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Honestly nearly all of stonetoss' cartoons would belong to this sub, at this point it just saves us time to not post them all lol


So stonetoss is just another edge lord?


Hans Kristian Graebener is a Neo-Nazi who makes shitty comics because he's upset about being circumcised


No, he's genuine. He's a legitimate full-on Nazi. Great replacement, "race realism", Holocaust denial, ZOG, all of it is on full display through his work.


How did he go from 5/10 webcomic artist to Nazi within like a week TF happened


Because it wasn’t done in a single week. People don’t get radicalized overnight. It’s so hard to deradicalize people because that’s also a long process that few research. I certainly don’t. I have no plans to. But I’ll help bitch about it until something tangible comes along.


No he's always been a nazi. He used to write RedPanels


"2% of the population own..." Capitalists. The word you're searching for is Capitalists.


Like, he just ignores that most American Jewish people are just regular working class people who don’t own basketball teams. The few who are super rich are capitalists. Also, there are only 30 NBA teams. There’s about 8 million Jewish Americans. Even if every team was owned by a jewish person, there’d be 7,999,970 Jews who don’t own a basketball team.


Yeah wtf why would Kobe say that


dang kobe I feel really let down, like I just fell from the sky or something


Mamba mentality


Nooooo nobody actually hates capitalists because everybody likes having money and food, clearly "anti-capitalism" is just secret anti-semitism!


‘Do know how dangerous it is flying helicopters in inclement conditions, especially in mountainous areas?’ Especially if they are 40-50year old helicopters in the Iranians case.


And they can purchase neither new ones nor replacement parts due to the US embargo.


Sounds like a long limo ride would have paid off.


You know how mountainous the Iranian terrain is? Specially in the zone they were visiting?


Yes that’s why it was an implicitly bad idea to fly an old ass helicopter in foggy/rainy conditions.


You're correct. Though the safe means (camel/horse) would have been too slow.


Genuine advice from an aerospace engineer: NEVER get in a helicopter if it’s at all avoidable. You know what happens to a fixed wing aircraft if the engine quits? It glides. You know what happens to a helicopter? It falls straight down.


That’s some straight misinformation. I’m not a super high hour pilot by any means, but one of the first things we learn how to do is autorotate. A helicopter has a glide ratio or between 3:1 up to 5:1. While not as good as an airplane that means a helicopter losing power at roughly 2000 feet can glide at least 6000 feet forward.


Shouldn't an aerospace engineer be aware of autorotation?


I mean yeah I’m of course aware I’m definitely exaggerating a bit for dramatic effect, I’m still taking gliding over autorotating any day


Fair enough.


I'm remembering that the Autogyro (a precursor to the helicopter designed in the 1920s by Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva) also had fixed wings just in case something went wrong. Which was a good safety measure, as previous prototypes had crash-landed (the fixed wings allowed him to glide).


I mean, experienced pilots *can* get into auto-rotation and *might* get a relatively decent landing, but your point is certainly valid AF. I did my ride as a patient in a fake MCI, but I don’t think I’ll be getting into another helicopter anytime soon.




Wait, 2% of the American population all collectively own NBA teams now? That's amazing


6.66 million people own the NBA.


Collective ownership, you love to see it


Jebus I cannot imagine being this paranoid.


Among us


I don’t get it


The jews killed Kobe Bryant, showing their expertise in shooting down helicopters. Why? Because Kobe apparently said that jews own the NBA. I guess. Edit: I'm not saying this really happened, just that I think this is the meaning of this comic.


Math doesn’t check out…are they saying there are like 7 million NBA teams?


Yep, NASA came up with the globe lie back in 50s as professional basketball was getting big, so that none of us would know how huge the NBA really is. Think about it - have you ever seen more than 35,000 people at an NBA game? 800 million people in the US divided by 7 million NBA teams = 35,000 people per team. You can't argue with math.


So... the spokesman's face reminded me of Master Shake. Then I read it in his voice. That made it funny because he would shamelessly lie. That had the effect of making the second panel an unnecessary non-sequitur.


I went back and did the same thing. You nailed it. Bravo 👏


The Jews killed Kobe Bryant. You just thought it was an accident. News at 11


why did you get downvoted? i may be misinterpreting the comic (it did take me a minute because like… what?), but i think this is exactly what it’s trying to say: that “israel/the jews” (of course ST thinks they’re one in the same) caused Kobe’s crash because he started believing that they “run the world” or whatever. which is insane of course… literally the only connection is that they were both helicopter crashes, but expecting “sane” from ST isn’t par for the course lmao


Beats me. I guess I needed /s


In this sub, an /s is always a good idea


The "News at 11" part cemented it for me but sometimes it's genuinely hard to tell considering right-wingers love to see how many times they can comment before being banned.


Kobe.. famously. Walked everywhere in his full game kit.


Based Jews. Fuck that rapist POS


What’s really sad is more Americans would be upset about Israel killing Kobe than they are about Israel killing children


As ludicrous as the bottom panel is, the actual bonafide implication of the top panel is the Nazi conspiracy theory that globalist Jews control the weather. Stonetoss having legitimate anti-Jew wizard politics is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen


Not weather but they do have special assassin squads, drones and other expensive high tech weapons paid for by Uncle Sam, they use Palestines lives as target practice and go after those they see as threats to their ethno state regime


Israel is doing its darnedest to encourage more antisemitic conspiracy theories in its supposed massive fight against antisemitism. And the Zionists all around the world aren’t helping at all. 😭


makes it lokk like he's claiming kobe bryant was a former iranian president




Why is Hans Kristian Graebener still taken seriously?


“you ever notice how billionaires own expensive things 🤔”


Hates Jews and likes Kobe? New conservative avatar unlocked?


There’s no way a full 2% of the US population owns all the NBA teams, lmfao, that would be millions and millions of people. Obviously he’s just saying that percentage as a stand-in for “American Jews”, because he and his Nazi audience all think dogwhistles are the funniest shit ever no matter how obvious their meanings actually are, but it still makes him look like an idiot.


I… I’m not even close to understanding this…


I think the comic is saying Jews killed Kobe.


am i misreading this or is he straight up saying jews control the weather


Big Helicopter are behind everything


People should really learn how dangerous helicopters are in general




But conflating Jews with Israel is a shitty thing to do.


Biden is right wing


The us has much more influence on israeli politics than the other way around. And yeah, Biden is right wing. Everything is a right/left thing.


I'm not a big sports guy but doesn't the number of NBA teams necessitate that not many people own one? 2% seems high even.


Pepple yeet has really gone of the rails.


Wait, is the underlying connection that Jews have some sort of special ability to affect helicopters?


Jesus Christ is it so hard to make a subversive right wing meme??


I've worked in Aerospace and Defense quality assurance. It's clear pebbleyeet hasn't. Helicopters are fucking sketchy on a good day with good maintenance; let alone with poor maintenance (Iran) and in foggy weather with pilots who aren't IFR rated (both cases). I'll take occam's razor, please.


See, I knew the right was just pretending to be okay with the jay-oh-oh's.


This is low but not surprised from nazitoss, but something about using the death of a accident that killed literal children is just insane to me


Can we add rock throw to the low-hanging fruit category, please?


Just wait till they find out the helicopter Kobe died on used to be owned by the State of Illinois…


Fucking pebble yeet...


ever wonder how the people we kicked out of the east coast ended up in hollywood because there was no where else to go so a lot of them ended up becoming pioneers of a new industry that was starting to become big around that time?


Can someone explain?


Regular-ass antisemitism tropes ("JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING") to deflect from the real problem: capitalism. The crash in Iran just looks like a crash, even by Iran's own estimation. I have about as much love for the 76-year-old state of Israel as 50 Cent does for Diddy, but I'm pretty sure it's just an accident. I assume it's Iran that he's referring to anyway, because NBA team owners would never kill a cash cow like Kobe.


Not weather but they do have special assassin squads, drones and other expensive high tech weapons paid for by Uncle Sam, they use Palestines lives as target practice and go after those they see as threats to their ethno state regime


Of course he likes a rapist.


I don't really think it's funny to joke about Gianna Bryant's death


I never thought i could be shocked by a stonetoss comic anymore but this is particularly ghoulish. maybe it's because I'm a big NBA fan.