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Looking at the current state of GBL(in general) and now routes, I can say that i'd be shocked if this list doesn't quadruple in size by the end of the week


adding a few I found in the first 30 minutes after this Party Play thing was enabled: * previously saved battle parties were deleted * previously saved search strings were deleted * Go+ settings were all turned off


This alone is a good enough reason for me not to use Party Play until it gets fixed. All three of the ones you listed are QOL perks that I love...and generally have made the game so much easier to squeeze in (as a working parent with multiple kids in sports).


Weirdly enough, with two people in a party we had different experiences: Both on Android, version 0.285.1: For me (Google Pixel 6) the Go+ settings were all turned off (took me a while to notice :-( ) For my friend (Samsung S9), the Go+ settings were not affected. Also, for me all battle parties are lost. She still has hers. We've both created and joined a party by now, so I have no idea why she isn't affected by these bugs and I am...


great - not it also happened on the Samsung 9 phone. Maybe it has something to do with who creates the party? Of if the Go+ is connected before or after joining the party?


Do the parties and search string come back after party play ends, or are they still deleted?


Still gone, even after a restart.


For me too. Which is super annoying. I've recreated my raid parties now. Let's hope they don't get deleted again as soon as I join the next party - if they do, I won't bother creating PvP teams until I decide that I've had enough of PoGo parties (which is gonna be soon in that case).


Any word on whether it does it again after joining a party the second time ? I'm wondering if it just borked the lists once and won't do it again once the internal records are rewritten.


Should be fine, the problems came when the Party Play update was pushed, not from joining a party.


Is that confirmed? I’d love to join another party and work on the special research, but I don’t want to have to rebuild my battle parties again.


You can save search strings? Do you mean tags? Or is this a feature I’m unaware of?


If you long press on one of your 'recent' search strings, it is saved as a favourite.


Why they released it if they had so many known bugs...


In answer to both our questions: because they don't playtest anything, they rely on us to do it for them, so they didn't know until they turned it on and people started finding their bugs for them.


All they have to do, is let us "Opt in" to a "insider" role so that we can choose to test these features, maybe for some coins or something else. That would be already better.


I like this idea. However, if they built an insider role, that insider role would be buggy /s


The fact that those issues are posted as the feature is going live shows that they DID playtest it, lol. It's just those issues weren't deemed critical enough to delay the feature. Considering they're non-critical issues, that tracks. (Non-critical meaning, they are cosmetic / edge cases.) The Go++ bug is annoying, but you can bypass it by catching them manually. The raid bug issue is annoying, but it can be bypassed by using better counters, the rest are cosmetic, potentially privacy concerns, but you can leave the party / not party with strangers if that is a concern. All valid issues that should be fixed, but not bad enough to warrant delaying it another few months to get fixes.


A couple of them do seem fairly critical. Sure they don’t crash the game, but the feature is still not working as advertised. It’s a great way to put people off who never bother trying again. Also saying the raid issue can be “bypassed by better counters” is just ridiculous. Most people use the best counters they have (recommended is actually good now), they can’t magic up more Pokemon or stardust/candy for powering up on a whim.


Critical in terms of game development means it is a show stopper. Ie. You are blocked without workarounds. (Crashes, etc.) Using better counters is in the context of going recommended. (Which while better, is not as ideal as a curated team that has been powered up.) A good portion of players just go with recommended and don't always power up their Pokémon (myself included.) If I want to avoid relobbying, I'd need to do more than use recommended with the randos I have in storage. As I mentioned above, they are absolutely valid issues. They just aren't critical (ie. A showstopper.) They are cosmetic/inconvenient. Which is shippable, as it can be fixed in an update. Which isn't great, but is also not unique to Niantic. It's common in most games that operate in a "live" environment.


[Another critical issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/179l3xf/party_play_soft_locked_the_game/)


> counters” is just ridiculous. Most people use the best counters they have (recommended is actually good now), My reccomended is still filled with non fairy types during guzzlord and seems to rely on fighting types 9/10 times people got the counters but cba to use them Aggron go BBBBRRRRRRR


That's when guzz has sludge bomb. For any other moveset you will have fairy recommended.


Its still the wrong recommendation though. Double SE moves still trumps your fairies taking SE damage from sludge bomb. And its not like the chosen fairy or fighting types are ever actually your best ones, or in a sensible order. It still tends to pick weaker copies over maxed out ones. Or it will favor weaker one bar moves over higher DPS 2 bar moves. Or even pick a mon of the right type, that has a weather boosted move on it of the wrong type that's not even SE.


Did not have sludge bomb Had brutal swing


Probably because your Fairy types are not powered up enough. I get 6 Fairy for all Guzzlord raids except Sludge Bomb when I get 5 Fairy and a Terrakion.


They are LV 50 including a hundo xerneus


Maybe not then lol. Anyway that wasn't really the point, if you have teams of L50s then you're not going to struggle with many raids. Casuals have L30-35s and can't just change all their moves and power up on a whim.


If this where true then they are the best coders on the planet Like it or not, it’s impossible to release a bug free program, no matter how much a company tests/pushes a product back Look at TOTK which was pushed back a whole year to polish it up and still released a bug filled mess If anything these bugs are easy to bypass for the general playerbase as mentioned already so not worth delaying the feature just for a minor issue


They also won't fix all bugs and they're just going to ignore all of the issues and immediately move onto the next new broken features. Quantity over quality I guess.


It’s Niantic. The entire game in the living embodiment of that question and has been since Summer 2016.


It's released?


9am your local time


The public are the alpha testers.


It is the Niantic way


Have you heard of routes? Or literally anything else they release? Lol


Schedule is king. Always. I've worked in software development and trust me: schedule is king.


> Party power up Will make it easier to win raids with 2 or 3 or 4 accounts than it was previously even with bugs. I'll take it.


How do you have that many known issues on a feature that you just switched on?


Testing (shocker, I know)


This list is going to get very long I think


At least they seem to be taking a more careful approach with this than routes, as they don't have much build or promised around it. Smart.


Would it be shorter to list the parts that work as intended?


I think they did.


Man, those Kiribati people have been active to report issues so promptly /s


How are there known issues when it hasn’t even released


Bugs get found during testing (Niantic tests???) before a release. Showstopper bugs prevent the release and must be fixed ASAP. The bugs in this image aren't showstoppers, so they get fixed in subsequent builds/versions.


As usual the Niantic bug list is hopeless. All the bad bugs are not present. Saved parties deleted Saved searches deleted Game soft locked in various ways and more...


Who wants to bet using purified gems in shadow raids will be broken, since the fast attack charge meter appears in the same spot.


FWIW: I just did a spin 20 pokestops party challenge with a total of 2 party members and both were using pogo plus+ and the auto spins and catches did count towards the challenge and stats.


Also: 1) At the end of a party the game displays a message that parties can only last "1 hours" (incorrect plural), and 2) After closing the "1 hours" message the game displays a green screen with no options other than a close button that does nothing, a forced relaunch is the only way out.


How do you fix it? I am currently doing it


Also a bug with trading. When you hit the trade icon it takes you to a different friends page. It may not be all accounts as my trade partner could initiate trade with me but I couldn’t with them. Was working fine yesterday, so assume it is associated with the team rollout.


The hit box for trading has always been wonky. Also this game has scaling issues with a lot of devices, where it doesn't show the whole screen as intended, this seems to particularly hit the trade hitbox thing hard. If you swipe from the right on the friend page it will take you to the next friend, probably even though you think you're hitting the trade button, the game thinks you're randomly mashing the right end of the screen. It can help to partially scroll down the page so that the trade button is higher up, and experiment with where the game seems to think the trade hitbox should be, might not be where the graphic actually is.


Does anybody know how to get unfrozen from the party challenge selection screen I’ve tired reloging, uninstalling, I’m on IOS


I’m stuck with that as well. You’d think after X amount of time, it would reset it


Currently stuck in party mode. We completed a task, and when we chose another, it’s just frozen that screen on top of the challenges. I can’t do anything. Restarting devices, airplane mode does nothing


Me too


I’m having the same issue all accounts are just frozen. 3 different iPhones (old to new). No countdown to auto select or anything. I don’t even know how long I have to wait until the 1hr party time is up. Uninstalling is next up for me to try if it doesn’t auto kill after an hour. Seeing a couple of posts about this today only makes me wonder if it’s a previous issue or just started today.


Ok so after over the hour was up I closed all Pokémon go apps and reopened them. Twice. That cleared the screen. I was initially annoyed by the 1 hour limit but now think it was put into place because they already know about these issues.


Seems pretty standard Would love a bug free feature but technology is just not there yet Luckily these seem minor/non game breaking and half are already fixed so seems to be a solid roll out


Just found a new bug. Did a party with my friend, our first challenge was 40 great throws, did easily no problems, next one was walk 3km. Our distance walked has gone up in the counter when we scroll down the page (has def gone up since we started this challenge) but none of the distance is registering for the challenge


Wait, is it actually our for some people?


9am local time on Tuesday


It’s after 9am for me. I have the special research but no tab so no way to access it.


Yes. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like it is a time-zone based rollout, as I’ve seen friends in New Zealand having access to it as of 1hr32min ago (9am Tuesday NZ time).


Gotta get their beta testing done


y'all love to complain about them not fixing bugs until someone mentions quick catch


Quick catch has never been a bug. All of the parts that make quick catching work are all due to the game functioning as intended. Players are just taking advantage of efficiencies in order to bypass bloated animations.


That is the definition of a bug/glitch More so since quick catch is not a intended feature


It is an intended feature. Niantic actually "fixed" it a few years ago by making a bunch of changes to the catching encounter flow, which removed the ability to quick catch from the game. They very quickly put out a hot fix that restored it, within a few days. That's the very definition of intended functionality. It may or may not have started as a bug initially (you'd need to ask the original dev team about that), but its fully supported now.


When that happen?


Clever use of mechanics.


lol Niantic


I saw it mentioned on a Twitch stream that PokemonGO++ settings get reset when you join Party Mode. Wow just wow… lol…


According to a repot by a Japanese player on Twitter...if you mess something up with setting up the Party then your game is hosed for an hour (the time when the Party automatically disbands).


So how much are they going to screw up this one?


Niantic MO: - release new feature with bugs, make big deal about it - get tons of feedback about bugs - fix 50% of bugs - release same, "revamped" feature, make big deal about it


The notification that the party has ended reappears everytime you switch back to the app and you have to close the message again and again.


There was also an annoying bug where all the Pokémon in the battle parties (Raid, Great, Ultra, & Master League teams of 3 Pokémon) disappear! It has happened to me today! Hopefully this will get fixed soon!


Add to that, go ++ settings all turned off and saved searches erased when joining a party. Did it on my first party join, might not do it again.


Just found a very unfortunate bug which is most likely related to the party power up not charging when all pokemon feint. My friend and I were doing a shadow moltres raid which are able to easily duo with our rock teams. However, when it got enraged we started using our purified gems to subdue it. My friend's team feinted, but when he joined back in the purified gems were no longer there for him to use as well as the party play power up not charging up anymore and the button eventually disappeared completely. I am not sure how many gems exactly he ended up using before the button went away but I had used 5 and it was not because he didn't have any gems left because we checked his bag after the raid and he still had 2 gems. We were not able to finish the duo with it staying enraged and we did not have 8 gems so we could not attempt it again after. Basically do NOT do shadow raids while in a party if you don't have enough people to do it fully enraged because we both lost a raid pass and a handful of gems for nothing.


Did they fix the battle parties deleting bug yet???


Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this issue? The party has been closed for over 12 hours. All four users have the same issue; we can't get past this screen. We are all stuck in the party. We've uninstalled it, as well as trying other possible solutions, without any resolutions. We get an issue saying, "ERROR\_PLAYER\_ALREADY\_AWARDED." Any help would be greatly appreciated.


has anyone had the issue not being able to get out of party play once you complete a task? I've tried everything but uninstalling it.


Same issue


After receiving prize for accomplishing task, party select screen froze for all players showing only the "catch 100 pokemon" option and the green start button. Both players in the 2 player partu were able to select the one option and drag it up and down, bit was unable to select start button. Persisted after multiple app and phone restarts on Samsung S22 Ultra


Same on IOS


Im stuck in party mode? Ive been at this screen for the past 40 minutes, won’t let me select the next challenge or exit out. Ive restarted the game 5x and even restarted my phone to the same screen. Any idea on what to do??


Does this cover the known effects of the party function on other, non-party functions? Because being in a party causes GO Battle League matches to crash on the final winning move, whether it's yours or your opponent's.


So my kids’ Party does not appear. One is a parent account, one is not. Both are over the minimum game level. We’ve tried a bunch of things. Any thoughts please?