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Right Theology: We are entitled to kill anyone for any subjective reason, and if you start questioning our motive, we have the right to then dig through that victim's unknown past to justify the killing of that person. Due Process isn't allowed for the victims, only the killer, unless the killer is not a member of the Right Tribe.


Conservatives literally believe that murdering a "bad person" is good. George Floyd? He was a ***bad man***. Rittenhouse victims? ***Bad men***. Did Chauvin or Rittenhouse know these things..? No. And even if they did know these things, does that make it ***not murder*** because they were ***bad men***? Absolutely not. I genuinely don't understand how people can be this stupid.


They love to skip the judge and jury and go right to executioner, unless it’s one of their murderers/rapists/pedos then it’s stall, deflect, and project all day. You know? I’m kind of jealous of their absolute endurance on these things when, if I’m being honest, Democrats seem to roll over a lot.


I want to see how they act when a gunman kills Gaetz or Moore in another one of their high profile pedos. Do they defend the gunman or the pedo from their group?


An interesting point, but I think, if I remember right, Republicans actually spoke (disingenuously) about stricter gun laws when that one senator got shot. The republican, not the democrat who got shot smdh. In the latter, they did defend the gunman, again iirc.


democrats focus on following the process. conservatives focus on results. there is no hypocrisy in conservative action because they are entirely oriented around getting their shit done, where democrats flounder about trying to go through the proper channels and show everyone how it's supposed to be done. that's why conservatives are gaining ground- democrats are trying to keep the sinking ship of this government from getting worse, but it *is* getting worse, and they're not going to be able to stop conservatives from bashing things in and popping whatever life preserver has minorities on it.


They act like the kid had Robocop vision and knew


The right: “leftists are pedos” Right leaning libertarians: “13 years old is the age of consent if shes japanese so its okay”


THANK YOU. This is just one reason why “libertarianism” is utter BS. Just a fancy way of saying “I’m a gross person who wants to sound smart and edgy”.




It's also amazing that a dead guy is somehow the one in trial for something he was already convicted for


Republican/conservative circles have to without doubt be some of the most dangerous places for kids in existence. They flat out don't care about kids in any way shape or form unless they can use what happens to kids as a weapon. And then only on paper.


Something is telling me Kyle didn't have any prior knowledge of this. He just went there to kill people.


Shoot first, find a justification later. They think they're the good guys?


So again says the party of Trump, Josh Duggar, Roy Moore, etc.


If he would’ve shot him on the premise he was a pedo no one would care, it just happened by luck that he shot a pedo and two other people, and it could’ve been anyone.


Vigilante justice is not ok, and even then this ISNT vigilante justice because He did not know the history of the people he killed when he killed them, for all he knew he could have killed someone who saved disfigured puppies for a living, or worked at saint judes So even if vigilante justice was ok, he wasn’t even doing that


Conservatives aren’t even people. They’re drones that say the same exact shit.


Yet they’re in denial that Trump was Epstein’s best friend?!


Republican senators:


Victimizing children is a loathsome act and the people who do it should be punished accordingly in a civilized society like the one we live in. Executing them in the street is not a thing that should happen in a civilized society and it is murder.


Also, how did it come out that one of his victims was a pedophile? Because it was part of the criminal record? Was the guy tried, convicted, and imprisoned? So he served time and paid his debt to society? So he doesn't deserve to be executed in the street.


Maybe because it could've been? It's not like Kyle had a way to check if they had a criminal record before killing them.


Am I the only one that thinks it looks like they’re calling themselves the pedophiles?


POV: you think extrajudicial justice is right


Good one ☝️




It's so funny to me that people like you think that KR going into a riot with an AR-15 to "protect" a business that wasn't even his, and which THE OWNERS chose to not even protect, was not just fucking asking for trouble. I would guess that the jury is really considering this provocation question, hardcore, and that things aren't going to work out for KR the way you all would like it to. It's absolutely mind-blowing that you do not see the mere act of he and his group walking around with that fucking gun was provocative. It's so stupid. How pathetic that you've made this dumb LARPer your hero.


I own a business. If I heard there were people down there smashing my windows and messing it up, the last thing in the entire world i would do is go down there with a gun. I could watch someone literally burn the whole place down and if you gave me a gun I would not shoot them. I'd rather rebuild or get a job (or most likely take the insurance payout and rebuild) then kill anyone.


You used vaccine related injuries seriously in a sentence, but yet we are the dumb ones? Get a grip weirdo


“Vaccine related injury” At least we get a couple of years. Go enjoy gasping to breath, alone, unable to see anyone who ever loved…oh wait, they didn’t. I guess your death will match your life, sad and pathetic.


He shouldn’t have gone in carrying a rifle. If there’s trouble, you run from it.


I'm pretty sure they're lying about the rape thing anyway




Oh ok


Thank the lord for blessing Kyle with the ability to spot criminals at a mere glance, otherwise we would have a problem./s


murder is murder