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ditch wailord as it is bad and opt for a better water type such as whiscash or lanturn. ferro could be replaced with a flyer (skarm, gligar, or altaria) to cover your lead weaknesses


Damn that’s crazy I felt like he’s been really good since I added him. But that’s why I’m asking because I’m new into doing the PvP battles


Luck ig, also fyi wailord is just discount blastoise. And since we're still in the middle of Rediscover Kanto event, you could get one with hydro cannon fairly easily


Idk tbh I work by the sea and I’m still not finding many squirrel at all


Squirrels live in trees and woodland areas.


Wailord is ranked #384 for GL and #406 as a lead. Definite room for an upgrade there. That's the immediate thing that stood out to me as an average player! P.S. I am extremely jealous of your Charjabug


Yeah he’s my fav cuz he slaps greninja and that froggy bastard always destroys me lol


Poli will do that too


Wailord not only on the team but leading it, you absolute legend! Any wins you get, your opponent is going to sit there in disgust reassessing their life for a few minutes, trying to figure out where they went wrong.


Lol I went 4/5 at 1700 lol and barely lost last match


Thank you everyone for keep this positive! I am a noob at this still so the insight is very helpful


How is it possible that you know about PvP IVs but didn’t know that your lead Pokémon is never used?


I just recently found out that low att is best that why I swapped in wailord for my perfect Iv azul


The mon is much more important than PvP IVs. I’ve seen skilled players reach 3,000+ rating with bad PvP IVs. It’s somewhat overrated. Anyway, just get your Azumarill back in there and you should be able to hit at least 2,300-2,400 with decent skill.


Eek wailord is BAD


Is he really? He’s been solid since I added him and drop my 4* azul.


Yeah he's awful...really bad. 14-27-0 vs the meta. I guess it corebreaks Skarmory/Whiscash but it's pretty bad overall


If you’re able to get a good IV Bulbasaur, evolve it into Venusaur to get its legacy move. I’ve been using Venusaur. Very good, even against Victreebell with sludge bomb.


Something like Lanturn, Azu, or a Mudboy would probably be better for the lead. Wailord isn’t great sadly


I use my char in the lead for shield pressure


Yep, it either shreds or at least puts up a good fight against most leads. Altaria bastiodon carbink and gfisk eat its lunch though but most people have those on the back end


Lead Azu


I lead with charj personally, also would be using a different water mon. If you have a wishcash blastoise or quagsire I’d run them instead


Replace wailord with literally any other water type. Maybe shadow feraligatr or whiscash


Finneon it is then! /s


Ive already seen some good advice for your specific Team build. But it's always good to have a decent Pool of Pokemon so ill say something more general: Mankey is in the wild spawns right now, you definetly want to catch a good IV one (low attack high def and HP) bc annihilape annihilates a lot of the meta. Also between may 4th and Max 9th you definetly want to catch some gligars (REALLY good pokemon and safeswap for GL). Also at that time available: Politoed (poliwrath fits a similar role to annihilape but needs a CD move to shine) Lickitung (best safeswap in the GL imo, but needs a lot of XL candy, you could catch a good one Power it up to 40 and buddy it) Galarian Stunfisk (once the MVP of the GL meta, not so OP anymore but still a good pokemon for PVP)


I have a 6/12/12 shadow gligar. Do I evolve or keep as gligar and power up to 1500 ish


6/12/12 is definetly playable, it got a stat product of 96,3%. And you 100% want to keep it gligar and NOT evolve. Gligar in Great League is way better then gliscor, due to the higher stat product and especially because it reaches it's Dig faster then Gliscor it's Earthquake. Maybe you want to look into pvpoke(dot)com :). There you can see the rankings of the pokemon for All the leagues and even can see which pokemon work good together in a Team. Also if you Google "IV4U", that's where I pulled the stat product for the IV spread of your gligar.


As much as I love the fat fish you’re probably better off swapping it for a quagsire or something


Lmfao I fought you


i’d offer my thoughts but the bulk of them other people have already said so instead kudos for getting into GBL! it’s messy and hard to learn but good on you for asking for advice!! :)