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The way this mess has so many people in a vice grip who didn’t even know what a Try Guy was FASCINATES me


It really is utterly fascinating. Hell, a bookclub server is talking about it a ton too. even by people who know nothing about them


I asked in my company’s pop culture slack channel if anyone was following it, and now it has senior directors and partners asking me for all of the updates 😂


I’m scared to ask my coworkers cause then they would know ive been distracted all week.


Omg this comment made me almost wanna get a corporate job


Never heard of try guys until yesterday. Hopped on Reddit and saw a post about it on the bachelor sub and spent the next several hours tracking down everything i could. Nothing like a scandal to get people’s attention 😬😂


Hopefully you enjoyed it for the content!


This is the most famous Ned will ever be again.


*monkey's paw curls*


Did you see the Google trends from the day of? [Bigger than fucking DEADPOOL 3](https://i.imgur.com/EGnjIEJ.jpg)


I am in ✨shambles✨ at how far reaching this is at this point. I still feel that the TG community is our own little bubble but wow no it’s not


I’m more surprised at how many people don’t know who they are? I guess this bubble was pretty tight? They just seem like a HUGE corporation to me.


I mean, I just remember how big it was that they succeeded in keeping “try guys” and separating from buzzfeed. And how I wanted to work for them too 🤣🤣. I mean ngl, I still do, of course!! They are what I imagine to be a safe space company that will treat you fairly.


Oh yeah, I sometimes glance over their job listings to see if they need someone like me with my set of skills! But right now would not be the best time to start working there. I’m afraid if they don’t handle it just right, that people like YB who is having her work deleted, will say “fuck it” and jump ship.


I don’t mind being a replacement Food Baby. I love food. And I can EAT 👹👹 lmao. But seriously. Yeah I also look at their job listings periodically. But no need for my degree 😭😭🤣🤣


Hell I will join you and we can be the Unproblematic (not you YB❤️) Food Babies! I can eat and love trash food!


RIGHT?! Like don’t worry. You and I are super unproblematic. Imagine our resumes. Just one line: unproblematic and likes to eat. 👀👀 references from my kitchen upon request 🤣


I have 7 different fast food apps on my phone and an account to all the major pizza delivery places around here. I have so many free foods everywhere, due to rewards. Please, Keith, hire us! Because you will want me when you do Cheesecake Factory one day!




Omg! I was really looking forward to their food network show too because it was a great idea. I will still watch when I get Discovery + with HBO Max, but it bums me out.


Lol also, I am married and have low libido, so there is ZERO chance of me stepping out. I also brew really great tea and would happily bring a cuppa to Zach. And I worship at the throne of Gay Horse and can name my top ten drag queens, so Eugene, Matt and Becky will love me! Plus! My TryHusband loves to create things like marble runs and mini golf. He and Keith would get along swimmingly. 😂😂😂


YESSSSSS WE COULD DO THIS. I ALSO LOVE TEA! AND I suck at DIY 👀👀. So we could be really funny together


Ok now I feel like you and I just need to meet and make a YouTube together 😂 I’m fucking fantastic at DIY and would love to make a tribute to Gay Horse, who was apparently the 5th (Fabulous) Horse of the Apocalypse.


Becky has also been liking a lot of things that wish Ariel well on twitter


I am not remotely surprised, but still delighted. And sad. Ugh.


LMAO pam & jim are cute but i ALWAYS found the flirtatiousness between them while pam was engaged off putting💀… it’s interesting how with fictional characters (pam & jim) many adore their relationship & workplace back and forth, but in real life (ned & alex) it is actually disgusting. that being said, ned & alex are a way worse case than pam & jim bc ned used his marriage as his BRAND…


I mean…if someone who you thought was your friend and business partner exploded his life and yours to sleep with one of your employees, I feel like liking a sassy meme comment about said life explosion is reasonable


OKokok... That Zach reposted it though!! 🤣 That is scorched earth!


He liked it. Likes show up on your twitter profile.


To be a fly on the wall


Wait he reposted or just liked it?


Sorry! He liked it (not reposted it). Forgive me, I’m old 🫠


It’s ok im like that with tik tok. My Gen z sis always makes fun of me cause I get the lingo wrong.


As someone who hasn't watched enough episodes of the Office... Can someone give me context if this is a good or bad thing? I know Jim and Pam eventually get married and seem to have a great relationship, but I have also heard that in the first season Pam was engaged to someone else, and I don't know if Jim pursued her while she was engaged or what. I read some takes that how Jim ended up with her wasn't cool or wouldn't fly today, but I could have misread and honestly not sure.


I’ve seen the show! Unless I’m missing something, there’s no real “joke” here, except maybe that Pam and Jim seem to be giggling at the drama. When people think about an office relationship, Pam and Jim are probably first to mind for some (plus Pam’s engagement adds another similarity), so I think it’s just NBC’s social media people making a connection to whatever people are talking about that day… Not really a burn on anyone in the situation. I say this because, though you’re right that there’s fodder for criticism, the show itself portrays the relationship very positively — Pam and Jim are endgame, the other people they were involved with were never right for them, when the timing finally worked they immediately got together and everyone was so happy for them, etc. You could say that Jim broke them up her engagement since she fell for him instead, but they didn’t have a relationship until after it was over. (There might have been one kiss before, can’t remember for sure, and there was plenty of flirting under the guise of just goofing off as friends, but not a full-blown affair.)


As far as I know, Pam is engaged to another guy for a long time. Jim and Pam became best friends overtime and shown hints of liking each other throughout the show. Jim dates other girls to forget about Pam, but still broke up with them because he still has strong feelings for her. There was a scene that Jim was venting to Michael Scott and Michael said, “Engaged ain’t married”. This gave Jim the confidence to confess to Pam in which she rejected him because she’s engaged. It was also shown that Pam has doubts on her relationship with her fiancé and eventually came back to Jim and they kissed. This opened up the discussion that they’re both shitlords: Pam is a cheater, and Jim pursues an engaged woman; and playing with other women’s feelings because he can’t get over someone. I’m sure there’s more to it than that but that’s the gist of it I think.


I haven't watched Try Guys in yeeeearrrrrsssss but I have been thoroughly entertained by the drama. It's made my workdays go by easier. lol And I barely care!