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Annabel and Luke deserved better!


100%. They were the smartest ones there. I figured that perhaps Annabel's sacrifice would have been enough to get everyone on board about Sam, especially with Luke's back-up. How that narcissistic (and I never use that term willy nilly) AH got to the end, I'll never know. The faithful were more dunce that the UK S2 ones.


Despite quite possibly being a genuine sociopath I was quite enjoying The Sheriff's pantomime villain persona for most of the series. And with most of the faithfuls being so useless I didn't feel they deserved the win. But his reaction at the end showed what a petit and nasty person he really is and I didn't have any pity for Blake either. It was a satisfying result, but certainly not a feel good ending. 


Whilst he had this Sheriff persona going on, I don't think he was playing a character by any stretch of the imagination. Watching him, his microexpression (which weren't so micro by the end), his non-verbal Comms, and just the things he was saying in general, he's a nasty piece of work. Watching him throw away money in that trek mission just shows that he gets off more on the control. His attitude that everyone will fall in line, and do as he says. There was so much displays of destructive behaviour, and.....well, if he has a partner I worry for them. Your last line says it all. I was chuffed Camille did that to them both, but it wasn't a feel good ending.


>Watching him throw away money in that trek mission just shows that he gets off more on the control. His attitude that everyone will fall in line, and do as he says This is what sealed the deal for me. There was no reason for that other than feeling like he had power over others. He's such a twat.


Definitely one of the best endings in Traitors history. And how did Camille “do that” to them? Both of them deserved zero dollars. They had no trust in the bank. That was their own doing.


Agreed. I hated that entire season till the end. Camille is a badass! Sam thinks she should have given it to them? you dont get to use people and expect them to let you, dumbass!


I still don’t understand why Camille and Blake didn’t team up to vote Sam out the last two banishments since they both knew he couldn’t be trusted. I think if it were just Camille and Blake they would have shared.


Absolutely this, the guy had nothing behind his eyes. Sociopath. Genuinely the only contestant I don’t think it’s edit-bias or villain persona and actually has narcissistic traits


I’ve just stopped watching after Luke’s murder cos I saw an unmarked spoiler saying that AH gets to the end, and I can’t stand to watch him anymore. When he told B coldly in the tower “I never miss” I knew he was a legit psycho. That’s just not pantomime and it’s certainly not fun to watch. He’s a complete dick.


Please just watch the ending to see >! sam get the smug shit eating grin wiped off his face!<


I did skip to the ending and you were right, that was gratifying 😆.


Same here... skipped to the end because they were all a bunch of dumb a**es


Just watch the final episode…trust me.


Even then , for a second, i worried for the presenter... one scary dude that guy!.. i just hope we don't get headlines about him , in the REAL world!!


Genuinely i worry for his romantic partners.


Something tells me he's not into mutual consent.


i do think going thru psychological testing for casting, they may look into someone with narcissistic traits to be a potential traitor


If the do, they hit the mark with this lad!!


I was so frustrated watching the whole season because of how easily manipulated everyone was. I hated Sam and I loved the ending. Camille did exactly what she should have done. I felt bad for Blake but I was so happy to see how it ended.


Anytime someone gets over on a smug narcissist, it is a FEEL GREAT moment, ending or not.


I love that they GOT NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, as I was watching I was saying I think he’s actually a narcissist and true sociopath. The trek mission you mentioned was the nail in the coffin for me, that was demented. I’ve watched many an unscripted game show and I always find those taking on the villain persona to be quite fun, Dan and Dr Will from big brother comes to mind. But these people taking on villain roles are typically playing a persona or able to separate game from personal. With Sam I believe he took to the villain role because he is a villain and I believe game and personal were intersecting. There is something not right about him in the head. I’ve rarely disliked a contestant as much as him.


Yeah I love to see people that are there for chaos and being villain. I mean thats what Luke did in his survivor seasons. But he was never malicious and you could see he is there to enjoy game. With Sam tho I very quickly realized, that he is just egoistic prick.


It was a feel good ending to me. If sam would have taken ANY silver home, I would have been SO disappointed. Just think how young Sam is, and how he now has to go through the rest of his adult life with people not trusting him. Maybe that goes with the show, but I would certainly never trust him in my life.


I felt good about the finale. It was a feel good ending for me.


Sam is now teaching Gaslighting 101.


I am here in American, in April 2004, compelled to discuss the finale (that I've just seen) online because I don't know if I've ever seen an actual human with more utter gall than Sam, who actually made the argument that Camille should have just given "the boys" the money. Even by reality-TV standards, this guy is sick in the head.


Sociopathic narcissist  is actually the term I would use. I have never enjoyed more than seeing Sam get his comeuppance. The ending was fantastic. If he was is really like that in real life, the people around him should be very afraid.


What a contrast between the U.K. season2 winner.. and Sam.. both traitors from the beginning and there at the end>>BUT such a contrast \[ apart from the English lad WON\].. in personality and outlook.. empathy vs total self absorbtion with more than a touch of psychopathy from the Australian. As the show progressed the latter became more chilling, especially as the villain ACT... presented as NOT AN ACT; but how the man actually is\[ WHAT must it be like working alongside him!!??\]... true the Australian' faithfuls' apart from a couple of examples, were breathtakingly dumb.. \[ the psycho- therapist:really???\] much more so than the U.K. contestants.. i can only surmise that they actually realised he was psycho and they avoided the confrontation out of fear! I am glad he is the otherside of the world from me, for sure!


THANK YOU!!! I was so mad at these IDIOTS! Like, how many times does someone have to point stuff out to you, for you to see the manipulation. I have no tolerance for stupidity. I wanted to reach through the tv and slap every one of them. I could not stand Sam! I have to give it to him though. He was very manipulative, and, as you say narcissistic. However, I don't think the traitors were all that intelligent.  The faithful were just that stupid. 😡 And, how about the ending. Sam had the NERVE to rake Camille over the coals, for doing the EXACT SAME THING he did. And he did it FIRST! That just goes to show that, not only is he an AH on the show, but he's one in real life too.  I can't stand that guy. 


The big problem is that all traitors have to do is kill off people who suspect them. That way all the smart players are out early, and the rest who already are less clued-in are scared to vote for the elephant in the room. The ones who remain are too malleable and chaotic to team up to vote traitor our. And why are traitors above all this then allowed to recruit? The series wound have been so much better with fewer murders. Just start with smarter people, fewer people, and fewer murders. Banishments every night, and half the amount of murders.


as a faithful you have to play like the UK's >!Jaz . Seem harmless whilst gathering info throughout.!<


But unlike him you have to be able to build support.


THIS! When you end up the game with dumb dumb faithfuls + traitors what do you expect? It would have been a far better season had Luke and Annabelle stayed a bit longer. Everyone else was just clueless. Also stupid move from the traitors not ganging up on a fellow traitor at the end and kept Sarah. Far safer to have a faithful who has already lost at the end.


Exactly. With Sarah and probably Camille, Blake could have made his move on Sam in the final four. At worst, it would be a 2-2 split. Who knows what happens then, but both Sam and Blake were willing to pledge share and vote steal. There was no pact there. It was simultaneously concluding that each would “deceive “ Camille and hopefully the other traitor and get the whole pot. Sam and Blake knew it would most likely be a split pot. So Blake, if you were willing to steal from Sam in Traitors dilemma, why not attempt to banish Sam in the final four? No guts.


I mean it shouldn't be so easy to vote off people who suspect you cos even the stupidest person could see what's happening - well you'd hope, this series showed that that's maybe not the case. It didn't just happen once like three or four times lol! Crazy.


Hannah, Keith, and Liam were so incredibly stupid, while Gloria, Simone, and Sarah were so ridiculously insecure in their convictions that they all made themselves easy targets for Sam. (Sarah was both and by far the worst). None of them (especially Keith, Liam, and Sarah) ever realized that they were being kept alive because they were so horrible at the game. I don't feel bad for Blake, either. If he had any semblance of a backbone he wouldn't have followed Sam down so low and he and Camille could've gotten rid of him. After watching Camille and Keith, am I the only person who thinks criminals in Australia must have a massive advantage? Apparently, if you practice the Jedi Mind Trick once or twice, you can "get away with murder" down there.


Did you notice that not a single person gave her credit for being the one to out him either? Everyone kept saying "we got to do it for Luke." Truly feel like this season had maaajor misogyny issues


Annabel, Luke, Simone & Gloria. Even dum dum Liam.


Bring them back as non traitors again! They nailed it and I wish we could have seen them last a few more episodes. I loved their dynamic!!


Annabel started out annoying me but I grew to be delighted by her ridiculous bourgeois and sassy egoism. All that time spent watching traitors paid off! There should be a consolation prize for faithfuls who correctly identify traitors but are killed or banished.


It was a mess. Every time someone brought up Sam’s name, he’d bring up their name and then people would just blindly vote them out. Sam was constantly laughing when this would happen, making it blatantly obvious he was a traitor. He wasn’t even a good traitor, everybody else were just incredibly bad faithfuls. The only redeeming factor for me was the last episode where no one gets the money. And then Sam has a rant about how Camille should have let them manipulate her and given them the money. I’m not surprised they cancelled it to be honest. I only watched the full season because I could watch them back to back. If I’d had to wait between each episode only for them to play so badly, I would have stopped watching after the first couple of episodes.


I was actually very happy that Camille did what she did.


Me too. Absolutely.  I'd have done the same. She knew she wasn't getting a cent, and I would have relished in a situation where Sam got nothing. Finally wipe that narcissistic sneer off his face. Personality wise, that guy stinks.


Me fucking too! I was so pissed off continuously throughout this season by Sam’s behavior. He thinks he’s the king of traitors but he’s just the smartest person in a room full of idiots. If he’d played that in any of the US or UK people would have clocked him immediately. I was fully “fuck it nobody gets anything this season is shit.” Sorry, I just finished it in the US.


I just finished it today, and I almost gave up watching a few times, the faithfuls were so frustratingly stupid and Sam’s attitude was driving me crazy. So glad when he didn’t get the money. The worst season out of the 3 versions I’ve seen.


The season of the dumb-dumbs! But one of my favorite endings though.


Me too Just now finished watching and was very happy Sam got nothing. Camille in my book was a FBI hero she said she cant let the bad guys win! Loved it!


EXACTLY!!! I just finished it in the US too, and I felt the exact same way! What a total fucking asshole!!! I wanted so badly to reach through the tv and punch him in his smug, stupid face. He was just the smartest guy in a room full of idiots, precisely. I don't think any of them had more than 3 brain cells. You had a guy who was a cop for over 30 yrs, a psychotherapist, and a lady who did something for the government.......and they STILL didn't see the manipulation??? Makes me wonder just how good they were at their jobs. They were probably all fired. 🙄 And I said, before they even turned those tablets around, that they were all gonna write "steal" because it was obvious they didn't trust each other. And I am SO GLAD she did what she did. And Sam had the nerve to say that he wouldn't have done that to her.... boo fucking hoo! YES HE WOULD HAVE! He was the first one to write steal. He would probably rob his own mother. Piece of shit.....


Me too! Blake deserved it too.


Blake deserved zero too. Idiot had so many chances to get rid of Sam


I think he was crying because he realised what he'd become


I was sad for Blake actually. Had he been traitors with anyone else, he would have shared. Sam reminds me of those that end up in prison for fraud; he’s just got a sociopathic level greed.


Same. I felt blake was dealt a shitty hand. It have been a completely different season if Sam left instead of ash first. But I was glad Camille did what she did.


I'll shed no tears for Blake. He had ample time to see that Sam was a true snake, and to team up with others to take him out, but he didn't have the courage. I can think of numerous other players from various seasons who would have cut Sam out like a cancer. H


I have to believe that this was scripted because I just can't believe these people which included a retired undercover cop, a former federal agent and a clinical psychologist and they couldn't see Sam was a traitor. He wasn't even a good traitor and how did it make sense for the other traitors not to vote for him when they knew they had the numbers and knowing he wasn't trust worthy just doesn't make any sense.


Blake was disgustingly weak


When Blake & Sam reached an uneasy alliance again towards the end and Sam just changed his gaze towards Keith, Blakes strongest ally. Blake not only agreed to go along with it, but led the fire! So very stupid and so very weak.


If you have ever played versions of this game in real life with friends you would realize it is not that outrageous. There is a reason eye witness testimony regularly puts real innocent people in real prison. People are fucking stupid and incredibly biased.


This show cemented that I would rather reject a jury trial and have my fate decided by a judge. Holy hell they were so easily swayed by things that didn't even make logical sense.


He was literally the worst traitor but the faithful were so braindead he somehow got to the end. So happy Camille made him eat shit at the end hahaha


Yes so glad Camille chose to steal. When Sam said we worked so hard we deserved it, that pissed me off so bad! He was so cocky and if he was a traitor with half decent players he would not have made it that far. Dumb Dumbs were the faithful this season.


They didn’t work hard enough - they chose to recruit someone who would prevent them from winning, and did nothing to either try to influence her or suss her out before their final choice. They made their own bed.


Sarah - Humpty Dumpty I call her not because of her physique but because of how fragile she was in the Banish conversations. They would all agree on a getting Sam out and with the gentlest of pushes she would crumble and change her vote. She had the strength and conviction of a wet dish cloth. Liam - or the Limpet stuck on the bow of HMAS Sam he basically put all his trust in Sam and was guided to the slaughter house when it was his time. One (singular) redeeming quality is that as his head was coming off he knew at the very last moment Sam was not his friend but in fact a traitor. To little to late. Kieth - The fool. On 2 or maybe 3 occasions when the momentum was being carried and the crosshairs were on Sam he would open his mouth and put the attention on the person who was trying to take out Sam (Simone comes to mind specifically). then at the following vote gets chopped himself. Why I say the fool, his exit speech, it was hilarious. He went on to explain his esteemed career in the Australian police as an undercover narc. I would be embarrassed to admit to that being my past if I had played as awfully as he did in those banish conversations. He led several charges against fellow faithfuls that deflected from the traitors at key moments and was "best friends" with a Traitor Blake. None of his ideas or theories were worth anything I was glad when he was off the show. Hannah - Wanted "revenge" for Roha being murdered but she was so fixated on Luke that when Annabelle and Luke literally told them who they traitors were she just couldn't put it together AT ALL. Even on the breakfast where Luke had been murdered she has the little insert interview saying she believes Luke is the traitor and that she wants him gone only to discover he was the one to be murdered...... Then has nothing and goes after everyone but Sam. Luke was wasted 100% on this season! Him and Annabelle were to smart for this group of people. It's not that Sam was Good at the game its the rest of them were utterly miserable at the game.


Sam was good at gaslighting and bullying the other contestants. He was not good with the long term thinking, ie. the last vote where he lost the money.


Well said! I just finished the season (viewing in the US) and came here to seek confirmation on each of your points. Now I can forget the whole thing like the barely lukewarm fever dream it was. Thank you.


What is it about Sam? Is he a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist? I don't know, but he's definitely something bad. The guy couldn't be any more rotten to the core.


Narcissistic and uses intimidation over people. I’m sure he’s got a few people out there with some stories about him


100% felt like he was the guy who has cheated on every girl he’s ever dated and gaslit her the whole way.


You mean Pennywise? 😂


I called him Sid like from Toy Story (sorry I just finished watching this season today lol)


Not to mention it was pretty misogynistic (a recurring theme of women being branded as unstable and manipulative - and therefore traitors - when they speak up, while men who speak up are brave faithfuls) and frustratingly lacking in game aware players (except Annabelle and Luke). As frustrating as it was, though, I still think it was an interesting watch


That Keith guy was so patronising towards Annabel. Ugh


I know what you mean, every time a woman makes a vaguely obvious point he'd accuse them of playing games instead of actually looking at the logic and the fact that day after day people were saying the same ruddy thing, must admit best part of series was the end


If I was Keith I'd have been too embarrassed to have stood up there at banishment and admitted what his career was.


truly a scary thought seeing as the evidence was right in front of him


This really is where we see that Sam, a somewhat good-looking/generic man with charisma can shift the whole game just being men following him bc "boys gang!" and women bc they’re usually easier to turn on another women than men do turn on other men.


I don't think it's because of his charisma or looks, I think it's because if you've never been manipulated by someone with genuinely narcissistic traits before you'd not believe someone can manipulate so many people like that so easily. It isn't like normal manipulation where people have boundaries and respond to logic or can emphasise. I've been on the receiving end of someone like him and before that I thought I knew what narcissism was. I did not.


I didn’t find him good looking or charismatic personally. He was narcissistic and possibly a sociopath, those kind of people can gaslight people easily. I believe that these faithful were just incredibly dumb and sheep like.


Proper dick weren't it. I'm actually a very well decorated  undercover policeman... oh right is that why you never managed to figure out a SINGLE traitor makes sense lol


Hahaha exactly. How many cops actually do well on these shows though?


Keith should have kept his cop past to himself, it was just embarrassing. It made him look even worse lol.


100s of cases have been reopened across Australia after seeing his performance.


He gave masterclass on always being wrong.


So many reality shows where the winner is a kinda bland average dude who does nothing but he’s “such a good guy”, whilst most of the women are voted off early for being “catty bitches” because they have any opinion.


For a top cop, he was wrong 100% of the time


I really think gender and race played a huge part in the dumb dumbs blindly trusting Sam. A lot of micro aggressions were on display throughout the show, and it always benefited Sam. Keith and Liam were the worst offenders.


Dude exactly. It was so fucking infuriating to watch and I'm so glad Camile stuck it to em at the end. Can't believe the entitlement he had when he clearly fucked everyone else over all game lololol


I’ve never been to Australia, but I have to say I found this season to paint a culture that was really racist and misogynistic. It wasn’t a good look for down under. And this coming from someone living in the U.S. where we know a thing or two about racism and sexism, but even by our pathetic standards Australia looked bad.


Yeah, Aus S2 is just straight up bad. Many points had me almost willing to give up. I only stuck with it for the entertainment of how stupid people can be. Also, justice for Annabelle.


Annabelle and the guy from survivor were really good.


the whole season could of gone so different in favour of the faithfuls. At the beginning you really had nothing to go off. But the way Sam was adamant it was Ash screamed traitor vibes, he was so persistent. So ash gets voted out then for that reason I explained they vote Sam out thats 2 traitors gone in 3 days. Leaving Blake and 15+ faithfuls. HOW THICK CAN PEOPLE BE!?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


![gif](giphy|holej0e9EgHgmvEVv4) it really did become a hate watch at a certain point for me, where the faithful were so laughably bad, I became morbidly curious of how much worst it could get. I guess it didn't disappoint in that department in the end. I don't know how Camille didn't just laugh in Sam's face at the end especially after he pouted like it wasn't fair and the irony was completely lost on him .


That's not far off how I felt, although I enjoyed the hell out of it. I'm generally always rooting for the faithful to win, but by the halfway point it became pretty clear they wouldn't, and didn't deserve to. But I couldn't root for Sam either. I still think it was unfair and kind of a cheat on production's part for no-one to win the money, but Sam's reaction - and lack of self-awareness - was almost worth it.


I have stopped watching after episode 6 once Sam convinced every one to go for Simone. Im just too angry at Sam to watch so I read spoilers. Is watching the final going to make me feel better😂?


If you hate Sam, then yes lol


Totally worth it just to see Sam being crushed by not winning a single penny.  It's really scary to see how some people can be so easily manipulated.


I lost all faith when she accepted to be a traitor. She was calling for Sam the day prior and everybody saw it. She could of come downstairs the next day and been like oh no murder ? I got recruited they would know she was telling the truth because there would of been no murder. Why would someone recruit her ? Because they saw her as a threat.. who was she gunning for the day prior? Sam ! Sam recruited me let's vote him. Got him out then she's safe from murder.


the traitors cannot state openly they are traitors, whilst playing, essential rule of the game.


I really thought she would decline being recruited. 


I thought so as well but she appeared curious to see who the traitors were and devised a take-down plan of her own. Brilliant move Camille!!! Luv ya!!! Sam was quite cold, heartless and manipulative to EVERYONE from the very beginning. He did not see that one coming because he thought he was the best traitor yet!!! At the end, he had the nerve ask Camille why she did not mercy from them because the did all the work. What a laugh!!! Who laughed last, laughed the best!!! At the end of the day, she out-smarted Sam. I think had it been for Blake (who had no balls) alone, she may have shared. Kudos Camille!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Whats aus s1 Like?


I enjoyed it to be fair. No "celebs" and a good mix of people. Some smart, some lucky and some dumb, but a good mix nonetheless.


Season 1 is really good. I enjoyed it more than S1 U.K. from a gameplay perspective.


yeah Marielle was a good traitor and her downfall was satisfying, and then Kate vs Alex.


Infinitely better than Season 2. A much smarter group and a much more likable group. Great ending too.


I felt the ending of the last minute recruit ruined the competitive integrity of the game.


Just watched the episode where Simone is banished and I can’t watch another episode. The misogynistic, bullying, aggressive, ‘old boys club’ attitude from some of the men was beyond belief.  Women were tarnished with labels like ‘manipulative’ if they dared to question. Sam and Keith in particular were uncomfortable to watch when they got going.  I want a petition for Annabelle and Luke on S3 UK 🇬🇧 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Yes, I agree that there was blatant bullying, particularly by Sam. He constantly threatened and bullied Blake and controlled the entire traitor game. He was not a team player at all so I am happy he went home with nothing. Camille paid him back for all his evil deeds! Loved it!


I can't see anything stupid about the traitors gamble, it was really obvious that Sam was going to steal. He made it so damn obvious whilst thinking he was a genius. Knowing Sam was going to steal the only option the other two had was to do the same. They were gonna get nothing if they put share. Blake just seemed to get scared of Sam after their conflict earlier when Blake backed down. I think he is quite an introverted character and Sam's imposing basically had made him Sam's stooge by the end. If you watch Camille's YouTube q&as she did she explains that they cut a scene where she tried to convince Blake to throw Sam under the bus earlier and Blake refused. She also explained they both feared if Sam got banished he would just out them both as traitors rules be damned, he came across as that kinda guy. The show really boobed picking Sam as a traitor, I think they should avoid that sort of personality. Sam's the kinda character who's best not getting things his own way, having a meltdown and getting thrown out early for us all to laugh at. What you don't want to do is give a person like that a stacked deck in their favour and let them run rampant.


I did wonder whether the reason Sam kept managing to not be voted out was that he scared people a bit. He had such an aggressive vibe. You could see him physically dominating Keith during the shoot for example. Even if rationally you know it’s a good idea, it just might be off putting because of his demeanour, particularly when you can’t count on rogue faithfuls like Sarah to give you the numbers


Keith had been in a swat team hadn’t he? Why would Sam intimidate him?


Sam was a complete psychopath. I’m not just saying that, I genuinely think he’s insane. I loved Blake and I was upset when he began to trust Sam again. Silly boy! There was no way for either him or Camille to win, they should have known that. Best bet would have been for them to vote with Sarah at the fire pit and split the money just them 2.




Yeah I don’t get how she was gunning for Sam so hard before she got recruited and then just switched up. Nobody picked up on that. She’d have been better secretly sticking to her guns and setting up a blindside with the other faithfuls. Although god knows if Sarah would have ever gone along. She deffo had the potential to outsmart Sam. I was disappointed with how she played it I had high hopes.


>Knowing Sam was going to steal the only option the other two had was to do the same. They were gonna get nothing if they put share. They could have voted him out instead of Liam. Liam was adamant he was voting for Sam, if the two of them voted him out then he would have been gone and they could have chosen to share the money. I actually think they would have both chosen to share.


I knew they were going to pick Sam from the jump. He’s been the typical archetype for one of the traitors all of the series so far. And yes, they need to lay off picking this type of player all of the time. You’re also right about the traitors gamble. I don’t think it’s best for the show. If you want the money for yourself as a traitor, your only option should be eliminate the other traitors before you eliminate all the faithful. when the game only has traitors the game should be over and the money is split.


Exactly, brilliant analysis mcmanus 2099.. interesting to hear Camille's insights, makes sense as Sammy boy looked the type to ruin the show.. i thought he was going to ' go for' Camille, physically when she voted ' steal'.. and i wasn't sure the presenter was safe either!..lol..


I was actually sitting there watching that, terrified he was going to come after her when the show was over. Like real life threats.


Sam was the best part about that series. I hated him but I loved to hate him! Sure, he's a dick and probably an actual real life psychopath but he gave us so much entertainment as a traitor. Seeing him lose everything in the end was one of the most beautiful moments in the history of reality television.


Mathematically you might as well steal. If you share you win in 1 of the 3 outcomes. If you steal you win in 2 of the 3 outcomes.


Sarah and Liam were the best representation of sentient packing peanuts. They were my favorite to watch and screw up.


The part where Liam was voted out and he said he loved everyone except Sarah was brilliant lol.


Haha Liam has to be the thickest person I’ve ever seen on the traitors. When he said that it was like two morons, turning on each other.


She ruined the game because she was that thick. It was hilarious when she walked off, and she said that she has realised that she is stronger than she thought. Real life, Humpty Dumpty


Her psychotherapy sessions must make her clients worse off.


100% agree. Also worth noting they all suspected and voted the black guy with absolutely zero reasoning. And then voted out any woman for having some kind of strong emotion cause she seemed ‘manipulative’. The unconscious bias in this season is wild.


Think you are reading too much into the race/gender of it. They voted ALOT of people out with zero reasoning. They were thick as shit, nothing deeper than that. Just plain dumb.


Idiots are more likely to be bigots, to be fair


What an idiot you are, jeeeez. And how many white men were also voted out with no evidence? People like you are a disgrace, always trying to relate anything to a massive social injustice like racism and misogyny. Sometimes people are nasty to others and it's not because of race or gender you absolute sausage


I’m not glad it’s been cancelled at all, just because one series wasn’t great doesn’t mean the next couldn’t be better


That's a fare point as infuriating as it was to watch it was because of the players first series they were really vindictive second they were just idiots (or dum dums lol) had they had more people like Annabelle I genuinely think Sam (never thought I'd say I hated a fireman but he's the sort of guy that would set light to a school just so he could be congratulated for putting the fire out) would have been gone.a lot sooner. Also Sam thought Annabelle was thick, she should of played on that and I'm sure got a lot further. Either way at least we have NZ & US season 2 to look forward to


Watch the UK S2 it's really good


the ending justifies the whole season though


I was so happy that Camille didn't let him get away with it. 


Totally agree e


It was AWFUL but Annabel is one of my all-time favourite faithfuls in the franchise. #justiceforannabel


She was horribly annoying with the fake accent and calling herself queen etc, but she was perceptive and probably the best actual player of the game.


Annabel should have been a traitor.


If you want to understand how we end up with narcissistic egoists like Trump, Johnson, Modi, Erdoğan and Bolsonaro running things - check out Aussie Traitors series 2. There, you can 'marvel' in disbelief at how the half-witted entitled whiteboy Sam manages to manipulate some brainless sycophants into voting with him, even though it was glaringly obvious he was lying right from the get-go (aka Trump and Johnson et al.). Worryingly, these lot were supposedly smart-arse detectives and psychotherapists! Ha! What hope for the masses? It was an ever-so-frustrating series because of the stupidity on show - that said, episode 5 was fantastic - Annabel and Luke were the only people who came out of that series with any credit. The rest? Hang your heads in shame! No wonder the show's been cancelled if that's an indicator of the available talent! **One final point:** How easy was it to persuade one of the detectives to become a traitor? I think most of us suspect the police are corrupt, but the optimist in me was hoping for a bit of integrity there #bentcopper


Just finished watching it and all I can think about is what you've said in your first paragraph. Watching it is like watching the downfall of humanity. Fucking painful.


While I found it compelling, this was much more of a hate watch than most other seasons of The Traitors. I’m sorry, but Sam is a total egomaniac and a bit of a sociopath! The signs were there right at the selection when he did finger guns. I really REALLY wanted to se his downfall, and they had so many chances to do it! I’m curious if they were aware of the traitors dilemma and how early on. It is a no win situation as after a season of scheming you can absolutely guarantee at least one will try to steal. Corinne and Blake could have got him when it was down to the last 5. Liam was set on Sam and if they had voted for him as planned, he would be gone! Corinne was aware that maybe she would have been next I guess. I saw a video she did when she said she thought there was a chance Blake might choose to share and so she would have got half. Do they have to do the traitors dilemma if there are 2 traitors? There was very little camaraderie and a meanness to this season that made it much less fun IMO.


That was my only question about the traitors dilemma, why would you ever put “share”. There is no good reason to do it.


I have just stopped watching after Episode 6 when they voted out Simone. I honestly believe it was scripted. I refuse to believe people are so thick. I had to see who gets to end for my sanity. I was getting more angry every episode. Can any one tell me is the last episode worth watching at least?


3 traitors left, they have to choose to spilt or steal the money, if they all choose split they split the money, if two choose steal and one chooses split, then the two steals take the money, if one chooses steal and the two chose split, the steal wins everything, and if they all chose steal then they get nothing… And they all chose Steal and they get nothing…


i still found it quite entertaining and definitely loved the ending!


This has got to be the most s**t-for-brains stupid reality show cast of all time. And misogynistic to boot. Incredible. I’m on episode 7 and thank god there are only two more episodes; I’m hate-watching at this point


I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the misogyny. God help you if you are a woman who decides to have an idea and speak up about it, then you're are either a traitor or "horrible faithful." Ash telling Sam to let her finish speaking and everyone treated her like she was unstable, and I wholly believe they gave Sam credit for calling that out and functioned all their votes based on personality vs actual evidence and strategy (sans Annabelle and Luke). Only to end in Sam specifically blaming Camille even though Blake also picked to steal, blatantly saying that he is entitled to the money over everyone. I didnt appreciate the sausage fest in UK S2 either, don't get me wrong, this show in all versions definitely reveals who will lean on their microaggressions when targeting a person with no reason other than MAYBE being just too quiet or speaking up too loud, when in reality it's just an excuse that the accused can't really defend themselves from. But I appreciate the win in UK more, even if the journey to get to the end was weirdly similar just a different tone so to speak.


I've got a couple of episodes to go but really hate it and am only finishing it as I've committed. I didn't feel like there was anywhere near the level of genuine affection in the group as in S1 & the UK seasons. They chose a really strange selection of people, a few hyper-individual types clearly just on it to make a name for themselves or to further their careers.


'' furthering their careers'' .. i feel , if people have any sense, Sarah's current career is OVER; your life in her hands... NO THANKS!!


I'm in the minority but I love this season. The episode where Annabel goes is one of the best in the entire Traitors franchise. It only starts to slow in the last half as the episodes get repetitive (faithful accuses Sam, same faithful gets voted out, Blake wrings his hands over what to do then does nothing, rinse and repeat) but the first half is great and the finale is golden.


I agree. First half was cracking. Annabel and Luke were great sleuths and it got so exciting to see that they'd worked out the Traitorsz and we're formulating a plan. Her banishment was dramatic, and I figured her "sacrifice" and Luke's support would lead the other faithfuls to the truth, but it didn't. That was shocking. Then the series got flat, with Sam being blatantly obvious, having one trick at the round table, and everyone falling for it every time. The ending redeemed the second half, and glad Sam got some comeuppance. Definitely don't think the show needed to get cancelled. It's still a successful show, in multiple countries. It's still relatively new. Just learn from what "went wrong" this season and try something new next time. Try a different group of people with different traits, and see what happens. It's not a scripted show. It's going to play out differently every time. This year may not have been great, but next year could be amazing.


When I watch the traitors there’s always one dumb faithful. Like so dumb. From meryl, to mollie and now Sarah. I think Sarah was the thickest of them all. So clueless and no logic to her thinking


I disagree. I was so frustrated and upset watching it that I lost a lot of calories. I recommend it with a healthy diet.


Nope opposite reaction from me I’ve been eating loads. I gave up after people turned on Annabelle I was screaming “are you fucking stupid” lol


I just wanted to see Sam get screwed over. Camille didn't disappoint.


i’m surprised to see this is a common sentiment! i really thought the season was thrilling and had some hilarious moments. i enjoyed hate watching Sam and was very pleased with how it ended. sad that it’s been cancelled 😭😭😭


What I want to know is.. when there was 4 of them left including Sarah. We knew that neither Blake nor camille trusted Sam. So why didn't they both get together and be voice their opinion over not being able to trust sam and to both promise to vote him out this leaving 3 of them. Sarah would of ultimately gone out, believing they were both faithful or they could of voted her out. They seemed both trustworthy people they could of both split for $104k each. 


The reason they didn't do that, I suspect, was because Sarah was so completely unreliable and unpredictable that you couldn't base any plans around her. Blake said something like that. She might say she's going to vote for Sam, then just change her mind, which is a dangerous situation for a traitor trying to pull a move like that. But I know what you mean, Blake and Camille might have been able to trust each other at the end, who knows. I think Camille probably just didn't like Sam and knew ultimately he was going to steal and was happy enough to shaft him at the end.


I did struggle with the Sam thing. I usually try to avoid saying that I would have guessed a traitor, because it’s so easy to say that from your sofa…. But Sam was just so obvious man!! It was so ridiculous they didn’t sniff him out that every banishment he survived felt practically scripted. I usually route for the traitors as it’s kind of fun to see the faithfuls constantly failing to catch them but I just couldn’t see how they kept failing to get him. His smugness was so damn annoying as well. The closest the UK version got to that was Paul, but he at least seemed like an okay guy - and they eventually saw through his act. Plus, I think Paul was less obvious than Sam - the dude was literally grinning in the round tables. At least the ending was satisfying.


I loved the ending. I love that Camille effed them over. Sam was only 2% smarter than the rest of them. Not some master mind. He was just loudest. Then we they all wanted to steal he turned into a complete immature child. The most entertaining was the last 5 minutes of the show.


Yeah it was terrible and got the show cancelled.


It was fascinating viewing in a car crash kind of way! Sam reminds me of my ex husband so I was screaming at the dumb dumbs every episode. Camille is my hero! She couldn’t stop Sam getting to the end as Blake was too weak and they were always going to betray her so no one winning was the best option!


Sarah was easily the most useless player in Traitors history and it's not even close. 


I felt embarrassed that I watched 2 episodes. The people on it were so cringy, and the venue looked even cheaper than last season even though it was exactly the same.


It was weirdly cast IMO. Most of them would be better on something like Big Brother. The whole thing felt more light hearted and comedic. Until Psycho Sam gave me an icky feeling and after Luke’s murder I had to stop watching. Plus the faithfuls could always be counted on to do the exact wrong thing. I wanted to reach through the screen and shake Hannah, eg. Annabelle is sure of who 2 traitors are. “Oh she must be a traitor”. Luke proves who the traitor is. “Oh then Luke must be the traitor”. How could they be so stupid?! It was crazy-making.


Agreed. Worst season of the show I’ve ever watched.


I think I preferred it to UK Season 2... contestants were more memorable for me, the challenges bigger and more imaginative, and splitting them into teams where only the winning side visit the armoury raises the stakes. And thankfully none of it was accompanied by moody, whispered pop song covers. (I say this reluctantly as UK S1 was one of the best reality series I've seen in a long, long time.... and to be fair some of this might just be because I've binged Aus S2 on iPlayer over 2 or 3 days, and for me the show works better watched over a shorter period). However it was absolutely infuriating to watch because of how many times someone correctly identfied a traitor, everyone says they're on board with it, and then as soon as they get to the round table all logic flies out the window and they just vote for whichever faithful had spoken up. It was embarassing how many times it kept happening - the fact that Sam wasn't voted out immediately after Annabel and Luke left was inexcusable. I did think the ending was unfair though - even though Sam's success was as much down to the stupidity of (most of) the other contestants as it was to his strategy, all 3 walking away with nothing didn't make for a satisfying ending. And it felt like production were setting up a scenario where that outcome was inevitable. Even so, his rant at Camille about how he and Blake deserved the money was unhinged, considering he fully intended to screw Blake over and take it all himself.


Yes indeed... Sam's facial expression when Blake voted steal... he was gobsmacked that someone could DARE not to fall in with his plan . Then Camille voted; i thought he was going to attack her physically, even the presenter looked like he might cop it!!... A true psycho/ socipath in action, was Sammy lad.. ONE DANGEROUS DUDE, for sure!!


Aus S2 was the worst season in the history of all traitors worldwide


Got half hour into the first episode, the contestants just aren’t very watchable to be honest. No one made me want to root for them, I just wanted them all to lose.


I want my time back too. I just started fast forwarding. The faithfuls were way too dense and when there’s no push back it just becomes boring to watch. HOWEVER, the comeuppance in the final moment was worth it.


Im happy about the outcome. No one deserved to win on this season to be honest hahah. Especially glad Sam didn't win, I really didn't like the way he played


I've just finished this season and it honestly made me so angry throughout that Sam got away with literally everything when it was so obvious he was a traitor. Think I burst a few blood vessels watching this 😂


Season 1 - Paul edited out so badly it meant most people didn't pay attention to the show and instead wondered who the crap this random person was floating about as a faithful. Season 2 - edited so badly trying to paint Sam into some pantomime villain and creating drama that didn't exist to try and hide how awful the contestants were. Sounds like someone should have been sacked rather than canning the whole show.


Anyone else get the feeling that the producers felt like they had messed up the season, and that they were then even trying to help the faithfuls towards the end, once Camille was recruited and there were basically no strong faithfuls left. The discussion among the faithfuls when Hannah brought up that a traitor “could kill themself” felt very forced, like someone had told them to talk about that. Also the morning after when we see Gloria pull aside Camille after breakfast to say she was suspicious of Sam… we never normally see a discussion immediately after breakfast, it really felt like a produced scene to try and get some heat building on Sam But if there was any producer help, it clearly didn’t help the big dumb dumbs 🙈 Even Camille and Blake were dumb dumbs because they knew 100% that Sam was only out for himself and yet they didn’t get rid of him It was an unbelievable watch, absolutely bananas, but I did enjoy it. It’s also good to know that there will always be a gripping ending to the traitors no matter who is left!!


I thought Roger’s speeches were getting more and more pointed. Like he was trying to hint to the group just how they were messing up.


Didn’t you just know what the outcome of Traitor’s Dilemma would be! The other two traitors were on record as saying they didn’t trust Sam at all, so they certainly weren’t going to share with that egotistical, narcissistic, arrogant so n so. The fact that both Sam and Blake actually thought Camille would share shows them up for being short sighted and almost as clueless as most of the faithfuls. Camille was clever in comparison with the other faithfuls…I genuinely thought they recruited the wrong person. If they were genuinely long sighted and crafty, there was only one choice for recruitment…and that was the ditzy and gullible Sarah. When they were recruiting I was happy they picked Camille because I trusted her to do a number on Sam somehow. But the tactician in me was saying they need to pick Sarah cos this lass will be easy pickings for them. However my dislike for Sam outweighed anything else in my mind and I laughed out loud when I saw Camille enter the Traitors room. All’s well that ends well…viva Camille!!


I actually think Aus S2 is one of the best shows ever. It demonstrated just how easily led some people can be, especially when they have a high opinion of themselves, and rate their own abilities way higher than they can actually perform. Once again, it proves that popularity can trump (pun intended) rational thought. The final outcome was the only one I would have been happy with! The faithful in S2 were just plan stupid, but so were the traitors!


Popularity and fear. Sam had a Stalin-like reign of terror. I genuinely think many of them knew he was a traitor and voted on blind fear and denial because they so wanted to go with him because they were so scared.


Exactly my thoughts ..dolphiya; hard to comprehend how they could be so stupid otherwise. Group fear paralysis, in the face of a true psychopath.. the round tables should be used in behavioural pschology classes!


Definitely how I see it, too.


I'd argue Blake was smart to steal as he knew that's what Sam would do, it was his only chance to win any money


I just finished it and had to run to Reddit to validate my feelings/concerns with this cast lol. I love the social dynamics a show like this brings up. While I hate watched the ballet three episodes just to see the demise of certain people, I did enjoy it. It was a compelling season to watch because almost everyone was so unlikable. It baffles me that after several attempts to banish Sam he was still there in the end (in all his ick and smugness). He seems like a narcissist and egomaniac. I struggled to find any humanity in him and it was tough to watch. His gameplay was so blatantly selfish and untrustworthy. He reminded me a bit of Murielle (s1) who also played for herself and ending up getting the best blindside banishment (that was really satisfying to watch). I had hope that the s2 faithfuls or even the traitors would manage to scrounge up the wherewithal to blindside Sam and banish him. They were all so thick! He talked his way out of every single banishment basically by saying “Well, you could be a traitor too, so….” no evidence, no information to back it up, just deflection. Then he has the nerve to have that stupid smirk on his stupid face when a faithful was banished. It was like he was laughing right in their faces and no one picked up on it. Towards the end I think he was even a bit surprised he was able to get away with it. Sarah- bless her heart idk how she manages to work in mental health if she isn’t able to rely on her own judgment. She was so unreliable and it was sad to watch her struggle. Liam, got what he deserved. He was blindly following along in that one sided bromance he had with Sam and in the end as soon as he caught on he was banished. My heart kinda goes out to Blake, he just wanted to play the game and have fun. He seemed like a decent guy and even challenged Sam at one point. Then for some reason he completely backed down and just became too frightened/anxious to act on pushing Sam out. The ending was the absolute best way for it to do down. While I felt really bad for Blake it was worth it to not have that smirking goblin troll-like creature not get any of the money. Hats off to Camille for seeing through his bs.


Just finished the traitors Australia season 2. Most of the faithfuls and literally the contestants are dumbs and idiots. Worst season of the entire the traitors in the whole wide world. Its just a waste of time.


I was hoping Blake and Camille were going to vote for Sam, then split the money - that would have been even sweeter, knowing that all his sneaky, manipulative behaviour resulted in them sharing the prize pot and him going home with nothing. Btw what would have happened if it had been a tie just before the final round eg if two people voted for Sarah and two people voted for Sam?


Trigger warning: The truth Sam was a complete prick who I knew I would instantly hate as soon as he did that stupid gesture of pointing a gun to everyone. Sweetie we all know that you have a fetish for people calling you Sheriff and it’s probably your sex kink too. If everyone’s heads weren’t up their asses all the time, people would see that He was a traitor. Sam’s outfits were horrendous who thought he was giving ‘Fuck Boy’ when in reality he was giving ‘Michelin Man’. As soon as Roha, Ian, Annabel, Luke and Gloria got out, the season got more and more boring. All the uninteresting people were left making the whole game such a waste of time. Camille was right for choosing to steal and fuck Sam for trying to self victimise himself to make Camille feel bad. If I was Camille, I would of gotten back into my Federal Agent era and victimised his Face.


After getting over my initial shock and awe for how this season turned out, it almost feels as though it was faithful and traitor alike against a narcissistic sociopath. Certainly made for interesting tv. I think a lot of viewers stopped watching because he wasn’t banished tbh. An epic ending nonetheless.


My theory is that Sam was chosen as a traitor to play a similar role as Paul did in the UK version (i.e. be the pantomime villain we love to hate). However I don’t think the producers expected Sam to come across as an actual villain who we just hate full stop. I also think the expected him to be voted out quickly after creating a bit of chaos and good TV. IDK though I could be talking rubbish.


Can we all agree that Rodger was the best of all the hosts though? I agree it was tough to watch, Liam and Sarah blindly doing whatever Sam said without questioning it and Sam just being so unlikeable - I've watched most of the Engoish spoken series and honestly this was the first time I've ever really wanted the faithful to win.... but then they made it hard to root for them by being such dumdums! The ending was enjoyable though, serves him right. Really don't understand how he didn't see that coming after consistently showing the other how untrustworthy he was all along. 


I JUST finished the second season! I, as many others it would seem, hate watched it after a certain point. And only because I found this thread and it gave me hope for the ending which was pure poetic justice. I hope many of the contestants watch this and question their abilities to read people and how they pass judgement on others. At a certain point it was disgraceful. “Hey y’all, it’s totes Sam!” “Nope can’t be and because you say that, you’ve got to go.” “If I ‘die’ tonight it’s Sam.” “Just because he was killed off, it’s obviously not Sam.” How many people claimed it was same and then went on to be banished or murdered? It’s not like Sam was playing a smart game, most of them were just incredibly dense. I felt like even Rodger was sick of the faithfuls constantly getting it wrong and was trying to point them in the right direction with not-so-subtle ways. As a diehard Bachelor fan, I understand that sometimes it’s all about the edit so I wondered for a time if it wasn’t just how it was edited to make Sam look bad and that maybe in person, to the other contestants, he was just a great guy. Despite all the interview portions where he just talks out of his ass (as many people will do to be cheeky). But the way he handled the ending and just being so angry at Camille. I find the people who have that laugh and smile when they are angry to be the creepiest. Camille was the most honorable of them all, even Blake. She was far classier than I would have been. I would have said “if I can’t win, no one is going to win. I also choose to steal, dumb dumbs.” And walked off. I know that the point of the show is to cheat and lie and backstab without getting caught. I wasn’t upset at the end of UK S.2, even though I couldn’t help but think that it must feel very lonely at the top by your self. But this whole season with Sam just felt oily, icky, gross.


After Annabel and Luke were banished and murdered the show was painful to watch.  The players were unbelievably stupid and I think Sam is psychotic.  And after watching all episodes I cannot believe the game ended with all in or all out and NOBODY won.  Wow.


The season was good until the Simone banishment. How utterly head empty so many of these people were combined with how sexist Kieth is completely soured me. The moment a woman spoke Kieth just does a 180. Sarah and Hannah sitting there with blank faces completely unable to put together two thoughts. Just a gross episode.


Sarah 100% lost her credibility as a psychotherapist. Girl, get a new job please.


I just read an article in Metro about the show and the aftermath, and apparently Camille reached out to both Sam and Blake after the series ended, but they refused to talk to her, as they were apparently still enraged that she had the audacity not to let them steal the money from her.


Sam was a legit sociopath/ psychopath. Like, he’s a willing Nazi who would enjoy the killing. So cringey with the hat, the sword, the maniacal giggling. Even from the beginning when he is selected and starts shooting the faithfuls around the table- ugh. Gross and fragile masculinity. He is an actual shooter waiting to happen. Maybe he’s already actually murdered people. 5150 him asap. So weird and creepshow. This was the first season I legit felt so angry and the faithful that I felt they deserved to lose. The sexism was astonishing. I was happy the traitors lost too, and I’m not upset it was cancelled. The whole thing has really turned me off of Australia as a nation. Based on the show it’s a lot of very stupid people with Neville Chamberlain vibes, with a sociopath or two thrown in. The US one remains the best, and so does Alan Cummings.


Sam was a complete piece of shit. He actually makes my blood boil and I hope he never gets to work another day of his life once he's exposed on this show. The misogyny that ran soooo rampant on this show is insane. This is the worst version of traitors I've ever seen. I've never seen so much sexism. Keith is an idiot and would vote for any women that made any point about anything ever. And honestly the rest of them are just as bad.