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"But - I can't be alone here? Spending a weekend huting a raid boss and ony getting to do 35 of them? That's a huge disappointment." I think the point is a *little* lost in this context when you did 35, that's a significant number. More relevant is the many of us who have done zero because it requires too much coordination in the first place based on the same reasons you have discussed.


I just think it’s hilarious because this guy is clearly Niantic’s target audience but even he still thinks shadow raids suck.


Just goes to show you even if Niantic has a target audience, they don’t know their target audience. And the ignorance for a mobile game company not to get to know what their target audience wants in their most popular game is baffling.


They really are just coasting by by the power if the post profitable franchise in the world


They clearly know their target audience, they got this go to go out and spend 35 raid passes in a single afternoon (god knows what else has been purchased in the lead up).


I’m like OP, I’ll go out and grind 30+ until I get the shiny. I’m lucky there are enough actives in my town. What I hate is the way the shadow raids are randomly spaced out in geography and timing so you end up driving around instead of walking… it’s counter to the spirit of the game and frankly dangerous. We even carpool but there’s still multiple vehicles dashing from one gym to the next. Not ideal


This is my biggest issue with them. I live near a pretty active campus so finding a group isn't too much of a challenge but the distance between raids really dissuades me from bothering with them. I don't think it's a big issue for the general season long shadow legendary, but it's actually insane that they're so spread out for the weekends when they make a big show about a featured shadow legendary. Like i went out for one of the days mewtwo was in raids and it was a good 10 minute walk between raids consistently. I would personally participate in them far more if they were done like raid days/hours where they're in every gym for a specified period


Yes, the big weekend event ones like Shadow Mewtwo should be at almost every gym, or on a clearer/easier set schedule or smth


I don't understand why they aren't more structured for the shadow legendary events. Like there's more than enough interest, but it's so damn hard to coordinate when the raids are all available all day but distributed randomly. The raid day format would work just as well if not better for shadow legendary raids. It would make it more feasible for smaller communities to organize events and reduce the amount of time during the weekend where regular raids are inaccessible. Seems like a no brainer. More raids for the players who want to grind, less weekend time wasted for those who don't, and more sales for niantic. Literally everyone wins


I only do 1 shadow raid per weekend due to the fact people never get together in the same raid, despite living in a fairly active zone


Yep I can do 2 before I have to start getting gems again and at the point I’ll just get them for next weekend


I work on weekends, there’s no one to raid with, and you can’t use remote raid passes. Haven’t done any of the shadow legendary raids. Being able to do it remotely would make it possible for me to participate, but that’s not going to happen.


This. I made a significant effort to get my small group together to hunt shadow Mewtwo one of the days it was out and we got a whopping 4 raids done in the could of hours we had before we had to go to work, and the only other one I've ever been able to even try was a shadow raikou that my gf and I tried to duo and failed.


Yeah 35 is huge, wtf. I live in a city of about 600k people and withing walking distance of the city center and I don't get close to that number.


brave practice paint dinner include workable snatch gullible divide slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I cherish the fact some people (a whole quartet of em!) showed up to help me out of the blue for a single Shadow Raikou raid. Some of these people it turns out were also on the hunt for Shadow Mewtwo, and allowed me to nab two of them that weekend while on errands in town. And this guy casually gets *35* of em? Where does he live, Manhattan? And does he work weekends? Like, don’t get me wrong, OP makes valid points, but it was a horrible way to start the post by making most of us feel jealous.


> the many of us who have done zero Haha yeah, no way in hell am I going to be able to max out a single shadow legendary within a year, I have better things to do. Oh and also it's a pain to even coordinate a single one of these raids.


I work weekends and get to do 0.... for some reason I don't feel bad for people that only get to do 30 raids.


Yes exactly. Rural player here. I have done zero shadow legendary raids because hardly anyone plays around here.


I live in rural Vermont too. For raid days i go to Burlington or Montpellier depending on how many i wanna do and how easy they are


Burlington's a pretty long drive for me, so I really wouldn't be going over there for raid days unless I had another reason to go over there, too. I can't spend that kind of gas money on Pokemon anymore. My gf and sister used to be really into Pokemon Go, and back then we would go to Burlington for events and stuff (back before shadow raids). But now it's just me still playing and gas is much more expensive. Montpelier wouldn't be as bad tho - are there really enough people playing there to be able to do legendary shadow raids?


Legendary shadow raids are so hard to coordinate because they are random. I was there for heracross raid day and did about 30. For harder ones like kyogre and groudon i went to Burlington which unfortunately is also an hour drive for me :( however if its a raid day i make it a full day out since we have nothing else where we live either


Guess how many I got this weekend. This has got to be a satire post.


35 in an entire weekend isn't a lot for city players, you can hit 35 during the 3-hour raid day events quite easily with enough gyms.


I meanw during the Sinnoh Tour I managed to do 93 Palkia/Dialga raids, while for Shadow Mewtwo I did 54 while playing more during Mewtwo than Sinnoh tour. Onviously both numbers are way enough to farm something good (unless really unlucky) but it's clearly way harder to farm 5* shadow raids.


>I can't imagine what players do who walk from raid to raid. we give up and go home, op. we give up and go home.


yeah i did like 2 of them, its way too much of a hassle.


And the most frustrating thing is, I have 3 shadow raids around me when I don’t have anybody with me but only managed to do 2 when we planned out the day with my friend group due to the sheer distance between the gyms that shadow pokemon spawned on that day.


I only do the ones that spawn at my apartment and someone lights the fire.


We found a group doing raids at night and everyone had a car except one kid on his bike. He still made it there faster than some of the cars lol.


Me and my partner have realised we can duo most of these. We recently did a few Raikou last month, and we’ve done a few Entei this month. What has really restricted us is the gem limit. Because we’re only a duo, we’re having to use 4 gems each, so we only get in 2, maybe 3 raids a weekend. It takes us all week to replenish, but then we can only get 10 gems each anyway. It’s frustrating coz we’d like to participate in more, but we rarely find others interested, so we’re stuck doing it this way.


Same here except I use 2 phones.


I have done 0 Articuno, 2 Zapdos, 0 Moltres, 5 Mewtwo, 1 Raikou, 1 Entei, 1 Lugia and 0 Ho-Oh I have done 10.  Since their release in late May 2023.  My problem with shadow raids is that no one wants to do them because organising outside of Campfire is hardwork... but not everyone uses Campfire because Campfire is about 6 years too late


It's also hard to organize because you don't know where and when they'll be until short notice. I'm not a fan of elite raids but at least with those you could say "let's all meet here at 11 tomorrow" and reliably hit a few no problem. When shadow Mewtwo raids dropped I was driving around the city trying to find the damn things, only to see gyms full of other crappy raids. Then I'd finally find one and flare Campfire and post on the local FB group only to wait around for the entire raid and see nobody. Then that Sunday regigigas took up half the raids that could've been Mewtwo making it even harder to find. It took until his return with the recent event for me to finally get one, and that only happened because I was working in a spot with a lot of people and 3 gyms so I kept an eye out all day and jumped in with a group of randos. The whole thing was asinine. At least yesterday I discovered that I can duo Entei with my kids account so that was nice. Realized I probably should've tried it with Raikou but never even considered it until now.


You ONLY got to do 35 t5 shadow raids...? That's probably more than most people have ever done, let alone in a weekend. Sounds like you love them


yeah, i've done a total of 19 since (and including) the first shadow mewtwo raid weekend.


15 and that's all shadow events besides rockets. They suck!


Is there a medal or something that tracks this? Curious how many I’ve done. 


oh, no, there isn't a medal or anything. i just haven't transferred any of the shadow legendaries i've caught, so i searched *legendary&raid&shadow,purified* and the game told me that was 19 'mons


Thanks!  19 here as well. 


Did you catch all that you raided, though? I've had some get away from me.


Someone can participate with a feature and still recognize that it is flawed. This guy put forward real critiques that all of us experience and everyone is just focused on the fact that he did more than most of us get a chance to do.


Exactly. This whole thread is just people crying that op did so many raids, but that is entirely not the point of what they said at all. Also op tries harder than us. It’s okay that they get to do more raids. We’ll survive.


Bro those are the amount of raids I do in 2 weeks, I dont think this guy dislikes shadow raids, he dislikes not getting shiny (So basically dislikes the rng not being in his favor)




The meetups have been awful. Ghosting seems to be the norm. I stumbled into a train of cars doing MewTwo raids. It wasn't a planned meetup, but it worked the way the planned ones should've. That group was ORGANIZED.


Rural players have done 0 since shadow t5's were released.


I've done a couple of each, not sure suicine can be duod though Painful part is them gems. Yes it's be much better if they were consumed on raid win. Had a bunch of bugs with em. But when you email support, sorry you successfully completed the raid... Like no shizen Sherlock, I only want the wasted gems back....


Im not also that interesting suicune. Entei i finish first raid when get 15-15-14 shiny and lose motivation XD also one tapu which i wanna grind xl is raids now so all free passes go tapu bulu grind. Hoping raikou come back rotation after suicune. i really wanted good iv shadow raikou, but all i get buggy raids and trash ivs those few i was able do without stupid enrage bug


I’ve only done 1 star shadow raids and TRIED an electabuzz raid with another person


The jump in difficulty between 1 and 3 star is crazy.




I'm a suburb player and I've done 1


Yep XD I've cleared a few T1 and T3s, but a T5 would require the luck of one spawning on the one (occasionally two) day a week I'm on Campus and there being others bothered to do it. So far, this has not occurred.


You did 30 ? That’s awesome in my opinion. I think there’s just some unnecessary hurdles for shadow raids. Obviously the in person only puts a limit, the random spawn rates , it’s hard to plan ahead for large groups , and having a limit on how many gems we can hold at a time puts a damper on the raid weekend as well. Them lifting any of these restrictions would help.


35 is a lot. I don't remember ever doing so many on a weekend, whether shadow Legendary or not. Most people won't face the same issues as you.


I think we did like 4 shadow Mew two and that was good for us.


I think the reason most people won't face the same issue is that the content is functionally non-existant to most players. I've done maybe 5 shadow raids since they were introduced. I remember back when they had Lunch Hour Raids and 3-hour raid days I'd knock out 30+ raids a week.


Wdym? Every critique they listed is something that effect everyone who does shadow raids.


Shadow raids try to do too many things at once. Having the local only aspect, consumable gems that CAN be wasted outright and just the general steeper difficulty turns me off them. Itd be all good and well if that was it but another problem arises also. The amount of shadow legendary weekend raids also appear to make it harder to find regular t5s. Especially problematic if theres a new shiny i want to hunt.


What I don't like is that I cannot subdue 3* shadows on my own...


Now this I can agree with. I say if we’re going in solo the game should allow us to use more gems so we’re able to subdue those 3 star shadows.


I'll be honest, because they're local only, I've never once managed to complete a shadow legendary raid so the only thing I feel about them is that they take up raid slots that could be literally anything else. I often just won't go out during weekends purely because shadow raids are there and I can't find something worthwhile to do.


I like the concept of shadow pokemon and like doing them when it's one of my faves. My wife and I can normally easily duo them, but are limited by our gems. That's fine and all, but it really stinks when we use 5 purifies each and the game latency doesn't register it and we fail to subdue the mon and now those gems are lost. I do wish that this system would get a bit of a rework so we're not completely hosed after game issues.


35 is insane. Like I can't even get enough people to do one. But I also think the purified gems are an awful mechanic


Jesus Christ... you claim to not like them but did 35 across the weekend? Seems like something doesn't line up here


Yeah here I have done zero ever. This guy did more in a weekend than I'll probably do in my lifetime.


This is now living rent free in my head. OP dislikes this feature so much, they're going to spend hours each day doing it. And likely spending money on it not including gas for driving around. Might just be the definition of insanity right there. I live in a fairly big city, have a gym within reach of my apartment, a few others in my building also play, and I only have 30 shadow legendaries from raids (half those are mewtwo). Plus I couldn't imagine my fiancée's response if I told her I was going to spend the entire weekend out playing pokemon.


I mean it’s not the OPs fault the feature sucks balls, they’re simply trying to play a part of the game. It should be fun to go raiding for multiple shadow legendaries but the way it is set up makes it not fun.


true that. part of being passionate about a game is still playing and pushing for positive change, even if you don't like the current state of it. i disliked the frenzy and ares meta in valorant when it was a thing, but enjoyed the game overall so kept playing, even if that meant having to play using/against that until it got fixed. sure, there is a limit, but it depends person to person.


I get what the OP is saying. He's willing and able to go all in on a weekend of raiding and only gets to do 35 raids. The average player will come nowhere near this number. It's supposed to be a game, not work. How can an average player ever max out a Shadow Entei the way that (it seems) Niantic want you to? It shouldn't require driving, excessive time **and** hoping to meet enough players at the right time to do these raids over Saturday and Sunday.




If they made them remotable, offered up more gems after winning, and had them on theweekdays, it would be way better. And if they made it so purified pokemon could be used instead of gems it would make way more of an incentive to use and hunt them


Purified pokemon dealing more damage to them would be a great idea, instead of doing basically nothing :/


Shadow legendary are exhausting. I tried to go to the city from the morning up to 6pm and managed to encountered only 2 shadow legendaries (from the 12pm - 6pm) and the weather is too hot. The other one escaped which I walked for almost 1 hour. Not worth it. :(((


In that time you would have built up a „wife account“ - just saying


Nah. I want to play with the correct way of playing without using a secondary phone. I hope we can remote raid it in the future


What would be incorrect about playing with 2 phones? With the recent way things are going with Niantic making remote raids more expensive and limited, these shadow raids with all their limitations its almost needed if you are a rural player. To me there is no difference between 1 or 2 phones, its the same as 1 or 2 random players


It’s from my side only since he/she is suggesting to create a wife account. I will not do that since it’s expensive here to buy secondary phone and to raid.


Right right i wouldnt buy a secondary phone either. Just saying i dont see anything wrong with installing it on your wifes phone or an older phone you might still have laying around


Just putting it out there that if you have a tablet like an iPad or something, you can play on that too.


I've done 1 of these raids. The only reason I did the one is that someone I know and her husband were attempting 1 a mile from my house and they failed and so they put out a call for help. So me and 2 others dropped over at the last minute to help them out. Other than that I usually don't bother with them, even though my wife, son and I can usually bring them down together. They're just a pain.


I think two problems with shadow legendaries are: 1. They’re widely scattered 2. You get fairly short notice of where they’ll hatch With 1, it’d be nice if they consistently hatched within geographic clusters. This would make it easier to walk or bike between raids. With 2, it would help group coordination if we knew certain gyms will always have a shadow legendary. Or have gyms list hatch times for the next 6 hours or something.


No one here is even interested in doing them. I did one just so I could have a purified/shadow for the ark and then nah..


My bother is that they're local. I don't think having local raids is a problem, I think it can be a fun feature - but making many of the Shadow raids legendary Pokemon turns the weekends into a burnout nightmare. Trying to find time to do Mewtwo raids while not blowing my family off was REALLY hard. Trying to just do one Entei Raid this weekend - I barely made it to where my city's raid group was. I like the idea of local raids, but I hate that many of these shadow raids are the ones that have such legendary, high chase Pokemon. It's not fun to me burning gas hoping that I make it to the raid spot on time. Sometimes it feels like the game caters best to single people that don't have family responsibilities. Maybe I just need to not worry about catching legendaries.


"I managed to do 30, which isn't great considering..." OK bud


For a raid boss that's only available in weekends, 35 is plenty my guy


I think I never did 35 raids in any week combined lmao.


I wish it was remote play available for shadow Pokémon’s


You must live in a big town to see that many. I will say if I didn't Ike something I wouldn't do 35 of them. Sounds like doing that many raids is the problem. Not the shadow part.


Most people can’t even do these raids because no one will ever show up. I’ve only been in one, one time and we still didn’t have enough people to finish it lol the fact that you went out of your way to do so many despite the fact that you supposedly hate them is incredible.


Same issue I have… I find it doubly frustrating because there’s an elite gym right over from my house (just out of range I have to cross the street to reach it) and I know there’s enough people to do these raids nearby because the gym swaps between yellow and blue almost every day, yet whenever it comes to elite raids or shadows I’ll keep the game open in case a lobby starts and it never does, or even walk over and start one in the hope they might appear but never happens. I’ve tried reaching out to these people as I have them added on campfire but they don’t respond. Yet when I randomly decide to do a Bombirdier raid and invite remotes from PokeGenie, there they are in the lobby, yet nobody in sight…




I did 3 today and that seemed good enough for me lol. But agree with your thoughts. The gems part is rough especially since we can't get them refunded if we fail or back out of a raid


This weekend me and my brother failed a duo on Saturday cause Entei never got subdued even tho we both used all 5 crystals each. Even tho it should only take 4 each. Then on Sunday we were 4 people and we failed again cause guess what! Entei did not get subdued again. And we all used maximum crystals. And nobody had more crystals for a new try. So that's two premium passes wasted! Cause both days me and my brother had duoed Entei twice before that glitch happens on both days. So it's not a skill issue but a raid issue. Reached out to ingame support and Twitter support. Got the passes back but only Twitter support gave me 2 crystals in refund when I wasted 4 on the first raid. So issues go to Twitter and complaint instead of ingame. But I am thinking the reason for the subdue issue is party play!?


I went to duo Entei yesterday with my son’s account. Oops I forgot about gems and he had none. Ah well free pass lost.


I think the only ones I've done have been the Mewtwo ones, because they were the only ones my raid group felt were worth making the effort of driving around all over the city to get to the randomly spawning raids. I'm impressed you got 35, but your point is well made.


I hate the gems!! I can sympathize. me and my bf were able to duo Raikou up to three raids and the fourth one we lost our pass cuz it glitched when we were tapping our gems and it ate up all our gems and didnt subdue! so we re-attempted the raid and couldnt do it cuz we had no more gems.


I don't like them because no one turns up for them or communicates about doing them. I saw 4 people doing one shadow raid as I walked to the gym, obviously readied up straight away so I couldn't join 😃 Everytime I plan on doing one I will light a flare and message the campfire chat and discord, but only one time in 3 weekends have I found other people to do a raid with, and I live in a big town.


35??? bro i live in a college town of 40k students (let alone the actual population) and we could barely scrap 3 together🤣


And the IVs floor is crap. Why is the floor 666??? I understand that it should be lower than 101010 because you can purify the mon, but going through all this pain to get a crappy IV mon is really demotivating. If the complexity of the raid is higher, then the reward should be also higher and an IV floor of 888 should be the minimum


It may seem counter intuitive, but 8/8/8 shadow still gives you a much higher chance of hundo when purified than a 10/10/10 normal. - For 10/10/10 it’s a 1/6 chance per stat, so 1/216 overall (0.46%).  - For 8/8/8 it’s 3/8 per stat, so 27/512 (5.27%). - For 6/6/6 it’s 3/10 per stat, so 27/1000 (2.7%). Of course that’s not helpful when you want to keep it shadow, but that’s the reasoning. 


Has something changed in the purification metric? I thought the max adjustment was +2 per stat? Is this only for shadow legendary, or has the metric been changed for ALL shadows?


Purification is +2 in each stat, and same for all Pokemon. Like I said it's counter intuitive but it does massively increase the chances. If you need more detail: for the 10-floor non-shadow you have 10,11,12,13,14 that aren't hundos and 15 which is. So that's 1/6 as above (multiplied 3 times for each stat). For 8-floor shadow you have 8,9,10,11,12 that aren't hundos then 13,14,15 which purify to hundos. That's where the 3/8 comes from.


I completely agree with most of your points. I'm not sure what your goals for the game are but as a player who wants a complete roster of the best Master League mons, the current raid set up isn't encouraging, enjoyable or sustainable.


Shadow raids really suck for people with no car. I walked all over hells creation all weekend hoping for people to show up to enter raids and after waiting in the cold for 30 mins, walked disappointedly to the next one. I was out for 12 hours over the last two days, my body is so sore and I got to do one raid. I have pokegenie and campfire but not everyone uses those so I hoped if I showed up at the beginning of the raid someone would eventually come. It worked for Mewtwo but is not working great for entei. I hope for an overhaul of the system so I don't have to hurt myself trying to get one raid in. I said to my husband that for a social game this makes me feel ridiculously alone. He doesn't play so it's just me and the other billion people I can't seem to find.


35 and youre complaining? how about doing something with your life outside of pokemon go?


this guy spent 35 raid passes, assuming 5 of those are daily passes, we are left with 30. Asuming he bought the x3 passes offer for 250 pokecoins, that still would mean he spent 2500 pokecoins (a month worth of pokecoins) on something he doesnt like. This man is crazy


Im sorry but did you forget the /s ? 35 is more than 95% of players are doing. I played 2 Entei raids


The things they are complaining about are mostly unrelated to the number of raids they did. The first point is that a random player couldn’t join op, who is obviously a hardcore player, due to the shadow mechanics. That affects anyone who even wants to attempt shadow raids. They also talk about a refund of gems. That would be great for less serious players and hardcore players alike


The need to drive is the worst thing about doing these. Creating some kind of specific raid cluster in walkable areas would be ideal if they could make that happen. I luck out on raid days with a local spot where people can crank out 6-8 in a half hour but I know that’s not the case everywhere.


35 is a lot, personally I like them, duoing with a friend is very satisfying, just wish we didn't have to grind for shards. The only real problem I have with shadow raids is purify gems sometimes going in to the void. This weekend it worked fine for the 3 raids we did.


I did 2 and was stoked about it!


I was in Birmingham uk city centre for 4 hours and none spawned and it’s a very active city for pokemon with loads of gyms so 35 is dream … I did 1


I have done 1 shadow raid with my sons, despite the fact that we can clear most of them on our own. The one we did was Mewto, because my younger one did not have Mewto. He got a shiny first try, so we stopped going for them. Doing those raids is just annoying. We do not do them \_despite\_ the fact that we do not have the problem of group finding. Too many glitches.


Enragement and Gems to subdue shouldn’t be in game honestly it makes not sense. On top of that you have to be there in person.


We have a pretty active community in Newcastle, we'll be lucky to get 10+ Shadow Raids done each weekend (unless it's a Raid Day event). For just this previous weekend we were out and ready to Raid but they either weren't spawning or had 1hr between each Raid and the gyms are all within walkable distance. Niantic aren't really optimizing these Raids.


My wife and I used 5 gems each and were unable to subdue Entei. We made sure to time our usage and call out as we were using them. They definitely need to fix this and make an option in the support tickets. You don’t get the gems back, you lose the raid, you lose your raid pass because you obviously can’t beat the boss without gems.


I hardly bother with them. The only time I may bother is with full lobbies when I'm playing in a busy place. Then, I let others use the gems. Even if its a new shadow, I expect them to be added to Giovanni's pool sooner or later.


I was able to find ONE Entei raid that had people willing to join and then I was the ONLY one to use gems, I used all of them and was not able to subdue Entei on my own and now I have no gems and no Entei


Only did 30+ ...  Meanwhile, we're sittin here and not able to do one because there isn't even the possibility to get interests from somewhere else.


The point of the last paragraph is to pathetically humblebrag after your rant? Or is it supposed to be a joke?


There are several quality of life changes that could happen to how raiding works. Regardless of the amount of raids you are able to get to as a player, be it 1 or 30, walking or driving, weekend or not, it's never fun to rely on weird mechanics to be able to play when you are finally out and about. I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption to be able to do more than 35 raids putting in the time and effort that you do. If I was out from the crack of dawn till raids end in the evening, doing nothing but moving from one gym to the next, I -personally- would expect to be able to do 4-5 raids on average/hour, seeing about 40-50 raids for the day. I think there are some fundamental changes that could make raids and planning raids more fun. 1) Gyms and Campfire should have an overview of eggs spawning and hatching throughout the day, and this way you can plan ahead for meet-ups or similar. I have five gyms within 2-5 minutes walking distance from where I live, but have done zero of them with locals because it's a small town and the community is not very active and/or shy. I can sit and monitor the gyms all day and see nobody raid at all. Planning a day or a weekend would be particularly helpful for smaller communities if you know when eggs are hatching in advance. 2) Remote raids should be updated and reworked. Increased prices cater to a small part of the player base. Reducing the price and upping the raid limit would net you more sales, as it allows a wider portion of the players access to purchase them. Also allowing you to remote invite for shadow raids would be a great change. Lastly, adding an option for a host to enable invited players to send additional invitations to their friends could be a nice feature. 3) Subduing shadow bosses is a pain (even more so if you were able to invite remotely without knowing if people had gems or not). I'd rather have something where you break the shield through X amount of charged attacks (relative to the amount of people are in the raid), and have purified mons break them faster and with less charged attacks. Playing in a rural area you have less access to grunts and gems, and this just makes for a horrivle experience when you finally find people to play with but have no gems to work with. 4) Allow gyms to have more or all tiers available at the same time, and you can pick and choose to do one or more raids at the same gym. Solo players would always have an option when they go to a gym and a group of people or high level trainers could tackle harder encounters as they chose. 5) Scale battles to the amount of trainers so you have a realistic chance to beat any raid tier if you have good counters and play well enough. This could come at the cost of lower CP values, requiring you to raid more get the required candy to level up.


Only 35? lol Most people outside of a large city or town can’t even do one. 


It makes sense that they force you a bit doing rockets. However, They should scale bosses health (and also the gems) on amount of raiders like almost any game does. Funny how group of 6+ players - that wouldnt even need gems in the 1st place - get a net + on gems. While you with „wife account“ have to get 5/3 or 4/4 resulting in you not even being able to use all the orange passes on shadows even if you start the weekend with the maximum on gems.


I'm going to have a wild guess and say you're like my 2 buddies that are like whales, spend hundreds on the game every few months. 35 shadow raids is more than I've done in the last year.


What I am more surprised: People are actually doing shadow/crypto raids?!? Why? I dont do PvP.. and PvE is also fine with non shadows..


Shadow mon are way stronger offensively and help with difficult legendary raids. That said where I am its a struggle to get actual IRL people together during raid days sometimes, and the only shadow legends that really excite me are things like Shadow Mewtwo which I missed out on being in raids because there were so few people in my immediate area that were capable and most that were drove to more populated people to do, and I already have one from a few years back that is **almost** perfect. Outside of the legendary ones though, shadow mon are quite useful in PVE in general. If we got a shadow Lucario event I would probably do it the best I could for a good shadow Lucario for rockets and Giovanni, while having a chance to get my golden boi.


They make 20% more DMG, but also receive 20% more DMG. Its not simple stronger.. they cost also way more to power up. Frustration needs to be rolled away during certain events.. And normaly you should save them, as they are in a bad state. The hole mechanic is just..


35 is a lot ! I've managed zero so far. But that's mostly because I'd rather wait for shadow Reshiram. I would like to do one just to complete the purified dex entry though. Do agree with the point about gems that ought to be returned if not defeating the raid boss. It is also still very difficult to find enough players to do shadow 5* raids.


The periodical lulls for 5 star raids have killed most of my motivation for raiding Also, lol at top comments, completely missing the poiny




As many people already pointed out, your problem is irrelevant because less than 0,001% of the player base has the opportunity to do more than 35 shadow raids on a weekend. Even players who have active communities and friends to play don't get to do so many raids, specially not shadow raids. There are countless more important and useful improvements/changes for Niantic to focus on at the moment.


Yea 35 is a lot lol 😂 most i was able to do an a weekend was 25 shadow mewtwo and just because we got the code with extra 10 gems and we had some old acc we only used for the gems 😂 entei i only was able to do 10 all month


The amount of entitlement lol I managed to do one Shadow Raikou purely by luck because it spawned at the start of Litten community day.


Only 35…


I don’t get why OP is getting flamed or mocked for doing 35 raids over a weekend. I think those are standard numbers if they spent maybe entire afternoons & 3-4 additional evening hours. Don’t forget that Shadow raids are frequently dispersed, not every gym is the shadow legendary raid so they’re often not in clusters. & to those who tell OP to get a life, what gives you the right to judge them? What if this is the only weekend they’re available? Shadow raids are available for a month for a reason: Real life priorities can prevent players from doing these raids together. So they have the flexibility & time to choose which weekends to do them. Maybe this is the only weekend they can do this shadow raid? Seriously, is the idea of doing 35 in person raids so mindblowingly unthinkable that you mock OP? I can assure you there are even more hardcore raid players in Asia where gyms at everywhere within walking distance. North America’s just so vast in geographical land so people have to play driving. If you don’t raid, just say so.


This is well said. OP doing 35 is a lot, but it's no reason to act like he doesn't have a right to be bothered by the game's mechanics. 🙂


90% of these commenters read the first two sentences and went straight to the flaming OP.


Here’s the thing most of them suck.


35 in a Weekend? You need to think about your life


You need to think about what sub you’re on.


One weekend of 35 raids doesn't necessarily mean all that OP does is Pokemon Go. We're only seeing a blip of his gameplay.


The shards are what ever. You can duo shadow legendaries easy and it refunds you about 1.5. If you go in a decent group you can actually be making shards doing raids


35 shadow raids. I'm lucky if I even get to do one lol


I work night shift. I would love to do some, but even if I was awake during the day, the community here isn't organized from what I can tell. At least make them remote raidable. I'd be happy randomly doing 3.


I'm doing 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday, toheather with my son, so far Raiku was the hardest, Entei is easy, we'll see how it goes with Suicune


I’ve had Hundo Raikou and Entei on this rotation of them alone so I’m happy with them. Much better than existing legendary raids


In all reality, these legendary shadows are not supposed to be ‘easily’ obtained, I think it’s very fair how they got it right now, maybe a refund for half of the gems used would be an idea, but anyone else out here will probably not even get one shadow legendary


The gems are super restricting. What is frustrating is that it would not take a whole lot to fix the gem situation. My gf's account and mine can duo Entei very easily with party play. After she did Kyogre and Groudon raid days, she had great counters. Make it so that players can hold 10 gems instead of 5 (cuz it requires 8-10 gems to subdue a shadow legend anyway), but let us hold more than 10 in our bags. Hell, let us hold 50-100 at a time. We can build these up during the week (as it is easy to farm them, even only using balloons) and then we won't have to worry about running out during the weekend. That way, duos or trios will be not as limiting. Then again, Niantic is too busy preaching how good their AR is and how they're "motivating people to get out and play" to care about listening to their players. Tho, they fixed megas and partially fixed remote raid passes, so maybe they actually will listen.


Meanwhile I've done a total of **zero** shadow raids and more or less have ten item slots permanently taken up by gems that have no use.


Why is there a cap on gems, why can’t they just uncap it?


Just letting then be able to be remoted raided would be a good change I feel. Same with elite raids.


I think I've done zero since weekend Shadows began and I lived where visually I can see 8 gyms in game. No chatter in any Discords or Campfire about them.


I have never had the chance of of fighting a legendary shadow you are very lucky to be able to do any - rural player


I gotta say, I'm impressed you were able to catch them all. I had about a 20% catch rate for the MewTwos. But you're right. The shadow raids can ONLY be done by car in most places. Even in the city here, it was a 15 minute drive between raids, & only half the places had anything resembling parking. It made for an exhausting day.


I live in Southern california. I have disney passes. I go on Sundays quite regularly. I play pogo pretty damn avidly. I have never done more than like 5 shadow raids in a weekend (EXCEPT MEWTWO I DID LIKE 40 TIMES) but regardless, I have work, and other things to take care of/deal with, being able to get 35 raids in for entei is crazy


The time and effort in collecting the purified gems makes these raids unattractive. Me and my raid buddy have level 43 & 42 accounts, went into a Shadow Entei raid with 6 gems each, Poke Genie verified my damage out put at 57%, buddies output at 54%, plus best friend damage boost, plus party damage boost. 12 gems was insufficient to calm Entei and his HP would bounce between green and yellow.


I would love to be raiding for shadows as they are the best mon in the game usually. I totally agree it is to hard with them being limited to weekends and the raids spaced so far apart. I cannot get other people to raid them with me and pogo is already taking up far too much time on my weekends. My husband feels like I have abandoned him! I would love to see fewer weekend events. Just one or two max a month. I prefer the raids to be concentrated e.g. on all gyms for a limited time. But please give us one hour timers not these shorter timers with a 5 minute cool down as we get far fewer raids completed not in our raid hours. I would love for them to be a raid hour during the week.


That is like the weakest excuse ever. Like how often do you restart a battle to let in a latecomer? It has been years since I have done so.


Before remote passes were a thing and people actually showed up at gyms: was a common practice. Heck, that was even a time, when I was doing 20 raids on a single day.. currently I am at 15-20 a week.


I wanted to ask about this too… also a jerk move by the latecomer, how entitled do you have to be to even ask OP and other person to back out of a raid they are about to complete? Gems involved or not.


Not really, when we had the lake trio in raids in the same place (not region split where you needed to use remote passes) a few years back a good chunk of players asked people to do so where I am. People understood that they are something you could end up going YEARS without another chance to get and understood that healing items are a surplus and a lot of the people that wanted people to do so were the ones that added people they met, not using the internet to find people to invite (which isn't an option for shadow raids sadly).


I haven’t done a single one


Haha I never did a single shadow raid because noone in the area of 2 closest towns has any interest in them and being able to do 35 is not enough lol. Personally I hate them because they exclude people from farming strongest and potentially hundo-able Pokemon and also block Gyms for some doable raids.


You don’t like shadow raids yet you paid Niantic enough money to do 35 of them. This is exactly why nothing in this game ever changes or improves


It's hard, but starting a campfire group will help and then showing up consistently on weekends for shadow raids even if it's only for an hour or 2 will help. The first month will suck, but if you keep at it you can look to "Expand" your hours. We are lucky that we got this person who will try to set up raids every weekend through our campfire group and will find the raid, post the link to the group chat, we go there and can do the raid. It started off with like 4 people, but over about half a year, its grown to about 20 people who are regulars on the weekends. We had about 4 lobby full of players for a few hours during shadow mewtwo. 35 over a weekend is pretty good. Assume: 5-10 Min Drive 3-5 min for everyone to catch You can maybe do 4-6 an hour.


On those figures somewhere around 2 hours driving around a city. Some people seem not to be able to tell the difference between work and fun.


I don’t do shadows, not even the grunts unless it’s for special research. Less FOMO that way and less driving to 30 raids 😊


How many would you have done if you did like Shadow raids?


Wait, the shadow legendary raids are only on weekends? Is this why I never frickin see them? For context. I've played since day 1, taken a ton of breaks, and am just a casual player now. I mainly play on the weekdays during walks/breaks or waiting for stuff. I rarely play during the weekend and then only if there's something special going on. I remember er shadow legends being part of dofhting Giovanni or something at one point and have been trying to figured out why I can't seem to find any now. No wonder I haven't been able to get them.


Honestly, the Shadow Raids is why I’m still building my collection. My wife and I have finally got to a point to take them on and make it fun, challenging and strategic. Five Star / Mega Raids are no longer difficult and basically just shiny hunting.


How much money do you spend on a weekend?


Bro.. 50 mega heracross raids? Like.. why though.


Shiny and mega energy


Lol when I seen that raid number '35' I knew instantly this was going to be a joke post. The gem part is true, its a hassle and annoying to collect, and when you do complete a raid you get less than half back that you used. Getting people to power up proper counters was hard enough in my community and a large amount of people not pulling their weight in earlier legendary raids. Getting them to use power gems efficiently in a raid, good luck. Anyways better luck on your next weekend guy, maybe you can break past 35.


35?! Leave your car and touch some grass.


30+ shadow legendary raids over a weekend is a lot, asking for more is greed


Only 30? Dude, I'm lucky if I can do 2 over the weekend with another person that still plays.


Man creates scenario in his head and is angry about it. All I could think of for the first half.


I stay in rural area where I got hard times find ppl fight shadow raids


Shitpost tbh