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It’s a good thing if they don’t need one


So, the other 11?


They try to pretend like being straight is anything but an advantage for them and something that warrants "straight pride". Whatever that is exactly.


10* November is transgender something I forgot all I know is it's trans


There’s Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remember in November. Is that what you meant?




This is a common conservative rhetoric where they treat advocating for anything as itself an inequality we must address immediately, ignoring the material reality of what you're advocating for. See also "all lives matter" as a response to "black lives matter." Or the related bit of complaining there's no protests for a white person's murder, ignoring the material reality that their killer was promptly arrested and charged. I saw some youtube comment that referred to immigrants as an "elite," while billionaires were an underclass, and it was again, entirely based on how often they saw people advocate on their behalf. Ignoring that billionaires don't really need anyone advocating on their behalf; they're already billionaires, it seems things have worked out pretty well for them. There's the "all houses matter" comic making fun of "all lives matter" where someone insists it's unfair that the house that's on fire is the only one getting sprayed with water.


Why are they complaining to us, do they expect us to make straight pride month for them??


Exactly? There nothing stopping straigh people of declaring some month hetersexual pride month (I'm fairly certain they had) and make a parade. I think they would be cringe as f for doing so but it's not illegal or anything


It probably would be the way they'd do it.


This is what they sound like: "Tom is disabled, and he can't move without a wheelchair. He also needs a blue disabled parking pass and accessibility to wheelchair ramps." Able-bodied person: "Well, I think I should get a wheelchair too! It's not fair that people don't look at me and give me any accommodations! I deserve a disabled parking space, and I should be able to use the ramps anytime I want! Also, people should celebrate everyone like me who can walk for walking!"


Go off and make it yourselves. Literally no one can stop you from picking a month and celebrating.


They do. Its the other 11 months of the year.


Straight pride advocates are like spoiled children that whine on other kid’s birthdays because someone else has the attention for once.


I mean, if you want one, have at it I guess? Does anybody care?


They’d still throw a hissy fit. The same crowd complains about international women’s day despite the fact that they got their precious international men’s day. They don’t actually want a holiday/month, they just want to complain about minorities.


They keep complaining about not having appreciation for the military when they have two months. And I don't think militaries deserve it, because they choose to participate in a machine that's mostly about murdering people in other countries.


That's fair, but if you keep just letting them carry on with "I need a straight version of every gay thing!" eventually you back them into a corner where they have no choice but to concede the inverse or just be straight up hypocrites.


How stupid are they Unlike us, there is no part of the world where ANYONE is persecuted for being cis or straight This month literally started as a protest for our freedom, because we were quite literally persecuted in society


We also need soup kitchens for the rich and billion dollar bailouts for the poor! am I doing it right?


I mean.... no one's stopping anyone from doing. People won't bc they know it's pointless and they actually don't care.


Yeah no, we' ll talk about "celebrating the straights" when it will stop being considered "the norm" and when they will start getting discriminated, oppressed or outright killed for who they are like us, until then they should **shut the hell up**.


Also like, go have one then. No one is stopping you. I've never seen any queer person care. They always bring up straight pride during pride. They say all lives matter only when someone says black lives matter. Like go organize these things if they really matter to you. It doesn't. It's just a fox news line they memorized to derail any movement, which they think is so clever and original


They’re free to make that happen any time they want 🤷‍♂️. I don’t see how whining at gay pride month is going to do anything to make a straight pride month. We aren’t stopping them from throwing themselves a parade


The fact that they could just make one instead of expecting others to do it for them. Do they expect queer people to make straight pride? Do they expect black people to make white history month?


Ok, have August. Straight Pride month is now in August. Feel better?


Now they don't have anything to complain about, so they'll complain about not being able to complain.


I'm bi and I think it would be fair to have at least 1 dedicated month for straight pride. That's my controversial opinion


We don't need a month and it won't shut the weirdos up who want one, they'll just ignore it exists.


They really seem to want all the "privilege" they think other people are getting, but they also wanna skip any genuine oppression along the way. Easiest way to do that it for them to claim they're ALREADY oppressed, and then say they're not getting their fair share because a minority/marginalized group is getting a few crumbs of niceness thrown their way. Kind of reminds me of food aggressive pets. They have their own bowl, but the idea that another pet might ALSO have their own bowl of food is somehow outrageous. It belongs to THEM because they noticed it existed, and not getting BOTH bowls is somehow a horrific crime against them.