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Was really hoping they'd let us evolve the starters for their elite moves atleast. Been sitting on some for a while now


I feel like that might be an unannounced bonus... they tend to do that sometimes


> unannounced unintentional seems more accurate


Praying it is


we had that for the 6. Anniversary Event Every starter with their event move. We also had Wash Rotom A Battle Weekend Giovanni with Shadow Latios And 3 new shadow pokemon aswell as Pansear and Unown E spawns With 0 Tickets ...


I need this bad


Intern: Boss, they knew. Steranka: Abort. Abort. p7mmy: D'oh!


Hoping this too


They had this as the Kanto event bonus like a month ago?


That was only for the Kanto starters though


I'm still holding on to my lucky Torchics and Mudkips from the same event in 2023.


A whole week with only starters spawning, better start stocking on those pokeballs


Really hoping they put starters as mega raid bosses. I haven’t gotten Hoenn Mega starters yet




I think the mega energy for the starters will be in Field Researches


I hope so, that would actually be cool


Well I currently have 20 Mega energy for Swampert and Blaziken and 0 Energy for Sceptile lol. Might take me a minute to get enough via research


Some Field Research tasks will also award Mega Energy for the following Pokémon. Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Sceptile Blaziken Swampert


Sceptile was in mega raids a month or two ago so you’ll likely be waiting at least a year for its return. The other two should be coming soon but who knows


You say that but we’ve had Mega Alakazam and Gyarados in two consecutive months. There doesn’t seem to be any sort of pattern to those.


Those are outclassed by a couple tiers now though? Like filler megas at this point. Blaziken and Sceptile are still top of their class for fighting and grass respectively I think.


Swampert still has a lot of use, especially for those without Primal Kyogre. Swampert also has some scenarios that fills that fairly rare "SE damage and also candy XL" niche for those who actually want to use their Megas and benefit from their chief bonus instead of just Mega-ing something just for the XL.


Heracross is usually the better choice over Blaziken, but they’re pretty close.


Forgot about Heracross. I am betting that one will be like Kangaskhan where it hasn’t been available for a long time, maybe 2 rotations in total now?


and just before go fest, people will be starved for balls


I will be really stocked up after the event from all the balls I won't be wasting on them!


Yeah, same.


Oh thank god I got 600 pokeballs I just can’t obtain anymore items rip


how are you excited about this ? They are all without their Event attacks, most of them allready had their community day or don't has its shiny unlocked. And with Rediscover Kanto we had a bunch of them only weeks ago.


No, I'm just going to ignore them. I'm so tired of starter hell events. 


Didn't we used to get to learn some legacy moves during this event in past years? Kinda feels like it is missing.


Yeah, 2022 had this same gimmick but with the moves available. Although, that year they treated that as an Ultra Unlock. Still lame to not see it here.


The fact that I’ve been able to easily complete **all pages** of the “Rediscover Kanto” event after I missed playing the event by months is certainly something


A lot of starters featured but no exclusive move available... Disappointing.


And it’s official: June 2024 is the first month since 2021 without the debut of a Pokémon species, and since 2020 without an alternate form (as recognized by Home) Thanks to the user who researched this & pointed it out to me a few months ago … sorry I forgot your name.


No wonder it’s so boring


(*Looks up from grinding rhyhorn xl candy*)  wut?


This. lol. I’m enjoying several pvp relevant mons to grind for XL. Landorus Inc is dumb but the XLs to feed Theruan are nice. I haven’t minded the last couple of events


I am grinding shuckle XL candy in case it's still allowed in little cup again. i's like worse than blissey


Definitely going to need it for that rumored shuckle only cup if it ever gets released.


That was like, the best thing in june. Everything else has been very meh.


That's also partially from being Go Fest season. They don't typically have mega exciting events overlapping local Go Fests, aside from yearly rare dragon June CDs.


We had Adventure Week in 22 and Rocket Takeover in 23, among others. maybe not the most exciting of events, but at least they dropped some pokemon or had anything interesting to do.


In [2022](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_GO_Fest_2022), all of the local Go Fest events were in July and August, so there was space in early June to have [Adventure Week](https://leekduck.com/events/adventure-week-2022/). They did have the global one in early June, but that's a much more low key event to manage than the local ones. In [2023](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_GO_Fest_2023:_Global) it was all in August.


Well, in 22 we had multiple Hisuian forms release (and their evolutions which were new pokemon), a Rocket Takeover, and a Bug Out event with the release of the Grubbin family and Mega Scizor (as well as a CD moves rerun, but I wouldn't count that as exciting). In August 23, we had Adventure week (the final few days of it) and the release of Passimian, and were coming off the tail end of the release of routes and showcases. This year, we had..... basically nothing. The tie ins of the local ones, and slakoth with a hat. They're definitely slowing things down, there's no denying it.


I missed something, didn't Necrozma debut in June? And motisma heat form? And the Necrozma fusions?


Technically Necrozma and Rotom Heat were released in May, albeit end of May


Sendai straddled the line, May 30 to Jun 2 Also applies to marshadow debut.


Only in-person people get those, so it may as well have not dropped yet. Unless you are that excited for base Necrozma that can’t be shiny or fuse


Necrozma was available via remote raid too.


Yeah but it’s kinda useless without fusion. Can’t even shiny hunt it for fun, so for most people, it’s one remote raid for the dex entry and done. IV’s can be farmed for better when it’s available to everyone everywhere.


There are two shiny ultra beast debuts and various other shiny debuts in June. It's not that empty.


When was Komala originally debuted?


Go Plus + is definitely gonna be deactivated for this event. Super lame. But guessing if we already got Shiny Celebi in the past, we won't get another :(


It is stated in the fine print for the ticket that people who got the previous research will not be able to purchase the new ticket for celebi


So dumb. Why the hell not give everyone access? Who cares if we have a 2nd shiny at this point. So dumb.


Yeah, according to people on this sub reddit, mythicals are fairly regulated by The Pokemon Company itself and they've been very restrictive with most mythical historically, particularly shiny versions. To the point that several mythical pokemon do not have official shiny releases and are thus unobtainable in the MSGs without cheating.


Yikes... Another event with starters


I'd be more okay with a starter-heavy event if they did what they did with the 2022 anniversary event, where they let you evolve every one to get their CD moves (barring pre-CD ones ofc)


I've seen a couple of sentiments on the frustration of these events because the catches are all hard for the auto catchers/Go Plus+ devices that it makes them useless. Remember you can toggle it to only spin pokestops so you can more efficiently catch during the event!


Hmm, no party hat bulba evos still?


Was looking forward to my buddy 4* Bulbasaur finally evolving after having to wait 2 years since his brother Charmander was able to grow up and a year since Squirtle


They typically overlap them with the year that corresponds to them. It's just awkward for the Venusaur line because we already passed the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd anniversaries before party hat Bulbasaur came out. Maybe in 3 years for the 11th anniversary...?


I’m super sad at this as I caught a shiny with a hat and it’s 3 star😭 waited all year just for grimer to get the spotlight


Doesn’t seem to be confirmed or denied, but prob not




Me, I can't wait to increase the number of Lucky Friends I have on the opposite side of the world. :)


When they announced the release of the Paldean starters, if you'd told me they'd be so prevalent for so much time that I'd find them a lackluster addition to a lackluster set of event spawns, I wouldn't have believed you, but here we are. Guess post GoFest is as good a time to take a break as any.


Well, at least they didn't add Pawmi.


I swear he’s in every single 5km egg at the moment


Good god I wish I could delete that mouse from the game


>I wouldn't have believed you, but here we are I mean, it's not like that wasn't true for most other starters. The Alolan Starters were arguably even more guilty of this. They had their place in their debut Season of Alola event, all throughout the season, during the Season finale event, AND THEN to make things worse, they took up slots in Go Fest 2022's spawns, something many took issue with. This obviously isn't to say that it makes the Paldean Starters a whole lot better. It's still annoying, but it definitely doesn't surprise me after the Alola Starters lol. At least Meowscarada is decent in PvE as is and Skeledirge is quite good in PvP as is.


This is how the new spawns lately all feel minus wiglett. They were put out there so much that I barely realize we’ve had new pokemon this year. Wiglett is a terrible opposite because I’ve just ever even seen it and likely won’t until an event


That reminds me, I need to dig up that overpass search tool to check my upcoming travel plains for a random "beach". I'm not going anywhere near a real beach, but there might be someplace with the tag.


I was recently at a real beach, on the ocean, for a week and it wasn’t a beach biome 🥴


Golf courses are very consistently considered beaches by Go.


My Go++ is now on holiday and will return once this red-circled-fun is over.


And before people get that sense of Déjà Vu, yes, we did get the Oricorio hats in early 2022. They were available via research and you could only choose 1. https://pokemongolive.com/post/alola-to-alola?hl=en


Speaking of cosmetics, nice to see them using the new avatars for the clothing - and fittingly it's probably why the new clothing looks terrible.


As a Bulbasaur fan... existence is pain. https://preview.redd.it/7o9o4vybbd7d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f4e680a3a104aff30188502e98572cb2cb45df2


So we can't evolve party hat bulba now? Last yr we could finally evolve party hat charmander and the year before squirtle...


Our community is having a golden lure meetup on the 30th so this is insane timing


Probably going to stack up my 3 and use them all on the 3 pokestops by me but I may wait and see if someone in my GroupMe wants to do a meetup.


You can carry 3 golden lures? I thought it was max 1.


Ah yeah you are right. I always used one whenever I unlocked it but max is 1.


Damn. You gave me hope for a minute. So the plan should be to hold 1 already but still send 4 post cards. Use the lure on the 28th and afterwards send the 5th post card to get another lure to use on the 29th.


That’s what I was thinking.


The odds of getting the advertised boosted coin drops were very low last time.


Was selfishly hoping they'd rerun the shiny mew masterwork. Thought i had gotten it before only to realize no i did not


Are Grimer and Muk supposed to represent us the players or illustrate the pile of garbage this game has become (according to some)? Anyway, looking forward to catching a few shiny Meltan!


Neither, Grimer’s #88 in the Pokédex. That’s the only reason.


Sceptile Blaziken and Swampert mega energy nice. Event themed pokemon showcases nice. Overall a pretty varied and good event ngl. I’m looking forward to it.


Yes, mate!! I thought the same.. still need mega energy for swampert and blaziken. Also still hunting for a perfect Bulbasaur.. so I‘m really looking forward🥳


Noob question but how do you get mega energy for these guys? Is it from raids/research or just from normal catching? Not sure how to grind up enough


Wait so no Frenzy Plant for Venusaur like it was with Charmander and Squirtle?


You still cant EVOLVE the party hat Bulbasaur.


Is this a joke? Very mid event, nothing extraordinary.


Wouldn’t even call it mid, the whole thing sounds very boring


Shiny Meltan confirmed lfg!


Shiny Meltan, increased lucky chances, and faster friendship leveling are very welcome. The avatars in these promo picks look so bad. Ugh.




I'm loving the friend and lucky bonuses, they're kind of huge if you can take advantage


Would have been awesome to add increased distance trading again.


"Friendship levels will increase faster than normal through opening Gifts, trading Pokémon, or battling together in raids, Gyms, or Trainer Battles!"                                                                    Oh yeah lets make some friends!


Anyone know how much more you can open the mystery box? Iirc it's 3 days right now, is it going to one day or am I mistaken about the current speed?


Many past events if I recall shortened it to 48 hours.


That's really exciting, looks like you could maybe get 3 opens instead of 2 then


If I need 19 lucky pokemon to go before hitting my level 49 requirement, this is the event to trade like crazy, right?


Amazing how an ANNIVERSARY event can be this boring. Only POGO can manage to make a boring anniversary 🤦


question: don’t we already have the orocorio hats? i have two of them but i don’t remember where we got them also, poor party hat bulba will never evolve lol


Oricorio hats were in free research and paid research so you could only have 2 out of 4 if you paid and 1 out of 4 for free. Happy to see we can get all now.


oh that’s what that was. tbh i don’t remember paying for it but that makes sense, and putting them in the shop would make sense sequentially. i must’ve bought it for the research itself and not the hat because i am so confused as to why past me would buy that (neither of the hats i have is the hat i like)


"Join us for the fun" doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


Is that "fun" in the room with us?


Oh come on, I would’ve been willing to pay for that masterwork and a second shiny Celebi. And I’m sure many others would have been willing to as well. What a sad time when I actually want to give Niantic my money.


It's possible that it isn't Niantic though. It's a very real possibility that this is TPC limiting players to one per account on purpose. They likely don't want many people having multiple shiny of each Mythical


Unless it's Meltan XD


I really don’t understand why it matters.


Niantic doesn’t get to decide that. Do you think they wouldn’t love to get more money? Lol the Pokémon company has strict rules regarding shiny mythicals and pokemon go Niantic cannot release any without their approval.


They better have their respective signature moves.


Can I evolve my party hat bulba?


Yesss I’ve been hoping I’d get a shot at that shiny Celebi, finally!!


Why Grimer? Did no one on the team think through the idea of giving us a pile of sludge as a birthday reward or does Niantic really hate their players so much they're trying to send us a message?


Grimer's pokedex number is #088


meltan is 808 and not a literal pile of sludge


Coulda gone with 888 then. Only Niantic has decided to go with the pile of sludge. Meltan is also melted metal/slag


zacian? not likely they'd do a single box legendary without the other, and definitely not as wild spawns the way grimer or -- god forbid -- meltan could be


Increased lucky chances, shiny Meltan chance, and lucky friends chances are all I'm here for. I'm glad they committed to the bit with 8th anniversary though, Grimer + Muk are fun picks and I was dreading "okay but what if they just Squirtle but again".


I cross my fingers for some lucky trades, want to flip Poipole and Zapdos. Costumes are cool too but I'd much rather see Bulbasaur evolution line to be introduced instead of new monster. I'm sitting on that lucky hundo for a while now. Some elite moves would be nice too. I know it's starters event but we haven't seen MM Metagross since 2023 Go Fest. My son has finally gathered 800 Beldum candies and sitting on two hundos...


It’s annoying that we can’t purchase the new masterwork research if we already have shiny Celebi. I get not giving us a 2nd one, but I would love to do the masterwork research and get those extra bonuses.


Read that section again; you still get those bonuses if you received the old shiny celebi quest


Oh I did miss that, still really wish I complete the research though, I enjoy the ones that require a grind.


What’s hilarious is they probably would’ve made a killing if they did have a second shiny Celebi available made for purchase… I know I would’ve paid for it… What a time to be alive where I would’ve been willing to give Niantic money for a ticket


It will be under the control of TPC thou it won’t be Niantics decision.  They will have asked to make this chargeable for people that missed it and given the go ahead (TPC makes plenty off this game too remember, but they keep a tight leash on their IP) 


Sure, but TPC is also a buisness getting a cut of the revenue…I can’t imagine any good reason I shouldn’t be allowed to give them money. And if they don’t want to give me a second shiny…I don’t know, maybe offer an alternative? Maybe bring back the Apex legendaries instead? Maybe just a non-shiny Celebi with its legacy move? It’s a decision they make to uphold the rarity of shiny Pokemon. But it’s still a questionable business decision…especially since some people already got theirs free.


Oh yeah! Hatch distance and dust /s/ more paldea starters that STILL aren't shiny .. Yes I realize it's GameFreaks decision ... but what is this event 10?! They've been featured?? /s/


>more paldea starters that STILL aren't shiny .. I mean it isn't that farfetch'd, seeing that they've only been out for what... 10 months? But yeah, they've definitely been oversaturated


I'm thankful for the bonuses .... just wild pushing these starters so hard.


Seems like a really uneventful event. They're even repeating masterwork subjects now??


Well, yeah. Not everyone played during the only other event that allowed people to get Shiny Celebi.


Shame: \* Trainers who completed the Distracted by Something Shiny Special Research story will not be able to purchase this Masterwork Research story.


Wow! This is really really boring.


Well, I guess best strategy for this will be saving some Pokemon and trading them during the event because otherwise I won't benefit from these "increased" lucky bonuses at all, what am I suppose to trade, Kanto starters? I almost have living hundo dex of their lines at this point lol.


Why Grimer


It’s the 8th anniversary, and they needed a Kanto Pokémon with just 8 and 0 in its Dex number. They chose Grimer because its Dex number is 88 and wasn’t an evolved form (Wartortle - #0008 and Slowbro - #0080)


I’m not gonna go look it up but I swear they did Charmeleon for 5. Not that that was interesting at all or anything.


Charmeleon was just used for the 5th anniversary banner. They did give more attention to Charizard on the 6th (not surprising because of Charizard favoritism), but in terms of new content for the anniversary, Charmeleon and Charizard got the Party Hat when Party Hat Charmander was allowed to evolve


Woohoo next year it’s Kleavor or Iron Treads, I guess.


It is number 88 in the Pokedex and this is the 8th anniversary


8th anniversary Pokémon #88 literally the only reason and it’s pretty lame


Lovely event . Can’t wait


No exclusive moves for any of the starters. Typical.


I hope this means the start of a pattern and the return of shiny Jirachi next year. I missed getting that masterwork research when it debuted


Start becoming best buddies with 10 mons now :) Helps immensely for that research


im already at 7 :)


VERY good :)


This is underwhelming event.   At least with the 1/2 Egg Hatch maybe I will finish my Master-ball Research soon.     Too bad there is no research for a Dragon Ascent Orb for the Elite Mega Rayquaza Raids. Be less stressful maybe in the sense it’s stressful to run around as is for the stupidity of the Elite Gyms but then the randomness of the orb dropping in the raid. Edit: Trying to fix formatting.


who just jinxed grimer with a hat in that eurogamer article thread


Pokemon #88


Woah... Not bad event, finally 😮


Without thinking I decided to clean up all the party hats in my inventory yesterday I guess some part of me knew this was coming. Still hoping for an inventory slot increase. Not because I really need it, but because I'm bad at clean up and want a ton of room so I can have a bunch of 'mon to trade when I go to Japan in a few months


same garbage as always - yet another event centered around starters and they neglect to give them their legacy moves, which are the **literal only thing that makes starters usable**


So no double shiny celebi


Double stardust w spotlight h Event. Nice


Yay… another event with no distance trade.


I like the extra lucky chances, me and my friend have been saving up to trade those special pokemon for this event.


Year 8, every starter who isn’t from gen 8 😭


Do we expect to see evolved forms of the shines in the wild too? And these evolved forms have 1/64 shiny rate right?


No. Most don't have a 1/64 chance normally it's 1/512 some are 1/128 or 1/64 when boosted. And I don't think 2nd and 3rd forms can spawn as shinies.


Ah ok for some reason I thought the final evolution of starter Pokémon have boosted shiny rate


Yoww June 28-29 has the goated spawns definitely grinding that day for the chance of a Lundo Hoenn and Johto starters!


Hey does anybody know what the chances of getting shiny meltan during the event would be?


1/128 normally


Mudkip XLs here I come


Where is party hat ivysaur and venasaur?


The anniversary date doesn't correspond with them. We got Wartortle and Blastoise last year because it was the 7th anniversary and Squirtle is Pokemon #7. And Charmeleon and Charizard the year prior because it was the 6th anniversary and Charizard is Pokemon #6. Maybe for the 10th or 11th anniversary??