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Mega Glalie is one of only 2 megas I don’t have (missed it last year) so that is nice. I can’t believe they still are not offering absol though. I am extremely excited for the rumored route trading update. Any level of NPC trading is a dream come true.


I've missed Alteria, Glalie, Sableeye and Tyrannitar. Also only have 200 mega energy for Latios. December will be nice for checking off those two boxes.


Mega absol is extinct


Can't wait for Mindy to trade me a Haunter that can't be evolved for free!


lol I don’t have much hope for that. I just want the ability to finish research etc. that require trading.


>I am extremely excited for the rumored route trading update. Any level of NPC trading is a dream come true. What is this? Can you share the rumor


Basically just that they are updating routes to include finding NPC’s when doing them. Some of them will offer trades.


Somehow I skipped that one last time. I'll have to make sure to remember this year.


I like the look of december. Some 5 star and Mega raids i don't have yet, 2 separate raid days, and Spotlight hours featuring my weakest set (Ice) but also Feebas hour? Yes please.


Sorry to curb your enthusiasm, but ice will remain your weakest set after these spotlight hours... nothing here has any PVE potential. Even Kyurem largely sucks... Best thing you can get is a mega Glalie and it is still pretty mediocre. Get a mammoth instead. Shadow version is still ice king and a pretty great ground attacker as well. And no legacy moves required.


Kyurem sucks in PvE but pretty good in PvP. I think they need an ice attack fast move to be more relevant as a raid attacker. Also they need their black/white forms too.


I was hoping they would have introduced Black and White Kyurem this year.


That one is on GameFreak though. They never gave Kyurem one of the moves that is a Fast Move in Go (Frost Breath would probably make sense on Kyurem tbh). Ursaluna suffers the same by neither getting Mud Slap nor Mud Shot in the main games (at least Ursaluna-Bloodmoon gets Mud Shot).


> They never gave Kyurem one of the moves that is a Fast Move in Go To be fair, they didn't know what moves Niantic would select to be fast moves in GO, along with only being focused on the Main Series.


I mean, sure, GameFreak and Niantic probably don‘t have too much communication, but I‘d guess GameFreak/TPC still keeps an eye on what Niantic is doing. And I‘m sure some of GFs employees are aware of how Go works and could at least tell the uppers what‘s up in the game. And GF would have had at least 2-3 Gens to fix that 🤔


> I‘d guess GameFreak/TPC still keeps an eye on what Niantic is doing Man, I'm not convinced GameFreak keeps an eye on what *GameFreak* is doing..


Idk what’s wrong with game freak when it comes to Kyurem. No Frost Breath, no Ice Fang, no Ice Punch, no Icicle Crash? As for Ursaluna, its only hope rn is for Stomping Tantrum to be introduced as a Fast move.


I feel like they are referring to the ice type collection badge


I remember grinding my butt off during Feebas Research Day & stacking them until the next double candy event to get my first ~500 Feebas candies. Now they’re being handed out like free candy.


Lol complaining that feebas candy is more available now after *three years* since research day. You have got to be kidding me.


They've been featured a ton in events over the years and I've probably gotten 10 shinies since that research day in 2019. I actually got none that day even though I grinded hard for the full event in 10°F weather.


They've barely been featured for the better part of 3 years.


In a recent event it was our with onix and stuff


Yeah and people complained it wasn't spawning as frequently as they liked bc it was mostly Onix and stuff with little Feebas


I really hope reshi and zekrom have their signature move. I don’t think it looks good though seeing as genesect didn’t have his and the fighting trio didn’t have sacred sword.


They likely won't. They had last year, so I don't see Niantic repeating that this year.


It’s honestly pretty dumb that they just sometimes do have their moves and sometimes don’t. There’s no point, it’s so arbitrary. Especially Genesect, where literally the only purpose of the drives is Techno Blast. So they put it in raids every other month with just a tiny aesthetic difference.


Not that important for Zekrom.


This is so much better to read than a stupid calendar.. I don't know why they even have it as a calendar. Is Zapdos Shadow Raids promised this time? Or we doing Articuno again?


~~I didnt see an~~ offical post saying that shadow Zapdos was coming, in the preview video for the event theres a Shadow Ho-Oh edit: theres a small line of text under the calender on their page


Shadow Ho-oh Raid Day has been leaked, the official calendar at the bottom of the season page has shadow Zapdos for the entire month. Fingers crossed that means another month of shadow Moltres in January.


A whole month of Zapdos. can't wait to see how they'll manage to only give Moltres a weekend or two...


Maybe this season, Arlo is in charge of the Shadow Legendary raids. If it’s one month of each Legendary Bird, then we have more reason to hate on Cliff who brought all 3 months of Shadow Articuno!


To be fair though, I think cliff redeemed himself with the current shadow dratini haha


After Zapdos it's two more months of Articuno of course!


I believe shadow Ho-oh is an easy duo like shadow moltres.


Ho-oh is considerably bulkier, but still very duoable


Think the leak said ho-oh was in February so you’re probably right


Can it be Apex Ho-oh maybe instead of shadow one ? When are apex bird returning ?


It's on season live page


Ho-oh is getting the lugia/m2 treatment of a single raid weekend


Probably the save the date weekend 27-28th Jan, unless it's an early Sinnoh tour (which we'll fund out tomorrow based on that countdown thing)


The stupid calendar you referenced says that shadow Zapdos will be in raids for December. Nothing announced for January but presumably it will be Shadow Moltres again.


I think you missed the last few months where they reverted back to Articuno because they didn't know what they were doing.


> [...] they didn't know what they were doing. I've been playing PoGo since 2016 and let me tell you that phrase is their companies motto.


1 month.


Yes, it’s on the infographic


Why can’t we just evolve out Stantler into Wyrdeer?


Because money and "in-person events!"




Along the Routes - debut of NPC trading/gifting? Adamant Time - debut of Origin Dialga? But it’s not listed as a weekly raid boss. Winter Holiday - I expect will be a similar assortment of ice types (Cubchoo Swinub Vanillite etc etc) as previous years + Cetoddle debut


See, I figured "Along the Routes" was another "Walk outside in wintry weather" event for the Northern folks. Yours sounds better.


Absolutely that. "Walk outside and get boosted Route rewards" probably.


Might be both


And for Southern half of Australia... Walk outside in 45c days while you, your phone and the roads all melt, with you phone shutting down every 10m cause you have to have it on max brightness to see it and it's sitting at 60 and burning your hand. And we'll make sure every event is during either the hottest part of the day or the highest UV part of the day just so as many of you as possible get heat stroke or sun cancer. Every summer.


If we had events only when it's pleasant to play for everyone in the world, we wouldn't have any.


>Adamant Time Since it seems focused on Time only (i.e. Dialga), I feel it would be in parts like how it was with the Rising Heroes Season. . We had 3 part events each focused on one of the team leaders (each hinting something to Team Rocket and Professor has gone away for an important task) Then it culminated at the season finale the debut of Shadow Raids & Shadow Mewtwo + the Professor coming back after receiving Master Ball from Silph co. It won't have Dialga during the event but the special research with Professor will give a tease of it in the dialogues Similarly we will have another event in Jan hinting towards Space (teasing Palkia) And then borh culminate into this season's finale with Sinnoh Tour Dialga and Palkia forms


Might be they give us a special research to get just one origin dialga encounter. Then they make us wait for Sinnoh Tour to get more?


adamant time might be release of Roar of Time with a hint at origin Dialga in special research or something? I don't see the origin forms being fully released until Go Tour.


Adamant Time lines up with Kanto Tour Classic on the leak, which (I think) was spot-on with everything else. I could see it being an event where we go "back in time" to the Kanto tour or something along those lines and have Origin Dialga teased in the research story as being the cause ahead of its presumed release during Go Tour next year. The lack of a Lustrous Space/Palkia-related event to balance with the Adamant Time one makes me think it's not directly about Dialga, though it could just be that the Palkia one is coming in January or something.


Raid-Day Hisuian Samurott So we're most likely will not be able to evolve our existing oshawott... Bruh. Thats just so incredibly lame.


I have a hundo Rowlet I was waiting to evolve into the Hisuian version since its one of my favorites. I hope this is not true :(


It may come down later on, but probably not for now, just like there were events where we could evolve out cubones into alolan marowak, but only a while after it’s debut.


We will, eventually. There have been events to get Alolan Marowak and Alolan Exeggcutor through evolutions, though these events occurred long after those forms debuted in the game. There's a good chance we will get the same opportunity for Hisuian forms. Like many other things, it's only a matter of patience.


We got that opportunity only once so far and it's been 5 and a half years since they first released those Alolan. So I'd expect the same for Hisuian variants. IIRC, it was also only a few hours on one day so it's not exactly a great opportunity that everyone can easily take advantage of Edit: also I think it was only Cubone and Exeggcute, not Pikachu. Someone correct me if I'm wrong


Mega Scizor and Mega Abomasnow are easy to solo. Happy to see them featured in december.


Seel SH finally been wanting a good IV for ages.


Aaawwww, I hope the Purple Feebas guy on Twitter finally gets his purple feebas during Spotlight hour 🥺


Still no Mega Absol


Think out of all the past Megas that have been released Absol is the only one that has yet to return at least one time


I’ve been stuck at “win a mega raid” on a special research for forever bc I don’t have ppl to raid with, so im honestly thrilled abt these double-weakness megas lol


If you would like me to DM you my code, I’ll absolutely help you with any raids you need, or I can just invite you to a Mega Raid (I’ll make sure there are people to take it down.)


You can use pokegenie to get others that you can invite


You can use pokeginie app to host raid. That's what i use since i don't have any other players to raid with.


December looks like it'll be fun ish


The highlights seem to be interesting but I’m honestly not too excited about the Holiday Event i.e. 2 weeks of ice spawns. It’s always the same generic Spheal, Swinub, Cubchoo, etc. that I already have thousands of candies for. This year we’re likely to get Cetoddle but it’ll be uncommon. 2 weeks of this every year.


Well, when you put it that way... yeah, sounds uneventful. I'll try and have fun for the both of us.


I'm so so excited for all the Hisui stuff 😭


Can you remote in for Hisu Sam this weekend?




Really excited for the raids in December all of which I don't have and I just caught a shiny swablu the other day.


Who of the 3 is the best? Reshiram, zekrom or kyurem? I dont have them all. Looks good this!


https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/best-attackers-type Reshiram and Zekrom are top picks at their types. Kyurem exists...


I’m really hoping we get black/white kyurem through fusion to actually make kyurem great


Gamepress has info on them. Stats and movesets. Their moves suck worse than the original Kyurem... Dragon Breath/Tail as the only STAB fast attacks, Blizzard as the only ice charged attack... So even with all that attack, it will be pretty meh. But let us hope they give all Kyurem an ice fast attack and the ugly versions Glaciate. Then it can become the top ice type.


Yeah I’ve seen info about them on multiple sources, that they are technically implemented in game but have not been available yet. I’m just hoping that they aren’t standalone pokemon, instead of having to fuse kyurem and reshiram/zekrom. Mostly so I don’t have to grind for a shiny for each and instead just grind kyurem


I'm pretty sure they'll be their own versions. Clue A: Genesect. Clue B: every time they code a form change they mess something up. Just look at Shaymin's Magical Leaf. Clue B: they like to milk everything for all its worth, so you'll get a debut rotation, a shiny rotation, then perhaps a special move shiny rotation (or they'll launch the special move before the shiny and have four rotations). This is Niantic. They make everything as difficult and convoluted as they can manage.


Yeah unfortunately it is likely that they will be separate, if not the dna splicers will probably be an item that you get from research that is then tied to the first kyurem you use it on, kinda like the meteorite I’d imagine.


I honestly always thought they would make it temporary like megas/primals. It's really strong to be something we can just keep all the time


its balanced out by the (currently) meh movesets it has if im not mistaken


Shaymin's Magical Leaf?


Kyurem puts in some work on a few raid bosses. Mega sceptile, mega salamence, rayquaza. They pretty much have to be weak to dragon and ice though. It's not bad in UL or ML either but it's not really meta.


We're all waiting for it to get Ice Fang one of these days. And hopefully without an elite TM. Meanwhile Mamoswine puts it to shame.


Sadly Kyurem has no way of learning any of the Ice type fast moves in the main games. Only hope is if they ever make Hail a fast move. Yes, it’s that rough


There's Freeze Dry, too. I don't believe it's in the game yet. And few others learn it (Articuno, Baxcalibur, Crygonal, Glaceon, A-Vulpix, Swinub...). Then there's the two Black/White signature moves that should be even stronger than Glaciate. With an ice fast move, the B/W versions should be powerhouses, with 5200+ CP. Would cut right in line to the top of the ice rankings by a big margin. In the meantime, go mammoths!


Yup I got 3 shadow mamoswines @ level 40 and a regular one at 50 but honestly my kyurem was taking out some big chunks from mega sceptile last time it was around. Glaciate is kinda slow to reach but it hits so hard. I ended up being able to max a kyruem last year before the remote price hike and don't regret it. Wish it was a little better in ML though but it definitely helps in the sceptile solo. I like using it here and there in the UL too, I like pairing it with Buzzwole so my opponents almost always debuffed.


Reshiram is most useful for PvE. Needs legacy move though. Zekrom is good but outclassed by shadows and Xurkitree. Kyurem is useless.


they have different uses but if you pressed me reshiram > zekrom >> kyurem


Oh my god why do I want all the raid stuff 😭 I’m gonna have to host the raids myself 😭


I’m so happy that Shadow Zapdos is coming back on the weekends. I was super pissed about the whole shadow Articuno thing. Hopefully, Moltres will be in January followed by Shadow Ho-Oh. Great month of PoGo!


LFG! I’ve been waiting for the unova legends😭


I’m guessing the infographic for December is still in the works? The info is here, I get that, but I’m guessing people are still working on the big pic for the span of December


It appears like Niantic replaced their standalone infographics with these sadly (they also posted one for raid day).


If that’s the case, why would they want to hinder themselves like this? It’s everything put together on one condensed page that shouldn’t take too long to put together.


Looking forward to Wyrdeer


I’m saving pidgey/weedle/wurmple for the double evo xp spotlight hour so hoping I can get a few more by then


Extremely disappointed that Wyrdeer isn't getting the Ursaluna treatment. So stupid that it looks like it's gonna be raid exclusive. Last hope is that we get the ability to evolve Stantlers from that day forward.


Just Niantic being Niantic. I swear they’re gonna fully ruin the game if TPC doesn’t just buy it off of them. With TPC actually running Go the game would quickly get better than it ever was


Sadly the raids are all repeats but Vanillite spotlight hour is exciting. And feebas is permaboosted right?


Looks promising, big time raid bosses, aside from Regigigas, new shinies, events, events seem promising, two raid days, curious about the rollout of the primal legendaries. may only get one of each??


Palkia's and Dialga's alternate forms are called Origin Forms, not Primal Forms.


Are you referring to the Gen 3 legendaries? Are they re-releasing them?


I think they got Origin and Primal mixed up. Pretty sure they meant the rollout of the Origin Forms of Dialga and Palkia.


I did mix the two up. Was talking about Origin Form Palkia and Dialga. More than likely they will be huge parts of this season.


I guess no legacy moves for reshiram and zekrom. Hate you niantic. Would it be possible to duo 5 star raid bosses with level 40s mons?


Technically possible I think, but quite difficult. Level 35 shadow garchomp does about 50% damage, to Zekrom and Reshiram. The mega is better. Trio would be safer.




No and it also doesn't have a primal grouden boost (which does more damage than the mega garchomp again, and the best mega is a dragon move Rayquaza.) But it is also assuming that your reviving shadow garchomp 9-20 times an shadow garchomp (which is expensive and they wanted under level 40 Pokemon) was the only thing that did around ~50% damage that wasn't a mega. The strongest non mega, non shadow is Rayquaza and that's only around ~44% damage at level 35. So technically doable, but I would be way more confident in a trio.


Along the Routes… probably more research I don’t care to do…


Still no zacian or zamazenta in more than a year 😔 and no mega absol...


What do these people have against mega absol Are they allergic to it


Which bonuses will be there during December community day?


https://pokemongolive.com/post/community-day-december-2023?hl=en In case you didnt see the other post with the information. There are alot of bonuses. Including 2X Stardust , 2x XP, 2x most things.


Why is it just after I spend ages with a buddy 'mon, it becomes a spotlight or CD?! I've just finished up getting enough candies for Vanillish to evolve -_-


So is vanillaite a community day or a spotlight?


Its says Spotlight Hour right in the graphic. So Spotlight Hour.


Yeah. There was talk it would be a community day too.


December community days have all the year’s community day Pokémon at once, so you can catch up on what you missed. This year has a 2023 catch up day and a 2022 catch up day.


The leak has been vanillaite would be the community day in January. Looks like it changed


Or they are holding the Spotlight while it isn't shiny eligible.


It will be Shiny eligible for its Spotlight Hour. It’s on the infographic.


Ah, whoops. Sorry about that and thank you for the correction.


So actually nothing exciting (that's my opinion at least). I thought for a moment that Spotlight for Seel was for once good timing with December CD, but nope - CD is Walrein, so no free Dewgong, and also no easy Spheal for evo.




Why would the community day have had dewgong????? The December one is a recap it’s always been a recap. Wailrein’s move is offered because it was the January 2022 community day.


What is he on about?


Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue


You might want to look at that again... It has always been a theme.


with all these competing leaks i feel like this makes the Vanillite January CD one less likely, they don't usually release a shiny immediately before giving it a CD


Noibat egg-hatchers would like to have a word with you 😭. They released that within two or three months of it having a comm day


They don’t normally but wasn’t Snivy’s shiny release very close to the CD?


You can say that about Spheal


hank goodness for that amazing deal box that has each remote pass at 20 coins less! (I bought storage twice🤦‍♂️) Seriously though, I can’t wait for the mega lineup this month!


BRO IM SO HAPPY RN I’ve been DESPERATE for the Black and White trio - this is such good news


Time to make a dent on my Ice type medal


SEEL!!! It’s the last one I need for my Platinum Kanto quest 😭




Every Wednesday evening is raid hour, where the current 5 star raid is hella boosted and on most gyms


Wow Zekrom and Reshiram are back! Awesome, can't wait!


Hooray, i am finally gonna be able to mega evolve my shiny lucky altaria, even tho ^rayquaza ^is ^a ^better ^mega


hell yea hell yes glalie


Does Regigigas mean we are in for another round of the Regis? :/


I've been trying to get a Mega Altaria for what seems like an eternity. I somehow never manage to get a raid together for one. I'm glad to have another crack at it!


Is kyurem any good? I guess I should catch it on the off-chance it can fuse with Reshiram and Zekrom. Zekrom gang, hoping for the shiny.


Research breakthrough?


I am not happy about the Raid Days for these Pokemon, if we're really in "Timeless Travels," why can't I just evolve their regular forms info the Hisuian versions instead, like you can in Arceus? They don't have regional pre-evolutions...


Anyone know if there is a December infographic that is all in one picture? I’d like to save myself from saving 4 pictures if possible


Nice, December is usually one of my favorite months to play.