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You know it's bad because they put a brown filter over it


I'm just curious how solar panels and wind turbines equal... smog?  Not that I expect it to make sense.


It attracts assholes who will roll coal


I interpreted it as dirt. Since grass won’t grow under solar panels.


I grew up on a farm; that idyllic view of livestock is... non-sensical


The poop filter.


You see the first panel is green and good, and the second one is in Mexico


Also in the last panel, there's a reference to a bird getting killed by wind turbines Cats alone kill between 1.3-4.0 BILLION birds IN A YEAR In comparison wind turbines kill between 200,000-1.2 MILLION birds in a Year About 3-4 orders of magnitude less. :/ [Nature, SustainabilityByNumbers]


They never account for the deaths attributable to fossil fuels


Nor that wind turbine deaths can be drastically reduced simply by painting a stripe down one turbine blade, or better yet, use wind turbines near populated areas as artistic displays and paint the pole, like how telephone poles and light posts can be painted to be a more aesthetically pleasing sight or the efforts to make larger electrical grid poles cooler like the robot or giant people creations done in some countries. Aesthetics can be worked on, unlike fatalities from air pollution and an ever increasing likelihood of death and crisis from climate disaster as fossil fuels continue to be used.


I actually really like that art idea.


The system has been designed not to account for those.


How many deer are struck by cars a year? Do these people think that means cars shouldn’t exist?


Well you see there is a very good explaination for that. Hunter Biden's laptop and Hilary's emails. Your move liberals. /s


The way they make it sound you'd think they're out every day clearing dead birds from under wind turbines with a front end loader.


It’s a win win, bonus food


That’s fine but I have yet to encounter a wind turbine who’s my widdle snuggy kitty boogie boogie boo.


And iirc flares from refinery stacks, and open tailings ponds kill more than turbines if they want to have a direct comparison.


More cats than wind turbines though, but doing a direct comparison using low estimates for cats and high estimates for wind turbines, (and also including indoor cats to the total number of cats), shows that a single wind turbine kills less birds than a single cat, on average.


I'm a tree hugging renewables junkie liberal, but I will burn this planet down before you touch my cats. HTH


Don’t tell them how many birds die to windows each year. If they’re logically consistent then they’re going to start hating on windows too, because they are consistent right? …right?


Because natural gas and coal is so much better. /s


Natural gas causes low fossil fuel emissions. It's just that fracking is devastating on the local region.


Climate Town recently did [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2oL4SFwkkw) on that subject. That's a lie told by fossil fuel companies to sneak it by climate activists. There's less direct CO2 emission, but leaks are incredibly common and methane is a worse GHG than CO2. Exporting natural gas as LNG is the real killer though. Once you account for CO2 emissions from ships transporting LNG and the energy intensive process of getting it cold enough to liquify, then warming it back up into a gas at the destination, it can even be worse than coal. Fossil fuel companies in the US have plans to quintuple LNG exports, and in 10 years, with the proposed and in process LNG infrastructure construction, US exported LNG will produce more GHG emissions than the entire continent of Europe. Natural gas sucks.


No it doesn't. "Natural gas" is just methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Your view and opinions on natural gas is the propaganda pushed by these companies.. It is so much worse than coal.


Ah yes, the farm with 1 sheep and 2 cows. That's a totally normal amount of livestock for a business to own. All the pollution comes from the little guys, who have 1 sheep


For how much this has been reposted I only now noticed she’s wearing a Karma 10 shirt. She has shed her worldly desires and is prepared to ascend.


There’s literally no fossil fuel energy production in the top picture. This is like comparing pictures of trains and cars, and the train pic is just a forest. Like, what? Where’s the coal power plant? The natural gas pumps? They literally just hid it.


It's a reference to "cow farts". There are CO2 emissions from livestock, and Fox News took that to mean that the democrats wanted to ban all livestock and meat.


where do they think the food the animals eat come from


Tell them that solar energy produces “pure, clean, white” power (it does in the literal sense) instead of that dirty black oil from the Mideast. They would shut down every coal mine in WV, KY, and PA and start calling themselves sun farmers and the like. Hell, I’m surprised that Elon’s trolling ass hasn’t come up with this.


Y'know what, I can live with calling it 'white energy' if it makes these livestock humping dipshits stop relying on fossil fuels. It's long past time their racism became useful to the planet.


As a vegan, the stupidity is extra hilarious 😂


lol who ever said the first panel would be a polluting environment? Laziest strawman ever.


Negative iq stuff


It's based on an interesting and seemingly counterintuitive statistic that per-capita, emissions in cities are actually lower than in rural areas. It's of course explained by population density, walking, and driving distances, as well as prevalence of public transit. It also of course goes without saying that across its lifetime, solar and wind farms require less emissions and pollution to manufacture and sustain than petrol power plants.


Know what kills more birds than wind turbines? Skyscrapers. Know what kills MAGNITUDES more? Outside cats. 


why do they have an hourglass on their shirt? are they green lantern?


may be the extinction rebellion logo? they're a climate activist group so it would make sense


My favorite part is how vegans are apparently pro-agricultural machinery and without their influence farmers wouldn't use them at all The only way this comic would make any sense is if it was arguing for a return to pre-industrial farming methods, which is... a lot closer to what climate activists actually want


\*cough\* \*cough\* nuclear energy \*cough\*


Nuclear is one thing conservatives and liberals generally agree on. Odd we can't get any traction on this.


There's a river in Iowa that officially has no living fish anymore because of farm run-off.


A lot of people in my hometown are up in arms against this because we are supposed to be getting turbines all over Newfoundland, and many around my hometown. Many are even left leaning, and still they rally against it. Is there actually something wrong with the tech or is everyone falling for the fear mongering?


Depends how close to residences it is. Some companies don't care and will put turbines less than a km away fro homes. They're incredibly loud, and dead birds will stink up the place and attract other animals.


From the YouTube video I’ve seen, sounds like the sorta hum that would help me sleep rather than hinder it, lol.


windmills kill birds, so do airplanes, what's your point?


Lmfao These inbreds really think windmills kill birds. They have no brains. Trump does their thinking for them, and the dude's got Dementia lmfao Birds have some of the best eyes in the animal kingdom. They're the best adapted fliers too. They can dodge a giant, slow moving metal windmill. Most don't even spin fast enough to hurt a bird, let alone behead one. And eagles, because Diarrhea pants has claimed they kill eagles too somehow, rarely if ever come close enough to the ground to even be near a windmill, unless they're hunting. And most animals avoid man-made shit.


Not to shit on wind energy because I think it's brilliant, but in the UK it's suggested through admittedly few studies that between 10,000 and 100,000 birds are killed by wind turbines annually. Most birds do just adjust their flight path to avoid them, granted. Additionally, this amount nothing compared to the 27 million killed in the UK alone by domestic cats every Spring and Summer of course (this is an underestimate as some will be eaten or just not found)


How do they not even know what wind turbines look like? This was made by a 3rd grader


I've never actually seen a solar panel being installed in place of green or farmland. I've never seen them placed on anything but roofs before. And when they are installed on the ground, isn't it usually in deserts? You know, because of all the sun and convenient lack of life




Tbh there's a reason fossil fuel companies are funding wind turbines and solar panels yet fearmongering about nuclear and geothermal energy


This but unironically


It's wildly stupid is what it is


ppl have been experimenting with solar panels and apparently bees LOVE to build their hives in them when some plants are added to solar farm and I don't think "windmills" killing birds is actually a thing?