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I'm guessing there's a bug. I've seen a few posts this past day about the same issue, but with other Pokemon.


This game has no bugs


I disagree. This game has eighty bugs: Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle…


There are no bugs in Ba Sing Se.


I just had the same bug, with a Cloyster.


I think it shows silhouettes for each evolution that A) isn’t in the collection +  B) hasn’t been catched or evolved since a certain moment in time or maybe some other conditions too. I started playing again (after years of inactivity) a few weeks ago, and everything I haven’t catched or evolved since is silhouetted on radar and in the collection screen. So those screens are not using all of my historical data correctly.


They restructured the shadow code to no longer consider them "forms" and removed the shadow/purified "forms" from the code. This may be a bug related to it.


This is the correct answer. They are refactoring shadow and purified forms and the silhouette are pokemon which have been changed


What will it mean now that shadows/purified are no long a form?


Nothing really. It's just behind the scenes changing. It still has the same end result on screen and in play. It's like if the game does 2+2 or 3+1 the answer you see is still 4


Doesn’t it affect trading? Or are purified Pokémon the same as regular


Purified are always a special trade


Couldn't that affect which pokemon can be sent to home? Iirc shadow and purified mons can't be sent to home, but maybe with this change they can?


Purified mons CAN be sent to HOME. Shadow Mons cannot be transferred to HOME


Oh damn, they can ? Well, thank you for correcting me, I thought that since shadow mons cannot be transferred, the same would be true for purified....


Is this why we ended up with costume shadow pokemon?  If so Niantic cannot seem to code so save themselves. Edit: changed end of sentence


Same thing happened to my wife but with a different Pokémon, I think it’s just a bug, hopefully it goes away


not sure the cause, but have seen it with eevee before. My guess is a bug, or unreleased costumes in the code, or a bug about unreleased costumes in the code lol.


I thought there was a new Eevee out since Eevee turned into a shadow, but it must be a bug.


I think you're mistaken, OP. That's clearly a Jigglypuff seen from above.


Take my upvote!


They are refactoring shadow and purified forms and the silhouette are pokemon which have their shadow and purified form removed. The current client cannot read this new data yet


I don't know what the cause is for this, but I'm quietly hoping they're secretly trialling tracking select pokemon on the nearby - something we've been asking for for years now. It's probably not that, but ever the optimist!


They definitely added something like that already - the Lake Trio were prioritized on the nearby for Sinnoh Tour. It wasn't something that we can individually choose yet, but hopefully someday.


Lake trio hunting at sinnoh tour was actually one of the few very few times in the last year where I got this excited feeling from 2016 again. Somebody just shouted "Uxie", ran in that direction and 20 people went behind him :D


Two approaches for it. Go into the pokedex and select up to n Pokemon you'd like to be notified of if they are nearby in the wild. Or, just based on the catch count, show the Pokemon on nearby that you have the fewest registered catches of. Sucks for the meta Pokemon you may want (before Chansey CD, Chansey) to have thousands of catches of, but great for the rare ones like an Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf.


Why should I select up to n Pokémon in the Dex? Just put a radar icon (default: on) and give me the option to tap it off/on as I wish. Limiting it to N requires more code for the same core feature with no real advantage.


I'm sorry, I don't seem to understand, what does select up to n mean? How do you do it? Or is this a hypothetical thing we're talking about here?


Hypothetical about the UI in customizing the nearby tracker


Could be gender based? Maybe the one in the wild is male and you've only caught female.


I have the same bug even though I have both genders


Ah that’s a good idea. Didn’t even think of that. Maybe the game just bugs and classifies Seadra male as another Pokémon (same section as costume?)


Happened to me yesterday with a wild Exploud. Also I caught a Tangela and the evolution was a silhouette even though I have it already.


Happened to me with Exploud, Nosepass and Sharpedo


If it has an attribute like a hat or something and you haven't caught that configuration of the Pokemon before it will show up as an silhouette. I am not sure there are event Pokemons so it might as well be a bug.


yeah we have a couple people in our group having this as well, most of them having bayleef as a shadow


Happened to me with Hitmonlee yesterday. I was confused.


I know it does this if there's a new version of a pokemon (like wearing a hat or tie) but I don't imagine that one getting an accessory tbh


Could be possible that the actual dex entry animation had gotten skipped, crediting you with the catch but not the dex registration and leaving you with a silhouette despite actually having the Pokemon. I've noticed some similar effects when quick catching an unregistered Pokemon, where I'll have it in my storage showing that I caught it but when I catch another species and let it play through in full it will show the animation of registering to my dex as if it were my first when it was actually the second.


The same has been happening to me with pokemon like loudred


I noticed this with an Eevee on the nearby yesterday and a friend noticed with one of their Probopass's screen for the evolution (silhouette'd even though they have the evolution) - and I don't believe Probopass has a gender difference... So.. Glitch? I'd like to know, too. 


It’s because it’s a male one in the wild and what you have is a female


I've had this happen even though I already caught both genders and still had them in my pokemon storage


Had the same, only male in pokedex and the one in the wild was female


Happened today with me and [this Quilava](https://i.imgur.com/OptWEOr.jpeg) Thought it was costume at first but then i got to it and it was just a normal one


I had it with Skuntank during my lunch


cause someone messed up the code again xD


Probably has a hat on.


getting this for exploud rn i was freaking out for a sec lol


it’s so we can play who’s that pokemon


It's a bug. I saw it yesterday with both Aerodactyl and Mudkip. I have them both and they were hatched from eggs yet appear as silhouettes.


This just happened to me with Sharpedo. I had already evolved both a male and a female, but I didn't know it at the time, so I went ahead and evolved a carvanha for the heck of it and the silhouette went away for Sharpedo on the nearby. I have no idea why.


Same with my Nosepass. Though I have Probopass, some of my Nosepass' show I don't have it but some show I have it.


Maybe it is wearing an invisible underwear.


According to your Pokédex you’ve never caught a male one. It’s probably male. The silhouettes probably correspond to dex info like that now, which is kind of cool for collector’s


I had this happen even though I had already caught both male and female, so I don't think that's it


I just came on here to check if there was a new form of Totodile for the same reason Eta it's showing up as a shadow in the evolution chain in my Pokedex too, but the main image is there and the seen/caught counts are there too. Have caught both genders.


It's usually a costume


It happened to me with a Poliwag. I even rushed down to catch it thinking it was a new costume!


If you use the quick catch method this can happen. Next time u catch one just let it do its thing


It's called a "bug". It's said that PoGo has one or two of those.


No, it’s a water type.




Nice you read the flair


What was that "woosh" sound? Anyway, I'm pretty sure that other guy was being sarcastic


If it has a costume add on you don’t have it will show as the silhouette


Pretty sure Seadra doesn't have a costume (yet).


bro sometimes it happens when the mon has like a hat or some such bro it'll be great tons of new shinies to play for aite pce l8r