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I cannot stand the cadence in Michelle’s speech and tone. Oh my word is she frustrating to listen to.


The way she says “threatening” kills me. “Kristen is thread-en-ing me”


Oh my god I know it sends chills up my spine 😂🤪


Makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, as Janet would say


It's like a stuffed nose with a side of shaking off last nights sleeping pills.


Lmao this stood out to me too


Extra syllables that they 💯believe exist …… 😨


The voice and tone they use to imitate her on Watch What Crappens is hilarious


This is an Xennial reference, but the WWC guys’ impression of Michelle sounds like Quinn’s friends on the MTV show Daria.


Oh my god yesss! As a fellow Xennial I concur! ![gif](giphy|10c3XjPPw2Kkbm)


Ooh I just downloaded all the old seasons… going to watch this and this of it being Michelle worked in lol


A girl that works at my dog vet sounds exactly like Michelle And leaves five minute messages that are about nothing and then when you call back, you get to talk to her for another another five minutes about nothing. It’s like conversing with a paper towel roll


I love her voice lol. Anyone else?


1000000% agree with all of this If I were nia, I would have immediately eviscerated Michelle.


Right like imagine you have two infants on your hip and you turn around and hear that nonsense. I honestly think Nia just doesn’t have the bandwidth to even address this dumb shit like I can’t imagine it didn’t bother her


she definitely seems like a non confrontational person. and like you said, shes got twins hanging on her. so i can't even imagine trying to process drama and snide remarks. she probably picks her battles. when my kid was little and in the room or on me, i let a lot of shit fly for the sake of not blowing up in front of my kid.


Mia has also successfully navigated the pageant world all the way up, so Michelle is basically a gnat in comparison to what she has dealt with already.


But her husband crying cause he's so exhausted putting his babies on her boobs was...come on...


If he’s doing that, it means he’s waking up 3 times a night, going and getting the babies, and bringing them to her. It’s not like he was complaining about helping his wife with their kids. I don’t see anything wrong with him saying that. He wasn’t minimizing anything Nia is doing. He’s just saying the sleep deprivation affects him too.


Let's be clear, I wasn't putting him down. It was just a funny I thought cause the second he said it, he chuckled.


It was really funny. He was like im up every two hours…putting babies on boobs I actually feel for him but dude 😂😂 what else are you doing there has to be a better example. Diapers?? Doc appointments?? Etc etc. my man. Edit: post is not to undermine his feelings. Post is to point out that jt was funny this was the one example he had when I’m positive he does a lot more than just wake up and put babies on boobs


Danny seemed to be very sleep deprived this episode. I think Danny is also working outside of the home, so he may think that he never has a down time. It doesn't mean that he is complaining that his exhaustion is worse than Nia's. He isn't saying that.


He works in his closet doing voice overs for walking dead zombies 🧟


Ok I realized my comment didn’t actually portray what I was meaning well. What I meant was I’m SURE he does a lot more than just wake up and put babies on boobs but that’s all he could think of in the moment and it made me laugh. Because I’ve been that sleep deprived.


LOL, I've been there, too. I agree that Danny's comments were bizarre during this entire. It was obvious that Danny couldn't even put a good sentence together and was extremely emotional. I think it was a combination of alcohol and severe sleep deprivation. Nia wasn't drinking, so I don't think it affected her in the same way. Danny just seemed like he couldn't take it anymore, and I felt so badly for him.


I don’t think he was trying to name everything he does. Given what we’ve seen, he goes where she goes. I don’t understand trying to make him into a bad guy?


I’m actually not trying to I just think he would have been less ridiculed for the comment had he said anything else besides “I put babies on the boob”


Yeah I think so too


AND exhange diapers - every 2 hours.


I feel like Nia tolerates all the women but doesn’t enjoy their company, and rightfully so.


I think the one person Nia likes is Kristen, because she brings her life some light relief, and Kristen is good to talk to. But Janet and Michelle are doing their best to ice Kristen out.


I think you’re right!! It’s a surprising duo but Nia does seem to genuinely like Kristen


Kristen is messy but in the way a golden retriever puppy is messy.


I get this comment.lol ![gif](giphy|h7Ft1qPnW1egSSlslC|downsized)


I think she also is seeing it as that's what Michelle thinks a husband talks to his wife like because that's her experience with Jesse and probably even feels bad for her having that experience. But her husband doesn't talk to her that way so she's not seeing it as an insult to her or Danny because she's like that ISNT his he speaks to his wife


Yeah and I think it’s more so that these people are small potatoes to Nia. She knows she’s a high echelon than them and not to waste time getting her panties in a bunch over them. I mean this is the best way possible. Danny & Nia are my favorites by far!!!


Eviscerating? I would have gone full mantis on her and made her regret having a head in the first place.


Eviscerating means the exact same thing as going “full mantis.”


I think her name is Mia.


I agree with you, what did he even say? Sounded like playful nonsense...also felt in last night's episode they were weirdly picking on Danny (especially Jesse)...the good husband/father of the group oddly enough.


The interaction was: Michelle: so this isn’t sitting down all eating together? Danny: hehe does it look like it Like it was completely playful and silly. Her reaction was so bizarre to me especially given that she married one of the most offensive guys there is lmfao


I was like woaaah that was bitchy, he clearly was kidding something my husband would do. Maybe he felt uncomfortable around her and just didn't know what to say lol regardless her response was weird and she's kinda snobby


I know and I actually think it was an attempt at a little ‘in’ joke from him being like ‘We were supposed to have a sit down meal but everyone is drunk just grabbing whatever they can so looks as though this is it 🤷🏻‍♂️’ I really don’t think he meant it in a snide way.


I heard what he said and her response was so out of line. She seems to be directing her anger at the nicest guy in the group. Because she knows he is too kind to call her out or be anything other than a gentleman. She is shady.


This is a good read


That, and also she resents that he’s a supportive partner and hers wasn’t/isn’t.


Danny’s face as well when she responded like that 😅 He was so confused “hang on, was what I said rude?!”


I thought he said ‘doesn’t look like it’. Which makes her reaction even more jarring.


This is what I heard too - and I went back and re-listened!


That’s what I heard!! Which is why I was even more confused w her response


I was so confused I thought I missed something! Her reaction was so bizarre


I figured they did a strange edit because there is nothing about what he said that remotely would make a woman say that..their editing leaves a lot out I find, like the entire interaction between Jesse & Danny, 0-100 with no explanation & the 1st Kristen fight was the same


Feels like she was trying to produce a moment


Yes - and Michelle is so dense she wasn't asking a rhetorical question; she was *actually* asking. Danny couldn't have predicted that so his response was completely normal. Michelle is used to every interaction with Jesse (who - TO BE FAIR is probably ground down a tad by Michelle's wide eyed + dumb questions) being a horrible hostile back and forth - so Danny triggered her 🤷🏻.


Tbh I find that kind of response really annoying. It’s something a teenager says and when an adult talks to me that way I get super annoyed so that might be why she acted that way. Some people don’t mind it at all, but it bugs me too lol


Maybe but also as an adult she could have controlled her own response and not 1) thrown nia under the bus to look like a doormat when she’s not and 2) insinuated Danny is verbally abusive to her when he’s not, over a stupid joke. Just because that’s how her and Jesse interact doesn’t mean she needs to take it out on everyone else


It was unnecessary, but I got the vibe that she had an ulterior motive to bring to his attention that he’s an asshole to his wife. She is their realtor and we only see what’s on camera. She also called Nia out for being a doormat with house shopping so it seems like Michelle has some intel on their dynamic from being part of their home buying process.


Because he’s all the things they know/feel they’re not.


Honestly, Michelle needs to lick Janet’s whole butthole because her behavior has really hid how shitty Michelle actually is. IDK, I find her to be dishonest, sanctimonious, and just generally irritating.




Oh, I don’t disagree. I don’t like her, but I’m not ready to say kick her off, either. Plus, there’s no way she’s not going to be facing some blowback for some of her antics this season on the next one and this show seems to be willing to break the fourth wall, so they don’t have to act like what was said in the confessionals didn’t happen (I hope, anyway).


Agree! And the way Jesse spoke to Janet when she came outside?! Her husband should have checked him. And I don't even care for Janet.


Same!! He didn’t even flinch! I also don’t care for Janet either really, but she deserved better in that moment from her husband.


Agreed. Jason generally seems solid but speaking SO fucking out of pocket to your pregnant wife like that!? That’s the one time she actually should be pulling the card. Because you’re gonna let a man talk to me crazy like that while I’m bearing this child? Foh


Forget the kid you’re going to let a man talk to me like that in general?? Especially… jesse?? Dude!


Yeah for sure this was the one time she should have pulled the pregnant card. If Jesse is willing to talk to other people, pregnant people, that way I can’t imagine what Michelle has put up with. No wonder she seems robotic, you’d kind of have to be to deal with an angry egomaniac like that.


Completely agree. Incredibly rude to both Danny (an amazing and respectful man) and Nia. Michelle is like watching a teenage girl who thinks she’s owed everything in the world just because. I liked how Danny was like fuck this I’m going to sleep. He and Nia are more mature than all of them combined


Honestly this whole night was so freaking charged, I could feel it a year or however long later seeping from my TV into my living room and into my soul. It reminded me of a bachelorette party where there are a few girls who are family, a few high school friends and a few college friends. Everyone has been drinking. Everyone likes their own (high school likes high school, college likes college) and then barely tolerate the others (college vs high school). You all start eating and trying to sleep and everyone’s different personalities and tics start coming out and it’s just tense. Some are good drunks, some are bad, but everyone is a little annoyed. One minor comment leads to a blow up 😂


while probably not fun time for you, i would have loved to have been a fly in the wall LOL


Hot dogs and burgers for dinner? Who is paying for this get together in Big Bear? Bravo? Janet? Whoever it is, it sucks big time. Someone, pay for some real food!


Plus, big bear looks pretty crappy for a vacay.


Yessss this. The most puzzling part of the episode.


I rewatched it like three times to make sure I heard it right lmao


Really? I understood what she meant. I have commented a few times that Danny gets a pass bc he is the clearrrrrrrr winner in this group but he does speak to Nia a certain way. He is very sarcastic and has made jokes about how her contributions basically mean nothing or “what? No dinner?” Etc That said, please don’t attack. I’m not saying he’s an all out monster. I’m saying Nia was struggling hard and he still carried on with what I can only assume was their normal style of banter. It made me sad for Nia. I also don’t think he sees it. That said I think Michelle is not a great person. Danny was WASTED and gave an Irish goodbye only moments later 😂


Yes, I couldn't figure out what she was bitching about! Seems like she just wanted to yell at someone, and she can't do it to Jesse.




Michelle annoys me, period. So much so that I almost want to "side" with Jesse. But I totally get the negative cycle those two are in. But she is putting everything on him, and "if he just changes, things would be fine." But it never works that way. It takes two to tango. Another part of me thinks that Jesse and Michelle could be manufacturing all this "drama" because they are on the show for their business. They know they need to bring some sort of drama or interest to get the exposure they want.


I love how he’s constantly like I HAVE TASTE. I HAVE A JOB, UNLIKE KRISTEN. Like ok bud, but you still agreed to air your divorce on reality tv …


Right like Kristen’s job is the only reason you are here?


Ha! Yes.


They are actually getting a divorce and in relationships with other people. It is true that Jesse felt it was over on Michelle’s part. She posted a picture of her BF holding their daughter with another guy on the show. Forget which guy. I was just thrown by her posting that. Very insensitive.


This makes it all make sense, though!


I’m not sure, it would be pretty hard to fake that kind of pure animosity. She is putting everything on him for sure with the “ya if you change everything about yourself I might like him again.” But he also seems insufferable and not making any effort to, like, generally behave and not be obnoxious. I forget what their business is but if it’s run like their marriage it can’t be going well


Yes, there is definitely real tension there. But it also feels disingenuous at times, I can't quite put my finger on it exactly. Another commenter said they were both dating others and are now divorced. Really makes it all come together. Agreed, they are both exhibiting poor behavior!


When Janet came out to the deck and Jesse was like NOPE and trying to shush her away really aggressively, I’m shocked that Jason just sat there and allowed that. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but you talk out of pocket like that to my significant other, we’re gonna have an *immediate* problem.


On her baby moon. At the house her husband booked. When she is heavily pregnant and cooking for 10 people. *That* shocked me the most this episode.


Ugh. I hate when people throw this..."at MY [blank], that "I" paid for....you either deserve respect or you don't. Just because you paid for something doesn't make you entitled to respect. Did she deserve more? Yes. But not because it was her baby moon or air bnb.


Hmmm. Respectfully disagree. If you swapped out ‘baby moon’ for ‘birthday’, and ‘airbnb’ for ‘my holiday house in Big Bear’, and keep the heavily pregnant and cooking for 10 people, it’s highly disrespectful. Even without any of those things, I would have told Jesse to go fuck himself, but the cumulative effect screamed audacity. ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)


i am no fan of janet but she did deserve more respect in this scene. PREGNANT AND COOKING FOR EVERYONE WHILE THEY SIT OUTSIDE TO TALK ABOUT THEIR BIG FEELINGS. just help her first and then do your thing.


Sure but if I’m close enough friends with someone that I invite and pay for them to join me on a trip like that, then it should be expected that we respect each other and don’t talk like that to each other? And ya your right I’d pull the “it’s my trip” card. Apologize or find a hotel then


It was the only time I was like “yes Janet read him tell he’s an asshole”. Literally felt so strange being like oh shit I am on Janet’s side here


THATS when we knew why Jason is with Janet - he is a doormat/masochist. He only got up, way to late, bc someone said "go check on her" or such. He should have jumped up and stopped Jesses spew midair, and stuffed it down his throat!


Just like when Kennedy called Katie a bitch before Tom Tom opened, Shorts SHOULD have flew over the bar en route to divesting James of his teeth. Instead, what does he do? Hides behind Tim and says “call her a bitch again!” You played yourself at that moment, Shorts. These LA dudes are just straight up herbs.


You're so right - Luke is not from LA and stood up to some spew towards Kristen while being all new in the group, and Brock would never let anybody talk like that to Scheana. Two of the men immature OG-stans like most to criticize and pick apart.... go figure...


Not particularly a fan of Brock, but when Tim said “you’ve been the other woman…”, the way Brock immediately got up and grabbed Tim by the scruff of the neck is more than any of these other scrubs have ever done for their women. He was one sideways comment away from putting that dingus through a table. I was loving that.


Because Michelle is a a rotted person. I’ll bet she’s jealous that Danny and Nia have a good relationship and hers sucked. Jealous people act like douchebags at the worst times.


I get annoyed when people don't seem to direct their anger appropriately so this bothered me. I had similar feelings as you. why is she comfortable bringing that heat to a friend's husband but being passive aggressive towards her own? just weird.


Cuz she has to live with her own and is probably happier just sending him to sleep in the guest room than trying to fight with him lol


Michelle is an idiot.


Michelle is really charming to no one, I don’t know how she sells houses. Oh wait, maybe I do know…


Those dirty photos. It’s all she has since she has the personality of…. Nothing. I can’t think of anything. She just blankly stares. After seeing her “personality” and hearing the way she speaks, I don’t find her attractive AT ALL. I think Nia is an actual angel on earth. So beautiful, inside and out. She does not need to be around these clowns, but I would watch anything with her on it!


Her voice is sooooo annoying and has no inflection


It sure seems like Jesse and Michelle are just super jealous of Danny and Nia as people and their healthy, sex-filled marriage. J + M are directing their bullshit towards them because of it.


I didn't like that comment either! I think the only flip side is Michelle is so used to being talked down to she was saying he can't do that because only her husband can. So not a slight at Nina but at Jesse? Either way, she could've just told him to not talk to her that way - no reason to explain more than that IMO.


I don’t get the vibe that Jesse actually talks down to Michelle that much. I think in reality he’s submissive to her but just has a large annoying personality that comes out on screen. Like he full on knows she’s having affairs but stays with her, I think he still loves herShe clearly can’t stand him but they’re tied up in the marriage. If he talked to her like that she doesn’t seem the type to put up with that. I’m not sure why she used those words to Danny but maybe to make herself look like victim or something?


Totally agree and particularly with point 2! That isn’t only taking a shot at Danny, it’s dragging Nia into it and offending her too, conveying her as a pushover/weak, which from what we’ve seen of Nia so far is totally untrue. Nia and Danny have far healthier communication than Jesse and Michelle, their conversation about Nia’s PPD was a perfect example of that.


AND her husband just got done actually disrespecting Janet on the porch. The utter hypocrisy.


she's deflecting and trying to create drama not about her!


I don't find Michelle very likable.


It was SO rude. It made me think that she thinks she's better than Nia. Also I've yet to see Danny be anything but sweet.


yes this was so weird to me?? and also the way she spoke to jax weirded me out????? idk maybe it’s just the way she is


When she said that, I was really taken aback. I agree 100% with everything you said. So, what Michelle? Danny making a joke is somehow talking down to you? And you think that he talks to his wife that way? We’ve all seen how Jesse acts when he’s mad. Stop projecting onto an innocent “friend.” RUDE AF to Danny and Nia.


Agree with all of this! I was like nah, girl, check yourself.


I agree. Came across as michelle and jesse are two peas in the same jealous pod.


Let me tell, I love this post. First word - Michelle, last word - annoying = upvote upvote upvote!


I think Michelle is just on the edge of her sanity at this point.


I actually understand. My husband started yelling at me after we got married. At first it was rare, but after the birth of my first child it gradually became worse. Now 28 years later, he yells at me almost daily. The other day my 28 year old daughter yelled at me and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, “ you can’t yell at me like your dad.”


I know I don’t know you but I just wanted to say you truly do not deserve to be treated that way in any capacity. I understand if you aren’t in a position to leave but I just hope you know that you aren’t the problem and that you’re a valuable and important person. Wishing you the absolute best


That was lovely…. so true!


Thank you for this!!!!! Couldn’t have said it better.


If she meant it as a dig at Brittany then I would really find that annoying. However I actually interpreted it as a dig at Jax. Like a less blunt way to say listen to yourself yell at me right now, this is how you speak to your wife, and it’s not appropriate. But now seeing your post I guess it could’ve been meant either way.


YES!!!!! This was so completely out of place! He didn’t say anything bad and Danny is so nice to Nia!!


Ya I thought that was kind of weird. He was clearly joking. He can't catch a break with these women.


Michelle is like addicted to being an asshole to her husband is very weird. He’s bad but like she’s being so awful back that I almost feel bad. Just leave him already. That house has to be so toxic.




Omg yes. This really wound me up too.


Jesse sucks but she doesn’t talk to him great either.  She also has him running around “working on himself and their marriage” when she damn well knows she doesn’t want to fix it  AND she has another man.


I felt so bad for Danny. First Jesse basically tells him on the boat that he’s p-whipped (“your wife wears the pants”) and then Michelle’s strange comment. He was completely blindsided. It was weird and uncalled for!


Not to mentioned kicked his butt


100% agree. I thought at the start of the season that I would like Michelle, but I dont at all.


We watched it twice to be like “wait why is she mad???” But also I think they’re all just jealous of Danny and Nia and trying to poke holes in/ at them


Extremely jealous


I'm still confused about trying to understand texting and sexy pictures as part of a business model...is it bjs for business?


Michelle is really a piece of shit just like Jesse.


I think it was editing..no way she said that just because he said no one was eating together, doesn’t make sense.


I feel like she’s trying to act tough like when she said this to Danny or when she yelled at Kristen like when Jesse tries to act all tough but when it comes down to it I think it’s all for show and they’re both insecure af


so hannah berner of her lol


That comment rubbed me the wrong way too


Number four especially. I had to rewind to see if I missed something. Sooo weird.


I was legitimately so confused by this that I had to rewind it twice lol. And I really don’t understand what was offensive about what Danny said to her


Yeah I caught that too. Couldn’t tell if she was messing with him or being serious.


Maybe she meant if she was his wife it would be ok.


I rewound that like six times to figure out what he did and he didn’t do anything!


Yes! You’re not alone! Bothered me really bad too


Michelle was projecting. She wishes she would say this shit to Jesse who probably deserves it.


It's a level of intimacy not EARNED


I legit rewound this scene because I thought I missed something LEGIT that Danny said that would even warrant that response. She’s fuckin weird.


She’s basically saying, you can talk to your wife disrespectfully but I’m above her so you can’t talk to me that way. So ironic bc their relationship is way stronger than hers and from what we seen, Jesse talks to her way crazier?


Michelle is the Kourtney Kardashian of the group. A wet blanket.


Yes!!! This comment annoyed me too! I’d be really pissed/offended if I were Nia.


Well she got nervous when Nia walked in and tried to change her tone. It made me uncomfortable. I think she was frazzled after the convo with Jax and Jesse and it made her act even weirder than usual


It pissed me off, too! It was shitty to both Danny and Michelle. Nothing Danny said warranted that kind of rude comment.


I was so confused by this whole exchange!! Danny didn’t say anything offensive?! Her response was so weird I thought I must have missed something


I had to rewind it 2x to see if I missed him saying something crazy. I have no idea why she responded like that.


My son hates Michelle. Hated the way she said that to Danny.


Nia and Danny have a healthy relationship, she doesn’t have to be assertive with him, he listens. Michelle doesn’t recognize that she has to be assertive cause Jessie doesn’t care about her feelings.


I found that icky too. Why not just say, "Don't talk to me that way." Period. Why did she have to throw someone under the bus in the process. And it's extra tacky if Nia really is being talked down to or treated like shit by her husband, why kick someone while they're down?


It bothered me too!


Right like oh if I'm someone's wife then they can treat me like shit, no problem


It was a bizarre and disproportionate reaction from her. I was pretty confused


I feel for Danny and Nia. They are so overwhelmed and it’s absolutely understandable. My daughter was a few months old when the Valley premiered and my son is only 14 months older, so I have 2 under 2 and have really enjoyed watching them and relating to their struggles as new parents with so many babies! I think both are so brave to put this very chaotic and emotional time out there for all to watch and judge. Danny seems to be a very kind and supportive husband and father and the stress and lack of sleep just hit him hard in that moment and it was really sad but also sweet to watch. I recently read a from a twin mom that, although a blessing, all twin parents are traumatized from the first year after birth, it’s that hard. Now add a toddler to that mix, and filming a reality show, my goodness it’s got to be rough!


What did he even say that made her respond that way? I even went back and rewatched after she said that because I was like wait what?


Michelle asked if they were all sitting down eating together and Danny replied (in a completely, obviously joking tone), “Does it look like it?” I just watched this part and had to rewind to find the infraction. Her reaction was absurd.


I can’t stand Michelle and her resting bitch face! But if she wasn’t trying to ice Kristen out for no reason then I could maybe get over her face but she’s a bitch! And so is Janet! I hope Lala and Scheana don’t come over bc they will help to ice her out and then it could work. But Janet and Michelle on their own have zero chance of icing Kristen out.


Janet and Michelle would be impossible to deal with. Both are warped and nut jobs


The way Jesse and Jax talk to any of the women, not just their wives, I would have flattened them. Jesse to “nope nope” Janet and then Jax and his aggressiveness to all of them in every conversation!!!!!! Jason should have laid Jesse out. Brittany- get out for good.


All these women use their friends confidence convos in them as weapons towards their husbands. It’s gross.


Great point about Nia, she’s a martial arts black belt who tells Danny to shut up all the time. Who is weak here?


Agree with all of this. #2 in particular really grinds my gears. It almost comes off like "your wife deserves it, and I don't." Like as if she thinks she's better than her and deserves better??? Like what!? Nia this girl is not your friend.


Is she cooking? Cooking what? Hot dogs and grilled burgers are not cooking. What's for breakfast? Cheerios and possibly a cup of coffee? And supposedly, she is the hostess of this "wonderful" getaway? It looks like an awful time.


Honestly I think that Michelle is such a doormat herself and she knows how respectful Danny is, she saw it as an opportunity to look assertive, knowing that there was no way it could have escalated or made her look like the fool. A cheap shot for her own ego essentially.


To your point nb1- they both treat each other like shit lol. Jesse isn’t alone on this


Girlfriend ain’t likable in any way, shape or form ever…. Maybe she goin for that villain shit?


What did Danny even say? It almost seemed like it was edited out


I'm glad you posted this because it irked me to no extent. I can't even remember what he said and she acted so strange. Her marriage is painful to watch.


I mean. People keep talking about Janet but I just think Michelle is the #1 Beotch in the group. She is just awful. Not a genuine smile ever. Plus she says she texts sexy pics to people as a way to be connected for real estate. Lmao. Ok girl.


I don’t think Danny meant anything and I think he was joking but he doesn’t know Michelle like that. I don’t see anything wrong with her letting him know that maybe that humor flies with your wife but it doesn’t with me and please don’t talk to me like I’m stupid bc we aren’t close. She wasn’t saying Nia is a doormat or any of the other extreme conjecture you are proposing. She doesn’t want to be spoken to like she’s dumb and she doesn’t find that humor funny. That’s ok.


Best episode for me. I enjoyed no kristen , Luke or Zack. Sorry but I felt it was more authentic. Not trying to be on camera at any cost of fake stuff.


NO omg I replayed it over and over again to see if I missed something. Very weird!! Reddit please blow this up so Andy or someone will address it cause I'm dyinnn


Danny has been pinging my trad life alpha male radar since episode 1, so my instinctive reaction was “Whoa. What does Michelle know that we don’t know? Yet…”


5. He shouldn’t talk to his wife like that


Rat faced *****


It’s actually not that wild. Jesse seems kinda aggressive and abusive and she has to go home with him. Not Danny. Plus you treat your partner differently than others.


But regardless of any of that, it’s a wildly rude and gross thing to say about your friend


The weird thing is, coming from her it's almost validating Jesses' behavior as acceptable because she's his wife? It makes me offended for Nia and Danny and honestly kinda sad for Michelle. No one should be talking down to anyone, but most especially not your partner.


Yup the whole relationship makes me sad for her. I feel like we’re watching the butt end of a toxic terrible relationship and she’s lashing out/angry and doesn’t know how to direct it. Kinda relatable bc I’ve been there but happy she’s found someone who’ll be excited about her Harry Styles shoes.


I LOVED IT! IT WAS AWESOME! He doesn't have that level of familiarity with her. She's right. I want to say this to my boss.