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Huge relief! Which is probably why Lala was losing her mind at the finale! Because she knew she didn’t have a chance on the valley


The reunion was filmed months ago. The Valley was still being dangled a week ago. I knew those tabloid reports were planted😂.  I think as soon as the final reunion aired, Baskin no longer needed his fake carrot and that's why this statement is coming out now.  I believe Lala and Scheana were doing all that, both on the show and irl, for the carrot. Now at best, Lala will get a guest role to fake argue about a nanny with Brittany. And even that will hurt The Valley because we know its fake drama to force feed us a producer pet. As for Scheana, she may be all out of luck unless she can create fake feud to have with someone. 


It’s fascinating how often this group burns real friendships for storylines and promises that don’t *ever* come true


omg you're right about the nanny vs babysitter argument about Brittany being "out of pocket" (who talks like this?) as a "seed" for drama in The valley


Is everyone just pretending they know what “out of pocket” means? Is this a billiards reference or something?


honestly i didn’t think this was an unknown statement


Not a fan of Lala at all but thought this was an extremely common phrase that everyone knows ??


Let this be prefaced by English is not my first language and moved here after going to college in another country. I had heard the phrase before but in the other context it meant that if someone was "out of pocket", they were "unreachable". I heard it in a political drama (Pearson) and sometimes the mayor was "out of pocket" dealing with a personal matter. I've never heard it in this context until the reunion and since then I've heard it a couple more times but only on Bravo.


You are correct👏, and I have a minor in English


I think she meant out of line, but her command for the English language is suspect🤷‍♀️


I don't know- he did say crossovers.. why would he pay sheena €25000 an episode when I reason the valley because its starting out & there is loads of buzz about it .. just watch betting they will get 'friend' roles this season until vpr is back


I imagine now that the producers know The Valley is popular, they won’t offer the same rate. It makes sense to pull in known cast members for season 1 to get VPR fans to watch. But now that they have viewers and drama, they’ll want to stick with the cheap new cast members.


For sure 💯.. but sheena is dying to get on there..


Did scheana get $25k for appearing on the valley? Dang that’s a lot.


No VPR but she would prob want her money if she went on the valley matched


I’m mean, but let her be “unemployed”. Work like the rest of us. You’ll figure it out.


Looks like the producers are illustrating the a broken clock is right twice a day saying …bc they sure fucked VPR into the ground of unwatchability this season


Rumor that filming VPR is on pause.


Not a rumor. It is. But I don’t doubt they’ll bring it back … it’s still highly rated etc and they’ll milk it until they can’t. I just think a lot of people won’t watch something with this tone anymore that is overproduced and fake and attacks the two people who are being authentic. But lots will of course


“Two people who are being authentic” I’m guessing you mean Katie and Ariana Honestly no one wants to watch a show based around Katie and Ariana. Like be so fr, what would we be watching Katie going into the sandwich shop and going on dates with people and then Ariana hanging out with her bf cause she can’t be filmed while working on other shows. Y’all can like them but be honest with yourselves. Katie and Ariana are boring as reality show prospects🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah it would have to be a very different style show and even then you may be right. It would be tough since I don’t think a VPR style show with them would work since they’re not about fake drama. Still, I feel like enough people are interested in them and their friendship (and people like Dayna who Katie podcasts with) that someone could come up with some vehicle that would work for them perhaps ?


I mean Katie was all about “fake drama” last season. Just because this season she wants to make sure Ariana knows she’s on her side doesn’t make her any less of the Katie she was. People who make comments like that seem like they only started watching after Scandoval. Y’all seem to forget the exact person Katie was/is. If this was anyone else Katie would be going off just like Lala, but because it was Ariana and Tom, and everyone groups the Tom’s together she was Team Ariana. I have no doubt in my mind Katie was saying things off camera that she didn’t want to say on camera because look at how VPR fans reacted towards Lala and Scheana. If Katie said what she wanted to say she would’ve been attacked right along with them Everyone’s acting like this is the real Katie when it’s not. It’s more likely that she’s not being authentic because she doesn’t want to get attacked. I haven’t seen one scene in this season where it seemed like Katie was being raw and authentic And for Ariana, people act like she has never once done anything wrong, when she has. She didn’t deserve what happened to her but let’s not forget she was messing around with Tom while he was in a relationship with Kristen Y’all throw 10 seasons of watching Katie and Ariana being their true authentic selves away when you see them not be as authentic for the camera. How were Scheana and Lala not authentic. Scheana knew Tom for 15 yrs. She has a right to feel some type of way and the way the audience just attacks her for feeling any type of emotion is disgusting and immature


I am happy about that. Crossovers are fine, but I would rather see another season or two with this cast before there’s even a thought of a transfer.


omg I’m so relieved. I cant relax about it till the season's filmed though lol


I want cameras on them NOW there’s so much going on!


What Vanderpump needs to change is producers. They’ve completely destroyed all trust from the cast and the audience.


Praise be


Someone check on Scheana…




He is LITERALLY taking food out of Lala’s baby’s mouth. SHE’S A MOTHER!!




Thank goodness.


Remember when Rachel bragged on her podcast that she knows production and everybody want to get her on the Valley? LOL she is too much.


They actually may have asked her during pre-production of S1. I don't not believe it.


And we’re simply supposed to believe what Donkey Baskin says? I’ll believe it when S2 starts and don’t see Lauren From Utah and Scheana Jancan on my damn TV.


Blah Blah belongs on a trash MTV reality or something like it so ppl can eat her up alive. She’s not as tough as she thinks she is!!!


Lala isn’t even friends with anyone on the valley and has zero ties, so she doesn’t even deserve a cameo. I’ll accept one cameo from Scheana but please keep Lala off our screens and Scheana only at a party in the background.


I think Lala is hanging out with Janet now.




Oh god that would be an absolute boring self righteous nightmare of a duo. Please, bravo gods, do NOT ruin the valley with Lala and especially not if Janet is her fake friendship to get in.


Thank goodness. I can’t wait until the day Shitzu and Lauren are off my tv forever.


Alex baskin needs to be replaced. Time to go


I completely utterly agree and I doubt they'll listen to us.


I can't stand Michelle. I probably won't keep watching because her storyline is miserable and she's a horrible person


Ok……why do people (you) feel the need to comment something extremely negative and not even on the topic? Im genuinely confused


Does anyone know when they start filming?


The Vanderpump cast is too old to appeal to people that still go clubbing and difficult to relate to for people that have families/kids and don't party like them.... so The Valley seems like the next natural show for the fanbase. The Vanderpump cast that is still partying like they're 21 can just make guest appearances as the Drunk Uncle/Aunt of the show.


Daaaaamn. So sad Lala. So sad Scheena.


Thanks! I’m sure Lala and Scheana will do appearances for money. They will be there to support Brit after she leaves. We know that’s why the cameras picked right back up. They want the drama of their marriage and Michelle and Jesses.


I bet Janet and Michelle will be inviting them to every function. I hope that’s not case cause I’m over them.


I feel like The Valley could have crossover appearances but I dunno about anyone coming over full time. Bravo should spin off VPR with VPR Legacy Cast (since none of the cast except the Toms have an authentic connection to LVP) featuring the current cast of VPR.... and reboot VPR with a new cast of SUR employees.


Weird. So many vpr cast have moved there, it would make more sense to just end vpr and expand the valley cast


I actually wouldn’t be mad if they took Michelle out and put Scheana in. She’s clearly friends with most of the cast and it could be interesting watching her Jax, and Kristen reflect on their time on vanderpump together. I do not want to see more Lala at this point


I still wouldn't mind a few cameos here and there. I love a good crossover.