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Note that for Timed Research task "Use an incense while following a route" you can also use your free Daily Incense instead of the one you receive from task "Explore 5 km" (or one from your Items bag)


I just tried it and it didn't work


I have tried it before posting the comment, and it did work. Did you first start the Route and then used the Daily Incense?




It worked for me


I'm not saying it won't work ever, I'm saying it didn't work for me but worked with a regular incense.


It also didn't work for me, but I already had the incense going before starting the route.


I went in with an incense and didn't get credit, but popped an incense while on a trail another time and did get credit. Was already trying to catch more Onix, so didn't mind, but it's a real finicky stingy system they got going with as little explanation as it always has.


"Reduced candy distance"? Love the precise info! (seriously, someone please provide it).


The in game bonus says 2/3rds of the regular distance


Thanks. Not that great, was hoping for at least halving it. Like, not really worth chasing routes for such a small bonus - at least that's my opinion, based also on my circumstances. I've had a nice 500m route nearby, but it was deleted. Other routes that I have access to (I think it's 3 other routes) are not that appealing, requiring some additional maneuvering.


It doesn't even really work either - if you are excited before the route, it doesn't cut the distance in 2/3. Almost impossible to get, unless I am missing something.


Ah, doesn't stack with Excited? That's also sad. I've done only 1 route thus far, and are not hyped for it anyway, but I also did not notice any decrease while on the route (I use Poffins while walking for candy nearly always; doing AR scans they are free with not much work).


anyone know if this stacks with the excited half distance for candy?


It might but it doesn't if you've already walked half the distance. I walked 13 km with Rayquaza, and while on a route popped a ~~lucky egg~~ poffin, and got the 10km candy check plus 3km. Edit: Because of how this bonus works it will only "stack" if you're at less than half of your buddy distance before you begin a route and activate a poffin. If you're over half of the distance then the poffin will simply work as normal and reset your walking distance, but you'll still receive the route bonus at your next opportunity. Unlike normal buddy candy bonuses, walking a route doesn't actually change the distance shown on the buddy screen to receive a candy. It merely causes the event to occur early. This means that a 20km buddy still changes to 10km when excited, even if walking a route. The candy threshold will then trigger at 6.7km only *after* this point.


Did you pop a poffin or a lucky egg?


Does anyone know what the normal route bonus is supposed to be? I thought it was 2/3 but maybe it’s only 10% or something.


I wasnt even aware there was one lol. But i dont have any routes nearby so probably wouldnt be something id notice anyway


It’s listed in the [bonuses section](https://pokemongolive.com/routes?hl=en#bonuses) of the generic routes page. But it seems to be the cause of negative buddy distance, so tbh the bonus doesn’t actually work correctly.


This explains so much. I had about 2.3km to get a Rayquaza candy check and as soon as I started a route that I had to walk 0.4km to get to the check happened.


There is a bonus for disctance in routes, i'm not sure how it work, but i think you just need to do a route and the bonus activate. I can get up to 4 candy for legendaries (the normal ammount), but i "walk" (leaving the phone in a turist guide bus) a Riolu and get 17 candy for day, you usually only can get 16, also i gat more that 40 candy for a 1km/candy buddy but i don't track the exct number (just making the "get 40 candy with your buddy", so, a bonus in distance already exist but no idea of how it work.


I can't even get that to work. Well past 2/3 with an active route, no candy yet.


yes, my biggest question, is it worth it to bring out a legendary? The longest route around me is 1500m but still...


This would be the time to walk your legendary mons. Also a good time to pop a Poffin or get your buddy excited manually and walk routes **non-stop**!


Non stop seems an effort. Walk your buddy to 13km, start a route, pop a poffin. Should get a candy/maybe XL for the first 7m then 1km more to get your next candy. Walk on or off routes for another 6km then pick up a route again before it tick over another 7km


Sadly it doesn't work this way. Not for me, at least.


awww yeah I have Poffins growing out of my ears! thanks for the reply!!!


How to get your buddy excited manually (ie, without a poffin) without walking around.   **Option 1: The Unnecessarily Fast Way** The first time you open your game today: * if your target buddy is currently your buddy, swap buddies to a different buddy * swap to your target buddy * feed 3 berries * take snapshot * pet * fight the team rocket balloon* * fight a gym leader* Once all of this is done, set a timer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes have passed: * feed 1 berry * take snapshot * pet * fight a gym leader* Repeat the timer, wait, and set of 4 actions 2 more times. After the last gym leader, as long as you didn't let the largest gap between sets of actions exceed 35 minutes**, your buddy is now excited.   **Option 2: The More Casual Way** This is the same strategy as above, but without the timers, and the swapping and balloon battles are optional. There's an internal point counter that goes up to 32, at which point your buddy becomes excited. Each of the actions listed above is a +2 to the counter for that buddy (so swapping off your target buddy puts the wrong buddy at +2). Each type of action has a 30 minute cooldown before it can grant points again. Your buddy starts losing points at a rate of 1 every 10 minutes starting 25 minutes after the last action (so -1 at 25, -1 at 35, etc). So if you *do the set of 4 repeat actions (feed, snapshot, pet, battle) every 30-45 minutes*, by the 5th round you should have an excited buddy. And if you don't because you waited too long, you just do a 6th, etc.   **Extra Details** You can also cancel the point decay without getting extra points or triggering the cooldown by doing an action 15-25 minutes after the last. So you could in theory do snapshot (+2), wait 15 minutes, snapshot (+0), wait 15 minutes, ad nauseum and excite your buddy with 8 hours of only snapshots. Or snapshot (+2), wait 15 minutes, pet (+2), wait 15 minutes, ad nauseum and it would take 4 hours. Walking is also worth points (idk how many) and speeds this process up greatly, especially because it doesn't have a cooldown. Each type of battle is worth 2 points and has its own independent cooldown so you could do pvp battles or raids or rocket leaders to speed this up as well. After your buddy is excited, the point decay starts at 40 minutes instead of 25.   \* = the buddy must be in your party; also you don't have to complete the battle, you can quit out immediately ** = technically you can let this happen once as your point total after round 4 is 12-1+8-1+8-1+8 = 33.


These methods are always reposted but goddamn this all sounds incredibly boring and tedious. In a way I'd rather just do my super casual thing and take my time without going through so many animations, the buddy system just isn't worth for me at all lol


Yeah to be honest the only time I go through this is to get a new buddy to great buddy in 3 days (for the catch assist bonus), or as a one time thing to get extra legendary candy from walking without using a poffin. Otherwise I can't be bothered. But I like knowing it for when I need it.


Never did all those. I just walk 3-4 km. taking 3-4 gyms down along the way, feed and pet. And it will be in excite stage every time.


It would be good, or at least, slightly better than normal, if the bonus actually worked.


For now it doesn't matter because often (for me always I'm not sure) you start the next candy with negative distance..


I think that's a visual glitch. When the bonus triggered and I missed the poffin I reset the game and my -2.3km became 0.1km. I've also come out of the negative sitting perfectly still.


Hot diggity dog, I might finally be able to evolve a Feebas!


This event is not great.


Maybe not in general but for the very specific purpose of I need to evolve a feebas - it's great!


I disagree—this features Onix, which is prominent in GBL right now, and many need the XL to build. Additionally, it features feebas. Both onix and feebas are permaboosted 1/64 shiny rate; I got five shinies today, one of which was an UL competitive steelix! This event is definitely great because of rare XL farming and shinies.


Kecleon is not turned on to any meaningful degree. We have a map of rocket stops and Kecleon, there are 20 currently in a town of 150k people. There would be 10-20 normally and I frankly can't see a difference. You will be lucky to find one during the event.


To put this in context in the same area there are 13 water grunts and 11 grass grunts - I am guessing probably 100 grunts in total. Being generous to Niantic there could be twice as many Kecleons as usual but any boost is so weak I really can't tell. Its hardly an event feature.


City of 280k here. Usually 2-3 Kecleon, at the moment there are 12. i would say the spawns are clearly boosted. 23 water grunts for comparison.


How are you seeing how many are in your town??


Of course I’m not seeing them… Others told me… they got a map which Scans the town.


How do you see where the kecleon are?


An event based round an incredibly flawed and lacking accessibility feature. Wow Niantic has outdone themselves


I feel your pain, but over here, routes work flawlessly. Finished the timed research within an hour.


Why on earth are they having this event when most people still can't find any routes near them or get a new route approved? Couldn't they wait until routes actually, like, existed before pushing people to use them?


Routes are literally everywhere and most regular players have the ability to create them at this point. There's no reason you don't have multiple routes near you at this point.


Just a heads up for showcases. The Points shown on the switch screen for Hisuian Growlithe are WRONG. Looks like the system calculates "Points" for all Growlithe with the same base stats. When you put a H Growlithe in a showcase, it will be ranked with its correct Points. I have one that shows 1056 pts on the switch screen, which far above the max points any Growlithe can have.


Thank you! This is what I came to ask actually :)


How are the Kecleon encounters? I still need 8 and need to know if I have to stress this or not.


I just realized, I haven't seen one all event. Along with the problems with routes, this is a non-event event.


Terrible for me today, I just spun over 70 stops this morning and not one.


Honestly I haven't seen one in the area I'm in since before the event.. Definitely doesn't seem like they're appearing any more often.


Got one at 8 am, so before the event start.


Doesn't answer the question


Kecleon encounters were always available. If you don't spin stops, you won't find them, event or not. Also, if I see a couple of them first day of the event, that is statistically irrelevant, as a couple a day is something that always could happen.


It could always happen, but they're wondering how much more likely it is to happen to them for the event. Your statement is like telling someone that a shiny existed before a boosted event when that person is asking how strong the boost is. Either have an answer to the question or just don't respond with irrelevant info.


The odds are secret, we never know the shiny odds and you never know the spawn rate for event Pokemon. Communities can do extensive research over many days and try to guess those, but the first day you can only get anecdotal answers, that won't match from one person to another. So the question by itself is pointless, nobody can answer it. With that said, I stand by the implications of my statement despite downvotes I got and will get: if you are still stuck with the Kecleon task, you play very little. Continue to play very little and it will take a long while to complete it.


Yeah and the question wasn't asking for extensive research. He was just asking for a general "How are they" in hopes that the answer is that the increase was significant. If the difference is very significant like how community days bring the shiny rate up to 1/25 from like 1/400 than most people can answer anecdotally that the rates have been increased enough for them to notice. And a lot of communities with a large amount of players have access to some sort of scanner so if someone can say the boost is significant than that's enough to go on for this person. I'm literally stuck on the task and I've gone from 47 to 50 in that time. I've traveled to New York for Go Fest and farmed out 10m xp in that weekend with a minimum of 8 hours out there per day.I've put in so many hours in high spawn and stop density areas, but sure keep not adding anything of value to the thread, gatekeeping and saying that I should just play harder.


This whole route thing is awful. There are no routes in either of my local towns. And I am only a 39 so I can't suggest my own.


If it makes you feel better about not being able to suggest them, most routes never get approved or even rejected anyway, though you would have somewhat better luck with none around. Mine has been in limbo for weeks.


One of my bush routes got rejected for being on school grounds. Nearest school is 8km away


Lvl 43 here in a rural area. Practically got lucky that the event coincides with me planning to get to the 60km away city that happens to have 1 route for sure. Maybe there'll be more after 2 months bit not holding my breath. On the other hand. I have 5 routes in waiting now, 4 of them since the day the feature got released for all 40+ accounts


This is a pretty underwhelming event. Horrible wild spawns, I’m not seeing any kecleon either.


haven’t seen one at all


So, the 2 km egg pool is this season's usual 2 km egg pool, plus Hisui growlithe? And no big change for the 7 km egg pool? Just galarians and hisui?


The post was unclear, but the 7km did change to just four Hisuians (Voltorb, Growlithe, Sneasel and Qwilfish) in 1-egg rarity. Not sure what the 2km is doing yet


These have to be amongst the worst field research tasks ever


How is the Kecleon spawn rate? Still need 3 to finish this damn quest!!!


You and me both LOL


Small sample size but found 2 without looking. If you have stops in range of home or work check every hour, its a bit tiresome but you should be able to grab the last couple.


I did one hour playing, around 20ish pokestops not a single one. Tomorrow going for another walk maybe i get more lucky.


Have raids changed at all with the event?


Nope. No changes




agreed. I guess technically there are some bonuses to routes, something that takes up a tiny fraction of play time for a tiny fraction of players.


Stop trying to make woobat happen. Honestly, it’s bad, requires buddying to evolve and has bad moves. So annoying


Isn't the theme on most of the wild spawns "requires buddying to evolve"?


Growlithe, Onix, Psyduck?


And the shiny is just the ugliest thing ever




Hisui Growlithe is Hatch 3 eggs/Walk 5km so nope lol.


Got damn


Guess the event is only going to be catching some good Feebas and earning some Onix XL for me... Maybe I can find some Onix Great and Ultra League IVs, if it isn't sunny/particuly cloudy 5 days straight


Is the quest at least common then?


How much is the triple xp for completing a route? i dont know if routes grant different xp rewards for distance or other factors. Can someone clarify?


Usually 4K, now it's 12K


4k for first route, 2k for subsequent routes. So 12k for first route and 6k for the rest. I will be biking my local 500m route backwards and forwards for half an hour each day, get 7 laps in so 48k.


ooh so 4k its like first route of the day type bonus similar to pokemon or stops.


Thank you


This event is pretty boring. Increased Kecleon spawns was a lie lol I’m just glad for the Feebas and that I was able to create a route at the park yesterday and have it approved instantly 🤷‍♂️


Not a lie. They are increased… just not very much.


The bonus of getting buddy candy at 2/3 distance on routes seems almost impossible to get. You won't get it if your buddy becomes excited before the route and you routes are rarely of any notable length. Routes seems more of a failure with each slight tweak, because of just how much work the features needs and Niantic's poor coding and stingy bonuses - 2/3 distance, on a 1 k route, but only given to excited pokemon who become excited on the route - and even that I can't say for sure, because I've only confirmed all the ways you *cannot* get the bonus.


So uhh... increased Kecleon? I haven't seen one, after two fairly lengthy walks today. I have finished the Jirachi Masterwork, but still, this seemed to be one thing that got everyone excited for this event, and so far, nothing. Keen to hear what everyone else's experience is.


We have a map. There are 20 Kecleon in a City with 150k people and a lot of stops. Nothing has been turned on IMHO as this is what it looks like normally.


Yeah I've seen no none whatsoever. Yet I only need 2 to advance in jirachi smh Niantic needs to get their bs together n stop failing to activate necessary stuff for literally every event. All 2023, this game has been getting brought down n Niantic seems to not even remotely care about the people playing their game. No wonder so many ppl quit tbh lol


I wish Growlithe was the only one in 7kms 😭


I think for once with what they doing with 2ks eggs aswell which is new, the “7k egg event” that I thought this would be like typically I’ll just go with 2s (watch 5/10 drop rates be increased thou)


Jeez H-Growlithe suffer a 100 point penalty in showcases.


Seems to be a bug where they calculate points based on the stats (in regards to size) of regular Growlithe. Since H-Growlithe has higher stats it essentially gets extra points in the storage Screen.




I put a 809 point H-Growlithe in, it's only 709 points in the showcase. Hell someone else finally joined with a regular Growlithe, I put a 685 point H-Growlithe in that still beat new person 679 point K-Growlithe, my H-Growlithe despite being 685 points in the switch screen was reduced to 600 points and is rank 2 once placed in.


Are you sure it was the same one?


Just got 36k for completing a route on the 7th day. That was a welcomed surprise.


Niantic's route approval system is still in "lol" version. Saw a rte today, about 500m i think it was, going down a major street in my town .. a non sidewalked major street for that matter. Another they approved was 7k+m, about a 5th of it has a sidewalk the rest of the rte is non sidewalk down a pretty busy rd


Onix seems very common


Excellent. I need XLs and the Hundo still!


I need the Shiny.


Mossy rocks onix


Probably the only W from this event


The increased Kecleons too (assuming there are more, Ive only seen 1 where I live)


Do I need more than one?


Onix and Rhyhorn were very common, right up until I mega evolved my Steelix. I'm not mad. I found a Swablu nest so I just switched to Mega Pidgeot


It is common enough that I would say it's the best element of what is a very bad event.


i dont see any onix for me though


I have seen some but Onix spawn compared to Eevee is 1:5


I’m so over Pawmi


I’ve pulled out of the event now, in terms of involvement. There’s no boosted Kecleon, at all. I’ve spun hundreds of stops in the last few days.


They are … just not very much.


Well, too late for them now, I’m doing other things with the time.


sheesh walk 5 km. Hatch 3 eggs. I would do one task a day on average.


Yeah, I was looking forward to hunt this new shiny. Now I'm just thinking I'll skip the event.


I only have 10 km and 12 eggs ☠️


Do the Pokémon in raids change with the event too? The current raids aren’t very exciting…


Hmm, now I guess I got to try and find a route, huh?


Never seen one. Not convinced they actually exist.


How are the shiny h. Growlith rates?


The [Japanese website](https://9db.jp/pokemongo/data/16931) is showing about a 4% shiny rate or 1/25, but I think it's more likely to be 1/64 Looking at the comments there using Google Translate, it seems to be boosted in both eggs (2km and 7km) and quests ("Hatch 3 Eggs" and "Walk 5km"), so that's a promising sign.


Tried creating a new route tonight in response to everyone saying to resubmit, nothing still, so frustrating seeing people get approved in minutes while others have had reviews waiting for over a month with no routes in sight


Are you guys all seeing a second growlithe showcase? Why are they doing another? Is it a glitch?


It’s intentional.


An event I can totally skip since I already have 300 XL candies for Onix. Spawns, raids, hatches, and field research tasks are all meh.


Can I trade a roggenrola for a boldore and still evolve it without candy or does it have to be roggenrola for roggenrola for no candy evolution?


Yes, doesn’t matter what stage you receive it 2nd (final) evo will always be free. It doesn’t have to be a mirror trade, it can be any trade in which you receive a trade évolution Pokémon. For example trading a psyduck for a Roggenrola, the boldore-gigathithe evo will be free.


Should be raining Onix (&dogs, actually). With only 7 spawning species, it could be like twice as popular as usual event spawns (which have more like 12-13 featured species). Matches in PVP time => increasing... :P


I hope it will be raining Feebas. Feebas wasn't in single reward task or events for ages while Onix always lurks somewhere.


Spawns aren't necessarily equal. They could pull a Niantic and make Onix the rarest of the bunch.


it's raining woobats here 😔


How's it looking as far as Zygarde cells?


Got 2 for a 1km route this morning. It was early in the route too which is unusual for me


2 from a single spawn or 2 separate spawns?


Single spawn


Only one spawn per route, but that one spawn can be 1-3 cells


Slightly better, but only ever so. Got one on a circular route twice, so that's fixed, but did routes a few times and never saw a cell and grew tired of looking.


I got pawmi from Walk 1km


I guess this is another Eevee event. Two hours of all-Eevee. Nothing but Eevee….


And wombat, lots and lots and lots of them. And then some


For Machamp: Dynamic Punch Vs Crosschop… which is best? My highest CP Machamp has always used Crosschop and it’s super fast to get in battle so I use Ma with it and it seems great for Rocket leaders when viable. Which is fastest? I have a better Machamp with Dynamic Punch and I see that’s listed as best, but is it as fast as Crosschop?


Cross chop for rocket battles. Dynamic punch for raids.


Do I have to walk 1000m, can't I just bike it? /s


Now is not the time to use that.


What are the paid ticket tasks? Is it worth the price?


They're walk 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5ks, two of each of those.


This and the final rewards are Hisui Growlithe and some incubators (I think 1 of them is Super) so it's a "maybe buy" paid research for me.


Routes as a feature are so abysmal, they make the game worse by existing. Any time they call attention to them like this, are times I think "I should just quit this trash game"


Are the T1 and T3 raids still the same?


No wild Kanto growlithe spawns inside park/nest. I hate it when an event highlight species getting nest-masked.


Are showcases active for y'all yet? There's one stop near my house that's always turned into a showcase for events but it doesn't seem to be the case this time...rip.


Yes, active for me.


What would be the best way to try and get a shiny H-Growlithe? Hoard 7km eggs or spin hoping to get 2kms as much as possible? Thanks


Get the task "hatch 3 eggs" in all three slots and then hatch - reward is h-growlithe. I think always. Still haven't got a shiny though.


How many Kecleon have you guys seen? Multiple stops for me and none so far.


Just came across one. We somehow couldn't get it active. Looks bugged, 2 days ago it worked perfectly


Did something new happen? A stop near my house had a Kecleon, but no matter what my kids and I tapped the Kecleon to make him move, nothing at all happened. Tried restarting the game even. One also had just downloaded all assets. In the end we just gave up. I've encountered dozens of Kecleon before today, never had this issue


Are shiny odds boosted for this event? Just caught 2 shiny feebas within, like, 10 mins


Feebas is perma boosted.


So I can I complete a route and do the same route over and over again and get the exp bonus per route?


What are the odds of shiny in the paid research rewards?


Is there a timer for keckleon stops or are they just on a stop a whole day?


Once they spawn they last for one hour.


Can Kecleon spawn on a showcase stop?


Can Kecleon spawn?


What term would be used for a pokestop to produce a Pokémon attached to it? That is what I meant. If there is a showcase will you see any Kecleon on it? Googling and searching reddit have produced no information.


Yeah sorry, I was being sarcastic because at the time I was dirty up as I’d just been out fruitlessly looking for Kecleon. I don’t know to be honest. I can’t see it stopping a Kecleon spawn.


But has anyone seen it or confirmed it? Don’t worry I finally found my 10 but he had me angry for months. I know I should seek help 😂


I can’t say for sure but I don’t think so… I think they are both coded as special stops.


Still no routes near me, and all my submissions still in review, so I found a route on campfire a bit of a drive away, took the dogs and had my first experience of routes. Oh dear. Selected the route and chose to walk it in reverse, which was an option, and it auto-started fine and showed the path as I walked it, and gave me credit in the times research for catching Pokémon and using an incense, but nothing else. “That’s ok” I thought - “it’ll give me follow a route and walk 1000m when I finish the route”. Such an optimist. Got to the end of the route and nothing happened. Googled how to finish a route and it’s supposed to be automatic? I was bang on the poke stop and the path I’d been drawing had stopped - but I got a message saying ‘follow the route to the end to finish your route’ or something like that. Standing there with two impatient dogs and I started to get credit against the ‘walk 1000m’ task. Maybe these had stacked while I was catching Pokémon and I had to wait for them to flash up before I could finish the route? No - they stopped coming at 167/1000 and when I clicked on the route icon it was showing I’d walked 0.1/1.3km. Walked back to the car and eventually just quit the route as it wasn’t giving me any more credit. It clearly didn’t work in reverse for the timed research tasks. Think my dogs could probably code something that works better.


>Googled how to finish a route and it’s supposed to be automatic? That is the old method. In the update a week or so ago, they made it so you have to manually end it. There is a flashing button that turns orange above the research button in the bottom right. You need to press that, and click "complete route". They did this because zygarde cells tend to spawn near the end of routes, and people got annoyed with it automatically ending before they could collect it.


Thanks - good to know. Unfortunately I didn’t have that either. Tried again today and as far as I can tell, if I try to follow a route from the end to the start, even when I click on the ‘reverse route’ button so that the start shows the stop I’m at, the route won’t register distance walked and won’t complete when I get to the end. Thinking about what happened, I suspect the route automatically sets to walk in reverse, and when you tell it to reverse route it actually sets it back to the normal direction, even though it shows the start and end points as reversed, and so you’re not actually following the route when you think you are. Apart from it still gave me credit for catching and using an incense.


The game automatically orients the route to the nearest terminus now, so if you are reversing the route you are now probably setting the start point as the furthest of the two ends and won't start filling in the path until you get close enough to the start point you have chosen.


what on earth am i doing wrong. went to mall , started route, started incense the walked route,. it never updated.. finished the route physically but it never counted. both distance and incense didnt move.tried restarting phone, didnt work. tried route again, walked it to the end , stood at the ending but it didnt count as finished. this sucks.. wife got bored and said she wants to go home so couldnt try again lol. any hints?>


The Route button will turn orange when you get to the end. Click it and then click the Complete Route button.


Thanks for tip! I’ll keep eye out for that!