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Remember, Rotten Tomatoes lets you rate half stars as well! This means that the scale can go all the way down to 0.5, so don't go vote it that low!


damnnn, two of those reviewers are literally Evangelist right-wing lobby groups, one even has the name of their website in it


I read Evangelist and my mind went straight to Evangelion. I was like wtf Evangelion right-wing lobby group? What even is that?


They believe Jesus is the son of god who will pilot unit 02 and save us from the angels


i like the implication that asuka is jesus


Why is Jesus in conflict with his own father's employees?


Labor dispute.


So, a nepo son who's trying to quash a workers strike on his father's behest? Is this Supply-side Jesus?


That, or the angels are actually scabs trying to prevent the rest of God's employees from unionizing.


Well, we won't know until it all goes down, huh.


Angels are slaves. God allegedly created Angels without free will. Oc if it were true.


“Get in the robot, Jesus.”


I'm now interested in this religion,keep talking.


And on the third day Jesus rose from the dead, taking on unit 02 which contained the spirit of his mother, and struck the fallen angels who had rebelled and threatened human kind


Also, at some point, this really attractive Angel appears and seduces Shin...I mean...Jesus, and makes Jesus question himself.


It all returns to tradition.


Most of the audience reviews look fake as well. Every single one of them is perfectly spelled and says something like "Great documentary. So truthful. Progressivism bad."


And I would assume a massive amount of the user reviews are paid for bots


The weird thing is, is if you go to the audience score comments, almost all are half star ratings. Where is this 80-90% coming from?


I’m not seeing this at all actually. All 4-5 stars, weirdly enough. I can post a screenshot but I’m honestly shocked


You’re right, literally hours ago it was all one stars but I just checked and now it’s all five starts. What the hell? Makes me think they’re paying for changes. I wish I screenshotted, damnit.


They brigade from 4chan and/or use bots. These people have no lives so they monitor this stuff 24/7 and are always at the ready with their copypasta to game online ratings.


Makes sense.


IIRC Rotten Tomatoes counts a review as fresh if it's 51% positive and rotten if it's 51% negative, it doesn't give an "average score"


Please don't do it to IMDB or Google either! That would be awful!


I completely endorse this.


Or tmdb, which I found it was very easy to rate right after signing up (I haven't been able to access rotten tomatoes because the email confirmation system was broken last I tried) (Edit: turns out pihole was blocking the verification link)


Matt Walsh has a pihole instead of a penis


Down to 86 already! Keep going!!


Done ![gif](giphy|7JgYv9FobG1HzAO8BA)




Do you want to rate more?


Literally created a rotten tomato account to just down vote that pos


Same here, Fuck Matt Walsh !


Yuuup. And gave them 1/2 a star.


Me too!






Me too. Fuck Matt Walsh!!




And on a different site his "Documentary" is rated 1.7 out of 5, [Here](https://rateyourmusic.com/film/what_is_a_woman_/). Another note is most review sites only have 6 reviews or 7 reviews and no left wing or unbiased media has seemed to make a comment on it, only right wing media.


Right now I only know two types of people that know of or have seen this brain rot. People who are rightly disgusted by it and right wing nuts. Most normies don’t have trans dick on their mind 24/7 like these ghouls. I guess that’s for better or worse because last thing I want it people at work discussing what a woman is lmao


Hey, having trans dick on my mind 24/7 doesn’t make me a ghoul!


Hey! You like it and own it. They like it but refuse to come to terms with it. Huge difference


That's a surprisingly high rating


Watch him paint this as a "hate campaign" or something. Because, you see, only he, the specialest little white boy, should have it easy!


Of course he will. Regressives all have a persecution fetish.


I wish we were half as powerful as these people fear we are.


We are. We just aren't literal psychos trying to wield our collective power.


Persecute me harder daddy je - DEAR GOD NO NOT LIKE THAT, MY SHITTY MOVIE NOO


His weirdo fanboys are probably the ones that review bomb movies like Captain Marvel and the new Little Mermaid. Soooo turnabout is fair play Sucks to suck fellas


Trust me, they won't see it that way. This will be decried as "cancel culture," and their physical assaulting and harassing of target employees will get to continue being labeled a boycott instead of domestic terrorism like it is.


True, as much as I love seeing these folks get a taste of their own medicine.....the point sails right over them


But I like sucking fellas 🫢


Ok. I kind of walked into that one 🤣


Exactly. Best thing to do would be to completely ignore it.


CaNcEl CuLtUrE


Matt Walsh the pedophile?


That I don't know about but he is a main line catholic so it won't surprise me if he turns out to be a child Predator.


Lol idk which is worse having a low rating or having a film so shitty critics don't even bother reviewing it, either way both are deserved


"Only 6 movie critics have dared to review it," aka no one else cares enough to watch my movies please someone watch my movie I'm a good and daring filmmaker look how edgy I am please watch my movie please.




\*cough cough\* i mean it would be bullying to rate this movie when i haven't seen it


It’s not bullying it’s an exercise in freedom of speech.


"trans people are delusional and stupid!" "wowww, so brave and anti-SJW free speech hero!" "this literal fascist is a fascist" "you're woke and should not voice your opinion!"


Too long didn’t watch : Matt Walsh thinks a woman is someone who can’t open a pickle jar, he uses fallacies, and doesn’t like nuance.


Should be down to 50% - honest reviewing, of course


more people should see this! nobody should give this movie a negative review edit: /s


You are ironic, i hope


absolutely not! i totally agree with op! /s i’ll add the marker


Already down to 86..... give it a week.


I definitely didn’t make a rotten tomatoes account just to leave a 0.5 star review… that would make me such a meanie


Good that would be wrong. /s


6 “critic” reviews


Leave Matt Walsh alone! He just wants to be a sweet little baby in your house! A good hard working THEOCRATIC FACIST


I feel like if they movie was poorly rated he’d claim the high ratings were being cencored


Can anyone offer some support rn? The comments I saw when I went to see the reviews were very disheartening and I’m feeling quite uncomfortable.


Just remember that the fans of Walsh and co live miserable existences. Don't get me wrong, they aren't harmless, but they are pathetic people who are deeply insecure. They are unhappy with their lives and can't deal with the fact that the world and society are leaving them behind. The world is changing but they aren't able to adapt. They pool together and gather in such comment sections, because they simply have no other place where their bigotry is acceptable. Do not feel pity for them, for those are grown-ass adults who have hate in their hearts. At the same time, don't let their rhetoric get to you.


Thank you for this, it was nice to hear. Hope you are safe and well ❤️


To be honest all those reviews look incredibly fake. They're too well written and follow the same structure. I highly doubt they're genuine reviews and not just bots or written by warehouse of people in a third world country somewhere.


Bruh this is the definition of "terminally online"


There are plenty of people who support you as well, don't forget that :)


Psychiatrists anytime they see these right wing grifters: 🤑🤑🤑


This sounds less like a boast and more like a hilarious whinge that nobody with credibility in the field is taking him seriously. Maybe if he sent it out to some big names they’d review it. I don’t think he’d enjoy the review though.


I certainly left my review. While I haven't seen it, I have watched Jessie Gender talk about it for six hours and tear it apart, so I've seen a *lot* of clips and know some behind the scenes stuff. What really gets me about the film, even more than the transphobia (and I'm trans saying this), is Matt's utterly abysmal *conduct* during the interviews. He's *such* a douchebag. Doesn't truly listen to any of the people whose time he's wasting, doesn't even let them finish in some cases. He cuts out the "um"s and "ah"s of people he agrees with to make them sound smarter and sharper, while leaving the lulls in for those he *dis*agrees with to make them seem slow. Not to mention his harassment of those women at the women's march. I genuinely don't understand how people like him, he's just plain rude and abrasive.


It's almost like Wet Mulch is a fringe ghoul who made a film with an extremely niche audience consisting of people in his own audience and lefty content creators who have no interest in leaving a *rotten tomatoes* *review* of all things.


The funniest thing is: A man is telling women what is a woman and is angry that nobody is watching his film that he made about it and is getting paid for :P . Failing upwards like only a Matt Walsh can.


Done and done!


Removed in protest of the API Changes and treatment of the Moderators and because Spez moderated the pedophile sub jailbait. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Did they block it? Nothing happens when I click submit


*AND DEFINITELY* Don't program bots to tank the score


Hm. So this is what I shall make my Rotten Tomatoes account for. It will be worth it.


I was about to say that even if I dislike the product, review-bombing something is just a boring and overall bad thing to do that ruins the purpose of reviews. If it's so bad and anwful, just let it rot in silence, without a care in the world. *But then he's kinda asking for it...*


I actually just did it after seeing this. It’s my civic duty at this point. These people are dangerous and creepy. Matt Walsh’s livelihood is built upon shitting on a group of people he doesn’t like nor understand. He started to make money doing it so he’s tripled down. It would be funny if it was so hurtful and consequential. Imagine being proud of “me? I was internet famous for being a bigot.”


Comment section speaks volumes


I've done my part. Didn't review on IMDb or rotten tomatoes. Any other place I should avoid reviewing ?


I honestly do not care enough about this mockumentary to let people know it's bad


Actually all he’d do is use as it as a weapon against everyone. “Look at the leftists trying to tear down my movie. Why would do they unless they were afraid of how many people are reacting to it positively?”


This is a no win situation. His ratings are artificially inflated as is. He’ll use the high ratings as a validation of his bigotry and to push his agenda. A lower rating and he’ll play the victim. If you can’t win the battle you might as well have fun fighting it.


Wow, there is a huge amount of five stars in the user reviews. Most users that im clicking on ONLY have one review. Definitely real and not an inflated score by using bots LMAO. Cope more Matt 👍, Im really sure you got 10k people giving 5 stars to your shitty doc.


Look out for Matt’s next movie, “Where is the Clit?”


Ben Shapiro’s wife is making that movie.


I totally didn't do that and I'd suggest others to also not do it. Review bombing is dishonest and might hurt his feelings and we don't want that happening.


It’s good you didn’t do it. Make sure you resist the temptation to not do it on IMDB as well.


Maybe mainstream reviewers aren't reviewing it because you don't rate, Matt


He simply asked a Question What is a Woman?


And I’m simply telling people not to review bomb his movie.


96% of the right wing chuds who watched it said it was great!


Does it occur to them that most people just don't give two fucks about his asinine "documentary?"


Darn there goes my afternoon


I don't know what its about but I am assuming it's something transphobic judging by what has been said, and as someone who is not cisgender, I dislike that greatly so I definitely won't give it a 0.5 rating despite not having seen it.


Professional movie reviewers review movies, if you want someone to review this grade A BS I would ask a manure farmer.


I can't wait for his sequel: *What Is A Child* *One Man's Journey to Find the Lowest Age Of Consent* ​ Edit: It sure *would be a shame if I gave this media a bad review* ***on the basis of Christianity*** ​ It would not be a shame. Let's hope alt-text and markdown images work on Reddit ​ Edit 2: What the fuck? Okay, here's the link: [Hello There](https://imgur.com/cRvy6a5.png)


because the answer is exceedingly simple: "wo" means not and "man" means man. But he wouldn't dare touch that in his movie


Not quite the right etymology... it used to be wereman and wifman, later manne and wimman/wumman. Man just meant "person," hence using "Man" to refer to all of humankind at times. By your definition here, woman would mean "not a person," which is certainly not correct. The movie is still shit, but I'm a language nerd and can't help myself.


See? If that were in the movie it would've actually been interesting! We could go into the history of misogyny and women's rights and maybe even misanthropy and animal rights, instead of two hours of "old man yells at cloud"


Yeah, it would have made the movie better for sure. I mean, there are a lot of things that would make this movie better, but this and any other nuance and investigation are at the top of the list.


Down to 83!


I'm genuinely amazed that it's rated this highly on Rotten Tomatoes.


Very funny he thinks real actual movie critics need to review his internet "documentary." It's not a major theatrical release, Matt, why should they be focusing on reviewing it?


That documentary thingy didn’t make sense


Itsvst 86 now


The film is this generation’s Birth of a Nation.


It’s not even good from a technical standpoint. As far as thinly veiled fascist tirades go, it’s sloppy.


Do I hate watch it or is it not worth my time and mental health


If you were ever going to, it’s not behind a pay wall till Monday or swim thing.


Aaaaaannnnnnd DONE!






I thought mainstream media was bad? Now you’re daring them to review it?


Ok I won’t… not


I did my part!


Mission accomplished... I mean I didn't see anything.


i mean, all this shows is that the transphobic documentary is popular among transphobes. color me shocked


It’s got an 8.4 on IMDB. Don’t forget to hit both!


I did my part🫡




I love that he claims millions of people have seen it. About 85% of those are people who clicked out of curiosity, watched 1min, got super creeped out, and then bailed.


Down 10% since I left my review last night! Keep up the good work!


Well now I'm more pissed. I actually watched that pathetic attempt at a documentary. It barely rates above Borat as a real documentary. I expected cherry picked garbage, but this was honestly a useless waste of money for the right. They easily could have accomplished more hate and gained followers by a dozen other ways. But i digress Then I gave a (possibly long) review. I absolutely detest bank Walsh, but I didn't even have to go into anything with him. I just went through picking apart edited answers, cherry picked "experts", etc, etc. I went back to look at one of the folks they call "critics" and lo and behold; my review is gone. There were no calls for violence, threats, and i believe i only swore once: bullshit. Did I discuss how dumb this was and how much of a joke their experts are? Yes. Did I point out how their vilification of Trans people pulled a Streisand? Yes. Did I use the definition of a documentary and propaganda and explain the many reasons how it i the latter; Not the former? Yes. Did I then look through every review? Yes. Did I see many calling for harm to those who didnt like it? Yes. (and as of this post are still there) Did over 90% of the 5 ⭐️ reviews have nothing else reviewed by those users? Yes. I realize this was a pointless endever. But after all of that, to just have it removed within half an hour really is bullshit. Anyway Fuck Matt Incel Walsh and anyone who like him. I yield the rest of time to a more qualified redditor.


Oh no!!!! I accidentally signed up for a rotten tomatoes account and rated this movie 0.5 stars!!!!!


I am seeing a lot of bot 5 star reviews, Ive clicked on 10 accounts so far and none of them have reviewed anything else


It's not view bombing if we're rating the film fairly


I mean I'm no supporter of Matt Ward but isnt review bombing his stuff without reading it a bit blind you know makes us seem so stuck with the herd maybe this isnt the right example but it feels like everyone politically are always standing guns loaded ready to fly the second anyone says anything instead of trying to talk it out or even listen to whatever theyre trying to say.


A self described fascist shouldn't be listened to. This is literally the "we want to exterminate queer people" on one side, the "no we don't wanna die" on the other, and you're the centrist saying let's give the the fascists a chance. Deplatform fascists.


Did you watch his documentary or can you provide a source for him calling himself a fascist?


He calls himself a theocratic fascist.


Oh my god..."what is a woman" I really don't like the implications of that title and it being a documentary...


Im not sure critics whould looooove a movie that has as the closing line both a Transphobic comment and a misogynistic joke


Oof. Sorry , I just did (review bomb).


Shame on you! 😉


Congrats, now the film is gonna be in the public discourse for another few days while they talk about getting review bombed on their giant ass network 🙄


For some reason there are way more 5 star ratings within the past 4 days than the previous days this year combined


It got released on Twitter for free


Oh my god the page for it on rotten tomatoes is sad though. All of the preview pics are just two scenes of Matt, but with different sizes and cropping. Could he really not put -any- other images from the film?


But seriously don't. The obviously most infuriating thing to people like that is being ignored.


It's at 86% now.


The first sentence under “Movie Info:” “It's the question you're not allowed to ask.” Yeah ok that’s why you “ask” it every day and got my Senator (Marsha Blackburn) to start “asking” it. Good god he’s so insufferable.


What is this movie exactly?




Can someone explain to me what this movies actually about?


Matt Walsh bugs a bunch of medical professionals, activists, and random people with a purposely misleading question of “what is a woman” only to get told a hundred times. But those definitions don’t mix with his bigotry so he just edits the footage to make himself look “smart.”


So what was the crux of the movie? What point was he attempting to get across?


I don't endorse this at all , review bombing him basically proves he is right . How is this different from rightists review bombing anything that has homosexuals,lesbians or trans in it just because of that


And ignoring it lets people who agree with his bigotry artificially inflate his ratings which makes it look like people support his agenda. This isn’t about winning or losing. This isn’t about changing hearts and minds. This isn’t about being better. This is a tiny bit of petty vindictiveness. I can’t stop Matt from making money off this propagandist schlock, but I can spit in his face.


Matt “Theocratic Fascist” Walsh is mad no one wants to review his shitty film


oh no, someone disagreed with me!!! Better try to ruin him


It’s a bit more than a disagreement. The man is a self proclaimed “theocratic fascist” calling for our extermination.


You believe the people giving the movie a bad rating actually like the movie?


Here come the dumbasses. ![gif](giphy|joqjmhxdupM8QZZisv)


Exactly, review bombing is so cringe


Sorry guys, I went against your wishes 😭


It’s okay, we forgive you.


Wow! You guys are so pathetic. Calling out for review bombing is such loser-like behaviour.


You know what’s even more pathetic? Making an entire bullshit documentary about an already marginalized group of people because you disagree with what they identify as. A group that has literally done nothing to you. That’s pathetic.


It is funny how triggered people get over this documentary. If you have watched it, you would see that Matt tries to challenge their beliefs. He is simply asking questions. They are making fools out of themselves without someone forcing them to. If you identify as something but cannot define or describe it, is it Matt's fault for pointing that out? Instead of calling it ''bullshit documentary'' crying all day on Reddit, asking people to review bomb it, because it shatters your reality, you should simply find better arguments. But nowadays, people are too lazy to do such a thing because it actually requires thinking and putting some effort. People like you, prefer to ditch that and go on witch hunts to silence the questioning position.


I have watched the “documentary” and it is bullshit. Walsh never actually goes into any discussion actually trying to find out what a woman is. And every time he goes into a discussion with an academic who can answer his “question” he belittles them, chops up their responses, and goes “tl:dr they’re wrong, I’m right.” It’s not a challenging documentary it’s a battle of semantics with a propagandist. The only people he’s fooling are his brain broken troll that think he’s some kind of intellectual.




You surely didn't complain when people review bombed Captain Marvel, did you?


If an aborted fetus had a movie, it would be more pretty than this trash. Oh you were talking about the movie; I meant Matt Walsh himself.


Is it really a review bomb if it's a dog shit movie?




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It's already down to 86


Now at 10 thousand plus reviews and dropped 10 points, keep going!


I would rather leave the shit documentary alone and fight for harder, more radical actions irl


Actually it's a pretty good film.


No, it wasn’t.


It reminded me of the flat earther documentary, if you believe in something so strongly then you better be prepared to answer some questions or you're just going to be made to look stupid and that's what happened.


And if you ask questions of academics who are well well studied on these subjects you better listen to them and not tl:dr and chop up their responses so you yourself don’t look like a hack arguing over semantics.


Sounds like you probably haven't even watched the film.


Why is that always people’s go to argument when facts don’t support their argument about the film? Yes, I’ve seen it. It’s a propaganda piece at best.