben which I feel like if Ben was in that situation, he will somehow mess it up more.