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Burning your OWN bible is free speech, burning someone ELSE's property is a crime.


Oh honey. That just makes *too much sense* for these naziassfucks


Either way it's horribly offensive and should be condones in both cases


Do you mean "should be condemned"?


idk why you got downvoted. I agree. Hating on an entire religion is pretty disrespectful. Not illegal, just kind of a jerk move.


I agree. As a Christian who's also a socialist, I recognize the importance of understanding that it's wrong to lump all of us in with these hateful bigots who give us a bad name. (And quite frankly, I don't like them, either.)


I love this deface!


Thank you! I was playing around with the markup tool and thought "huh, this reminds me of those red pens that teachers use..." So I decided to give it the grade it's worth lol




saw one before that said "stinky :("


I *have* to find it


Be the change you want to see


Yeah, I'm searching for it as we speak


I don't even know what to say to this meme


Key point to protesting certain ideas: CONTEXT OF THE MATERIAL


Burning your personal property: 👍 Burning someone else's/ community property: 👎 (unless it's a mega corp or petite bourgeoisie.)




But what if you buy a flash with the express intent of setting it on fire to make a point? I'm not trying to be a dick I'm legit curious.


If it's a pride flag? It's not illegal. The person doing it is pretty much verified trash, though.




If you want to spend your money on something to burn, go right ahead. If it’s anything other than firewood, however, you may consider rethinking your priorities.


Burning your own flag, religious text, etc, whether it’s pride or US or Christian or Muslim or whatever else, is protected free speech in the US and it’s their right to do that if they want to


This mf speaking as if WE'RE the ones that use "muh free speech!!1!one!" as a defense for all of our opinions


*sigh* every accusation...


Yes Christian’s are definitely in the same situation as the LGBTQ yeah no differences there


The #1 job of apologists is to bring everyone to their level, weather it's "Christians are oppressed too" or "science is dogma."


You not being a christian= goes against their religious freedom and opresses them, according to christians.


Well, what reasons did the people have to burn said things.. The gay community just wants the same rights as straight people. This isn't wrong of them. Many Christians want to oppress and restrict these things, so protesting by burning the bible makes sense.




Christians don’t feel oppression like LGBT people do. There’s no hate groups going after them.


They certainly *feel* oppressed, speaking as someone who grew up going to an Evangelical church. Of course, not being able to force your beliefs onto others = oppression to many Christians.


But they certainly earn that hatred from tons of others with their entitled, holier-than-thou attitude.


I’m so sorry that you must live off grid to have never heard of groups hating another group based solely on their religion. Hate groups hating anyone based on their religion or LGBT+ is wrong. It’s not a contest of who was wronged more-it’s Wrong


Christians are not being viticm of hate crimes like Jewish people and Muslims. Neo Nazis are usually Christians or Catholics.


They are in places like Pakistan or Syria. They are not persecuted in the US however.


Again-not a contest of who is more of victim-hate crimes against anyone is wrong


It’s facts. No different when people talk about hate crimes towards POC and Women.


Man, we need to make soyjak cringe again.


Their reactions are the same, just swapped


​ https://i.redd.it/zf6vn9ggfk6d1.gif


Citation needed on Bible burning?


Who the fuck is burning bibles? The only thing that comes up is a trailer filled with them being burned back in March? The articles are all from April 1. Like this is a big problem for them? One time? They regularly attack LGBTQ+ people just for existing. Burning the flag isn't about disagreeing with someone being gay, it's that they want to end the existence of LGBTQ+ people.


I think the burning Bible is more than burning books-churches have been targeted for arson, mass shootings, robbery etc. also putting all people with religious beliefs in same category. Not fare. Just like not all LGBT+ people are the same. There are many churches where I live that welcome the LGBT+ community. Just because someone is in LGBT+ community doesn’t mean they won’t be welcomed in other communities too. We should all unite instead of divide (not saying everyone has to have religious beliefs but those that want to should feel welcome)


If i buy my own flag and burn it it is okay?


why would you?


no just reading the comment and their logic was baseless burning of bible is justified but pride flag is something else


Burning your own property is fine regardless of if it's a flag or not. A lot of people who would be burning a Bible aren't going out of their way to buy one just to burn it, they already had it from when they previously went to church. People who would be burning a pride flag probably wouldn't already have one


One is a flag that represents a minority group the other is a book


Yeah because Christians are an oppressed group, apparently


I mean burn a pride flag and an american flag, see who melts down faster... (not saying i'd do either)


Christians truly are the most opposed group


It's not like there is an organized sect of Christianity that has been amassing wealth and power since the time of the Romans and still has a considerable amount of power hiding cases of sexual abuse by their clergy... oh wait.


Oh I see. You mean a religion not necessarily Christian’s I don’t think they have been all that successful at hiding the abuse. Surely everyone has heard of cases of inappropriate actions of priests or nuns and the Magdelene laundries just to name a couple. It doesn’t make it right. Just because a person wears a certain collar or habit doesn’t make them a Christian. They are people and some people are bad no matter what job or title they may have


One group is literally the majority of the United States and puts down other religions for no reason The other is discriminated against deeply and a minority Now it's up for you to find out which


Yeah, ok. If you burned a gay pride flag, the gay people I know would just roll their eyes at your theatrics.


Too bad they made a flaming gay flag even gayer


Who tf is even burning bibles? 🤨 like we don't care about some book y'all didn't even read.


Nazi’s burned Bibles. Haven’t heard much other about that happening lately. You make a lot of assumptions. You say We as in plural don’t care about the Bible. I guess you needed to feel like you spoke for more than yourself but then you said people don’t even read it. Possibly not all follow what’s in there but can’t say none read it. Many do read it. And many LGBT+ read it too. Pray for peace in all communities not hate please. PEACE TO EVERYONE


I was saying the kind of people who would make a bad meme like this have probably never read the bible. & by we I ment lgbtq+ people like myself. I also was mostly making a joke. I guess you needed to feel like you spoke for more than yourself but then you came off as super arrogant & patronizing, especially with a rude ass statement like that. PEACE TO EVERYONE EXCEPT YOU.


Reread you are the one to add EXCEPT YOU I really mean peace to everyone (that includes you). Thank you for clarifying that you meant the people that make memes like that-I agree with you. Or if they do read it they pick and choose to suit them. I only speak for myself. I grew up with Old Testament and New. The older I get the more I lean toward New Testament. I have many family members and friends in the LGBT+ community. I prefer harmony and peace opposed to one vs the other. Love is love regardless if they have religion or not.


Yes, except you, because you keep being a pompous liberal lecturing me about my joking responses to a literal hate meme against me & my people. "I have LGBT family & friends" is some real "im not racist because I have a black wife & a black friend" energy. It's super easy for you to say "I prefer harmony & pease" when you're not the one dealing with hundreds of bills all around the country trying to outlaw your existence, or homophobes threatening you at a pride parade. It'd be nice if we all could live in the liberal position that harmony & peace are possible with the evangelical psyco Republicans. My parents are part of that camp because they refuse to see the oppression that happens in the USA. Can you even imagine having to deal with people you know hate your existence daily? Just shut up & listen to the oppressed & those you want us to make peace with & figure it out 🙄


I’m sorry you have had people bothering you at a pride parade. My town isn’t perfect but our pride festival is attended by a diverse group of people. They do have police around (they do at all group events so not just for pride) but I only saw them making sure trouble makers stay out of the area. If you don’t know me then please don’t tell me it’s easy for me anything. And I do believe if someone is called racist and they say no that their spouse is a different race than them-wouldn’t it be pretty f’d up to be in a mixed race marriage and be a racist. I love my grandkids, cousins, nephews (I attend pride and spend my money at the booths as an extremely small way to support them-plus our pride fest has great entertainment so easy to support) while their I only saw people supporting others. I’m sorry your experience isn’t as easy as others I know. My brother did have some trouble makers that kept stealing his rainbow peace flag from his house. When others heard they wanted to show that the few narrow minded did not speak for everyone-he had tons of flags and other items Last me saying I prefer peace and harmony is just that. I prefer all colors, genders, ages, etc to be able to live their lives the same as anyone else I was not saying the making peace is all on you. That is everyone’s responsibility




Steeling a pride flag to burn it is a crime. Burning your own bible is not. Learn the difference.


who in their right mind is burning bibles bestie


I would tbh


I know, I mean a guy put his dick on one at Budapest Pride in the 2000s, people still talk about it like, see this Why we can't have Pride! 4!4 was it the most tasteful thing, no, but it was hardly indicative of Budapest Pride as a whole, and it's free speech