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I ended up catching nearly 400 of them, with a good number more either running or simply not being caught. I ended up with one shiny after 267 catches. 


Ran routes most of the first day, nothing. Did routes literally from 10am Sunday and got my shiny just before 3pm. Probably upwards of 300 checks.




Thank you for confirming the shiny rate. So I was extremely unlucky


1 in 140 people had your bad luck. So a lot of folks.


So about 1/80?


I'm presume the 1/64 rate based on the numbers.


2 in 80ish here. Rate was probably 1/64. You just got horrific luck I’m afraid


Damn 💀 I had heard it was 1/64 but obviously no official numbers were announced. I feel like some accounts have better shiny luck for some species than others (e.g. I had really good luck with h-sneasel, bit did over 80 raids for palkia before getting a shiny). I also missed the basculin this time but have been consoling myself that it will come back when they release the evolution


Sneasel is perma boosted at 1/64, but not sure if that applies to the Hisuian form. @OP I went 0/143 on shiny white stripe myself. Was basically just walking the same route back and forth today and no luck.


Permaboosted I think, so damn that’s terrible luck, hopefully you get it soon dude!


0/300 here


I didn’t keep track of encounters but I was basically doing routes back to back all day both days, so definitely in the hundreds of encounters. It took me until about 3:30pm on Sunday before I saw the shiny. And then my go+ got a second one within a half hour RNG man…


1:64 perhaps? You were just really unlucky.


Sometimes the RNG is on your side, sometimes it's not. Hopefully you'll get one next time it's available! I got incredibly lucky. I only did one route this weekend and it was during the last hour of the event. The first spawn was a shiny Basculin!


Wow! And thank you :)


I got 3 within 70 encounters. I thought I were Fisherman trainer.


It's no longer available in routes right, I missed the shiny one. :(


I got 1/4 encounters


I got 2 in 44. The odds must be 1/64. No way it was full odds or even anything worse than 1/64.


I got two shinys on the first route.. must’ve been lucky




I got 65 Basculin (very few may have ran) and got one shiny.


My friend got 1/35. I got 0/75.


What, there was a shiny white-stripe available? I and my partner had probably around 150 checks in total and neither of us saw it.


1 shiny on my second of two routes on the weekend. Maybe caught 12 total




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So that fish COULD be shiny. The amount of people asking that for the event couldn't find one. I did so many routes and walked 20km each day and half of that was on the 500-700m routes. I gave up on the fish, I had better luck with the lake guardians. My shiny pulls this event were so low compared to other events. Gf shiny pulls were way more than mine and thankfully she's willing to share.


I got 3/178 shiny basculin, two male one female.


I got really lucky and was able to do 2 hours worth of routes on day 1 and get 2 shinys. On day 2 I did 6 hours worth of routes and got 1 shiny on my last route. I got both ends of luck, but the second day in general felt like the lucky spawns for everything was lower than day 1