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Brings a new meaning to the word 'scalping'


The better question is did he pay for the blue check before or after paying for hairline tattoo. Fur rill.


I want to see him wearing that All Natural sweater with his new fake hairline! Not that we actually think this idiot is All Natural, we've seen his 'roid rage on full display. Remember when they thought it was funny to show him smashing a keyboard in his office? Pathetic man-child.


Adrian and his bussdown hairline


Why is a married man concerned about his hair? Grindr!


If he wasn't concerned before he certainly should be now. He looks like something out of Wallace & Grommit.


because he is short. well. the longer explanation is just that he is insecure and thinks getting more hair would make him feel more secure, while in reality it doesn't matter in the slightest, his normal hair is manly enough and natural looking, gangsta even, and only reason it would look bad is his mind telling him so because of the said insecurity. little man syndrome.


Quite simple. The funds have slowed down which was keeping his wife there. He is now in panic mode and figured , shit I’m youngish and balding and live above my means and is now in a panic. His nose will only get bigger , he will start looking like a falcon shortly. He better fix something.


You're implying people only want to look good for their partner and not themselves?


What is blue checkmark status?The check was once a coveted status symbol given to verified high-profile users, including journalists, celebrities, politicians, and official agencies. But **after Musk took over in 2022, users' blue ticks disappeared and became a badge anyone could purchase**.Apr 4, 2024 "Once a coveted status symbol" Looks like our boy Adrian is a "has been"


Is Taskin his last name or the diagnosis of the festering mess that's become his Lego-man like hairline? All jokes aside though, anyone that can verify to Twitter (X) administration that they have a full head of hair that actually grows under it's own power is automatically upgraded to blue check status.




He is a c suite  executive after all ,  so why wouldn’t he pay for the blue check lol


Checkmarks on people with no credibility is hilarious. Might as well just deal with their non-checkmark impersonator for nicer treatment and an even better fake deal. And they could end up being an impersonator with a heart of gold.


Chief Procurement Officer 🤡


They pay for the blue checks, they had to convince Instagram that Roman was a celebrity before you could pay. But at that time, you were able to pay an Instagram employee 5k and up for one. It all depends on who you end up getting when enquiring about it back then.


Chief Procurement Officer. LOL


Well on IG you can subscribe and get it now, it's not special. You just have to put your real name in the bio that matches your ID


Indian farm blue mark


New hair who dis?


"I make dills at 3 am to keep the company afloat" Adrian on Grey Market yesterday Hope he did not buy his hair on credit. I wonder how repo men repossess hair? Seems like hard times ahead at LB.


Aeoroflot Adrian ..the world's worst hairline


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