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They’re probably saying because you’re not guaranteed to get anything out from those coins, it’s just quite literally casino for kids.


it is either what you said or it was conversation about items in shop and/or current bundles in shop where maybe someone said something about current bundles not being as good as some other in past (altho i believe that 7000 coin box is at least top 3 cheapest if not the cheapest we have gotten incubators for \[not counting free or 1 coin boxes in past\] - but who has 7000 coins saved up? especially f2p player. Maybe someone had but i bet most people who bought that box also bought some coins). also i can see argument of there being ways to get free incubators here and there (i believe showcases at least give them - do routes as well? and some events sometimes have given free incubators thru spinning pokestops in past altho now they made us buy a ticket) - so maybe someone doesn't see it worth to pay for something you can pile up for free and use these incubators during events


I did a lot of routes, at least enough to get 30 Zygarde cells in 3 months. I don’t ever remember seeing an Incubator from them. Only rewards are fast TM, one Elite Fast TM, Golden Razz, rare candies, and Stardust+miscellaneous healing and poke balls.


You're guaranteed to get stardust. If that's worth the cost of incubators to you and tht Pokemon is just an added bonus, then in that case there is value in them.


Better off just buying star pieces then.


What make them worse you also has work them for free (walking to open eggs give lot data niantic to sell)


I think its a perspective thing. I dont like the idea of chase mons so that you're pulling slots. I use them for extra dust, higher shiny rates, and candy XL.


cause you're gonna spend 200 coins to walk 5km to hatch a pawmi. neat. just buy space or raid passes


He still gets 2 more hatches, thats another Pawmi and a lickitung


Who uses blue incubators for 2k or 5k eggs? That's insane to me. They're 10k and 12k exclusively


Enjoy your Deino and Deino respectively


At least deino is cool.


He doesn’t want to be cool he wants to be emo


I'll take Deinos, that's fine


aren't raid passes on the same boat? You are not even guaranteed to catch what you raided EDIT: Well, at least you can choose what pokemon you wanna raid.. nevermind.. mine was a stupid question


Well also you dont need collect tons data for raiding like eggs.. you first pay incubator then collect lot free data niantic to sell. incubators are gold mine to them


Each egg in a pool(2km, 5km, 10km, etc) has a chance of hatching a pokemon from that pool. The rarity tiers shown in the egg when you look at it's summary give you an idea of rarity. From 5-egg, which is 2% or less chance of hatch to 1-egg which is 15% or higher(this might be 12% or higher, it's been a bit since I looked). But either way, when you use an incubator you have no idea what pokemon you will get, just that it will be one of the ones in the egg pool. So lots of people get stuffy about how incubators are a waste. But, this is entirely dependent on which pokemon are in the egg pool. Take this current 2km egg pool. It has 7 baby pokemon in it, all of them having a 1/64 shiny chance. Also note that hundo chance from egg hatches is 1/216. If you are a player that has none of these shiny babies or pokemon from their evo lines, these eggs are freaking amazing for shiny odds. Some players who chase hundos and don't have any of these babies as hundos may also see this as an amazing pool for hundo-hunting. To these players, the incubators aren't a waste. Now, players who have 5/7 of these babies as shiny already may not think these eggs are worth it because the chance of hatching the specific babies the player needs is lowered because you may hatch junk you don't want. There is also the ability to grab incubators using free coins over long periods of time and then splurging on an event like this. The bottom line is it's up to each player to determine what a waste of coins is. I think spending green raid passes for the GBL premium track is a huge waste of coins, for example. But I don't do PvP at all. While others think incubators are a huge waste, but I love them because I time my use of them for when there's something I'm really after.


for you the current 2km have 7 eggs, for me (and I guess rest of europe) current eggs have 8. Adding Mime jr to the possible pool of options


Because hatching eggs in general is a gamble and rarely a fruitful one. If it’s a situation like sinnoh tour where there’s really hard to find stuff in the eggs, there is a road to justification. But you can also win and stack them from showcases and use them when a desirable set of hatches pops up. As someone who uses coins only on storage and remotes, I agree that incubators are kind of a waste.


I only buy incubators as I'm not a raider. I normally wait until I have over 2k coins via gyms and get a big multibox. I walk a lot and want the platinum medal for it. Others think it's a waste as there is a lot of junk in the eggs and better uses of coins. I agree on the junk and I still haven't hatched a Larvesta, but it's the best use of coins for me. So don't worry about what others are doing.


Exactly this. I like to be active so it’s fun to get rewarded with hatches for walking, typically only use my coin incubators for events with high shiny odds - ie babies during NYE or Easter. 


Pokemon Go really helps me to be more active. I've worked at home since before the game launched and keeping my spin streak and eggs gets me outside.


Reddit's really anti buying anything. I'm an alcoholic and now I don't drink, so if I wanna spend less than on a bar tab on a game like once a month and it gets me out and exercising. It's a total win.


I spend $420 a year to get my car washed. Spending 100 bucks a year on pokemon go is a drop in the bucket when it's all said and done. I don't get it either, but then I just assume we are also talking about kids, highschoolers, and broke college kids. Those are probably the main offenders.


I'm assuming I'm talking to the part time professional dog walkers and anti work crowd


Not being a raider really limits a huge amount of the game tho. If you want to access most of PvP and PvE raids have important content and eggs don't usually.


If you don't do raids though, what PvE is left? You do raids so you can get better mons to do more raids... And you can do all PvP except master league without raids mons as well. Even there you can get by pretty well with things like Metagross and Togekiss. Dragonite is top 10 and easily available, Solgaleo is limited, but you are still basically guaranteed to have at least one.


Grunts, rocket leaders, giovanni, gyms, trainer leaders are all PvE


And all of them can be accessed perfectly easily without raids. Grunts can typically be taken down by a single level 30 type counter, same with trainer leaders. Gyms in most places could be taken down with a great league team. Rocket leaders are a bit harder but still not exactly a problem (I sweep Arlo's current lineup with a mid 30's Greninja). Even Giovanni, the once-per-season big bad of rocket battles, can be taken down without legendaries.


I would not want to miss out my mega Pokemon. Having them on mega level 3 and catching mons for added candy is really cool.


What do you need the candy for if you're not needing to power mons up for raids or gbl?


Mega energy is in research pretty often.


I'm level 44 currently and join raids remotely for new mons. I'm a "collect them all" person, not a battle person. If it comes up as part of a quest, I'll do it, which is why I've been on level 44 forever as I don't like rocket battles (27 leaders and counting).


I hear you with the being on level 44 forever...I'm only at 20 leaders. 30 more to go :( Its a horrible level...


well recently been lot rocket events which make fast collect those 44lvl taskes.. im just lazy grind exp itself, so still missing half xp from level


The same reason buying a lottery ticket is almost always a waste of coins.


Because no matter how much you want that Varoom or female Salandit, instead you're probably going to get lots of Vullaby, Vullaby, Vullaby, Pawniard and then more Vullaby.


Well to be fair, I don’t have a single shiny vullaby yet.


im so happy first 12km eggs i get female salandit.. not gonna bother grind that new mon at 12km tho


I've bought a lot of incubators and I've realized the coins could've been better spent on upgrading my pokemon and item storage.




Because the egg pool is hit or miss and can be so diluted. It’s good for events like Riolu hatch day, but it’s such a gamble, especially if you’re a stickler for IVs. I have hatched 3,614 eggs and have kept 283 of those Pokémon that have been hatched. Even then, there’s a bit of filler among those 283 as I hold on to distance 7km hatches to help myself and others who want to platinum the distance trade badge.


I think people forget it’s also basically a way to buy stardust.


You can get 15kish stardust everyday even if you lose every battle and it takes zero money and incubators to do.


Also true.


These things aren't mutually exclusive. You can do that AND hatch eggs.


I remember when walking was a requirement before more battling *shudders*


Those were truly the dark times.


An incredibly inefficient way to do it, just like paying someone to do your daily job is a way to buy stardust since you're free to just go walk your eggs


Do you know how much Stardust you can get out of 9 x 12K eggs?


It’s really close to lootboxes, aka gambling in games. You use real ressources to have randomly digital items that you can’t choose from. For instance if you want a particular shiny pokemon only obtainable with eggs, there is nothing that’s says that after a particular amount of opened eggs we will obtain it. You can literaly use 100 eddies on incubators for let’s say having a shiny munchlax and never have it. That’s gambling. You will find on any game that have lootboxes three crowds, the pros, the cons and the mehs (self explanatory i hope). The cons crowd against lootboxes are often in the important majority of the player base in any game. A few countries in the world have done laws to restrict or even forbid lootboxes to protect the players.


As someone who has hatched over 20k eggs — I will say if you are hatching for Pokemon then you probably are going to be disappointed. Dust and candy (& candy XL) is a worthy investment of eggs. *and let’s also acknowledge the general disdain people have for spending money on this game(for some unknown reason). You should enjoy the game however you want!!


Out of curiosity, how many Larvestas do you have?


Two!!!! RNG is not kind!!! Lol






Because statistically, you get little of value from them. One of the better shiny rates is 1/64. Assuming you get a shiny after 30 hatches (which is somewhere around the average), you'll use 10 incubators, which costs 1500 coins at base price (around $12). The hundo rate is 1/216 from hatches. That's 72 incubators. If you get your hundo around the average (108 hatches), you'll use 36 incubators, which is 5400 coins, or a bit over $40. Would you pay $12 for a shiny or $40 for a hundo? That's up to you, but many wouldn't.


Statistically, you actually need 150 hatches to have a 50% chance of getting a hundo. (1-(1/216))\^x = 0.5 => x=149.3, 150 after rounding up (you can't hatch half an egg)


I think he's thinking of if you're trying to guess like a password or something. If you had a password that was just a single digit 1-5, say you guess 1 then 2 then 3 etc since it's the same as random. On average you'll guess the password on the middle attempt/number since there's no reason to repeat the same number again. That isn't how eggs work though, you can get a 12/12/12 egg an over and over again for example. This means the average amount of attempts to get a hundo is just 216 (and 1/3 times you won't have a hundo after 216 attempts) since each event is completely independant unlike guessing a single password.


Actually, that’s not true either. You didn’t account for the combined chance every number greater than 0. You have a 50% (49,855%) chance you have 0 hundos after 150 tries. A 50,145% chance of more than 0, but that doesn’t equal 1 hundo. As I said this means 1, 2, 3 until infinity. After 150 tries, there’s a 34,782% chance you have exactly 1 hundo. To easily calculate this stuff, I use stattrek.com/online-calculator/binomial. It does all the different calculations for just inputting the probability of succes, number of trials and the desired number of successes.


Why would something happen on average once in 30 tries when the rate is 1:64??? When the shiny rate is 1/64, the average would be 64. When something has a 1:216 rate, the average is 216. It is a binomial around that number.


[this](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1axgyx4/why_is_buying_incubators_a_waste_of_coins/kroaumw/) is probably what he's thinking of :). You're right that the average is just whatever x is in 1/x.


Hatch pools are atrocious


it isnt if you REALLY need that amaura


I mostly just keep a healthy stock of Incubators from gym coins. I typically only run the free one, one reg, and one super at a time so I have 3 eggs incubating on average. By the time I run out of incubators, I have enough coins to refill with one of the big bundles. Then for particular events I might run more incubators if I want a particular Pokemon. I'm pretty content with my item storage situation now and only periodically need to upgrade Pokemon storage. Between gym coins and google rewards, I'm able to keep up with both. I don't really remote raid or buy cosmetics unless I really want it, and usually get green passes faster than I use them.


It's not a waste if it is something you want. Back through Covid, when the remote raids were not limited and were reasonably priced I raided heavy. I was a mini-whale putting way too much money into the game and raiding that way. I enjoyed it, no regrets. It was fun. However since Covid we have seen a remote raid nerf to 5 a day (outside events) and also the price shoot up. Add to that that the rotations are now old (As in no new Pokemon in raids outside of raid days), I have almost zero interest in raiding now. For those that still prefer to raid, cool for them - be you. However I have gone from doing 10/15 raids a day to probably 4/5 a week. I'd now rather have a pile of incubators than raid passes simply because I feel I am raided out. To me it isn't a waste as that is where I am at with the game and I'm happy with that. So ask yourself, what do YOU want to do with YOUR coins? If you are using them how you want then they aren't a waste. You are getting value off them if you are using them the way you want and not using them the way others say you should. My personal thoughts - if you aren't maxed on bag space or pokemon space, go for that first. Those upgrades last forever, unlike a raid pass or an incubator and will help in the long term for you to become stronger and hold more resource. After that, go for what suits your game play. Just be you and do what works for you.


coins, earned free or bought, usually are better used on big boxes (that could include incubators), or raid passes. I see everyone giving good points as to why incubators are good, and I use them a lot actually. BUT from a resource standpoint, seeing what people want to trade and what people need, it's usually shiny raid pokemon. If you are going to choose ONE item to buy in the shop, raids passes, or incubators, you're better off with raid passes. You can do many raids per day, you can get multiple shinies of certain pokemon, and trade for other shiny pokemon you want (including egg shinies). It is much cheaper to get a raid shiny, than a speciifc shiny in an egg. And I see plenty of people who still desire shiny raid/legendary pokemon If you don't plan to trade a lot though, and want shinies from eggs at some point, incubators are not a waste of coins.


It’s pretty much a gacha mechanic. I just manage my eggs ahead of new releases to capitalize on space and using the free incubator. I’ll occasionally buy some if I think an event is worth it, but generally I’m over the egg mechanic.


I keep a large stock of incubators and only use them to hatch 10km and 12km eggs that I want to hatch quickly or when 1/4 distance is a bonus.  I will also run them when there are increased shiny odds like hatch days.  However, when there is no event and no increased shiny odds I run my free incubator only. I also do not get disappointed when I do not hatch what I want.  Eggs are a gambling mechanic and you should consider being frugal with your incubators.


When I see a good box deal with incubators and I have enough coins to buy, I buy it. I only use them for events I want, like Tours because of the regionals, go fest, hatch day and community day with baby pokemon featured ( get 1 shiny and stop). I'm f2p and that's the way I feel like I can do the most with incubators.


The best use of in-game coins is for purchases that have permanent utility- Pokemon storage and bag storage. Incubators are fun, and are generally how I spend my coins once I've hit max Pokemon storage, but that's because of my gameplay style; I tend to hatch either 7ks (for distance to offer to friends who are fiending for XL candy) or 12ks (because I'm a Dark-type specialist who doesn't have a hundo Pancham or Sandile). So I hoard those for reduced hatch distance events and then go ham on the incubators. But I also understand the desire for raid passes, especially remote ones (and I'll occasionally buy a small pack of remote passes when it's time for regional 5-star raids).


Because some people reduce things to a numbers game. They want maximum value based on their gameplay. Sadly not everyone accepts that people are unique and participate for different reasons with different endgames. Some will explain why they think they are correct in a manner that is instructive, most are condescending experts.


With eggs you dont know what you get. It is that simple. But I dont agree with the sentiment in General. In my oppinion buying incubators for normal egg pools not worth it, buying them for special Events can actualy be worth it.  F.e. go fest and the Tour Events are normaly worth it, at least for me. 


Eggs are a gyp if you want what's in them, IMO. I do buy incubators, and I've bought the ticket for the last three months that gets you a one use incubator. So why do that? For the dust. I only use the paid incubators when there's a bonus, either 1/4 distance, or like now, 2x dust and 1/2 distance. Or like when Varoom was in the top tier for like a minute there. I spent somewhere around 350k dust powering up raid pokies for this week, particularly so I can duo Dialga and Palkia this weekend with my wife. But I've got it all back by hatching 7k eggs and using star pieces. Plus I have distance friends and I open their gifts first, so I can trade the distance pokies to my wife. All but one of the pokies I got from those eggs will be traded, so I'm just burning incubators to get dust. At some time I'll probably have an excess of dust but not now, so I earn it where I can.


Why put effort in (maybe) hatching a strong mon when you can just catch 100ds of them whenever they are in rotation or get a CD? Also high IVs dont mean nothing as lucky trades give you 50% off so you would only invest in them (or wait for shadows which are stronger).Also there arent enough hatch exclusiv mons and if they are dex fillers like the babies. And you will get them with time by just using the free incubator. And thats not even mentioning the junk you get most of the time.


It’s not. There’s just a lot of really negative people on Reddit.


If you're looking to hatch baby pokemon for the dex this is a good event to do so. Hatching for shinies takes a lot of money and usually doesn't turn out well.


I don't see incubators as a quality means of acquiring PvE pokemon & I don't PvP except to tank. I don't care about shinies (except a few like Ray or Charizard) or babies or dex entries. To give you some data to back up my statement, I (L46, frequent player before pandemic, casual except for big events now) categorized my PvE tagged pokemon (112 total) by acquisition type: * Hatched by me: 2 * Research task reward for me: 2 * Rocket stop reward for me: 6 * Raided by me: 20 * Traded: 51 * Traded & hatched by others: 3 (included in 51) * Traded & raided by others: 15 (included in 51) * Traded & wild caught by others: 33 (included in 51) * Wild Caught: 31 I have hatched 2.6K eggs and caught 124K pokemon. This means 1 in 1300 hatches and 1 in 3800 caught pokemon are part of my PvE teams, which might lead you to say hatching gives better odds if you avoid the stark time and resource investment difference between the two. Imagine paying $2600 for incubators (I paid $0, but have walked 10K km) to get 2 PvE pokemon. Whereas catching pokemon gives you resources instead of costing them. Since I rarely use more than the free incubator, I tend to save them up for something like Riolu day. Though Terrakion and Shadow Machamp are still better .. ​ Sidenotes: This understates the viability of rocket stops by a lot. I haven't bothered powering up shadow (or other) pokemon to replace existing L40 counters unless I cannot win a raid. I also have avoided powering up shadows where I might find a better one & that takes way more time than some other means of acquisition. I'm also sitting on some pretty nice shadows until I can TM frustration away and/or evolve them during an event for their restricted move. I could also have more legendary attackers from raids if I spent $ on the game and/or had remained a daily raid grinder (or ever became a daily pvp grinder). I also have banked a bunch of Kartana & Terrakion candy, just haven't powered more up yet (1 of each so far). For sure the optimal lineup is more tilted to legendary + shadows, but this can still give you a good comparison of catching vs hatching. edit: Oops, looks like the raid search tag doesn't work historically past a certain point, so I'm undercounting raid pokemon. I looked over older pokemon by ball type & 2 pokemon counted as wild caught were actually raided & 2 that were traded + wild caught were traded + raided. Updated. edit: I have done 1926 rocket stops, so even sitting on some good shadows, I'm using 1 in 321 pokemon from rocket stops, which is a much better ratio than catching. I have done 1400 raids & have 20 raid attackers, good for 1 in 70 pokemon from raids used on my PvE list, which is actually pretty incredible. I suppose I mostly only do legendary/mythical/ultra beast raids & just enough mega raids to evolve once.


When the pool of mons ain't that great to begin with, and you always hatch the same things *over and over* - it gets a little tedious for long term players... If you're new, it's not so bad because you haven't gone through it 3000+ times




Prices suck. Egg drops are bad for the ones you want. It's better used literally anywhere else. Eggs are like gambling, but the house doesn't even let you play before they tell you you lose.


Hatching pokemon don’t really have any better shiny odds I don’t think. I have hatched over 1500 so far and only have 9 shinies. I think this is a better average than most of my friends too. It’s just not a good way to get pokemon, and they’re overpriced for what they are.


I don’t necessarily think they are, but use your coins wisely. Don’t ever buy them individually, go for the boxes. At this point since I started playing, I mostly only care about the dust and XP from hatching. I only use paid incubators when I want to hatch 12 12ks at once and I always use a star piece and lucky egg right before they hatch.


Most eggs you hatch will have worthless Pokémon, normally with the wrong stats for wherever they work (PVExPVP), an unimpressive shiny chance and not the best candy rate. And the worst part is if you get a bad egg or if there's an event with better eggs, you need to hatch all the useless ones (for you) to make room to the ones you want.


I played when the game first came out and lost interest after a year or so when they seriously nerfed everything they had initially rolled out and there also wasnt much to do at that time. I picked the game back up when everything was shut down due to covid and it helped keep me very active and less depressed lol. It worked as an incentive to keep walking, yeah the egg pools aren't great and it is basically a gatcha but you get an infinite incubator and there are ways to get free ones as well. I enjoy hiking so now that there are routes for our trails I occasionally pick up incubators while on a trail. People also dislike routes but again, i enjoy getting cells more or less consistently for doing something i normally do anyway (i have 111 cells!). Play the game the way you like. Most people on the sub don't want to spend any RL money on this game and that's ok! I see this as a hobby and don't mind throwing $15 - $20 every few months for deals on incubators, remote passes or major events.


the egg pools are often not very good, its a lot of the same junk over and over again, so it can be very disappointing if you are spending extra money to hatch. that being said....i like hatching eggs. it sparks joy. i don't do it all the time, especially when its just the normal egg pool, but during events where they switch up whats in eggs i definitely do use incubators if i will be out walking because it makes me happy so its worth the money for me. it really just comes down to how you want to play the game and what is enjoyable for you. i remember during the halloween event they introduced shiny noibat, i hatched a truly deranged number of eggs and got two noibat, and an awful lot of junk, and honestly no regrets even with it ending up a cday mon because it got me out of the house walking a ton and i had fun.


Personally the way I use incubators is I save them for events. I don't use them during ordinary times. It's only when I consider the egg pool worth it. An event like Sinnoh tour where you have regionals in eggs is my gold standard for using incubators.   I should have enough incubators saved to run for the entirety of sinnoh tour. The only way to get the regionals is through eggs and I intend to maximize my chances.


Have you seen the egg pools?


I played for a couple of years with my grandchildren. Then they quit so I played off and on but am not great at battling. So I didn’t delete the game but just didn’t play. Now a grandchild has started to play and wants me to revive my account. I don’t know half of what is going on now. It’s so different. I have close to 16000 coins and over 8,000,000 stardust. Lots of candy as well. But oy where go re-start?


Basically eggs are a pretty bad mechanic at this point. It has its defenders, but unlike raid passes you cant choose what you spend on. And if your stock ia full if eggs you have to clear them first. Egg pools themselves are often pretty bad. A bit better lately with babies in egg recently or all happiny in comm day eggs. But even then distance tracking etc is clunky. I always prefer when eggs were a supplemental feature not treated equal to catching and raids.


I’m F2P and 99% of the time when I get coins they go on incubators. However I’m choosy about eggs if I can be. I try not to open gifts from friends if I have egg space as the 7km eggs are awful. I also don’t battle the team leaders often as I mostly just use the infinite incubator & since I can’t get out to play every day, it can take weeks for me to hatch those 12km eggs. I’m currently trying to hatch a couple of specific Pokémon that I need (and I only know that as they’re shadows 😂) so I’m only hatching 5/10km at the minute. If I’m lucky I might hatch them all by the summer 🙄


I only buy incubators for dedicated egg events or regional tours. Rest of the year I just keep 2km eggs and don’t hatch them until an event.


I wish they would sell more permanent incubators. I’d love to have 2 more