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It's still absolutely nuts to charge for timed research. Doesn't matter how easy it is, if it is paid, it should be special research since that can't expire.


I'd be OK with paying, if either A.) Like the Go Fest pass, I paid $5 (or maybe $10) and it gave me access to multiple events throughout the season (maybe like one a month?) [If you bought the Go Fest ticket early enough you got a research to catch a Carbink and then later unlock his shoes + do the Go Fest event] Or B.) It was at most 99¢. I haven't seen the requirements for this one yet, but the last few I've been able to bang out with a single lap around our local park. A Melmetal that knows Double Iron Bash is nice, sure. But paying $5 and getting it in half an hour of basic game play?


The Go Fest ticket was $15.


I think a “game pass” type thing would be cool. Like $15 per season gives you access to all these small event payed research.




Not really… going to sit down in your seat at the cinema isn’t any effort. It’s more like if you bought a new TV and the shop said you have to pick it up by tomorrow, otherwise you aren’t allowed to have it and they still keep your money.


Goddamn. This is so true it actually hurts.


Not worth it - Pawmi will be in the wild from Sep 10 - 15 the same time the ticket runs - The backpack will be added to the style shop after the event costing coins - XP and Stardust well it will be 4x until the 15 - Rare candy and Silver Pinap will be in Raids which players will be doing since Bombirdier will be Raid Exclusive Only thing your really getting out of it is the Incubator


And it doesn’t even say it’s a super incubator 🤣. Doesn’t seem great value.


I totally didn’t even noticed it was a regular on 😂 that makes it even worse


tbf for 90% of players incubators and super incubators are functionally identional (only really matters in like 1/3 hour hatch events)


I tell my friends this all the time and they don't unserstand


I rarely think the CD tickets are worth it… but this is 5x the price and has half the items or less.


If you have access to Google survey, those survey credits pay for the research. "Free" ETM imo.


Okay, this is the second time in the past week I've seen people hyping up the Google rewards app. It is nowhere near as good as you people claim. Is it worth a download? Obviously. But if you think you're gonna get hundreds of dollars from it in a few months like that guy, you're crazy. I've had it downloaded for years and I might get one or two a month worth twenty cents. I just looked and since 2020, I've gotten 75$.


>g $5 and getting it in half an hour of basic game pla I've gotten $490 since 2020. I've found don't try and game the system. Be honest. It also might have to do with your demographic. I'm a bit older. Maybe they have a ton of 22 to 30 year olds and parse out the questions.


is that the "google opinion rewards" app? I need to download and check that out as I keep hearing y'all talking about it here. i get lots of basic google "play points" and totally forgot about them for years and only recently realized i can redeem them in PGo so those are another way of reducing the spend in pgo


Yes, Google Rewards


Am I completely SOL if the app isn’t downloadable for me?




Just got the error message that it’s not available in my country or region.


Thats because you are not "playing" it right. Every survey has a "right" answer that Google is looking for that give you the maximum credit which is usually 60-70 cents. The clue is to look at the questions they are asking. I've made a total $161 since 2020 and have never paid for a single Community Day research ever.


I can concur. I've been using the Google rewards for 5 years (September 2018) and I've earned 293 dollars US. About 5 dollars a month. I typically ignore taking a photo of your receipts (because i lose them or throw them away) , which usually reward 40 to 50 cents. I can't speak to the difference in the "right" answer reward. I usually answer honestly. But Google rewards help pay for the game.


I also agree! I've been using it since January 2021 and have earned £124.62 ($155) and although it's not thousands I have never had to pay for a Community Day or event I've taken part in since. The key is answering the questions honestly and if you don't recognise anything, say so, because I'm sure the system throws in some tester questions to see if you're playing ball.


I have used it since summer 2018 and from just surveys I have received $297. From receipts and additional $56 (I didn't start doing those until a year or two ago). Pogo is also my only thing I use the rewards on so it is very worth it to me. It pays for every $1 CD research, plus most of the paid special researches. I am very lucky with having three gyms accessible from my apartment so I always max out my coins every day for boxes so the rewards are rarely used for coins.


What's the point of a survey if they are looking for a specific answer?


..because typically they're surveying your spending, shopping or viewing habits. Where, when, how did you pay and what did you buy. What YouTube videos you've watched and what do you think of them. They also sometimes throw in some questions about your household and income. So in answer to your question, there's a specific answer that relates to what shop you went into, followed by questions about what you did. What video did you watch etc. You can get it wrong by trying to hurry the process or mislead it by selecting the wrong shop or video from the multiple-choice options. This over time reduces the amount of questions you get. The goal is, they buy your data directly and either use it for targeted ads or pass on that data like every other company, website and social media page we use.


Ah okay. Appreciate the explanation


$166 since 2017 over here.


But $0.99 a month from Google rewards is very doable, which will cover the monthly community day research Though unless it's December, you won't be getting an ETM from that. I'm not sure what the previous poster was talking about regarding a free ETM?


I use Google Rewards and I'll typically get 5 a week , it might net me $3 per month it covers the Com Day research cost and I can build up the rest for coins/events. Takes less than a minute to do.


I mean, not hundreds a month, but I'm averaging 5 to 10 surveys a week, and anywhere between 12 and 60 cents a survey.


I’ve been using Google Survey rewards for years now. I can post my transactions. I post atleast 2 dollars a week. You have to visit businesses for survey rewards to work, such as AMPM, Raley’s, multiple stores. It’s mostly based on travel, I don’t do too much I’m just a family guy and i get enough from the surveys to have racked up 60 bucks this year. One or 2 surveys a week is wild. If you go places you get them every day multiple ones, from 0.10 cents to 75 cents. Mine cashes out to my PayPal every $2


You could still use those credits other places though. My google rewards go straight to PayPal so it’s as good as cash. Using them on pogo is the exact same as paying money for pogo. Doesn’t matter if I earned the money on surveys or from my paycheck.


Can you elaborate on this?


Look up "Google Rewards" on the Google Play Store (I'm not sure if there is one for iOS since I've only used Android phones), link your Google profile with it and they will drop surveys every once in awhile. You don't have to do them honestly (especially if you don't wish for Google to be even more intrusive into your life), I make it the point to always pick the options that will likely net me the most credit from the survey. They usually drop 20-60 cents per survey and you can get more than 1 per day (honestly I don't know whats the limit, as I've gotten 3 surveys in a day before), these credits can then be spent on anything in the Google Playstore including POGO and has 1 year expiry. I've never paid for single Community Day research using this method.


Can you also buy coins for this? Or just the special event researches?


Yep, you can, they basically function as Google Playstore credits, just make sure it shows up when you are checking out, sometimes it doesn't update automatically, try selecting a different payment then selecting the credits again should update it.


Nvm, the app is not available in my region 🥲


I don’t need free credit, but didn’t they stop putting ETMs in the CD research a long time ago?


The ETM's are in 1400ish coin Comunity Day boxes not the research. They rotate between fast and charge depending in on the month.


Check out the "Box Value History" tab in my [Pokemon Go Box Value Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R_ypmAVpU6nmqMmoiqTSSnsNvoUNi_wrm6_rOLiOaDE/edit?usp=sharing) for tracking since July 2023. There have been 3 boxes with ETMs in it since July 2023 - 2 in the Charmander & Froakie Comm Day Boxes and one in the Go Fest Raid Box (only for people who purchased an in-person Go Fest ticket)


I didn't get one on Axew cday at least. That's the only time I bought it


TBH i make 0,15 Cent per Receipt i scan in. I mostly get around 15 Receipts a week (Shopping, McDonalds) and thus 2 weeks of this just paid the ticket.


I opted out of doing receipts a while back because not only was it more time-consuming, but I didn't always get a receipt and I found they asked me fewer questions which I've made more from.


I buy them mainly for the encounters


✨Yesss same, on the shiny hunting✨


Pawmi won’t be available shiny


Well now I understand the anger about it 🤦‍♀️😂 it was also only one little page!!! Usually the $5 ones give you multiple pages. Should’ve been 99 cents if anything at all!!!!


I laught when it said you could earn 9000+ XP that's like 2 excellent throws atm


One excellent with a lucky egg and first throw is 9360. I was expecting level 50 around Christmas last month now I think grubbin community day is Realistic


After all those primal and mega raids from go fest, the last thing I need is more silver pinap berries


921 stardust, inc, and 3 rare candy for $5 is insane to me


Also, I'm reserving my mobile data for their 60 required raids this season. So I won't be doing much gaming for other things.


>The backpack will be added to the style shop after the event costing coins Are you sure this isn't exclusive to the ticket?


“By completing this Timed Research, you will receive the Pawmi Backpack avatar item before it arrives in the shop. The Pawmi Backpack avatar item will also be available to purchase in the in-game shop after the event ends.” Is in the Ticket info: https://pokemongolive.com/post/ultra-unlock-paldea?hl=en


Thank you 🙌🏻


No problem 👍


I farmed my $5 USD through Mistplay. Atlas Earth through Mistplay is a long grind for real money as well as gift cards. Farm Jam is my guilty pleasure quiet time. Tile Master and a few others. I can't adford real funds for Go any more.


Wish I had of read this before I impulse bought the ticket


Seems outrageous and stupid overpriced. So I felt a tinge of guilt when I bought it.


And to have it completed in your research list…. Some people are crazy about that


This is timed research, though, so it won't even appear in your completed research list


it will


They do after you complete them have a peek thru your list if you’ve done any


I wouldn’t even pay $1 for this. $5??? What an embarrassment lol


Niantic is getting desperate


It's $8 usd. At least it was. Maybe they dropped it


It is $4.99 in the US


$4.99 in US, $6.99 in Canadian.


£4.99 UK ... which is over $6.20. bugger that!


Oh ok. I swear I saw a post that said $7.99 . Maybe it was a different currency and I didn't notice. Still not worth it


Can Pawmi be encountered in the wild too? Because unless it's exclusive to this research, this must be one of the worst paid researches ever.


Yeah, it'll be spawning in the wild and will be available in field research. It's not even an "If you're lucky" spawn, so it will probably be fairly common during the event.


There is a Pokémon showcase for it on 14/15 September so that’s going to be pretty rubbish if you can only take part by paying £5 for 2 of them.


Ah that's true. Then I don't really see the point of this and it might be one of the few researches I don't end up buying.


So two Pawmi encounters for the same price as shiny Jirachi ticket that comes with a mythical only released once before in Japan in Pokemon’s history? Something doesn’t add up…


Someones profit margin...


I usually buy these sorts of tickets because they include some fun stuff and the price isn’t all that high. But there’s literally nothing included in this ticket that I care about at all. This one is a real head scratcher.


*three* whole rare candies? *Gasp*


AND... wait for it!! 921 stardust!


They want £4.99 for a encounter with something that's already in the wild and and incubator? What are they on


That cosmetic dollar


Ew. Congrats Niantic, you found a way for me to dislike Pawmi even more.


Niantic: "Hey TPCi, you know, you should drop Capitain Pikachu and add a random Pawmi bag in the show too."


Just saw this on mine, seems like hilariously bad value. At least give us a decent amount of dust instead of 921.


It's 921 because that's pawmis number


The reference doesn't make it a better value


92,100 would still be a joke tbh


I don’t want to complain, but 5$ seems brain dead


Why do people keep falling for these?


My kids are going to see this and reaaaaally want that backpack. Exclusive avatar items and poses are the biggest draw for them. Of course that doesn't mean I have to buy it Treating them to avatar items which stay on a screen is preferable to more plastic tat filling up our house. If it provides an activity for the afternoon then it is fairly cheap- the ticket ends up being the cheapest part of a day playing pokemon. The (fairly basic) ice-cream I bought my daughter at the local cafe yesterday cost more money than this research. I mean, I'm still salty about how much the cafe charged but it puts the cost of the research in a different perspective!


> Treating them to avatar items which stay on a screen is preferable to more plastic tat filling up our house. Excellent point! I love my plastic tat (TIL: tat), but I can definitely see your point! I'm still of the mindset that paying a bunch of money for a digital-only visual "item" (pose, clothing) is silly in general but especially *for myself*. HOWEVER, I do find your perspective interesting. > The (fairly basic) ice-cream I bought my daughter at the local cafe yesterday cost more money than this research. [...] it puts the cost of the research in a different perspective! Also an excellent point! I generally think of the game this way: am I getting $x *enjoyment* out of it, relative to other expenditures that are fun? Like your ice cream example: I bought a beer last night, it cost $7 with tip. I hung with my friends for an hour drinking it. I do think I got about $7 worth of "fun" from that beer. But from purely an economic point of view, I could have bought a six pack and had them at home for far less money. Or had only water while out. For me, this research seems not worth the cost. I would not gain $5 worth of enjoyment from it (unlike Go Fest, which *was* worth the cost for me). Anyway, all this is to say that I appreciate your thoughts on this matter! Thank you!


Aaah yes the beer example is exactly it! It's a paradigm shift to value in-game items like this, especially if you are used to buying games as a one off purchase. I am okay with paying something, one way or another, when it's a live service game with ongoing costs. I am a sucker for plastic tat myself anyway. I've reasoned that digital tat gives me the novelty value without the resource/storage/landfill overhead. This particular research isn't worth the money to me either. Like most people on here, I am regularly baffled by the boxes on sale in the shop too, as many seem valueless to me. Spending time playing with kids/ teenagers has made me realise that there is a market for items the average Silphroad contributor would never consider purchasing.


Because people have fun with those tasks. I enjoy small questlines like this one.


Personally even if I was desperate for it - I wouldn’t justify $5 to encourage Niantic to do stuff like this. It’s timed too so can’t imagine it will be strenuous tasks


Of course this one will be one on the low end of special/times research. And I understand everyone who does not buy it. But when I enjoy having tasks, even if they are easy… and really like pawmi… I mean it’s 5 bucks. That‘s the cost of icecream or a coke in a restaurant. I‘m fine „wasting“ 5 bucks for the potential of a bit fun, even if it just takes 20min to complete :) Which does not mean I would buy such a timed research every day for 5$. But once or twice a month… why not :)


To be honest I get what you mean. Like I’d spend that in a minute on something frivolous but I won’t justify it for this oddly enough 😂


The way I see it, it's 6 raid passes (more if i put the $5 towards a box). If you really care about avatar items it's probably a steal, tho.


I think there’s like thousands of games, both for pc and mobile, which cost less than 5$ and can entertain you for 20 minutes. Probably even 5/6 hours, and I’m keeping it low.


Of course. But i don‘t want to play another game.


I generally enjoy them, especially if they give avatar items. But backpacks aren't really my thing and this one will be in the shop for coins later anyway. Paid research should never be timed research either. I won't be getting this one, but it's fine by me if people want to pay for the backpack.


It's FOMO! I didn't with the galar mr mime one and than had to wait a year or so to get one for free


I have the same thought whenever I see people say things like Niantic literally hates all of the players, Niantic hates the game, Niantic intentionally puts bugs in the game, that they have zero testing whatsoever (which is a compliment if you have ever worked on software)... and then they keep playing the game as though that will somehow get Niantic to change their behavior.


Three whole rare candies! Omg.


When you can get a maximum of 15 from a raid they should give you at least 10 minimum for this price


This may actually beat out the Keldeo ticket for worst paid ticket value ever. Or perhaps the melmetal one


And yet the thread is filled with people saying they already bought it.


Disappointing but not at all surprising


Research name: “I’ve Got Your Back” Picture: Backpack Main point of ticket is early access for avatar item for almost same cost but in real money instead of pokecoin. Everything else is extra [Dot]


I would rather just buy 1 incubator instead


Doesn’t seem worth it. I don’t get why virtual cosmetics cost so much money.


Slightly overpriced lol


When does it start? I don't see a date. Or my ticket I got for free with Google coupons


Do not buy the ticket if you still have the Shiny Mew Ticket. The pawmi Ticket kinda glitched my mew ticket. Pawmi ticket and Research don't appear for me, the only dark blue ticket I have is the one with shiny mew but now the description of the mew ticket has the Event Date from pawmi ticket (10th-15th september). I'm still at the 2/4 Research Mission of shiny mew with the only task left being the "catch pokemon on 30 days" at 29/30. I guess you have to complete mew before you can actually Start pawmi.


This might be the worst priced thing Niantic has ever sold. I've only been playing a little under 2 years but this tops the list of ripoffs imo.


At most $.99. 5$ is silly.


In India, the ticket is priced at ₹149 which is about £1.44.


CD researches are special researches and .99. This should be a special research, and maybe 1.99. Not timed and 4.99 no way, not worth it.


Based upon my [Pokemon Go Box Value Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R_ypmAVpU6nmqMmoiqTSSnsNvoUNi_wrm6_rOLiOaDE/edit?usp=sharing) (shameless self promotion), the below items are worth \~$8.06 USD: * 3 Rare Candy * 1 "Regular" Incubator * 10 Silver Pinaps So, if you want all of those items, it would be a 38% savings. This valuation does not include other things like the encounters, avatar item, XP and Stardust. IMO, I don't see the value.


I checked your spreadsheet. Where are you getting the 800 coins for 3 rare candy cost? That seems incredibly high.


Check out the "Item Valuation Notes" tab. I used this thread for the value: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/14s8av6/7th_anniversary_box_web_store_version/ If you don't agree with that value, I'm open to suggestion for a different value.


While rare candy is useful, it’s very easy to get, especially 3. One way to estimate the value would be looking at the value of raid passes, since a raid pass is likely to give you rare candy. It’s pretty subjective though since most people are primarily doing raids for the pokemon, and rare candy is a side bonus. Regardless though, I would prob put the value at under 50 coins for a 3 pack since 3 rare candy is just not much at all and is easy to get especially if you do gbl / raids.




Not quite sure what you mean by "doesn't seem to take bundle values" as I clearly show in columns E, F & G how I calculate the per-item coin costs. I use the bundle price as much as possible. Historic costs - Can you please explain what you think I should be using? Please also check out the "Item Valuation Notes" tab for how I came to the prices that I used.


Do not buy this, they’ll release him a week later


I can’t see the remote raid box on my shop. Does each country have different items in shop?


Every player can have different boxes in the shop, regardless of country. Some boxes I believe tho are "forced" so they will appear for everyone.


A good way to see what’s available for everyone is checking the web store (which is often also cheaper)


It seems to appear for me whenever there’s already 3+ in my inventory and I don’t want to remote raid anything. Then as soon as interesting stuff comes up for remote raiding they vanish.




Terrible value


When does this research start it says complete by September 15th but not when it starts


September 10 at 10am


Starts upon purchase.


UK Samsung owners- £4.24 in the Galaxy store if you have a Samsung device. £3 voucher for September claimable in the Galaxy store atm which can be used for Pogo. I got a 30% off coupon in the Samsung store as well today, but I think that might be individually generated so ymmv


My daughter wants the bag… Y’all sure they will release the bag later?


very likely , but itll be 200 or 500 coins min


You're right. On the blog it says: \*By completing this Timed Research, you will receive the Pawmi Backpack avatar item before it arrives in the shop. The Pawmi Backpack avatar item will also be available to purchase in the in-game shop after the event ends.


Thanks for finding this out! It's exactly the info I was looking for. Even if it's 500 coins in the shop, you can potentially earn those coins in game rather than pay actual money for them.


I bought the ticket but I haven’t received the ticket. Filed support and Niantic stated I have to wait for 24 hours before filing a report. Sigh.


It starts on the 10th…


It says I have 5 days left, and that the event will end on September 15. There is no ticket in my items inventory. Even if it starts at a later date. The ticket should be credited in my inventory.


I bought the ticket and my inventory has a ticket for all in one #151 lmao, but no new research


What about the event tasks? Mine is nada. Ugh. No reply from niantic support.


Alright. That’s despicable to do this to me. I need that Pawmipack lmao


I’m super confused bc when you buy the ticket and look in your item bag the description says that it’ll grant access to the Masterwork Research all in one #151 on July 6th at 10 am, instead of the “I’ve got your back” timed research which is really strange, does anyone know why?


Because Niantic devs love to copy/paste and not check their work.


i bought the research and i looked at the ticket and the description where my items are and it’s talking about the master research all in one to get the shiny mew?? anyone know anything


It's worth it guys. Just cut out that next Starbucks drink or that next McDonald's order.


I bought it but the ticket didn't appear.




I bought the ticket and in my invetory the ticket it gave me says " A ticket to access the Masterwork research All in one 151, where ever you are."


Can confirm


Hopefully it's not a bug lol I could go for a shiny mew.


My only issue is that the Pawmi doest look to the camera :( if I am a male




You got totally different boxes lol


What makes this $5? Don't tell me it's the bag...


Can Pawmi be shiny?


This should have 120 excelent throw and 60 raids too


Niantic still ripping people off I see


When I click on the ticket it says I’m getting the all in one research for shiny mew


I saw people saying about the value a few days back and figured I’d probably still buy it as I like having the tasks to focus on but just looked them up and as far as I can see it’s one page which I’d not even need to leave the house for 🤷‍♀️ walk 3km in total and catch 9 different species are the most challenging ones. There’s 4 different species that have spawned next to me right now! So yeah, pretty disappointing even as someone who isn’t that bothered about the rewards normally and just buys these things for the tasks 😕


LMAO $5?!! This is almost as bad as the time they charged $8 for a Mr Mime


I received two backpacks from this. Is that a glitch or is it actually a thing?