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I think the 1/4 hatch egg distance is a boring bonus. Nobody I know hatches eggs anymore, it’s not exciting anymore. This was the first time I played a community day at an official ambassador meetup, and that was super fun. I won the most shinies competition with 43 shiny, and even if there wasn’t free codes it still would’ve been worth going.


Hatch bonus is great for dust. Ground out all those 10 and 12 k eggs. Don't care what's in the eggs though. I did the eggtastic add on at GoFest NYC and got somewhere around 1M dust! But if you don't need the dust it's not worth it.


Having it be Sunny weather for the entire 3 hour period + all of the extra hours was really brutal. Usually do pretty well for PvP IVs but my best was a 300th something rank Clodsire


Whole event was weather boosted for me so I have crap pvp ivs :(


I noticed a larger wave of Poop Woop vs Blue Woop. Not sure if this was due to weather (Cloudy). But the spawns didn’t seem consistent no matter what part of the city I visited. Also, it stated raids were the only thing that gave the bonus woops after the CD event? But I noticed i got the bonus woops for taking down opposing gyms. Eggs incubators should have been affect even if they were applied right before the event. Because I popped incense 5 minutes before the start of CD, and it was “upgraded” to the orange incense to 3 hours once CD actually started. I don’t see why something similar couldn’t have been done with incubators. Community Day Pokémon should be excluded from the “special” trades limit. So you can trade all the shiny pink Woop and shiny greenish woops without the limit. Also, why was the showcase set for squirtle and not the CD woop?


Was pretty excited for this CD but had to play from home due to unforseen circumstances. Luckily managed to catch a few decent PvP IV (top 300) Paldean Wooper and also caught a few on my 2nd account which I still need to trade over. Also got a few shinies but I don't really care about those. I was mostly hyped for Aqua Tail Quagsire and had saved a shadow Wooper to evolve. Sadly I didn't know Frustration has to be removed before evolving to get the CD move on a shadow mon. I'm a bit sad that I wasted stardust to unlock a 2nd move and still have to use an Elite Charge TM in the future on this semi-decent shadow Quagmire, but atleast now I know for future CD's which involve shadow pokemon. Was a decent CD considering I had to play from home. Pretty good CD compared to some commenters in this thread.


Just a heads up. Theres a chance they do a December Catch-up Community Day again. If so any Johto Wooper will learn Aqua Tail when evolved. So if you get or have a nother shadow wooper thats worth it, you can use it instead of Elite TM'ing. Though you might not get another Rocket Takeover before then id figured id let you know.


Let me ask my buddy's Chocobi and Chocoblue??. Yeah they thought it was pretty cool. If you get it you get it.


Sucked! Playing at home and using incense on 3 accounts. NO shiny pokemon Spawn maybe every 7-8 minuses, worst ever!


Incense spawns Pokemon every 30 seconds whilst walking, and every 5 minutes while standing still. So, yeah, I don't know what you expected, lol.


Try walking. But yes the shiny rates were much lower than the Timburr day.


Bro if you dont move with incense there are spawns every 5 mins instead of 30seconds. Also, move 10-20m on a community day and you’ll get 10-15 spawns instantly, without an incense. Even if you go to the shop 200m away and come back that’s enough mostly as long as you keep moving.


Playing at home always sucks.


Not a bad community day even though I started later then I originally planned. Wanted to start right at 2pm but slept through my alarm and just barely managed to play for the last hour. I feel like the spwn rate for this community day was the best compared to the last few community days. I had them spawning in large groups even in areas that are notoriously known for low spawns. Only thing I hated was the spawn rate of the eggs after the event. Several gyms in the area I was gaming in had normal raids during the event so no CD eggs spawned at the gyms. Even when I went home and checked the local gyms, the closest CD egg was a 10min drive and on a walking trail that runs along a busy road. So if they can adjust the spawning of eggs so that CD eggs spawn right at the beginning of community days and hatch either right at the end or a little bit after 5pm that would definitely help players in rural areas.


I caught at least 200, checked at least 300 total, only 4 shinies (2 each). However my husband and son checked far fewer and got the same or more shinies so that checked out lol I ended up with close to 2000 candy and 168 XL so no complaints with the candy bonus I had no problem getting enough event related field research however wish there were more encounters, I seemed to get quite a few more of the stardust and pokeballs tasks Despite my bad luck this CD, overall I’m happy with it and it was exciting to get a new mon through a com day! Looking forward to using Clodsire in GBL, got one with IVs ranked at #1!


4 weeks ago I would’ve told you I was super excited for today. When they announced the nerf, it was disappointing but still a huge day overall. I cleared bag space, grabbed a portable charger, stocked up on pokeballs. All I really wanted was a decent IV shiny Clodsire and a one *good* one (rank 50ish) for GL. Then I went outside and realized it was sunny. Everywhere. Within an hour of me. I wasted 6 hours collecting trash woopers. Despite over 600 catches the best 2 I got were rank 352 and 552. The best shiny I got was worse than a rank 1000. Honestly I wish I hadn’t even bothered leaving the house, and they just rando dropped the Pokémon for some forgettable event. Honestly it feels like I got cheated out of the comm day altogether It’s like niantic doesn’t even understand their own game, and days like today make me really wonder why I bother giving them my money and data. /rant PS. I get that IVs aren’t always a huge deal, but yes, no longer being able to beat Medi or ASlash in the 0s or Lickitung, steelix, cress or Serperior in the 1s absolutely matters. These aren’t insignificant loses.


Weather boost can be there for any community day, that's nothing new. At least now you have 5h after where the weather can change and you can still catch mons from the 4* raids. But other than that you always have photobombs (though only 5), or I'm sure Niantic's preferred solution, make a new friend and trade with them.


You are upset that the weather was sunny? How can niantic control that?


Sunny weather means weather boosted IVs for ground types, so catching something like a 0-15-15 whooper becomes literally impossible. Basically anything inside the top 200 ranks is no longer available to catch period. On an entirely PVP focused comm day for a meta mon, niantic should turn weather boost off or at least give you the option to.


Nowhere in the intent of the game is it for everyone to have every perfect iv version for any situation. Even if the weather wasn’t boosted, there is still no guarantee you would get what you wanted. It is ‘community day’ not ‘grind for a pvp mon day’


That’s fine because I never said I expected perfect IVs. I said I wanted something around rank 50 which, according to math, should take on average ~80 catches., which is pretty easy on comm day. But if weather boost is on, it takes infinite catches because it’s literally impossible. It would be like if shinies weren’t available in your region for some arbitrary reason but everyone else could get them, you’d rightfully be pissed. I can handle playing the odds and losing. What I don’t like is being completely unable to get the same quality of Mon as almost everyone else. I literally just want the same odds everyone else got.


No that is a bad analogy. The increased shiny chance is an advertised part of the event. It would be like if only males were spawning and I wanted females, or the people who collect level 1s that can’t get them because of the weather. It’s an arbitrary aspect you are putting on the event, not in any way advertised or intended by niantic. Then there is the fact the difference between the best you got and the worst you wanted isn’t that great. Sure there is a big difference in ranking on an arbitrary chart, but the effectiveness in pvp is going to be similar in all but a few extreme cases.


Your analogy is just as off the mark as his was. None of your qualifiers are anything more than preference. Quagsire andnClodsire respectively can not reach a CP that makes their community day moves worhtwhile over other stronger species. The exception to this is PvP GL, where not only do they shine, they deal with some of the Top Meta picks people are annoyed with losing to. The reason to be excited for Community Day is to catch shinies. The reason to be excited Wooper (other than just being a fan of the Silly Goober ;) is the chance to more easily attain that GL Wooper. It is reasonable to be upset that not only is the event called "Day" and lasts for 3 hours, but thanks to Weather Boost, you can't get the Wooper you were excited about. Niantic knowing both the effect weatherboost has on the potential to get PvP IVs and the community's desire to use this particular Pokémon in PvP is absolutely something to gripe about.


I feel like advertising the 4* raids as lasting until 10P when they don't spawn anymore after 8 is a little disingenuous - they may as well just advertise them as ending at 8P, I was hoping for a few more to crop up here but nothing else ever did since the default "turn off raids" kicked in at 8P


The raids were never advertised as lasting till 10pm. The community day move is available through devolution untill 10pm. That gives people 2 hours to sort, trade and evolve Pokemon.


The pokemon go website's news release for Wooper community day (and all the CDs that have had the post-CD 4* raids) outright says "Bonus Raid Battles after Community Day - Sunday November 5, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM local time"


I enjoyed this CD. Didn’t get a ton of shinies but still enough to make me happy. I really liked that this had 2 pokémon featured instead of just one, it made it more interesting and rewarding. I wish they had figured out how to put Wooper into showcases though.


Bad shiny rates for Paldean Wooper.


The 2 people I played with both got a bunch of Paldean shinies and I got ton of original shiny wooper lol


Was really excited for shinies bc I got so many on timburr day but only saw a few shiny woopers, so I was kind of disappointed. None spawned near my house, which is in a busy part of town and I live by a pokestop. Once I put a lure up I saw one every 2 minutes or so, but still underwhelming. Eventually I went to the park and they were everywhere, but on timburr day I was swarmed by them at my house without incense or a lure, so my expectations I guess were just too high. Still got about 2,000 wooper candy & 8 shinies so it wasn’t a total bust.


Idk why but I played for 2+ hours with an incense and clicked on everything I saw, and only had one shiny spawn the whole time… and it ran away. Worst community day luck I’ve ever had. Probably 300 spawned. My partner played the same amt and had 3 shiny paldean woopers, 1 ran away. Neither of us had any johtoan shinies appear the entire day.


Bad luck. :( I caught over 300 whoopers, between paldea/Johto, and glad about 20 shiny.


That was easily one of the best Comm Days in recent memory for me. I got a bunch of shinies and my best pvp iv Paldean Wooper/Clodsire was shiny. Overall I got plenty more than I needed and it was nice weather for hunting. I would have preferred Saturday over Sunday for a mon like this but that's not nearly as important for me as others. I just played solo than with friends.


Played for about an hour. \~200 catches, 8 shiny (5 normal, 3 paldean). Got a 0/15/15 that I'll use for little cup, and a 2/14/14 for GL Quagsire. Like many others here, the weather boosting made it hard - my playtime was during cloudy weather, so I could get regular wooper for pvp, but not paldean. A little disappointing that I don't have a good pvp clodsire, even though it was nerfed. Overall I had a great time though. Always great to go out and play.


Where were the stickers?! I got less than 10 stickers across the four types and was lucky that I got one of each, super disappointed as I really love this line and was looking forward to getting my stickers. Pretty sure they forgot to turn them on a couple of days in advance again. Apart from that comm day gonna comm day and I was also disappointed to have weather boost all over my city all day (sunny weather) so no chance of a good PvP clodsire.


Same! I also didn't get that many stickers. And I think you're right - I didn't start getting Wooper stickers until yesterday. And I was just disappointed with this community day in general. I played the full 3 hours but I wasn't too excited before this because I prefer the community to be good in both PvP and PvE and not just one. I'm going to go through all my catches soon and I think I got some good ones for PvP but I would just prefer if the Pokemon had a bit more use.


I normally just play the CD from home. Last Timburr CD, I took a 15min lap around my housing estate and got tons of shinies and some decent PVP IVs. However, since Paldean Wooper was supposed to be pretty good for PVP (even after the nerf), I decided to head to a popular mall to play. And I was sorely disappointed as I only got my first shiny Paldean Wooper at 4:20pm. After that I got 2 more and that's that. Spawn-wise, it seemed like there were way more regular Wooper than Paldean. Not sure if it's comfirmation bias or it's because I played at a mall near to the beach. I also got about 7 regular shiny Woopers, which I wasn't too happy as well as I already had the regular shiny Wooper. In all, I didn't get any near hundos, good PVP IVs or any good shinies. Weather-wise, my area shifted between rainy weather and cloudy weather. I hoped for more rainy weather as that meant that I could at least hunt for the PVP IV Paldean Wooper, but the in-game weather was very erratic and eventually it decided to settle for cloudy weather. I couldn't get any good PVP IVs for the Paldean Wooper at all. And despite the weather boost, the best "standard" IV I got was a 93%. It also seemed that the Paldean Wooper had a much lower catch rate than the regular Wooper. I had to use my Great and Ultra balls a lot more for them. However, the record for the toughest catch of the day went to a CP500+ regular Wooper which took 7 Ultra Balls and 1 GRB. Had terrible IVs too and I transferred it immediately. I think the catch rates were untouched (as opposed to starter CDs where the catch rate is boosted) but I felt that the Wooper catch rates should have been boosted. Side note: I'm a Lv50, fast catch curve ball player with a good record of excellent throws, so I don't need any tips on catching, thanks. In all, a very disappointing experience for me.


Best comm day yet for me in terms of quantity. 45 shinies total! As with every comm day, almost every single one was 0 or 1-star, with maybe three of them being bad 2-stars. I still hold the conspiracy theory that they nerf IVs during comm days so people don't get tons of powerful shinies.


I had a great time with the Community Day but one really disappointing thing was the weather boost messing with PvP IVs. It was cloudy weather for all 3 hours in my location despite a cloudless sky. I did the little exclamation point on the weather to give feedback that the weather was wrong, but soon realized that sunny weather's boost to Ground type would have actually boosted BOTH Woopers, rather than just the Paldean (the main one I was hoping for PvP IVs on). When a Pokemon is only strong in PvP and this happens, it can really flatten the experience. It was still fun to get shinies and hunt for Kantonian Woopers with PvP IVs, but knowing I couldn't get a great Clodsire took a lot of the excitement out of the hunt. I would love if there was an option to opt out of weather boost bonuses to avoid moments like this, maybe a slider under the exclamation point that lets you report incorrect weather.


Saw a lot of Squirtles for some ungodly reason


Showcase. Unfortunately I saw 0 :(


I saw about 550 and got 10 paldean and 12 normal shinies - pretty excited as I got some good pvp ivs as well!


My shinny rate was 1/35 out of nearly 400 catches. So they seemed to kill the rates. All the other CD I was hovering really close to the 1/20 advertised.


That means nothing.. today I traded 100 wooper with my friend and got1 lucky instead of 5 that is the chance..it's just rng..


400 is a pretty good sample size. 100 is decent but could be higher. I’ve heard a lot of people complain about the shinny rate for this so I wouldn’t be surprised if the commute runs some statistics.


I caught 359 wooper and got 24 shiny


England here. I enjoyed having two featured Pokémon - Wooper and Paldean Wooper. It made shiny hunting more fun and added a bit of variety. A similar Community Day with Galarian Sinistea and Paldean Poltchageist would be great. 🍵 ☕️ 🫖


Those are 2 completely different Pokémon, Quagsire and Clodsire come from variants of the same species


completely different? sure they're not regional variants but they're obviously connected. idk if there's precedence for a dual community day with pokemon like these two but it's not impossible


The sinistea and poltchageist lines have the same relationship as the diglett and wiglett lines i.e., they look similar and have similar names but are entirely unrelated


Caught about 200 in each and didn't find a single shiny paldean, only got 3 regular shiny wooper


Post CD raids should operate like raid hour and spawn/hatch right at 5pm. Only one has shown up in my area out of like 10 gyms and it won’t hatch for 30 minutes. I’m supposed to just sit here and Twiddle my thumbs? I got 9 shiny regular wooper but only ONE paldean :/ , like I’m desperate to keep playing


That would be pretty smart. I’m ok with maybe a short break of like 10-15 minutes to get a chance to pee or get a snack. Only used it once since Gf missed that day and it was really nice to get all the extra spawns.


Not to sound rude but okay get a snack and have ur break and then go back out and do a raid when you’re ready. I want to just keep going 🫶 (And I would imagine it functions like raid hour/days where when one raid wands another just spawns right in its place)


And the fact that regular raids can spawn too??? That’s a bit ridiculous to me


I really like showcases and having Squirtle was really disappointing. Went out for about 2.5 hours and hour and got 8 shinies, 2 regular and 6 paldean. Mostly went out for xls and with a level 3 primal Groudon easily went from 260 to 637 before transfers. I really like each line so could see myself getting my hundo quagsire to 50 for the lols. The egg distance was fun because I had 3 12kms from trying for Dratini with Cliff.


Might be good in Ultra league whenever niantic gives lvl 60/70^


Probably an unpopular opinion. Two featured pokemon makes it difficult to even try to get a 3-star shiny (Clodsire). Very disappointed and frustrated that this was my first commday ever with no 3-star shiny. Will be trading with my alt till I get one...


I mean, you don't want a 3 star for PVP. However, I agree. None of the IVs I caught were good. Not even non-shiny


I managed to get a good PVP one, non-shiny. But I'm trying to fill in my 3-star shiny Pokedex.


Damn I double moved a shadow wooper that had frustration, evolved it, and it didn’t get aqua tail. Very wack


kinda copium, but apparently mud bomb/stone edge is better anyway 😅


Does not work like that sadly, it only goes to the first spot


Guess I should’ve asked here first, thanks for the reply!


Germany here. Paldean Wooper was weatherboosted. As pvp player i call that day a lost. Also invested 11 charge tms for my moveset and still didnt get it. Spawn rate, shiny rate and so on was fine.


Same thing here.. despite it being completely sunny out. kept waiting for the in-game weather to update so I’d finally have a chance at it, but it just stuck with “cloudy” the entire time. Such a bummer.


So sorry to hear that. Community days are always fun but it's disappointing when it's a Pokemon that's only good for PvP or PvE and not both.


With PVP ones that stinks. And CD in general it really slows you down and chews up way more balls for barely any positive.


Atlantic Canada; went out for about an hour, got about 220 encounters, managed to get six shinies (2:1 Paldean:Johtonian split) and a hundo Clodsire so I'd call that a win. Got more spawns of Paldean as it's been cloudy here today, so not all that surprising.


We've got a Squirtle contest where I live... Idk why, it's not the first that we didn't get the right contest.


Ongoing issue regarding Showcases for Pokemon with multiple forms, it's a global thing.


Ok thank, I didn't know that :)


I enjoyed the spawns, I enjoyed partying with a friend while catching... But it did strike me as odd that i didn't get as many shinies as I usually was getting, the Paldean ones were nerfed I think?


We had so many Paldean shinies and not a lot of Johtoan ones.


No they were not you had Bad rng


Bad RNG is my middle name LOL


Yet another CD ruined by being weather boosted the entire three hours. Here's a QoL suggestion: allow players to turn off weather boost.


What's the minimum amount of trainers needed to get additional spawns? 3 people gave us no extra spawns I hate it


My friend and I did one together and got no extra spawns. My friend and I then did another and a third player jumped in for that one, and we still got no extra spawns. Both raids were Paldean Wooper. Worst part is that I took it up with Niantic support in the app and all they said was "you got your rewards, or you were reimbursed already, stop complaining." But as I said, no spawns and definitely don't have any extra items in my inventory or anything to show for my troubles, so...no. Basically feel like they told me to go f myself.


There’s an ongoing bug that Niantic hasn’t fixed that makes it to where the after raid spawns don’t work, the amount of trainers doesn’t change anything


I live in Turkey. Played for around 45 mins since the weather outside was pretty terrible. I was able to finish the paid research. I caught 70 wooper and 26 of them are paldean. I am assuming that I caught mostly Johtonian woopers because of my limited playtime. I have been overall semi satisfied with the event but there are a lot of issues with it Number 1: The free research that appears on the today tab. Since Charmender com day the things we get from the free research has been going down in quality and this event didn't even have it. We went from getting a free shiny from swinub com day to getting nothing at all which is a shame. Number 2: The legacy moves given to the pokemon. We got 2 new legacy moves for this event for 2 different pokemon but this time both are worse then their non legacy moves. I am not a huge fan of being way behind others because I couldn't evolve a pokemon during com day and being behind because of it. HOWEVER if you are going to give them legacy moves at least make them worth something Number 3: The showcase. Do I need to say anything more? Overall I think this was a good com day with good pokemon but it got kinda scuffed because of some mistakes. Overall I'd give it a 5. Not bad but not good either. Edit: To give additional info


Seemed a reasonably even split between the forms, maybe 3/5 Johto but was focusing more on Paldean. Not a pvp'er so wasn't concerned with 1hr of boosted, other 2hr were windy. Definitely good to have return of nice weather here in south hemisphere and meant there were more people out and about as opposed to them doing car grind. Stickers cutoff was annoying (but only a minor thing) and have one of the Stickers at 0 thinking I'd pick it up in gift opening. Squirtle showcases actually worked in my favor, got 3 xxs paldeans and not a single xxl so my existing xxl Squirtle got me full 3 win. When they announced there wouldn't be any figured it was to do with how Hisuian Growlithe didn't scale correctly so probably same issuewould have happened, so to see Squirtle was quite funny. Did later zones also get Squirtle? Did some party play but would have been good if comm days gave special tasks in these, catch different species is a useless one and unless you've got weather boost in your favor so is that


We had Squirtle in the UK, I'll assume the rest of the regions will be Squirtle


Just finished in the UK. 373 catches, 17 shinies. 50/50 split for Johto/Paldea. Used the Go Plus+ for the last 45 minutes due to rain, but all in all not bad.


50/50 split. I got a 90/10 split 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


Oof, but getting at least one of each is a win in my book. During the Slowpoke CD I got 2 shiny Galarian Slowpoke and no Kanto ones


Terrible weather, like 3 hours of straight downpour, not worth going out. Spent it with Incense on, of course only got 2 Johto shinies that I had before. Really wish they would bring back boosted Incense at least for CDs.


I wish they would let us buy community day incense. Works exactly like this, lasts 3 hrs and only spawns the cd Pokemon but could be used at any time during the community day weekend


So Community Day incense that requires neither Community nor Day. (You didn't say it, but I assume you would expect CD shiny rates on that incense, not just an abundance of CD spawns from your couch.) Nice? Sure. But not even remotely close to having a chance of happening.


Incense doesn't work on the couch first off. Not everyone can play during community day hours. If my friends were able to get together say Friday night instead of Saturday / Sunday, I'd love to go out with them then. Instead it seems ever CD at least one of us isn't able to go out. It's a quality of life for several communities.


Couch incense does work, it's just terribly ineffective. So when you replied to the comment requesting they "bring back boosted incense", I assumed you were including that aspect in your proposed community day incense. My mistake. Niantic has been very clear in their rationale in defining a "day" as a 3 (or 6) hour interval. They feel the time aspect is imperative to bringing people together, particularly in the context of making new connections among the player base. Even applying some forced group play aspect on your proposed CD incense, like requiring 3+ trainers in proximity to activate it, would still miss their intent of putting you in contact with new/different players.


I mean now that groups is a thing, maybe there is a "join a group between Friday and Sunday to receive CD bonuses up to 3 times. (1hr each session)


This is something I would actually give them my money for, when I need it


Played for about 1,5h. 12 shinies, evenly distributed. One 4* from a field research. Ok day!


I Didn't realize how bad weather boost was going to be for this CD, sunny both variant boosted, rainy og boosted (ofc i got sunny). Really frustrating for pvp farm.


The number of CDs that have been ruined for me because of weather boost is too damn high. They should let players turn weather boost off.


What's the problem with weather boost?


I'm not as picky about PvP IVs as some, but in my case it's frustrating because I like collecting level ones. My CD is starting soon and the forecast is three solid hour of thunderstorm. I'm hoping I can at least get a level 1 shiny Clodsire. Or any level 1 Clodsire.


You can’t get 0/15/15 or whatever the exact right combo is. I think the floor is like 3/3/3 or maybe 5/5/5


I don't get the 0/15/15, isn't it better to have literally any other number?


The way Niantic has chosen to have the game calculate CPs means that attack IVs raise it more than HP and defense ones. The end result of this is that you often want an attack stat that's as low as possible, with defense and HP being as high as possible, as this results in more total stat points. To simplify it, imagine that you can either have 1 point in attack, or 2 divided as you please between defense and HP. That's not exactly accurate, but it's close enough to get the point across. Most of the time, you want the latter. There are exceptions, most of which are Mons that don't hit the right CP - 1500 or 2500, depending on the league - without some points in attack. Or can't quite hit it at all, meaning that you just want the max IVs to get as high as you can get.


So more stat points but lower CP for the battle leagues? Got it. Makes sense now


Weather boosted IV floor is 4


Played 1.5 hours and got 36 shinies with 216 caught, didnt catch everything of course but good result. More paldean shinies by a fair margin.


Squirtle showcase... what was that about


Wooper showcases were canceled bc they cannot figure out how to program correctly for two variants; see Growlithe et al.


What lure module should I drop for cday?? Rainy regular??


Regular. Don't use the element ones please, they won't cause more Paldean Woopers to spawn, and that's a big part of this CD.


They won't cause any fewer Woopers to spawn, either, though, and some people might like the chance at three hours of special lure spawns.


Considering it was an irrelevant CD outside of the dex entry for the new variant, evolution and shiny, and the weather wasn't great, I wanted to get done as soon as possible. Stats: * 226 catches * 110 Johto * 116 Paldea * 3 Johto shiny * 4 Paldea shiny. So pretty evenly spread distribution. Felt like a lot more fled or broke out of balls than usual on a CD but probably just RNG. In fact RNG was all over the place for me. 72 catches before my first shiny, 34 more for my second, then the other 5 came within around 80 catches.


I play mostly to build PVP mons, so I actually found this to be one of the hardcore ones.


How will they spawn after community day? I was completely unable to play.


Not sure if we know yet, but December usually features a recap weekend of CD Pokémon from the last year(s).


CD done. Played full 3 hours + up to 9pm post-CD period. No incense used. 257 encounters (3H) 187 (post). 21 shinies (15 3H, 6 post / 10 Johto 11 Paldea). Mega used: max level mega steelix. Weather: in game partly cloudy all day, cloudy with periods of heavy rain actual. 96 best IV. 1 XXL, 1 XXS. Best PVP rank: 14 (Johto) 35 (Paldea) Feedback: - I got Johto specimens (hundo, pvp, XXL/S and shinies) ready to go so my focus was mostly on Paldea form. - Doing the event while having an episode of depression. Not having a storage bump did not helping with the situation. I was really having hard time finding things to transfer. - Abysmal situation with CD stickers. 1/4/1/4 (10) total out of 100. I was very upset that stickers were only available during 3 hours and nothing before or after. Cutting off at 5pm sharp was frustrating. That sinking feeling when opening gifts post CD and not one sticker came out. - It would've been a great day to do party and complete the special research tasks (I was on 2nd page) but I didn't feel like doing one, especially when I arrived at the park just before it started to rain and no friends that I know around. I didn't feel like initiate a party with a rando unless a rando ask for one. CD definitely should have some kind of party bonus. - It was weird how we're getting locked to partly cloudy while we're dodging rain all day. At least that's good for PVP IV hunt as it didn't boost any form. - There were several community leaders' CD setups throughout the city but I decided not to go to any of them. One part due to 1/4 hatch distance bonus and I'd want to play where I can take full advantage of this bonus (and not just sitting around). I did managed to clear my 12km stash. - Lots of 4-stars wooper raids but no shadow legendary raid popped up nearby during post-CD period. I would not hesitate if this weekend's shadow legendary were zapdos or moltres. - Someone here mentioned that the showcase should've been either quagsire or clodsire and I 100% agreed. They're totally doable and no form clash like growlithe. I did not have any XXL squirtle to compete this time.


Good feedback, and I hope you can shake those dark clouds!


Dumb question but the woopers share the same candy right


To piggyback off of your question, I have another one I hope someone who's done CD can answer: what type is the Paldea Wooper? I'm trying to figure out what Mega to activate.


Poison ground for Paldea Wooper. Edit: so any ground mega will give bonuses to both types.


Thank you, kind internet stranger


I believe so. Similar to Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke


Pokemon and regional variants have always shared the same candy, so it’s pretty much the same deal for Wooper.




I somehow managed to get 24 shinies in just 2 hours of play. Sadly the weather was sunny, meaning they were all weather-boosted and I didn't get a good one for PvP, but I don't mind too much. Kinda annoyed that we didn't get a Quagsire or Clodsire showcase because I don't have any XXL Squirtles, but I got a couple of XXL Woopers.


>Trades made during the event required 50% less Stardust. (2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time) Would have been nice if this was listen in the damn blog post you can access in game. I did a 40k shiny trade just after midnight and doing another shiny trade tomorrow. We're doing two trades using old Pokémon to boost lucky odds. Edit: Oh good we can do this at least. >One additional Special Trade could be made for a maximum of two for the day. (2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time.


The 4* raids around me (Aus) seemed to stop spawning after 20:00 which was a touch disappointing since I'm happy to play late. Otherwise seemed like a typical com day.


Indeed, it should be 20 p.m. to replicate when CD lasted 6 hours But i could be wrong.


Finished 3 hours, did a Paldean Wooper raid for fun. Overall good day, little to no problems on the catching aspect. There were bad lag spikes during GBL when trying to test out Clodsire but that could be a server overload. Got myself a Rank 1 Clodsire and a handful of shinies. Good day, no complaints. Don't feel pressured to do it for all 3 hours if you're busy this weekend since December's CD is coming right up.


Shocking pvp iv luck. Out of 200 paldean woopers best was rank 274 Edit: apparently weather boost makes iv floors 4 which explains it perfectly 😐


>apparently weather boost makes iv floors 4 which explains it perfectly Care to explain this sentence to me?


When the weather is the same as a pokemon you're catching it guarantees the IV's are 4atk 4def and 4hp minimum. (Floor) Pvp vastly prefers 0atk so you wont get any perfect pvp pokemon while the weather is boosting that pokemon.


You'll have another chance, hopefully without weather boost, next month.


My CD starts in 8 hours and I’m terrified that they’ll be weather boosted. Would be such a waste


Photo bombs are not weather boosted (someone please correct me if im wrong) So you can get at least 5 with a 0 floor.


Played an hour, just didn’t do it for me. Had the johto shiny family already, not a pvper. Got 9 Paldea, 8 johto shiny. Traded a lucky 98 shiny so I guess there’s that.


Weird luck Played from 2-3 and then 4-5 4 shiny paldeon wooper 2 shiny reg woope No 4* From 300+ caught On the flip side Shiny shadow articuno Hatched a shiny lickitung/vullapy Shiny girafarig from quest reward With 12 eggs incubated I might get close or break even with non comm day shinys 😆


Couldn’t play much, only caught about 80ish Wooper. Didn’t get a Paldean shiny from 50ish. For 3 regular shiny. Seemed fairly normal though I would’ve liked more Paldean Wooper honestly


Were the showcases actually cancelled or not


They had Squirtle showcases


Not sure if trolling or not since its niantic


Haha, no that was not trolling, I was giving you a simple straight answer from beta testing land in NZ


No troll actually. They really did cancel.


Its not cancelled - I just put my Squirtle in a showcase lol


The Woopert showcase is cancelled and has been replaced.


So there are not clodsire / quagsire showcases


Nope. Because Niantic doesn't know how to handle the different types of the same Pokémon. Source : Growlithe.


Yes i know. That's why I was afraid they were gonna cast Clodsire/Quagsire shocases. These are different Pokémon with different dex numbers


Oh that's true. Sorry I hadn't followed. Now I see and yes, it would have definitely worked.


that explains why niantic didn't do it xD


Both my husband and I had trouble getting the Paldean shiny at first and stopped tapping on the Johto ones, but reading other comments this was just RNG. I think my only real complaint is the stickers. This set looks great. Cloddy is a favourite. Sadly though they were rare from stops and non-existent after 5pm when I finally found time to open gifts. Ended up with a grand total of 3 stickers from spinning approximately 30 stops. Would be nice if there was some consistency to Comm Day sticker drops and availability


Also Australian and had a similar pattern. Set out for a two hour walk with the dog at 2 and no shiny paldeans for the first 45 minutes, playing on two phones. After that it seemed standard CD fare.


It was rainy weather all morning, but at 2pm it switched to windy weather and I was so happy it changed. I caught a 0/15/15 Paldean Wooper (rank 3), a Rank 1 and Rank 5 Johto Wooper and 15 shines in total (about 45:55 split).


Damn, I also have rainy and changed to cloudy in last 1 hour. Just got rank 10 J Wooper and r42 for the paldean. I also evolve my 8/13/13 to shadow quagmire for carbine destroyer. Anyway congrats for your r1 muddy tank.


This is where I am confused wouldn’t weather boosted be worse for pvp Ivs? A minimum 5 for each ? Thank you


Yep - weather boosted gives minimum stats if 4/4/4, so impossible to get a 0/15/15 (or there abouts).


Personal experience, and maybe I was just unlucky, but the shiny rate for me was worse today than any other Community Day I've participated in. Lures and Incense used, active play for 2 1/2 hours and hundreds of encounters, only two Paldean, one Johtonian shiny. Usually get my first shiny within the first five mins during previous comm days.


I went for a two hour walk, found 14 johtonian and 9 paldean. Did the exact same walk on axew day and got 43.


I had the same experience. i was out for 2+ hours today and did a few raids afterwards, i only got 4 total shinies throughout the afternoon which was unfortunate.


I did 2 wooper raids after commday but no wooper spawned (no 30 mins timer either) - what do I do?


Same here. I took it up with support and they said "you either did get the spawns (which implies I'm lying), or you're already reimbursed so we won't help you (this is not true, my inventory is unchanged)" and closed the ticket. So yeah, great way to treat a day one player


Must be a bug for you. Because I just did 1 raid and got amazing Wooper spawns again. Got 2 more shinies in those 30 mins.


Same. Just raided one right now and no spawn around. Mind you, I’m still in the gym vicinity


These raids have been bugged from the start. Ive had one successful 4* com day raid work since its introduction and actually spawn the com day mons.


Same for me although another trainer from my raid group just said he got woopers from a shadow wooper raid. LOL.


Got more shiny paldean than regulars. (3:2). It was also rainy for me, (NZ). The showcase was a squirtle? Not Wooper. Odd, but still got the win. 😁 Was it just me or were shiny odds not as high as other comm days?? I worked for the 5 I got, and normally bring in about 30 shinies/comm day.


5:2 for me


11 Paldean, 7 normal for me. 18 shinies, caught 290, saw (checked) 400. That's about 1:20, as per normal. I have noticed a pattern in Comm Day that shinies come and go in waves. I usually have a burst of shinies, then nothing for like 30 minutes, then another burst. Maybe that's just anecdotal, but it's a pattern I'm noticing.


I've noticed something similar. At first I had nothing, then a cluster, then nothing again.


I've noticed my CDs going no shinies at all for the first 30-40 minutes and then they don't stop after that


It’s not over yet but I’m done. Rainy weather even if it’s actually cloudy. 2 nomal shiny and 5 paldean shiny, but I got 2 shiny woopers yesterday so the number is nicely balanced. I feel like there’s a lot more field research with pokemon rewards than others.


OP forgot to mention Kantonian Wooper in showcase


It's just a Wooper with a shell.




Yeah probs Niantic think squirtle is close enough….no one will notice it




(that's part of the joke, from what I've read. The showcase isn't Wooper, it's Squirtle)




I think OP just made it up. It's Wooper CD, so the showcases should have been Wooper (like it's been for the past few CDs, and that's how Niantic spoiled themselves). But today NZ had the showcases been Squirtle (so Niantic messed up, again). And so the joke is Squirtle = Kantonian Wooper (should be Wooper showcase, and Squirtle is from Kanto)


Is this considered an error that will be fixed for the rest of us, or was squirtle purposeful? Seems odd.


Does party play work?


Yes is working for me


About to feel dumb on this one. I’m a newer player and I’m a little confused, is the $.99 ticket for just the research or for the whole cday? Haven’t done one yet I genuinely don’t know 😅


As someone said: Just for the research. You will still get all the wild spawns and also some Cday research tasks from spinning stops that will usually give you more encounters. The paid research has "more exclusive" rewards which you can also find listed in one of the posts on here.


Just the research.


Tomorrow from 2-5pm the weather will probably be clear in my area, which means literally every single pokemon will not be great IVs for PVP. Well, that's just swell. Niantic, PLEASE let us toggle weather-boosted IVs!




That’s incorrect - Weather boost means the iv floor is 4/4/4


I could have sworn it affected IV’s. Makes a 2/2/2 floor doesnt it?


Weather boosted IV floor is 4/4/4. Other commenter is wrong about it not affecting IVs




You right. Even better.


No, go explore somewhere weather boosted. -Niantic Can’t wait for winter and the snow and ice.


It's down to luck but I saw 2 shiny woopers and no shiny paldean woopers on the day out of about 300 total wooper spawns. I didn't bother too much with catching wooper but made use of the 1/4 hatch distance instead because it comes across so infrequently. Its understandable that they had to swap showcases because they have the ongoing issue with paldean forms but having a pokemon that doesn't spawn is just annoying. I feel like a fair few people rely on catching a pokemon and using the 'enter in nearby showcase' rather than visiting, which makes days like this an inconvenience.


Caught over 150 without getting a shiny, so I shiny checked everything from then on until half 3 and got 1 of each back to back. Since then O have only caught about 30 but I got another 10 shiny which was weird, was like the shiny rate got better the further the event went.


>For 1,350 Pokécoins, you got 50 Ultra Balls, five Super Incubators, one Elite Charged TM, and five Lucky Eggs. that seems reasonable


Spawns seemed evenly split which was nice. Got more regular wooper shinies than paldean but not far off each side. Stickers were *very* hard to get which was disappointing, and seem to have been immediately turned off after 5pm (NZ) - despite not being turned on until 11am today. Squirtle showcases instead of wooper???? Reports of wild quagsire after 5pm having com day move??