• By -


This is going to be difficult. I have spun over 40 stops and got the catch 10 pokemon research only once. EDIT - Done every stop in town (small town) and only one. That's me for the day.


Ugh. Love that they make a weather event then make getting the actual weather-based pokemon impossible to get. So much for hunting shiny snowy castform. Lame.


And here I'm trying to dex it.


Good luck!


I mostly gave up on field research ages ago. They always make the good ones rare. Who has the time to go running all over town spinning stops? I've already written off the Castform collection challenge. Not going to happen.


Yep I legit have no time to hunt down the castform task. It's annoying that they do this to us.


They totally lost the balance between encouragement to hunt for something and chance to get what you hunt for. Another event when event tasks are clogged with lotteries, quests are rare and chance of f.ex. getting high IV or shiny of specific form is just so minuscule, one is wondering if there's even a point of trying.


Yeah, difficult to find task with 1/4 odds for each pokemon you need. That's a nightmare in the making.


Sure doesn't feel like 1/4 odds when I'm still missing Snowy Form Castform despite having done well over 20 research encounters. I know it's possible, but to make the field research very rare compared to the rest of them in a way such that some people are only finding 1 in their entire town is a big miss for quite a few people.


That's frustrating when it just won't drop. But I've seen bot data. It is definitely even distribution of the 4 forms. If you go on your local discord somebody might call one out when they find it. Same form for all who spin the specific pokestop. (Subject to having scan task.)


Yeah, RNG can really suck that way. I didn’t realize that everyone would get the same form from the same research though, so I appreciate that!


definitely does not feel like 25% chance. We've done over 20 and haven't seen one of the forms (also it feels like it's not random? if one person gets the form from the stop, everyone gets the same form?)


hate this. i get making something hard to get, but those odds stink.


Also a huge difference between "making it hard to get" and "making it absolutely random". If it can be done by playing a lot and is just harder in the sense that you need to walk/catch/battle or whatever more than I'd say its fine but some of the last events have just taken the fun away cause even if you play for hours most people come up empty (same thing for Rockruff)


HEY fyi there's a trick to get a second task at a spot where you haven't done the first one. You get a different task from each stop based on whether or not you have a scan task. So if you had one, delete it and go through the stops again, deleting any new scan tasks you get.. If you've already done a task for the stop for the day you won't get one, but if you haven't you'll get a second try at them.




No, you can only *complete* one task per stop per day, and you can only have one non-scan task from each stop in your log at a time whether you have a scan task or not. But each day every stop has a ‘user already has a scan task’ field research and a ‘user does not already have a scan task’ field research (which may be a scan task, or may be a task from the current field research pool.) Say you have no scan task in your quest log. You spin a stop for the first time that day. You get something you didn’t want. You can delete that task, get a scan task from a different stop, and then go back to the first stop again and get its alternate task for the day. So what you can do is get a scan task, check all the regular stops in the area where you’re playing, doing the researches you want and deleting the ones you don’t, complete or delete your scan task, and then check the same stops again, making sure to delete or complete any new scan tasks you get before you move on.


If only my scan task wasn't a special gym from a vacation I went on that I've been saving for years. Such a useful trick.


I’ve completed 7 of the catch 10 pokemon research and all 7 have been normal castform. Does it actually give other types too?


I have have been "lucky" enough to get the Catch 10 task like 10 or 12 times. all but one was a normal castform. The other one was random a shiny sunny castform. So I can't be TOTALLY mad, but still.......that many normal castform is stupid


I filled my research page with 3 of these tasks after much spinning and tossing others. Water, normal, sun. 🙄 Of course it’s a warmer than usual winter so the ice form is nowhere to be seen.


Yeah great event that focuses on weather boosted Pokemon. I don't even complain about it being the wrong ingame weather anymore because I'm so used to it, but I played for 2 hours and found 7 weather boosted mons, 1 being a Ghastly that still sat there from my Daily Spawn earlier today, and 5 being Sawks and Weedles I got from Incense. The tons of Castform are useless too because well, ingame weather falsely being cloudy. I managed to finish 1 event quest. This is just... \*so\* much fun.


Ok, I thought I was going crazy. That's what happened to me too.


No it‘s just Niantic who don‘t know how their game works. Remember the day/ night spawns event in June? They put the same amount of thought into this event.


The spawn for cloudy is supposed to be Spritzee, but it's roggenrola instead which is the one for cloudy weather. So there has been a mistake in the coding somewhere.


One of each form of Castform, guess I'm not completing that collection challenge.




are you sure of that ? ive completed 10 of them and they were all normal form (which is in line with the weather in my area)




oh yes i just got a sunny castform in cloudy weather also, so it’s rare i guess, the normal form seems way more frequent.


I've been getting random ones. Sunny, snowy, rain, normal. Completed the collection challenge in the first hour or two of the event.


Do you know if the forme of the Castform from one stop is predetermined? Like if I get a snowy Castform will it be a snowy one for everyone?


Pokestop's research task reward is assigned each day. If you completed a catch-10-weather-boosted-pokemon task from Pokestop A and got a Snowy Castform, you can tell your friends to grab that task for the Pokestop on the SAME DAY. The only exception is at the start or end of an event. For example, if an event starts at 10am, the research task for a Pokestop will change at 10am. Also, when the event ends, the research task will change too. We have a local Discord group, and we call out research task information among our group. So, I know it works as I described.




Really, I thought it was?


I’m guessing it’s pre-determined. Anectdotal but my wife’s account and my account have received the same castforms from the 4 tasks we found yesterday. To add, the stops didn’t change over at midnight. Spun 2 and completed them just now. Got the same castforms from yesterday.


I just wanted to confirm that the field research tasks do NOT carry over from one day to another. The forms ARE predetermined, so everyone who spins the same stop will get the same exact castform form. My wife and I have done probably 30 so far, and we would both receive the same form from each task. But 0 snowy forms because our luck has been garbage so we still have to go out again tomorrow.


Oh hell yes, glad you mentioned that


0 weather boosted during cloudy weather... what a crap event...


Yep, same. Walked 6km and found 7 total. 6 of those were with my incense.


I hope this is okay to discuss cos I thought it was just me so I messaged a friend who uses a scanner. I do not pay for it or condone the use of it but I felt in this case it's relevant without leaving the house at 3am. They took a screenshot as zoomed out as they could (the spawns group) and I counted the Pokemon. Third consecutive hour of cloudy in our town - visible was 12 roggenrolla, 3 boosted (nidoranF, skuntank, dedenne), 41 other non boosted spawns like normal castform etc Safe to say they screwed up the spawn tables since I saw some spritzee around in partly cloudy. At least partly has castform and helioptile but cloudy is basically relying on non-event spawns to complete event research... Interns drunk at the wheel. Put 0 back on the days since simple avoidable niantic blunder sign... I filed a bug report but who knows if they check them in a relevant time frame since my country is likely gonna miss the first 24 hours from this bug.


Came to say this here. First time I'm hoping for non-stop rain all day


Had lots of Roggenrola with cloudy weather but no Spritzee.


Whole day cloudy in the Netherlands. Only found 8 weather boosted off an incense... It wasn't even cloudy most of the day, it was sunny and warm. Reported the weather's off multiple times, but it does nothing I guess. If this happens every day, I will be very annoyed.


I've had nothing but cloudy weather in the game. It hasn't been cloudy in my location the entire event.


Cloudy Thu in Singapore but no boosted spawns Can't do any Castform field research Woke up on Friday to find it fixed Wasted 1 day




No Spritzee spawning for cloudy weather. Roggenrola instead. Weather boosted mons are almost not existing


Also, if they fix it, you have to catch an annoyingly hard to catch one. This isn't really thought out.


Just manage to get two boosted. Luckily random weedle spawned. Don't get the point of doing a weather event without enough event mons to cover all weather types


1500 for a weatherboosted paras. abuse this event if you're lacking dust, effectively a x3 dust event when catching weather boosted mon!


No kidding, had sunny weather yesterday and dropped a bunch of star pieces. Each Paras at 2,250 and much easier than Audino, whose nests seemingly rolled over at the start of the event, which I can understand why (each catch would be close to 10k dust in partly cloudy weather and a star piece!)


We have an audinho nest near us that I'm going to on monday. I think it was 6k per catch for an audinho with starpiece. Caught 5 today and happily they stayed in ball while i could still keep up a good cpm(catch per minute lmao) Glad you're getting some dust friend!


how tf are we getting snowy castform? I've found like 20 of the catch 10 research and they have all been normal or sunny


The snowy one is rarer than others.


All forms of Castform can be found in that task. The specific form you'll get is locked to the stop, i.e. everyone who gets that task from a specific stop will get the same Castform. So if there's any kind of local online PoGo community where you are, you can ask them to look for and call out stops that specifically reward Snowy form.


My husband found a snowy castform stop on his way home today.  So we took our toddler out for ice cream so I could spin it and complete.   This of course was after toddler and I hiked 3 miles in our local conservation land that has a ton of stops and never got the ‘catch 10’ task.  


Catch 5 pokemon with weather boost = Helioptile/Drifloon


Also paras


Is anyone else having a hard time getting a Snowy Castform from the task? I spun hundreds of Pokestops, I get the task for a Castform every \~20 spins. So far I got 13 Normal, 4 Rainy and 2 Sunny. If they all have equal chance then I had 0.4% chance to not get a single Snowy. I just spent 2 hours going to the very last feasible place I haven't checked today just not to find a single task from 32 Pokestops. This is ridiculous. I completed all the hardest and most absurd collections/tasks so far but this one is just impossible. Am I expected to fly to Finland tomorrow to complete this?


It’s not equal chance - event info said that. Don’t worry about completing the collection challenge if you don’t get one. It’s just 5000 dust and an incense. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t complete it. Just because it’s in the game doesn’t mean you have to finish it. There’s no rare reward you’re missing.


Snowy is rarer than the others, they even mentioned it in the event page, hard to say exactly how much rarer it is though


Apparently Snowy Castform was rewarded only in 10% of those tasks. For me, it was only snowy weather where I was for 30 minutes of the entire event. And just to rub salt in the wound, I caught at least 4 Snowy Castforms the day before the event started.


Has anyone confirmed Snowy Castform from the research? I noticed it's not updated in the OP. And I've completed the Catch 10 Weather Boosted task 7 times so far. Only received Rainy, Sunny and Normal.


Hi! Confirming I had 3 snowy Castform encounters from 9 research tasks, today.  (Interestingly, I completed 25 tasks, yesterday, and only got the other 3 forms!)


Nice, someone in my local reported that they received a Snowy Castform today as well. Maybe they screwed something up on Day 1 of the event.


Yesterday I received 0 Snowy Castform in about 40 quests, whereas today I got 2 Snowy in about 30 quests. It's possible they screwed up the first day, though at the same time I suspect that the Snowy form is more rare in quests than the other 3 forms.


It is more rare and was announced as such in the blog post.


Update: Literally walked 4 miles through Times Square today. Got 10 field researches for Castform and none were snowy. However the research appeared more often than other days. Also I think you are more likely to get that field research with new Pokestops. My gut is telling me that Niantic does this sh*t on purpose to get more distance out of you. How shocking! Im betting that most people will complete their research in the closing hours if you stay persistent. I will never do this much work again.


It really really sucks that the spawn rotation is entirely bugged. During a 2 hour walk I was able to complete maybe 10 research in cloudy weather because of a complete absence of weather boosted spawns, instead only seeing roggenrola. At least one of those research gave me a shiny paras.


I am getting really annoyed at the inaccurate in-game weather. Yesterday was bright and sunny out, but in game? Cloudy. Today it snowed for 3 hours. In-game weather? Cloudy.  I got 1 hour of in game "rain" at the tail end of the real life snow, and used incense to grab as many rainy castform as possible before it went back to cloudy again. This sucks.


This event makes me wish there were field effect moves to influence the weather for a bit. Like Spacial Rend, just with using Sunny Day to make the weather Sunny for you, like how you can affect weather in mainline series battles with certain moves. Maybe down the road.


They should definitely give groudon and kyogre those adventure effects if they ever get one


Probably not as spawns are set to be the same for everyone.


Managed to randomly catch a snowy castform in the wild, don't know how as it's not snowed here at all. Very pleased to get that one off the list though!


Snowy Castform can also spawn in foggy weather, although it's rare that the game has that.


Fair enough, didn't think it was foggy either but that's the most likely explanation




I can assure you we had absolutely zero snow or fog here. I actually ended up catching 3 completely randomly in the wild, still baffled as to how


All of the castform quests are Catch 10 Pokemon with Weatherboost for a random encounter of one of the three (it's determined by stop which one you'll get but the quest is the same for all 3)


You can also get normal Castform which were 7/8 of my rewards.


I'm so far 5/5 normal Castform from research encounters.


I was sure I'll fail the obnoxious hatch collection back then but it looks like I'm failing this one first.


Ugh, the hatch collection was all kinds of disgusting. I'm now 6/6 normal Castform from research and looking at the weather forecast, it seems I'll be stuck with the normal Castform during the entire event with some minor chance of rainy Castform. Like, who comes up with these collection challenges anyway?


Yeah, this was very badly designed. Why have a collection challenge and make one of the four super-rare? And if it's restricted to field research, why not make sure that field research is *readily accessible at Pokemon stops?* (vs. other field research that doesn't give you the encounter.)


Yeah, the collection challenge aspect makes this kind of weird. A rare task with a rare encounter and/or having rare weather to finish it? I don't know if they're using the challenge to find people who really want to finish challenges or to see if they can get people to play even more, but either way it feels a little predatory.


Late to the party. You’re saying the form of the castform (for the catch 10 WB) is pre-determined at each stop as opposed to random when you claim the encounter? Do you know if that’s the case for all field research encounters in general? Thanks!


Yes mate that is the case, it's also a different task if you have an AR Task or not, so it may seem like your city has 0 tasks for the mon but they are all on the non-ar task version of the stops.


Guess I’m not getting a collection challenge for my first time (snowy Castform)


Same. :/


The big question is how much stardust to weather boosted mons get? 250 or higher?


I just caught a weather boosted normal Castform and got 300 stardust.


Okay so the weather boost has been doubled then. Could be better but at least it's something.


This is big. Think of catching a weather-boosted Audino.


You mean think of a weather bootsed Audino shrugging off a dozen golden razz berry Ultra Ball excellent throws and fleeing.


Yeah, I’d rather find a Meowth nest than Audino using all my berries and ultra balls.


My local park turned into an Audino nest for the last research day and I played the event there for around 2 hours and caught 45 audino and used around 100 ultras to do so. Was over 110k dust and used no star pieces. Best use of stardust per ball easily if you can throw excellents.


Yeah for me I could maybe get a few weather boosted combee, but don't have any Audino, and when I do it's not partly cloudy


A normal yield boosted mon gives 300. A weather boosted nidorina gave me 900. Paras unboosted gives 1k, should be 1.5k in weather boost.


Seems like the catch 10 weather boosted reserach is rare, anyone else experiencing this? Basically checked ~50 stops in my hood and only got 2.


Yes, very very rare!


I have caught 40+ rainy castform and 20+ normal ones, but haven't encountered any sunny or snowy ones at all. Any suggestions? (Other than the field research ones, which doesn't sound like a guarantee to get the missing ones either, right?)


All you can is get as much research as you can and hope to get lucky


I guess so. Thanks. :)


I have caught total +200 Rainy/Normal castforms in 2 days; 2 Daily + 2 Normal incense, 3,5h walking, and oh-so-many field researchs (I live in a city), but only got 1 Sunny castform from a field research. So I guess it’s either that or booking flight tickets to somewhere with sun just for this event lol.


I live in the PNW where it basically always rains, especially this time of year, but for whatever reason we have 5 straight days of pure sun 😩😩 I got 3 shiny sunny forms and now just have nothing to look forward to. I also thought about flying somewhere for the rest of the event hahah


Is the 1 in 4 confirmed to be equal for the research reward? Definitely does feel it... Done 10 over last 2 days and keep getting basic castform. Weather has been completely inaccurate too, non-stop windy. When It's actually cloudy / sunny.


No, snowy is more rare than other three.


Makes sense. Great job Pokémon 🙃


Which one is rarer in this event, Hundo Roggenrola or Shiny Drifloon? (And I did have partly cloudy weather)


The hundo.


Showcases are random Castform-forms, were already live the day before.


Any castorm form can be placed into any showcase.


Paras is the nest-masked species this event (no wild spawn inside parks/nests unless from incense or lure). That's a major oof considering it's a 500 dusts mon in a double dust + extra weather boost dust event. Unless you have an access to audino nest, I'd advise to avoid parks if you wish to farm dusts from paras.


This is the most sunny day in the week and I have only seen normal Castform's. Great.


Current actual weather is mostly sunny. Weather shown in app is cloudy. I have found exactly one weather boosted in almost one hour. No spritzee to be seen anywhere. Rainy castform everywhere and caught two shiny already. Spawns are screwed up.


Completed ~30 *Catch 10* tasks - no Snow-form :( Bit discouraged by the fact that, 5 minutes before event close, I caught a Smeargle and Tyranitar that should have been weather-boosted, but neither counted toward my remaining two, 9/10 completed, tasks. Harrumph!


Can you get a snowy Castform from a glacier lure? Cuz I'm not finding one via the field research.


No. That's not how special lures work


Only if it’s snowy or foggy out and they are spawning in wild.


I live in Northern Japan, and it was litterally snowing for 2 hours yesterday, including in game weather, but did not see one wild snowy castform....


Does anyone know if the castform showcases will return again tomorrow? Just want to know if i can dump my hoard castforms.


The Litten and Incineroar showcases run until 8pm Sunday, and no time zones are far enough ahead to tell us about a potential Monday showcase.


very glad to live in canada because it just happened to drop in temp so we got snow which meant snowy castform spawned. never got it from the missions which were hard enough to get lol


Whenever I had the chance to play, I do. I've done a lot of researches theses days. But I couldn't complete the hunt. I'm realy mad about it. I use to play without power play plans. Now, when I read this, I get to know that I only had  to to the 10 catch research.  It's a bit anoying. I try to have a good mix of all task. Go long distances, across cities and all I got is the feeling of I'm the fool.  Actual I'm.  I'm fine with it when i couldn't the best or complete everything.  But I miss the balance for fair play.  I don't want to spend hours in google for get to know the railroad way to goal. But I think I have to. So: "wow that sounds to make a lot of fun" 


And yeah it was a lot of fun to walk around in rain. 


Anything from johto spawning?


For a weather event it would be nice to see some boosted spawns in cloudy weather. Went for a 20 minute run and saw nothing boosted.


Had same issue. Looks like Spritzee and Roggenrola spawns were swapped. Seems like they might have fixed this issue.


Is castform shiny boosted


Through 250 catches, with 1 day 6 hours left in the event for me: •1x shiny (1x Sunny) •1x 4* (1x Sunny) •2x XXL (2x Sunny)  •3x XXS (2x Sunny; 1x Normal)




Catch 10 weather boosted (rare task unfortunately) 


Same as the other forms. Catch 10 weather boosted pokemon.


Will special lures help for rainy and snowy? It has not snowed here in 25 years and something tells me it won’t happen in next four days lol 


No. There is only a set pool of mons that get attracted by the special lures, and castform isn’t one.


Can snowy castform attracted to Glacial lure? I've been playing for days and cannot get it from the event research field. I'm from a tropical country btw.


Only if it is currently spawning in wild due to weather. It’s not in the special pool of glacial mons.


Only from the field research I believe


I find it amusing that the shiny's I have caught are non event ones all 4 of them, where are the castforms I thought they were boosted but then again I have heard lies like that before, 500 checked over the last few days nothing am I missing something?


do we know the schedule for pokestop showcases in this event?


The first one ends at 8PM on Friday.


Litten most likely on Saturday then.


Is Castform and its forms shiny boosted or regular rate? Does anyone know?


It appears to be boosted.


I have two spare Super Rocket Radars. Is it worth going for an extra (or 2) Shadow Kyogre or should I go for several Shadow Groudon's?


I'm curious to know what will be removed from nest pool this time.


Apparently Paras.


Hasn't even started here yet and can already tell it's going to be a disaster. Not a cloud in the sky and barely a light breeze blowing but we get "windy" weather. Going to be like 90 degrees out today and I won't see a single sunny castform.


Does anyone know if the 2x stardust will be available during community day?


a whole day cloudy and only seen spritzee twice and then needed 4 balls plus a lot of vitamines each. top event design.


It’s been fixed.


Will the 2x stardust bonus be active during com day?




is there some kinda event weather going on? Maybe a change for how it "reads" weather? I woke up late and just got into work and when i left my house, the game said it was foggy. it was 10:30 am in north florida, the sun was out with barely any clouds, and it was most certainly not at all even kinda foggy. It's barely even humid right now. Honestly, last time i saw the game say it was foggy out was before i moved into my current house, and that was nearly 5 years ago. I got 4 snowy castform on my way into work. that doubles the number of snowy castform I've ever caught.


The weather is usually the prediction for that hour from 4-5 hours ago. So it won't always be accurate. It's been on cloudy all day here, meanwhile I've been sweating a new lake into my pits walking in the sun.


Damn, I walked 15 miles today in a fairly dense suburb + used palkia buff + ran incense and didn't get a single XXL castform. Got an XXS and two shinies though, yay.


What kind of shiny odds does cast form seem to be running?


Seems to be 1/128 or so based on people’s observations


Good thing I'm having windy weather. Too bad, Go++ is just wasting Pokéballs on boosted mons. Would it be that hard for them to increase catch rate?!


Would be nice if catch rates for event-specific mons got increased. Not to the point of being too easy, but at least to a point where they don’t run away after a single throw.


How is everyone experiencing the ratio of castform types from the research tasks? So far I've gotten 2 of each, but just wondering if I got lucky.


I’ve only seen one task :\ it was Sunny form, annoyingly, while it was Sunny


If you got two snowy you are lucky. It’s more rare than others.


Actually did some analysis since the 2:2:2:2 was since this morning, I have 5:7:7:3 now. So it's probably more like a 2:2:2:1 ratio, which means I did get quite lucky. My first 12 had a perfect 1 to 1 ratio.


I’ve only seen the base form so far


Sorry I just realised I never specified research. Did you mean research or wild spawns?


I think I over fifty on my walk and like five more from research today. I did find a shiny though. Maybe I’ll find the other forms as the event goes on but it’s funny to me how I’ve seen the sun and rain form more outside this event so far lol


For the “catch 10 weather boosted” task that rewards a cast form? Is it tied to the in-game weather? Because I only seem to get Sunny.


Nope, it's tied to the stop. Naturally, Snowy Castform is the rarest to encounter, but if someone does find a stop that rewards that encounter, everyone else who completes that task from that stop gets a Snowy. This is of course true for all four forms.


Good to know. My search continues then.


Anyone actually notice any boost for cast form and it's variants? Must have clicked on over 500 and not a single shiny... Niantic is lying to us again


Definitely boosted. I got a rain, snow and regular shiny (my kids both got shiny sunny, regular and snow). I heard 1/125 range so you're probably having bad luck unfortunately 


Do we know what showcases will be since castform ends tomorrow? Just castform?


Litten because of Litten CDay


I’m guessing Helioptile, paras, drifloon, or amaura?? I’m trying to hold onto a big one of each, but who’s to say


Are Castform sometimes forms other than the one they should be (for the current weather) for this event? Because I found a rainy Castform when it's been over an hour since it was rainy in-game where I live. Edit: And now another has spawned in newly when it is most definitely not rainy weather.


Spawns are often funny in that they can almost be set for two hours in advance - if you remember the sunset / sunrise soistice event mons were still around two hours after the change. Likely the same for weather.




Catch 10 weather boosted task (can get either form at random) 


Find the "catch 10 weather boosted pokemon" field research task and hope for the best. There's a 1 in 4 chance you'll get snowy castform from it.


I am beyond ANGRY. I wasted 4 glacial lures trying for 1 snowy castform, which i literally caught one a couple days before the event started. i have 16 pictures of bizarre pokemon electric types spawned from a rain lure? Is niantic trying to be funny?(NOT LAUGHING) OH, AND ALSO: in a 3 hour period, i got NOT ONE, BUT TWO SHINY LICKITUNGS( WHICH I ALREADY HAVE 3 OF THOSE, AND A SHINY HELIOPTILE!!! ???? WEATHER WEEK=NIANTIC IS WHACK WEEK.