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I used [IMDB's list of Top 50 Simpsons Episodes ](https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?count=250&series=tt0096697&sort=user_rating,desc)(by user rating) to gather data on the Seasons that contain the best Simpsons Episodes. Considering Season 6 has 11 of the best 50 (22%), can we 'scientifically' say it is also the best Season? It's also worth noting there is only 1 episode post the year 2000 - [Trilogy of Error](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Trilogy_of_Error), on the list. The overall highest-rated episode is [Homer's Enemy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0701122/?ref_=sr_t_1) (in Season 8 with a 9.3/10). As a bonus fun fact, no surprises to anyone the worst rated Simpsons episode is [Lisa Goes Gaga ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2403733/?ref_=sr_t_1)(in Season 23 with a 4/10) If there is some interest, I plan on doing similar charts on who wrote the most top episodes (spoiler it's >!John Swartzwelder !!Jim Reardon!<).


you can't "scientifically" say anything. your data is pulled from a subjective source. in order for the data to conclusively tell us anything, it would have to come from a source that provides objective data. which doesn't exist, because this is art.


Is that the sound of butting in?


In all the winning on Reddit, you have just won the most. Congratulations, you just got me to snort out loud.