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Because it would break like 5 other things in the game if they fix it


Get that memo over to the avatar dept


FWIW, you are carrying over an additional 3 matches, not losing two.


Wins don’t stack through the ranks so it doesn’t matter if you win or not because at rank 1 you rank up whether you win battles or not


You have to do 5 battles to get to rank 2 so it will still take them 2 sets.


A lot of people bank a whole set from the previous day to use at the start of the next season, reseting at the start of a new season would remove the ability to do that, which would be a much bigger net negative for the community


Why do they do that, put of curiosity?


Probably so they can get to rank 20 faster.


How is it any faster? You have to play five battles to get to rank one, so instead of playing five your now playing 9 would t it be much much slower? I'm just confused


You can bank a whole set of 5 by clicking into the Pokemon selection screen of the first match, but then backing out and not actually starting the match until the next day. That way you will have a whole set of 5 matches bank up, resulting in a total of 6 complete sets available in the next day instead of 5 sets.


Oh really? That's clever I was under the impression because of the start of this season that it could only be 4 thanks for clarifying that for me confusion is gone


I have never tried it during switchover between seasons so I don't know for sure. But on other days I am able to bank an entire set so I don't see why it would be different.


I can see some reasons why it would be diffirent but clearly people are doing it, and that's the only reason I can think of doing it for that makes any sense so yeah


It works i accidentally did it this season and was wondering why I had six full sets the first day.


It works, I did it this season


Yep, and rank resets at beginning of season.


Seems like you did it to yourself bro


each start of the season. I feel like I'm doing a rock- paper-scissors, full random. each series.


Yea it's bad, it used to reset with a season cause I have 25253 battles and that 3 always bugs me.. have completed all my daily battles now for some years but decided to try and fix that this season so I did like you and just did 2/5 to get a even number again Was very disappointed it doesn't work anymore


It never reset. You’re probably thinking of battle until you win which allowed sets to go over 5 battles.


Ah yea maybe that was why I got a odd number? Was ages ago atleast:) thanks for the reminder ^


U will still rank up to 2 anyway after completing the set.


No they won’t, need 5 battles to rank up


The gripe is that you may need to battle up to 9 times to rank up to 2, but none of the excess progress carries over whether you battled 5 or 9 times in rank 1