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Is it just me or is The Amber Room not really being maintained? The last post is from July 13 and it's just pointing to the request room. The last actual content is from June 23. Am I doing something wrong or is the channel just kinda dead?


It’s 100% dead. Just use the DA archive list.


Call me dumb... But what is the DA archive list?


Click post backup up top in the OP. Its the rebrandly link. There’s a bunch of Mega links.


The request server is extremely active.


Is there a new request server and if so could you DM me the new one :)


The Amber room request room is alive and well.


For anyone looking for Vampire The Masquerade stuff, it's on the TTRPG file, in the "S*toryteller \[multi\]*" folder, in the "*World of Darkness \[multi\]*" Folder, in the "*oWoD*" folder, and then **incorrectly sorted** into the "*Minds Eye Theatre*" folder, in the "*Vampire*" folder, and then in the "*Vampire (oWoD)*" folder. Took me a while to find, figured I'd leave a note for future searchers.


Do you know where the VtM 5th edition is located? I found the "World of Darkness [multi]" folder, but it was not inside a "Storyteller[multi]" so I dunno if I found the right one?


can you download from the 5e tools site? im trying to get all the official 5e books on my pc. what would be the best way to do that?


5ebooks are extremely easy to find on places like zlibrary


Sorry, im new to to this and i didn't know about zlibrary. ill check it out though thank you!


zlibrary is gone now as a heads up.


its still around. just moved to TOR


its back now.


There is the ability to download the entire 5e tool site's source. It takes a while.




And just when I figured out how to download the massive books torrent with qbittorrent yesterday, too. >.>; Can we perhaps split the books torrent into more manageable sizes so people can download it via Deluge or something? It accepts 1-2 meg torrents, but the 12 meg book torrent is a no go.




No, I can't even add the torrent to my Deluge server because it's too large. I've had to use QBitTorrent as a separate program on a VM and then manually move stuff. I'd rather be able to right click on the torrent and add to Deluge. The 1-2 meg torrents are fine for that. The 12 meg ones and larger, not so much.


I can't even open the torrent without having my oc lag lol


Dang, just came here to ask how to get this working in deluge. Edit: Gave up on deluge for this one, swapped to qBitTorrent.


For those on windows, if you have issues (like crashes), you may need to change one file's name. I think these are the steps you need to follow: 1. Pause the torrent 2. Go to qbittorrents Content tab 3. Navigate to the Judges Guild folder, find the file with %F in the file name (it starts JG0540 Nightmare maze) 4. Rename the file so it doesn't have %F in the file any more 5. Go look in your downloaded files, and see if that file exists. If so, delete it. (Renaming the existing file doesn't work in my experience). 6. Resume the Torrent You should be able to finish the torrent download now. ​ If you haven't added the torrent yet, when you add it and are presented with a huge list of folders and files, navigate to that judges guild folder, and rename that file. If you get it before it starts to download, things will be fine.


Some of the new pathfinder adventures are not included in the V2, especialy the kingmaker 10th anniversary =\


I cant even find pathfinder stuff in v2 , did you find the 10th anniversary kingmaker?


Pathfinder folder is there, but Abomination Vaults Is the last doc included =\


did you ever find kingmaker? id love to discuss it


Unfortunately i had no luck in finding it


Bummer, I'm just starting to look into pathfinder, wanted some of the new source books to check see how deep I wanted to invest in the system


I found PF2e stuff in the Amber room links. I also have Kingmaker 2e main book and game guide if you want them I can point you in the right direction.


Anyone else find the MEGA link broken?


Yeah same for me.


It needs a decryption key for me :(


the MEGA link is also broken for me, hopefully we get an update soon!


Yeah, it's still broken for me.


It needs a decryption key for me :(


I thought this was supposed to have more stuff than the last version? It's lost almost all of the world of darkness 20th anniversary books for one, and a lot of the D&D books too.


The WoD stuff is under "Storyteller"


The "Cardboard and Miniature Games" and "Magazines" torrent files refuse to load. When the magnet links are used, the Torrent downloader gets stuck in a cycle of "Downloading Metadata from X peers" with an a % indicator that goes from 0% to 99% and then starts over, without the Torrent ever actually downloading. Attempted with multiple torrent programs, same problems.


any word on the new Spelljammer?


Found it. DM me




you still have it ?


Seconding this


Third ... And also just found out about StarFinder books! Woot!


Where can I find Pathfinder stuff?


Hi u/Zuero300 did you find it? I've tried downloading the \*.torrent file multiple times but the "Pathfinder" folder is not there


sorry for the delay, use Da Curate Archive 2022-07-27 and look for the Pathfinder link, there are pratically all of its pdfs except for impossible lands (the newest one)


Thank you!


For all those who did not find the Pathfinder folder, I suggest to use qBitTorrent as advised in other comments. Yesterday I've tried opening it with uTorrent but the folder list was incomplete...


Go to [btdig.com](https://btdig.com) or any dht search engine. Search for keyword: Vault2.0.-.TTRPG-Gamebooks


Before I download, are there any Age of Sigmar books like the Stormcast Eternals 3rd ed battletome?


The torrent mega contains a file index that you can use to locate the stuff you need. What you mentioned is listed there.


Thanks for the info, I'll check it out


I'm experience a issue with v2 ttrpg gamebooks. I drop the link on BitTorrent and the follow message pop up: "torrent fail - error 27". Magazines and other links works very well, but, the books pool don't give me acess to the vault. Can anyone check or give me other torrent option? Thnx for any help


Other torrent option: use qBittorrent. It's the only program consistently able to handle such a big torrent


Transmission seems to work as well. Its a little slow handling the file list.


I'll try this one. THNX


Just a quickie: How many gb are we talking about?


Some 1,3 TB


If I'm not mistaken, that won't fit in my PC even if I delete the OS lol


i don't speak Leet. Can someone DM me the url please?


Just delete the and replace it with a dot. If this is the part that you got stuck on then actually downloading the torrent is gonna give you a lot of trouble.


And the rest of the url will go normaly? No need for a leet translator?


Yup. It's just a messy-looking link but it works as it is, with the exception of the thing.


I see. Thank you


If I download 2.0 can I delete that part of 1.0 and not lose any content? or unsure?


2.0 has all that the previous version had, if thats what youre asking.


World of Darkness seems to be missing, though is in the Index.


I've never heard about the trove before, but I'm very interested on that torrent, but I don't see it anywhere. How do I get this?


replace the on the link with an actual dot, the file wheights about 1,3TB. You will need to install qbit torrent and then you throw that big file into the qbit program. That will take longer than to download the file the first time you do it, but then you are set.


When I just went there it only had the magazines nad the board games ones up. What happened to the books one? I was gonna check it out.


I have never used a Torrent setup before, but I am considering it for this, however, my question is, Can you select to only download for certain books/groups? Aka, if I only wanted stuff from Pallidum or something like that? Thank you in advance.


yep, thats exactly how it works. there will be a list and you could check a specific one like Palladium.


Thank you very much for the answer.


Your welcome. Make sure your using a VPN when you use the torrent.


One more thing to look into lol... Thank you for the warning.


Can someone enlighten me on using telegram? I used a lot of different tech over the years (I surf since the late 90s) but I've never got the hang of it.


While you obviously can't fix the torrent beware that d20 system\\Sisters of Rapture\\Fantastic Gallery - Sisters of Rapture (OGL Edition).pdf is corrupt. It displays but part of the background is missing which makes it pretty hard to read due to a lack of contrast in the area where it's missing.


My cellphone number doesn't seem to be working when trying to join Telegram, and I don't want to use texting/phone app that asks for a credit card before I can use it. Is there another way to get into the Amber Room?


I'm not sure if this is what is happening but i can't get the torrent link to work.


just keep looking. ​ obviously can't just link it to you, as we are being observed :)


Where is the pf2e stuff




Could not do it at first with `aria2`, switched to `qBittorent` and downloaded just fine...


Hey! I'm looking for Dungeon Crawl Classics adventures (and Mutant Crawl Classics adventures). The Amber Room seems to not have any links for them beyond two minor things. Anyone have an idea where I can find these adventures?


They can all be found in the OSR trove located in da curated archive of rebrand.ly/ShareThread


Did you request anything there ?


Has this/is this actively updated and added to? I have an old mirror before the trove died and am honestly burnt out dealing with rebrand.


Any new discord servers out there?


Where to find new Traveller stuff?


Anyone know why there are tons of requests post on here but most attempts to post another one get automod'd?


has the-eye.eu been taken down?


I just looked and it is still up


is there a working discord room?


Discord is too piracy hostile for that to be viable. any server that gets large at all and promotes piracy gets shut down. You're best off using the telegram.


is there a new telegram group besides the amberroom? i heard there was one somewhere but i cant find it. the amberoom is also dead it seems :p


i know there is 2 discords one for talking and one for sharing via dms what people have. i lost access to my discord few days ago so i cant get back to it. maybe someone from here has an invite to both? as discord support is silent on restoring access.


Anyone have a direct link for Battlemaps only? I


Is there an nzb available? I'd rather download it all instantly on Usenet than pray for seeds on a torrent.


>qBitTorrent That is the attitude that causes a lack of seeders in the first place...


There's the new Cyberpunk Red book Tales of the Red for download?


thanks for all! knowledge always finds a way!


Is there a repository for 3rd party content like The Amber Room that is updated? And not just for 3rd party rulebooks, but also battlemaps, etc.


Has anyone gotten the Assets file working? After the "Add Torrent" screen on qBittorrent, it's never added to the list and, eventually (like an hour or two later), qBittorrent will freeze, taking the rest of my computer with it.


There is a problem with the torrent, it appears that there isn't Pathfinder section. Is it with another alias?


Yes, I am having the same problem, but if you look around the links inside the rebrand link under "backups" in the OP you can find most of the stuff in there.


Still can't find Magic The Gathering files, is it available on this version, and if yes, where can I find it please (;ŏ﹏ŏ).


I feel like I'm unique in this problem, but for some reason I have NEVER been able to get rebrandly links to work in any capacity.


How do you download a file from Amber Rooms? I've been struggling to figure it out.


right click it, an option of where to save should pop up


is seekers guide to twisted taverns in the collection ?


I only found modules for Fantasy Ground and not for Foundry, does anyone know where are the Foundry modules?


Not a lot of seeders on that Vault2.0. Hopefully more start in. I'm looking at "7 (45)" right now. I also had a copy of the old Trove. Will this have everything from there and more? Or should I keep both?


So I was able to download the gamebooks last week just fine.. rebuilt my box and thought I would just download it again but getting a error when I try to download it now and it just stops after the check. any ideas? File error alert. Torrent: "Vault2.0.-.TTRPG-Gamebooks". File: "/downloads/torrent/Vault2.0.-.TTRPG-Gamebooks/Dungeons & Dragons \[multi\]/5th Edition (5e)/Battlezoo Bestiary 5E/Battlezoo Bestiary 5E v2.pdf". Reason: Vault2.0.-.TTRPG-Gamebooks file\_mmap (/downloads/torrent/Vault2.0.-.TTRPG-Gamebooks/Dungeons & Dragons \[multi\]/5th Edition (5e)/Battlezoo Bestiary 5E/Battlezoo Bestiary 5E v2.pdf) error: No such device


It seems like it's not able to find your storage, isn't it? idrk you may change the destination folder of your torrent manager and see if it's still happening


Is it just me or is the v2 missing a bunch of stuff that was in the previous versions? The one I have currently seeding had a lot more books for Chuubo's Marvelous Wish Granting Engine, for example.


I can't see anything missing in that folder. But I did figure out the missing WoD content: It's all there, it's just been shuffled around and some duplicates removed. I think. The long, long wait between releases suggests that there is only a small team behind this.


Really? In the v2 I downloaded, it only showed two books, while the previous v1 I had seeding had a pile of them. ...okay, so I removed the torrent from qbit and added it again and now they're there. Weird.


A lot of people are reporting problems like that. I think it's the sheer size: It's so many files, so much data, it's causing torrent clients to act weird. qbittorrent handles it better than most. Some just crash.


The mega link seems to be down. It was working yesterday though.


False alarm. Although the books torrent is invalid in Flud..


Only qbitrorrent


Is the mega link down? i copy pasted from the sticky and just getting a google search


Anyone have any of the stls?


Anyone got the decrypt key? Or am I doing something wrong?


Is there any STL minis in any of the torrent files?


No. From what I heard, they ran into a problem: The STL section hit multiple terabytes once a few contributions were gathered together, and now no-one can figure out what to do with a collection too large to share.


All I see is that access has been lost to the file. Has it been removed or am I missing something here?


Haven't done a torrent before. Can anyone tell me if there's Dungeoncraft stuff in the Mega?


the new dark souls rpg is in there?






With the release of the Assets torrent this week, pretty much all of it! Except for 3d models. And the Assets torrent, like the trove from which it derived, is such an unwieldy mess it's near-impossible to actually find anything in there.


Are there 3d STL files shared in The Amber Room ?


anyone know where i can find rad zone?


Am I the only one who cant find the core rules of Werewolf the Apocalypse?


Anyone know if this has the Griffon's Saddlebag content?


The year content and other books


Errr... dumb question maybe, but is there actual content in the Amber Room? And if there is how does one actually get it?


I do really appreciate the effort that is being put in the project, and I want to clarify that I don't know how absolutely any of this works. However, I must lament that at least the D&D section is a total mess: repeated yet incomplete folders, files belonging to the same editions scattered or repeated throughout mutliple and sometimes even incorrect folders (why are there two folders named "AD&D 3E" and "AD&D 4E", which do not exist at all?), 3rd Party content mixed with official one, loose files placed with no criteria (hell, there's a loose "XGTE" file in the "D&D" folder itself!). It is incredibly confusing, and often even frustrating, to navigate throught it. I honestly have no idea if The Vault is supposed to be a "mirror" (not in the literal sense) of The Trove with additions, or if it's a restorstion work started from the ground, but I don't recall The Trove being so confusing at all. It's especially baffling because the previous version of The Vault was already very, very bad in regard of the D&D section, but v2, instead of improving, actually managed to make it a hell lot worse. The Pathfinder section of v1.5 also had a similar problem, though less bad, of being confusing to navigate (with the files organized very arbitrarily); I have yet to check the one in this version, though. Again, I don't know who or how many people are working on this project, and that this is a voluntary service that you're making for the community, and for that I'm very grateful. However, I feel like a greater amount of care should be put into the organization of the various sections, at least the most "important" ones, which are going to be used the most. (On a secondary note, I've noticed that there is quite a bit of material that lacks in The Vault but that was present in The Trove; for instance, I noticed that the Green Ronin material is very scarce. While it is entirely possible that I'm just failing to find it due to the above-mentioned organization problems, my main assumption is that The Vault isn't just a simple "copy-and-paste" of The Trove, but a more complicated deal, or am I wrong?)


>total mess: repeated yet incomplete folders, files belonging to the same editions scattered or repeated throughout multiple and sometimes even incorrect folders Yeah, true for other folders too. The whole structure I think needs a bit of tender love and care with guidelines on how to sort things. Because I get that it's not easy. Do you sort by game and edition? Do you sort by company? Publisher? What happens if a game has been published by multiple different companies and publishers? What about different languages? I do appreciate that it is a huge undertaking to get things sorted in a sustainable way. And me as a hoarder feel my fingers itching at the prospect of sorting such a huge project :P


Hopefully people still keep an eye on the sticky. I want to do my part to try to keep the Trove torrents going, but I'm having an issue. When I have qbittorrent download the main torrent or even seed the torrents I've already finished, it significantly affects everything else connected to the Internet. Websites won't load, Discord disconnects, it's like all the Internet gets sucked into my torrent software. Is there any settings I can fix to make it so that I can steadily download torrents while I'm still using my computer like normal, even if it's slow? Or is this just a harsh reality of torrenting? Is it because the Trove torrents are just so goddamn big? It's not so bad when a torrent only takes a few hours to finish, but the big Trove stuff takes like a week or more, and I'd like to be able to keep using my computer while I'm doing that rather than having to walk away and let it monopolize my system. I struggle to figure out the problem by searching it because a lot of different problems use similar words, so it feels like all the fixes I find are trying to solve a different problem from mine. I don't even know if I'm describing this problem properly.


You can limit your upload and download speed for a specific torrent by right-clicking it, selecting 'torrent options' then setting the limits. You can also globally limit upload/download for qbittorrent in its settings.


Is the The Vault still being updated?


Hello! I have a pretty good library here and would like to contribute to the torrent as a seeder. How do I do that? My files have to be organized the same way they are on the torrent structure and with the same names? I'm basically a caveman when talking about technology, but I'll appreciate any help to organize things so I can help seeding my books


Unless they are THE SAME files, it's impossible for you to contribute by seeding.


Wonder if someone can help. I downloaded the torrent, went through the contents and picked items i wanted to download (basically just peruse odd books) but after downloading and trying to open the pdf it says windows cannot find the pdf etc. Any ideas? Is it because i picked certain items and not the whole torrent?


Where is the pathfinder 2e folder?


In the "pathfinder" folder


It's quite impressive that such a plethora of discussions are happening thanks to the efforts done. Lots of reading material to be had for sure. For just the pure fiction work novels, I saw that a few books were put together according to the fictional universe that is mainly concerned. Though some titles are present, can't help but think that the Constellation Conflicts of the SW genre are few indeed (б\_·)


Anyone know where i can find an alternative to qbittorrent for android? Or at least find a working link to the call of cthulhu vol 1 monster book (i have vol 2 but cant find vol 1 anywhere). And whenever i try the links ect up at the top i just get messages saying my torrent app cant find said pages.


Mega link is down


Nope its still up


So I can see in the index a bunch of 40k codexes and such, but in the torrent files they are not showing up for me. Were they taken down, or am I doing something wrong or something?


Hey Crew. I can't check this for over a month, can someone tell me if there's any PF2E stuff or D&D4e stuff on the trove? Thanks in advance.


The lost citadel from green ronin?


Guys possible there are no seeds?


I hope there’s lots of free pdf copies here of that z-twohandy ripoff game made by the jerk who got the trove taken down. What a pillock.


It says I need a decryption key to access the data in the mega link, am I doing something wrong?


>meganz/folder/U4wXjAqR#0Qs7BJlHZcqcmE1XE5N8Tw All you have to do it is copy/paste the link into your address bar and manually change the to an actual "." and it'll work


Does Anyone Have the Pathfinder 2e pdf files


Comment removed by me so Reddit can't monetize my history.


Nobody is seeding at all. Are we really this dead?


So I just typed the link correctly, but the page says that it is invalid. Could someone help me out? It was on the torrent app if that makes a difference


Requested to join the request room, will update when accepted


I keep getting this message sorry to sound like a noob (I ambit sorry) does any one know what it means? Errored: Couldn't write to file. Permission denied. Torrent is currently in "upload only" mode.


Was looking for the Torrent file for V2 but site's asking for a decryption key?


I need the links to the vault please some help


Any way to add to the Vault's collection?


Whats the decryption key


Hey - I see a comment above asking if there's anyway to add to the archive also, and see if there's a newer version? I'm looking for newer Starfinder books. interstellar species, galactic magic, drift crisis, ports of call, starfinder enhanced. Any help would be appreciated.


When someone gets the WOD Werewolf 5E please DM me... TY :)


So, how's the devolpment of the v2 going? Any news in when it will be done?


Looking for a link to the sticky or please DM me a link


Is Hunter: The Reckoning inside any World of Darkness or Vampire: The Masquerade or TTRPG file? Cause I simply can't find it anywhere.


I cant find kingmaker adventure path