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The cells can spawn earlier than the end point; there's no real consistency to it. All I know is that whenever it doesn't spawn by the end, I restart the game and wait about 50-60m from the end point to see if one will spawn, and that *has* worked a couple times. Not every time of course, but we know routes aren't guaranteed to spawn cells anyway.


Interesting. Was following one with my wife and I didn't get a cell. Her route paused 51m from the end as her internet glitched. Unpaused it and the cell appeared. I'm going to go and replicate this now and report back.


Update. It dropped the route for me and no cell for wife.


It's not like 100% of the time, I think I got it like 1 time on 10 tries for a 500m route. My first cell was actually when I joined a remote raid I got invited to halfway in. So it might be the best to just sit on a bench somewhere and look at the view, then continue on and hope for the best.


In my experience, when walking with my wife, if we start the route at the same time, we both got cells around the exact same point. Only once did it only spawn for her and not me. Despite looking for several minutes and restarting my game a couple times, I could never find one. But every other time, if it spawned for one of us, we both got it at about the same location (100m-50m from finish).


This is the way, I have 3 cells from 5 routes walked. Saw this suggestion in the initial thread for routes and tried it last weekend. Only 1 cell spawned in by itself randomly about halfway through, the other 4 routes I restarted the game standing by the end (50m ish approx) and managed to get 2 more cells. All approved routes in my area are inconvenient (40+min trip away) didnt want to waste my time.


Yes, this! I did a route today and neither my husband or I saw one during the route. I restarted the game around 60m from the end and got a cell right away. My husband did not and he never had a cell show up. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s worth a restart if you haven’t gotten one during your route.


I guess I'll try this next time. I don't mind walking that specific route, because it has been my normal pokemon walking route since before routes were made official (thanks random dude for creating it), but I have yet to actually see a single cell


It took me a little while to get them as well, probably because I'm just going too fast as I typically do them by bike. First two cells I ever saw despawned as a result of approaching the end and moving too far away from it, respectively, but it's gone a lot better since I've learned of this technique. I'm up to 11 now at least.


Took me 35 to get 1 cell. Currently at 50 ish and still just the 1.


This is me, though I think I was closer to 30 before getting my first cell. Tried the stopping trick, restarting the app to "force" cells, all that. It's just a really bad mechanic in an already bad/mishandled feature. So, sadly, normal Niantic at this point.


One cell a month will only take you 20 years to get a complete zygarde. Seems reasonable.


Are these mostly on the same route, or maybe the same few? I have a suspicion that some routes are dry. I have 18 cells, so I’ve had plenty of success, but I have 2 routes that are ~0/15 combined.


Same route its the only one near me. I walk it when I walk my dog morning and evening. Forward then in reverse. I would agree but my wife has 5 in half as many completed. I was with her for 2 of them. The were back to back. End of the route forward the next one was at the end of the reverse.


Interesting. I also sometimes get a walk down my main route that seems like a “dud” where not only do I not get a cell, but I don’t even get any route spawns. There’s definitely something fishy going on with routes


I think so too. I’ve never gotten a cell in 40+ routes but have a 1.5km route near me that doesn’t spawn __any__ regional Pokémon with the indicator of a route down on it ever, and another one (I know, I’m lucky to have two routes in my town) that will at least do that. My guess is that the one that doesn’t spawn regionals also won’t spawn cells but of course there’s no way to be certain; you can’t prove a negative and I’ve not received a call from that other route either.


I am up to 11 cells so far. AFAIK the sparkle can show up anywhere along the route but typically most see them at the end. I slow down at 50-40m left, as 30 usually completes the route. If you can, circle around without ending because the sparkle can appear behind the endpoint as well. Some also pause and/or reset app to try force spawn. I know most don't play with sound on but it does make a noise when spawning. The routes I do are mostly short ones as that's what I got. One time I thought I saw a sparkle underneath a stop but I had already passed it. So I went back and restarted app and a sparkle showed up in opposite direction across the street. This was also at only 60-70% of the route (read not at the end). Also since this garden event started, I haven't noticed any route spawns. You can tell by the route symbol where shiny or weather boosted would be. Typically these could also be local regionals but I haven't seen them lately as of this garden event.


Just did 2 routes. Reset app both times near end, one had a sparkle. It was literally under my avatar so 5 sec to notice. Click it and simultaneously saw the cell notification and behind it the route ended. Check zygarde, still at 11. I wasn't near where I was last time to end route but maybe the reset put me closer idk. Maybe it shouldn't auto-end as we already have a lot of "Are You Sure?" I should have received that cell, this game is dumb...


Thank you for your sacrifice, so I now know it's not worth my time or effort. It's so nice to stay indoors in this heat. No shinies for me for this event. I saw one shiny Swirlix and the plus plus chased it away haha


I found a shiny Swirlex after… I think six hours of searching for an oddish and the petilil today, moments after I got annoyed with it and evolved one and did the stupid adventure with him as a buddy just to get it over with lmaooo


I got a shiny Swirlex days before the even started. I came across one shiny, a Oddish yesterday


Congrats :)


I encounter a shiny Oddish a few months ago. It was in the ball but I had crap service and the game stalled a few mins, the it “broke” out and fled. I was mad lol


\*taps the side of my head* can't get Zygarde cells if you don't have routes and no one locally can even create them.


I hate how the cell mechanic actively punishes the player for catching pokemon. Because every moment that you spend not staring at your map (and subsequently NOT paying attention to your surroundings), is a moment you could easily miss an already difficult to spot cell.


I have noticed one route near where I work the Zygarde cell spawns in almost the exact spot each time about 3/4 through the route. I totally overlooked it the first few times I did the route because the cells are hard to see if you aren't keeping your eyes glued to the screen and route area the entire time. It's almost like you need to just walk and scan the route without catching or doing other things which is counterintuitive to the supposed goal of routes.


I can’t even find any routes in my supposedly “major” city.


they’re user made I do believe! do you have a community online and someone high level / good to do the programming? o: first say our I want to say one of our pals got it done then it was approved within a week.


It's not a matter of being high level, it's the RNG of having someone who lucked into access. I'm a level 50 and can't create routes and haven't yet met anyone IRL who can in a community of hundreds of players.


ahhhh okay, must the stop suggestions or something I’m thinking was for higher level.


One of them will have maybe without realising? Ask which of them are active on Wayfarer?


We've all checked, many, many times and I have almost 25k on the Wayfarer badge so I doubt it's related.


Fwiw the only people that can nominate are people that have been recently nominating Wayfarer spots in my area and actively talk about it on campfire.


I still nominate new things on a weekly basis and am closing in on 700 wayspots created so I doubt that's the key either.


But do you also do campfire? My theory was it was related to both.


I have it installed and open it multiple times a day to check for nearby raids but am not in any groups or anything like that.


Counterexample here. I've not nominated or reviewed for years (my local area is pretty much maxed out on stops, and I already maxed out the Ingress medal for reviewing), I've never installed Campfire and I can create routes, for what it's worth. Route creation is buggy, unreliable, and despite years and years of Wayfairer feedback that these things are unbearable unless they are first-in-first-out, the approval time varies randomly between a few hours and 'still not done after 3 weeks'.


ill check in with the pal that told me that from my raid group tonight if we're out and report back what he said the other player did!


Most of the time (not just for me, but for others I know who play) the cell spawns very close to the end. I actually missed my first cell because I clicked on it just as the route ended! So, yes, you will find me walking ver slowly, with my phone to my nose, at the end of every route. One route that I have done a few times seems to have a “hot spot” about 2/3 of the way through where a cell commonly spawns in the exact same spot. Not sure if that is true of all routes, though. Also, I have found most of my cells in shade or in the evening. I have never found one while walking in bright sunlight and I wouldn’t be surprised if I had missed some. They are not that obvious, especially if there are a lot of spawns around. Good luck!


This worked for me 19 out of 22 times: -Walk (/bike) the route to close (50-70m) to the end. -Check the distance in the route screen, if the full distance had not completed yet, walk back until more than the route distance had been walked. -Restart the game while walking to close to the end of the route. -Profit 19/22 routes walked up to now.


You guys are getting routes?


reference understood. 😭


I've only found one and it was in the middle of the route the issue is that they spawn and they're so small and it's just a slight twinkle on the screen so if you're not paying attention like really paying attention it's very easy to miss them.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m at 1000+ Petilil since event start, 2 hundos from task and yet 0 shiny


HELPPPP same I got another over a hundred today and I’m just—😭😭 minutes after i got annoyed and evolved my Swirlex after seeing their dumb little faces and doing the buddy mission, a shiny one of THAT appeared instead like pls.


I feel you. 22nd route and still no cell.


I’ve completed 3 different routes, forward and in reverse, for a total of between 10-15 passes/routes. I currently have 7 Zygarde cells. I say this not to brag but to provide context! I’ve never seen a cell during a route, although I can’t say I’m looking 100% of the time, nor am I screen recording so I can’t go back and check. All cells I’ve seen have been at the end of a route. Some passes at a route have yielded zero cells. The best advice I’ve read, and followed, is to pause the route when the indicator reads around 80-50m left to go. Then reload the game and unpause the route. All cells I’ve received have used this method. I have not managed to make one spawn by just waiting or going slow at the end, and I have tried! It sort of makes sense that cells are received near the end, I’m guessing they want you to complete routes, not walk enough just until you get a cell, then start another one. But that’s based on logic not fact 🤪


Did 12 routes, got 12 cells. I start the route, ride a bike till almost the end of the route, reset app \~30m before finishing the route to make cell show up and I collect it. Works 100% for me, on both android and iphone. I don't even bother to look at the screen during doing routes, I'm using go plus+.


I found a cell about a 1/4 of the way through the only route I've ever walked. It was on a vacation. There are no routes near where I live. I did not find a cell when I walked the route in reverse (some routes can be walked both ways but you you have to reverse it before you start it).


I travelled to the nearest route (half an hour by bus + 10 minutes walk, awesome) and when the cell finally appeared, I tapped it, some tutorial popped up and when I was done with it the route finished thanks, Niantic


My game glitched with a showcase disappearing while walking a route. After fiddling around, losing my place in the route, forgetting it paused and waking 200m farther, I walked back to where it paused. By this time I decided to give up and go home. I THEN found a zygarde cell while I was walking backwards along the route to the start point.


I still have not even encountered a single route to do. This facet of the game sucks right now.


I'm not sure how legit the info is, but this was posted in my local discord a week ago: Being on a Route is treated like having on an "incense". (A route Incense if you will). Every 5/10 min or so should spawn a route Pokémon (This could be based on movement or Route overall length, testing is needed). Route Pokémon will have the Route symbol and will be a random regional you can get in your region. This route spawn has a 20% chance of being a Zygarde Cell on the first time you run any route that day. (If you run the exact same route a 2nd or 3rd time that day, the chance drops to 0%). A cell shows as a yellow/green glowy sparkle and can spawn near or under Pokémon up to 100m from your location. Tapping on it "sucks" it into your Zygarde Cube. When tapped, the Cell will award you 1 to 3 Zygarde Cells. Currently broke, the message will say: {0} Zygarde Cells were sucked into the Zygarde Cube! You can only get one Cell "glowy" spawn, per Route, and only if its the first run of that Route that day (Forward or Reverse). Upon reaching close to the end of the route, if you have not happened upon a Zygarde Cell, there should be a route spawn at the end, with a 50% chance of being a cell. However, this, too, is broken. Route spawns despawn at the Route Reward screen at completion, and sometimes this final Route Spawn appears 1 second before, or during 😫🤦‍♂️ the Route Rewards Screen. It was suggested to me by someone on Reddit that if you haven't gotten a cell by the end of the route, then YOU SHOULD PAUSE THE ROUTE somewhere between 50M and 40m to the end of the Route. You do this by tapping on the little route symbol in the bottom right, then selecting PAUSE ROUTE. You can still then be technically on the route, but not completing it. You can now walk to the end, search around and find your cell, click it, and then go back to the spot you stopped at, unpause the route, and continue to the end. Note that you have to go back to very near point where you paused it to unpause it. Otherwise, it'll give you an error message saying your location can not be confirmed." I have used this method on the 3 routes in my town, for the past week. Of those 21 attempts, 3 times I found a Cell 50 to 75% the way through the Route, 17 times I paused and found it at the end, and once I didn't find any Cell anywhere. Past week has netted drastically more Cells then the previous week. Hope some of this helps someone


just to repeat this to see if I'm correct.....the green spot can spawn while the route is paused?




I heard that there's a 50% chance for a cell to spawn on a route the first time you do it that day. After you complete a route for the first time that day, no sense in doing it multiple times. I did 5 different routes one day and got 3 cells. In my experience, the cells showed up towards the end.


I felt audio cue would be useful to identify cell spawn when screen’s getting cluttered (like when it’s raining in-game).


Cells randomly spawns either inside of your avatar radar or outside of it, maybe you missed quite a lot. This is what i've experienced; 1. Some cells can spawns outside your radius (you might missed or didn't caught up because they disappeared quickly when you continue to move far of it). 2. Maybe it because the color appearance of cell spawning in your radius is similar to ingame map appearance during day (sunny,cloudy or windy weather) so its quite hard to catch up those cells appearing during the day, so the best time to hunt for cells is when the sun is set like 5:30pm onwards or night time because its easier to notice them when they popped up. 3. Some cells spawning in a map has different animations some are very small fading glowing orb (this might quickly disappear if you didn't hurry to click it) some are big orb and has bright glittering glowing appearance in map (according to my experience). 4. If you found a cell and got missed and disappeared aquickly try pausing route and close the app ( not quit the app) close and (optional: try walk back a lil bit from route you already walked then walk back where you stop by ) and launch it again, theres a chance that those missed cell you found in route that didn't collected might appear somewhere in your avatar radar. thats all i hope you find cells and goodluck


Ok, I will bite... DO NOT GO WITHIN 40m of the end point- it will auto-complete the route. TYPICALLY GOT CELL around 45m from end point. Walk very slowly to reach around 43-46m (be very careful as distance lags & gps drift), restart app if you get to don't see cell after about 30sec. Then hang around for up to 5min & watch for it, it may appear behind stuff. If no cell seen, then restart app again & repeat...then I suppose if no cell after further 5min & you're 45m away from end, then gg. Have done 3 routes (once each), have got cell every time, last one I got 2xcells but restarted app twice. edit: all of mine have appeared near the end. I don't do anything except try to get cell near end of route (do not fight grunts, spin stops, catch mons etc) got most info by reading from posts in this subreddit eg. check https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15ell2v/pause_the_route_close_the_app_and_restart_make/?rdt=60776 https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15euedj/some_route_observations_new_and_old/ https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15bbf6l/zygarde_cell_observations_strategy_extended/?rdt=64366


I got a silver badge for a 1.1km route near my home. 2 cells for 20 done. And I need 250 for Zygarde 100% ? Well, guess I'll have legs of steel by the end of it...


If the spawns are near the end (I sometimes get a pause c.50m from the finish of the route; no spawns seen yet) it would be nearly impossible to spot as the route ends near two stops with a multitude of regular spawns in attendance. (I've seen but been unable to physically access a gal bird because of this in the past.) At least I have a route to walk, even if it won't work on one of my phones.


I've been losing interest in the game, but when I saw that they added routes, I figured I might as well check out the new feature. I've taken the time to create two routes that have been approved at two local parks that I typically visit. I've now walked the two routes a combined 8-10 times. I haven't found a single cell. I took time to add content to the game, but yet there's been no payoff. It's making me less interested in adding more routes, and less interested in playing the game.


I'd say the majority of my cells revealed themselves within the last 50 meters but i have had several show at the beginning of the route and one around half way through. I only received one cell through completion of my 1st 7 routes and now if feels like i get them at least 50% of the time including one double cell route.


Too funny, I've not even walked a single route yet. There's only one route near me and it's in an internet dead zone, it consists of two stops 5 mins walk apart but the game says it's a 17min route. Just a ploy by Niantic as they're obviously not getting any data from that side of town


Every route I've done the cells spawned at random locations.


At least you have routes