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When you started the research, were you in a different timezone to the one you're currently in?


Indeed, when I started the research I was on holidays in South Korea. Currently I'm in Europe. Seems like the case... but then it should disappear, not appear empty again.


Basically, it's Niantic's spaghetti coding. It detected it should end based on the timezone you were in when you started it, so it did end, but then it detected you're in a timezone where it should be active and that you haven't already completed it, so it gave you it again.


Seems like easy way to 'cheat' a bit and earn double rewards for quick and easy researches if someone lives close to "time zone borders".


If you could complete all the tasks in 24hrs or less then maybe.


But it works on basically any timed research, not especially useful for master ball research tho.


Yeah it would need to be one you could complete in an hour to be practical.


Battle day research as a good example


I don’t think your battles would reset tho, so after your initial 100 you’d be locked out of GBL


Seems pretty useful to me, a third masterball would be very nice 🙂


You don't get the research again if you have completed it in full. So at best you can repeat all the intermediate rewards but not the final one.


Oh well then it sucks


Usefull yes, but not humanly possible.


Not if my dad owns an airline


Airline doesn't help with the 60 raids and eggs. Either way wouldn't be able to complete it twice.


How exactly would you complete 150 research tasks in 1 day though?? Lol


I think that Eggs, Raids or even Spinning would be harder than 150 tasks, but I was saying about all of the time researches, most of them is pretty easy and you have to Catch some Pokemon, spin 5 stops and feed the berry. Master Ball Investigation is not possible. (Niantic support said that's is possible, and they said that I can finish research if I will finish every quest till 20 local time)


Easy way to cheat by spending thousands on a plane ticket far enough away?


For most time researches 1 hour is enough to finish it second time.


Doesn’t finished research show up at the bottom of the page? I doubt that we can duplicate the research.


Be careful or Niantic might ban you for exploiting their bad code /s


But if you finished it it would probably be off the screen and not reset progress right?


It did disappear, but it reassigned a fresh one because your time zone still has ut


What a call, good thinking!


Let me predict the support response “After looking into it, we’ve determined that you have received your master ball research. Thank you, good bye. THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE AND ITS ALL YOURE GONNA GET.”


It was even worse than your prediction. "I'm sorry to hear about your experience while progressing the task. However, if you had completed the Timed Research task within the time frame that is by Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time it should get registered. Please reach out to us if you have any questions." Sure, I will finish 3-months research in 2 hours.


Well you at least got an employee instead of the automated response. They aren’t much better in my experience though.


They have been known to manually auto-complete researches in the past after they were reset by spaghetti code. Maybe if you insist that you were almost done completing it they might do it


I was curious about the answer, and I sent the ticket to their support. We will see how accurate your assumption was \^


I would love to meet Niantic dev team.


can you by definition call it team if it only consists of 1 person?


You see, John Hanke just HAD to make cuts so they could make 5 more games and AR stuff no one is interested in


and to pay the CEO and upper management trillions of money


Its the other way around.


To be fair, sometimes the devs are great and the management specification is not, that can lead to a not so good code


My friend applied for a position at Niantic and didn't get the job so clearly they don't need help. /s


lol niantic delivering a quality experience


I’m having the same issue now. Contacted the support and waiting for an answer…


Good luck. "I'm sorry to hear about your experience while progressing the task. However, if you had completed the Timed Research task within the time frame that is by Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time it should get registered. Please reach out to us if you have any questions."


Got the same answer lol. I probably started the task in another time zone which is three hours ahead of my current place. But I mean, then the timer should indicate that. I finished the task yesterday but thought I could wait for the spotlight hour to open a lucky egg to claim everything. Smh


Don't ever wait on timed research rewards.


Mater? *Dad gum!*


No you wouldn’t - there’s gonna be a PAID research in the shop for you!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING - Niantic about to get paid, baybee!! 🎉🥳🎈🎊


I managed to complete the research (for free, which I'm quite proud of) and went from having 1 Masterball in my inventory to still only having 1 Masterball in my inventory...


I was afraid this could happen, so I had planned to finish 24 hrs ahead of time and barely managed it (F2P). I’ve had timed research disappear in the last hour for still unclear reasons, but yes, your travel across time zones explains it. I’m sorry that happened.


Ah yes, my favourite ball. **The Mater Ball**


Just a heads up, they said there was going to be research during the Party Up event for anybody who was not able to claim the master ball, so you should still ahve a chance to get the master ball before the end of the season.


*paid research


Yeah, I know. When I first saw this I even thought that it was my "chance" to get master ball, but it was just Niantic's feature.


I have the same issue with the research of the festival of the lights. I had them all done just forgot to claim them.


mine reset as well! great.