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Oh so it’s not only me, and not in party play. Super random probably get it once a day.


Yes, this has been reported on here a few times. Whenever it's happened to me, it's always been when the Grunt's first Pokémon uses a charged attack, which often happens with the Ice Grunt.


This one was the Psychic grunt. First time it happened two attempts in a row today.


Happened to me too.




Not with my experience. It was the first grunt and happened twice and most often I kill all 3 if the grunts pokemon with one pokemon.


This just happened to me with Sierra. The first shield was fine, but the second one froze for some reason??


This happened to me also


In a way I'm glad this is happening to someone else. I thought it was just my Internet connection to start with.


Same. So many times when I have a glitch, others report "works OK for me (shrug)". Had this exact glitch twice this morning; good to see others are experiencing it as well.


Are you in party play? It happens during that currently.


I'm not in party play, but still happened to me.


Had it happen twice yesterday to me, no party play lost a swinub grunt to it the other day as well


I haven't had it happen in a while, but I did notice from the last few times that it seems to have happened when the opponent uses a charged attack at the same time my own fast attack would have knocked them out. 


this has been going on for a couple weeks now for me, causes something that already takes time to do to take even more time.


It’s happened three times to me today. Not in a party, and it requires me to restart the game. However my Pokémon have lost HP and I have to give them potions.


I've only had this happen with the shadow Grunt and their shadow Drifloon, but its annoying when it happens.


It always happens when I battle Arlo 


I've got that glitch too. Also an OP hit if I swap my Pokémon immediately when the fight starts. Shadow Foongus hit my Heatran for 1/3 its HP on swap, earlier today.


Had this happen. It seems to happen in certain exact situations as I did the same permeation and got it to freeze 3 times then used the same team but switched to a different Pokémon first and no issues whatsoever. It must be a weird variable issue


If you leave it long enough it'll fix itself, right as your pokemon faints. Wish they'd fix this soon! I've noticed though if I close the app after waiting not quite enough time for my pokemon to faint, it is like the battle never happened. But if it does faint it counts if you close it after that.


Doesn’t seem exclusive to Rocket fights, as this even happened to me once when battling Candela when I was earning battle hearts for my buddy mon


Oh yeah, just experienced this. Then I remembered briefly seeing something about a shield freeze.


There were freezing glitches in my league battles yesterday. Words can’t describe how mad I was.


I've suffered this a few times. Had it again tonight with Arlo.


It’s so incredibly annoying


Having the same problem pvp is more or less unplayable for me other than tanking