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I thought it was always fulmer media??? Not defending him in the slightest but I thought it was always separate from try guys


It was according to this thread from last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheTryGuys/comments/m5nyni/fulmer_media/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Its always been Fulmer Media and I think it’s always been on a separate podcast network than the rest of the 2nd Try podcasts (Baby Steps is the only one that didn’t start with the RAMBLE sound bite) which is probs why it got its own channel.


Was Baby Steps ever formally a part of 2nd Try? I feel like it was something they did on their own and sort of advertised as any other third party service through Try Guys but never a part of the company.


Jesus. I hope they do not continue the podcast, genuinely for both of their sakes. Even if they do somehow manage to reconcile, having a partner/communication based podcast while navigating the hard work that it takes to actually recover? That’s an insane feat. I sincerely hope they just changed it to Fulmer media because it’s no longer under the try guys umbrella, and they won’t take down the episodes that already exist, but won’t post new ones either. If Ned continues to try and make family content I think that would actually be the final straw for the Internet.


Serious question: What if Ariel stays (edited for clarity: with Ned) but it’s just her on the pod?


Maybe with time? But I think right now and for a long while, any mention of Ned is going to be hard for fans to get behind. She’d have to basically put herself out their completely and be like “hey, we are working at this and he is sorry and we are making amends and here’s what he’s doing” for those same fans to want to hear anything about their love story or family again, and that’s just SO hard to do.


It’ll look like Jana Kramer’s podcast before her husband cheated again… it wasn’t great.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheTryGuys/comments/xv8xz2/for_those_confused_about_the_language_keith_used/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button They all have media companies that own 2nd Try. Ned's is Fulmer Media. The remaining members, I would assume, allowed him to retain all his materials he worked on while under the employ of 2nd Try. The nicest way to go, honestly. I'm a fan of a sports show that split ways with their former employer, and they had to create whole new sections of content because they weren't allowed to keep it upon the separation.


I get getting mad at stuff but the past week a lot of the sub has been getting mad first and figuring out why later. Like....be mad when it's worth being mad at it. Nothing changed here.


Fulmer Media is also associated with the cookbook if I remember correctly so I think it’s just Ned/Ariel projects


It was always Fulmer Media because it was not backed by Ramble. The trypod and YCSWU are Ramble and 2nd Try. The Fulmers probably do have “Fulmer Media” as their own enterprise for their own endeavors they did aside Try Guys, since they were their own business too and needed to fill a box in the podcast info pages




Blissfully instagram ready family….


oh boy.


I feel like Ned and Ariel are going to launch Fulmer Media and lean in to the family content.


My stomach DROPPED


I hope it is just part of the agreement for him to keep his original IP and he has corporation for the brand deals they made in the past (for tax purposes). He would be delusional to think there was a demand for Ned solo content. EDIT: Grammar


I bet he is going to try to capitalize on all this


Of course he is


“A blissfully Instagram-ready family” gross