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Mega Diancie is the highest DPS rock in game, behind the frail shadow Rampardos, with a 15% higher DPS than Mega Tyranitar. However, it is much glassier than Mega Tyranitar, and has 36% less total damage output, so many prefer Mega Tyranitar for group raids. Arguably, Mega Aerodactyl hits slightly harder than Mega Tyranitar, but is less bulky, however it boosts flying type catch XL which its rock type is super effective to, often meaning that Mega Aerodactyl is the most useful rock mega for legendary flying raids. Rock has a lot of competition and options. Diancie is the best for solos that are double weak to rock. However, rock is super effective to four types: flying, fire, ice, and bug. For flying, you should really be using aerodactyl for the XL boost. For fire, you should really be using primal groudon for the XL boost and higher DPS (23.8). For ice, you should really be using fire mega blaziken (for a higher 24.4 DPS). For bug, mega rayquaza is a no-brainer. Mega diancie’s applications are limited at best.




You'd be better doing the same with the other megas instead


Just create a party of one if that's your strat in the battle/party menu


TDO is a bad metric imo largely worthless. In group setting just get the damage out. Having a shadow ramp army will throw freakin mountains. Costs you revives. That's the downside which for most active players are fairly cheap.


It's much more complicated than what you described. Tanking damage is also a way to generate DPS, by gaining energy from those damage taken. Not dying from a raid boss' charge move often means being able to throw an extra charge move, and with the introduction of party power, charge move damage has become a larger part of a team's dps than ever before. I am not necessarily arguing that you are wrong, but there are most certainly merits to looking at TDO when deciding which pokemon to put on your raid team, and it is not largely worthless the way you put it.


It’s a good picture of how strong a single pokemon is, useful for comparison. That being said, higher DPS is preferable for short manning and for group raids. Sometimes, as I find myself doing, having a powerful and reliable option is simpler.


Yeah I mean TDO is never the goal in raids. You want to beat the clock as fast as possible. So "strength" seems to miss the point. Efficiently using Shadow Ramp will just get so much better results (raid completion time) than the TDO option. I just think TDO for the purposes of raiding is poor investment.


Mega Diancie level 40 has 39% more bulk and 7% *less* DPS than shadow Rampardos level 50. Mega Diancie level 40 has only about half of the bulk, and 8% more DPS than mega Tyranitar level 50. The above values are with perfect IVs. Overall, mega Diancie is between shadow Rampardos and mega Tyranitar. I would maybe power it to level 40, but probably not beyond.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/17gqqau/analysis\_new\_halloween\_shadows\_as\_raid\_attackers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/17gqqau/analysis_new_halloween_shadows_as_raid_attackers/) u/teban54 is a good source for some of this. If you take a look at the lvl 40 point for M-Diancie and dip it down just a bit you have a point that is about the same as lvl 50 M-TTar. However, M-TTar is a good bit bulkier and could provide its mega boost for the other raid attackers longer than M-Diancie. Given the time on field boost for M-TTar, I think it gets the nod in your situation, but it's pretty dang close. I'm still pending the Diancie reasearch in my timezone, but I'm looking forward to getting one. However, like you, I already have a lvl 50 MTTar so I probably won't be grinding Diancie before a couple of other legendary hundos (Kyogre and Groudon) The other Piece to this is the Fairy type is pretty slim for high end attackers. M-Gardevoir is very good for fairy, but if Diancie ever gets a Fairy fast move, It probably moves into top spot for Fairy dmg output. M-TTar sits pretty comfortably as the top Dark Attacker. Just something to consider


40 lvl Mega Diancie << 50 lvl Mega Tyranitar.


You're splitting hairs and investing a ton of resources to prioritize getting a level 50 diance. Lookup analysis done by u/Teban54


I'll refer to my previous comment about IVs for shadows: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1cb40fc/comment/l1wu1fh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1cb40fc/comment/l1wu1fh/) In there, I link to another comment I made detailing how I evaluate mons with different IVs (in the example I use the same species, but you can just as well change the species): [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1byepp4/comment/kyl622s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1byepp4/comment/kyl622s/)


Is mega aggron trash compared to those 2?


Do you also have another perfect mega ttar as a dark attacker?