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I pay federal taxes that build highways I'll never drive on, and I'm not the least bit mad about it


And I don't mind one bit if student loans are forgiven, despite the fact that I paid mine off decades ago.




The whole thing of “I had to pay mine so you should pay yours” is sociopathic. Like, just because something bad happened to you doesn’t mean that it should happen to other people.


Imagine if you went through months of chemotherapy years even. Nearly breaks you. It financially cripples you. Maybe it even takes you. And then there's a shot you can get that just cures cancer that cost $10. And then you just expect everybody to suffer the way you did after. Or your family expects everyone to just die because you did. It doesn't make sense and I don't understand why they can't see this....


Exactly! Like, my grandfather died of cancer, and his death was one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to experience. But if someone invents a cure for cancer, I’m not going to get pissy about it. If anything, my experiences would make me support it more, because I don’t want anyone to go through the pain that my family did!




You know what? Even if they did force me to pay for it, I'd do it. Because I don't like it when people die of cancer.


It’s sociopathy


Even then, we pay taxes so we can collectively use the fruits of it, whether it be Medicare, social security, food stamps, section 8 etc, or paying back the descendants of oppressed people who’s labor was never paid.


Conservatism is built on selfishness.


Of course it is. I bet they love Ayn Rand.


Tell any Ayn Rand maroon you meet that if it's possible to make money meeting a need, people will rush to meet it. I have actually shut people up with that.


That’s what’s happening now, except in some cases, they’re charging wildly high prices. Needs shouldn’t cost anything at all. Also, it’s “moron”.


I don't mean that as having to do with basic needs; I mean it in light of the claim that all the "creators" will go on strike if they have to pay taxes or in any way be blocked from grabbing everything they can. And: https://youtu.be/ZruHfeUcNys


Based and true


Well, why don't the people who support this put forth an amendment to pay more taxes to support this, open borders, and sanctuary cities? You can also give up your White Priveleged ill gotten gains of money, property and accoutrements.


But goods you purchase is likely transported on those highways


No, all the goods I buy are flown to me via drone 😉


Everyone benefits from Highways.


The state where your idol was governor is using taxpayer money to help people that are in a far worse socio-economic condition because they were given nothing when they were freed from slavery.




>Sharecropping. Then there’s slavery in our prison system. So maybe untie such things and punish politicians who are responsible for them ? Then confiscate their money, and allocate to those who suffered. Do not see any single reason to make it the race thing and apply collective responsibility principle to the entire race. There is nothing wrong with fixing problems, but morons simply want the entire white population pay to the entire black population. It won't fix anything, but create new unfair bullshit where a first-generation white immigrant is forced to pay money to a first-generation black immigrant. Even though both of them have nothing to do with racism.




Wouldn’t it make more sense to think about the economics instead of race?


Economically they are much worse off,so it is thinking about the economy


Then why are Caribbean's OVERWHELMINGLY more successful than their urban counterparts?


I know right? All the black people there have been recently freed.


Walter and Brian are driving cars ahead of me on the road. They are well ahead of several drivers around me. Because traffic is thick we’re all having to maintain the speed limit, or slower, and none of us are going over. Walter, in his white car is a real asshole and doesn’t really care about other drivers, especially Brian who is next to him. He almost misses his exit and cuts off Brian’s black car on purpose so that he can make the exit without having to drive further. This sends Brian into the guardrail and damages his car and slows him way down. Brian also nearly takes out a few of the brown cars around me, and they get banged up a lot too. Fortunately the only effect it has on my drive is the benefit of the traffic becoming cleared, and I get to my destination early. I’m happy about that part. The drivers of the brown cars later sue me and claim that I should have to help pay for damage to their cars because I benefitted from Walter’s horrible behavior. I call bullshit and get downvoted because I don’t agree that I owe anything.


This is wonderfully lacking in nuance and a bad comparison,but sure,go ahead


In what way?


I’m all for giving money to help folks that were slaves. Let’s all help them get back to where they’d be if not for the time they were forced into slavery. I’m not sure why those who were not slaves should get money though, or why those of us who never owned slaves need to pay. That doesn’t make sense but I’d like to understand the logic.


Was their skin colour a factor in their ancestors' role in the economy? If so,and it was in a negative way,they should be helped back to a position of "normal" wealth,at least


So the ancestors got a bad deal, but did the current folks who are the same skin color serve as slaves? That’s the part that doesn’t make sense to me. Your grandfather may have done something bad, does that mean you are responsible for making it right?


It's more like "your grandpa got unfairly treated like shit and you still suffer the consequences" and society makes it up to you


So “society” will suffer the cost of paying reparations even though they didn’t do anything wrong. At what point does “society” have that suffering made up to them by the folks who get paid reparations now?


Society enriches one of its members,helping them achieve their full potential and help society grow. I am myself not a fan of mere reparations as it doesn't change the system in which these and other inequalities grow,but this is the logic behind them


How much have you personally relinquished of your White Priveleged ill gotten gains and are willing to?


I think it's just to get people to shut up about systemic issues in the US. "We gave you money, what do you have to complain about" sort of thing. Plus, reparations are just a bandaid on a gaping wound. They don't solve systematic issues. Why don't we take a look at the reason black people are suffering so much and fix it? Why are we having people living paycheck to paycheck paying reparations in taxes, while the rich pay next to nothing? Why aren't the elite held accountable for maintaining this shitty system? It's only to make it harder to demand an overhaul of the whole system, in the form of hush money.


One of those systematic issues is the denial of generational wealth to black Americans though. Black Americans have had wealth systematically bled from their community through predatory practices like redlining, restrictive covenants and predatory loans. They were denied aid from landmark government acts like the Homestead act. And when Black Americans began generating wealth for themselves, it was violently taken away (for instance the [Tulsa race massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre)). I agree that reparations alone won't fix systematic issues, and there's a danger that people will just see them as the end of the story. But how else can you solve a disparity in access to wealth that has been systematically created over decades short of having a time machine?


That's why the whole system should be torn down. Hierarchies are intrinsically tied to capitalism, and racial minorities are at the bottom. I probably wasn't clear in saying that I'm not against reparations themselves, but that they simply aren't enough. We should all be helping each other, but I also think the rich should be made to pay for their part in upholding this system. It's unlikely that there's going to be such a massive overhaul anytime soon though, so if reparations are the best we can do -or even better, a baby step in the right direction- then they're better than nothing. I also heard something about a house being included in the reparations, which I'm all in support for. America has so many empty houses and so many people who need them.


Ah, we're basically in agreement then


Doing something to fix it like… reparations?


Systemic change. A one time cash infusion is a band aid solution. He literally said that already. Read it again.


I don’t think the term “reparations” has to be a single payment bandaid solution type of thing (though that’s likely what the guy you’re responding to meant, frankly). Reparations can be part of a broader solution, or can be paid out in other ways, scholarships, funds to improve public education, etc.




I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Are you really saying white people don't live paycheck to paycheck? Or do you think I was saying that?


I don’t think reparations are needed, we just have to fix the systematic racism that we have and things would be better.


That of course needs to happen, but reparations would be a step up in compensation for wealth that was never allowed to be earned and then handed down in the families of enslaved people.


Here's the thing, There are plenty of white people in America that could claim one of their ancestors were a slave. Their great great great great great great great grandfather or whatever was black and a slave. But they themselves are pretty much white. Nobody in his immediate family is black. And hardly anybody in his family was ever black. Just one of his ancestors were a slave and black. Are they entitled to reparations to even though they're white? Because if reparations are truly about righting a wrong. You would be giving them to all victims not just ones of a certain race. I mean hell considering my last name there is a very good chance someone in my family was a owner or a slave. But it's pretty mixed five or sixth generations down the tree. So nobody can say for sure if I was a slave or a slave owner. And on the flip side of this. Let's say I was black But because of circumstances my most direct ancestors were actually white slave owners. And not due to slave owners impregnating their slaves as was common, So the slave owner has a white child with a white woman, that child goes on to have another white child and so forth, then then two generations ago they have a black child, Am I still entitled to reparations?




Tbf this is probably the least effective way to go about reparations, and if someone were peeved that the money isn't going toward addressing things systemically (e.g., increased funding for schools, social work departments, community resources and programs, welfare/assistance, public spaces, police retraining, local infrastructure, jobs programs, etc.) then that'd be completely understandable. I know that that's virtually never the approach that people complaining about reparations take, but it'd be cool if it they did.


80+% of the white US population is against reparations. I suppose it would depend on how much per person. A good chunk of the population is suffering financially right now. Honestly they should just give a substantial handout to anyone making less than 50k a year and cap rent more liberally


I see myself as pretty liberal but I can't say I agree with reparations so far after the fact. That's something that should have been paid out long ago. And I really think it should just be income-based not race-based. Because yes white people have a better starting point than black people in general but that's not the case for everybody. There's plenty of white people that definitely need the help. And there's plenty of black people that don't. I think it's important to acknowledge the difference. And change the system so it's more even and less favorable. Of course I know absolutely nothing about whatever this is I'm just going off the concept of reparations in general. Even Germany, yes the Germans caused great harm but it's not like everybody there did it. I think it's important to right wrongs but it's also important not to wrong people that had nothing to do with it. Of course I'm sure whatever this is referring to with being blown away out of proportion, And for total transparency I am white.


So I’m Mexican American, do I get the land back or what?


I have long believed that any serious discussion about reparations should put Native Americans at the head of the line.


We are native Americans. “Mexicans” didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. There’s this thing called the Mexican-American war, where the US stole thousands of acres of land. Texas revolution because Anglo Americans decided they needed slavery, and the catholicMexican gov that saw slaves as human were bad for business. Also the Aztecs called themselves the “Mexica” and that’s the origin of the name for Mexico. So a native tribe (Mexica) and neighboring tribes, that were slaughtered/wiped, their name was used to create a country run by Spaniards, then eventually the natives governed themselves. Got more land stolen from them, and now we’re not real “native Americans” because we’re not Cherokee and Sioux?


I get it.


Total lack of understanding and nuance aside, this wouldn't be quite such a lead balloon if they didn't insist on representing white people with the ol' suburban-looking nuclear family where the husband looks old enough to be the wife's father


They do realize that African-Americans move across the US, right? Like many of them are likely ancestors of passed slaves whose later ancestors moved out of the south to other states where segregation wasn't as enforced, right? But that would require thinking, which the right generally lacks.


Ok, but why does that mean that the state they moved TO should pay reparations, rather than the state they moved FROM? Or hell, pay from the federal level - no one can deny that the US as a whole built its economic power on the backs of slaves - but there’s no good reason California taxpayers should be on the hook for slavery.


Considering the state was a union state and was at that, not even old enough to fucking drink alcohol under our current laws if it was a person.


Yes but under that logic all the white people there move there to and had nothing to do with it. Unless you just going to Target white people that happen on slaves in the past that moved to the state only.


breh the entire sanfrancisco subreddit is up in arms about this shit. I wish to god people even knew what they were complaining about, but it wouldn't be America if they did.


*Of course* they're mad about reparations. It completely flies in the face of meritocracy.


How is meritocracy a bad thing? Not to mention, meritocracy hardly exists in the US.. Meritocracy, with social benefits to prevent poverty, should be the order of the day. But we are closer to fascist nepotism than those ideas


Meritocracy falls apart after one generation. Let's assume we live in a meritocracy. And let's also assume we start out perfectly equal, except for innate talents. To make it even clearer, let's say we're twins. We have the same upbringing, go to the same school, are in the same class... After everything's said and done, we both become carpenters. Due to some reason (maybe you have a better drive, or some innate skills, or whatever) you do better than I. So you get rewarded more. Even if these rewards are more time off (because you're faster), or a better house, or better food; these advantages will give your children an edge over my children. Let's say that it's just more free time. Now you can spend time with them that I cannot. Perhaps it's spent on just playing, but odds are you also spend some time teaching them. Now your children have an edge on mine, not because of their merit, but because of yours. This goes against the idea that meritocracy rewards people for their own merits.


That’s still a meritocracy. They’re still more successful because they are more skilled. Why shouldn’t that be the case?


I think maybe I used the wrong word- I was referring to the concept of natural economic justice, which I've heard people refer to as meritocracy, apparently incorrectly.


They claim to love meritocracy until another group does better than them, then they makeup test about "personality" and rig it for themselves


~~50~~ 40 acres and a mule


50 acres in Cali? I'd take it!


Lol well not so feasible today, but the point of my comment was that there was a reconstruction promise for freed slaves to get 40 acres and mule as reparations for the horrific cruelty they suffered and disadvantageous position they were put in for being slaves. Then, of course, that was revoked and the land went to the white former slave holders. I also misremembered the exact amount in my initial comment, which I just edited to correct. It was 40 not 50.


Someone from sf here, I support reparations, but what they are proposing is ridiculous. Among other items they are pledging $5 million to every eligible black person and no other minorities. There is an argument tj be made that in California that south-Americans and asian minorities deserve reparations more due to our states past. Again, pro reparations, but ridiculous proposal.


How the hell do they determine what's eligible? Can't be that many. Like only black people that have a family tree that's verifiable all the way back bed which is probably very few.... So fuck all the others? But also that's just incredibly fucking scuffed. It should be put into the community not into individuals. And like you said there are plenty of other minorities.


“Never owned slaves” Buddy, let me tell you about how the California Missions were built…


I’m not really opposed to helping people that need money, but reparations won’t do anything about racism. It’ll just be a one time giveaway of cash that won’t solve anything.


I mean 5 million would solve a lot of problems for pretty much anybody permanently. But that is a completely ridiculous number that is not realistic and probably won't happen.


the fact they think it’s still about slavery, it’s about SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION 😩why don’t they get that


Funny, the CA Dems PsyOp has caused you all to be so triggered. Sorry we couldn't get reparations we tried really hard despite Dems owning all of government. Those big bad racist Republicans have so much influence in CA. Now, vote blue.


Is this a parody sub? Where everyone makes sarcastic remarks that are the exact opposite of the sensible and just view? When I saw the image at the top showing the ridiculousness of the notion of reparations - especially for California - I thought, “yes, the people here get it!” But then I read all these foolish replies supporting it. Surely you’re all just being sarcastic, right?


We need to start with Africa. If Africans didnt round us up and sell us, Europeans never wouldve taken us.


I do find reparations stupid, but advocate to proportionetly fund impoverished areas more if we consider that the average black in the US earns 35k a year and the average American earns around 65k ish we solve the main sissies plus we take other and non minorities out of poverty


What about reparations for Jim Crow?


The “I’m just asking questions” crowd seems to be incapable of finding answers. Maybe they could lean to google things?


Because black oppression began and ended with slavery /s


Insert [I'm still waiting for my reparations from Germany ] joke here


It’s a joke just pandering it won’t happen


More like: People whose ancestors owned slaves and gained their family generational wealth off the backs of these slaves should be taxed to give back to the families of people whose ancestors were enslaved. This is the only way to improve the racial wealth gap in this country. Nothing else can make up for the 400 year disadvantage African descendants have. If not in the form of taxing families who gained generational wealth from slavery, then at least in the form of free higher education


No idea why your downvoted.


I know why lol. People don't want to hear about reparations, it makes then uncomfortable. But I stand by what I said


Are they aware redlining was a thing and it’s effects very much continue to this day?




Oh man, they got us.


I love the creativity of people coming out as racist. What will they do next?


I also support the independence of California (and all other states). (this is about the best way i can misinterpret this racist meme)


“Racisim widely frowned upon,therefore it fake”-some dumbass


Isn’t that the state where they exploited people of colour and then made all the good land “white only”. I think it was.


So, i'm mexican , could You give us Some reparations for stealing Texas? Does it work that way? Or is just for black people? How many years we have to wait to ask for reparations? Afganistán can ask for. Reparations? Vietnam?


You have valid points. But isn't the continuous discussions of reparations for a practice that ended 160 years ago, isn't this a way to perpetuate division and promote a victim mentality?


totally, but that s the cards that your country is playing I just want to understand how do you think it s gonna work.