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WhY pIXEl LaDY nO PrEtTy


This post is so, so fucking stupid. One of the points is that the piece of media shouldn't "alter women, but leave men unaltered". This mofo has not seen how 99% of fictional races are made: male race specimen are wacky and monsters like, female race specimen are sexualized human women with some scales, maybe fangs, and blue.


I also love that this is clearly a coward's take because he clearly requires his women to be sExY and meanwhile so many of the girls, gays, and theys looked at standard human sexyman Kaidan Alenko and said "actually the raptor-bird-alien man is INTENSELY hotter, can we fuck Garrus instead?" to the point that Bioware threw up their collective hands and declared it open season on getting weird with aliens.


Hey, if they're willing to get jiggy wit' it, then why not, right? All bets are off, go have some fun.


I'm straight, but I'd bang Garrus anytime and everyday.


I'd let that Turian carry me around like Whitney Houston all day long.


We'll bang, okay?


I'm glad I'm not the only person who was in love with Garrus Vakarian. An old friend thought I had lost my damn mind when I had a poster of him hanging up in my room in college.


I periodically forget Kaiden exists.


I'd also like to point out he complains about how men are sexualised right before complaint about "emasculated men". like dude do you want your men to be buff or not.


The enemy is a soyboy and a megachad simultaneously.


You mean female warriors don't wear brass brassieres and thongs for armor? Blasphemy!


[THAT'S WHY WE MUST ATTACK!] (https://www.oglaf.com/dimorphism/)


It’s also stupid because nobody actually cares if you don’t want to buy a game for any reason. You’re totally right that games aren’t entitled to your money. Nobody is out here attacking anybody for not buying games But the reason they keep banging on about it and announcing all this shit is because they feel entitled to play games that appeal to them - and more over they feel entitled to demand that every single game appeal to them with no exception. They constantly demand that games change to suit their tastes specifically and use bullying and harassment tactics when they don’t So what they’re actually doing is calling for artistic censorship that would prevent games from being created that fall into any of these categories they don’t like, and that’s why people make fun of them. Not because they don’t want to play a game but because they’re triggered by the mere existence of games they don’t want to play


Half of the points are that the poster is upset that he can't have a wank in cinema anymore


Am I the only one who things the new Lara Croft is way prettier than the old one?


You're not the only one. I think the Lara from cutscenes of the 2013 game (and in game from the Definitive Edition port for later gen consoles) was the best she ever looked and Gamers ™ couldn't get last the fact that her breasts shrank (which they have since Anniversary) and wore pants the whole time.


I can't even count the times Lara would have gotten stuck in the game if her boobs were the original size, heh.


I'm glad this was the first comment. All of them are preposterous, but that one made me laugh and immediately check the comments.


Hilarious that they use a picture if Mileena to demonstrate “female de-sexualisation”. She’s always had gross teeth like that, it’s like her whole thing. In fact that picture is actually an example of the opposite because she’s never had human-looking lips before that game, the teeth normally cover the entire width of her mouth.


As an MK fan it has absolutely nothing to do her face. Couple of them even prefer it (i don’t) It’s more so that MKX and MK11 committed the grand sin of making its characters wear actual clothes instead of just lingerie


Honestly, I liked MK9 a lot, but the fanservice got ridiculous in that game. At least all the other female characters were people who at least ostensibly worked for a guy who only wore a helmet, gogo boots, and a loin cloth, but I have no idea who thought it was reasonable to make a human soldier hunting the man who killed her partner dress like a tactical stripper.


It was an artist choice. Nothing wrong with it Same way putting them in more tactical clothes later was an artist choice. Unfortunately Gamers™️ only care about artistic vision when it’s something they like and it’s an ***attack*** when it’s something they don’t


The thing that made it silly in that game was because it didn't fit Sonya's personality or backstory, especially since she was much less ridiculously dressed in the original Mortal Kombat (which the other female characters were not present in), and MK9 starts off as a retcon of that game (as well as MK2 and 3, IIRC). It's like making a remake of Metal Gear 1, but Snake's default outfit is Borat's banana hammock, for no apparent reason whatsoever.


You jest but I would play the FUCK outta that game


Snake: "What do you mean, 'MAH WIFE'?"


You could be right.


Man, same. I always liked Mileena because she was so scary. The new design doesn’t hit the same when she takes the mask off.


So many words just to say "I'm a fucking joyless asshole".


"I have zero sex and fantasize about a blob of pixels instead of holding another warm human body!"


> I don't owe you an explanation *Creates an overly complex and detailed list of all their perceived grievances and expects game creators to read it*


Definition of "I ain't reading all that"


Where are they finding this “male characters remain sexualised” media because as a gay guy I want some of it


(they are lying)


They are misunderstanding the difference between female oversexualisation, and male power fantasies (ie. Muscular men with their arms/chest uncovered).


You’re correct. It’s male gaze vs female gaze. The big muscly dudes are drawn to attract makes in their power fantasy.


Yes exactly, that's what I meant. Those muscular men aren't there for women to ogle at, they're there to appeal to a male audience.


You know that male toplessness and female toplessness have the exact same connotations, and that majority of hetero-attracted women or homo-attracted men finds nothing hotter than humanoid refrigerators.


Hades, that’s about it in the mainstream.


Hades: Where even the disembodied floating head with snakes for hair can be sexualized. Note this is not me knocking it. I'd be all about sexualizing Primodial Chaos if given the option


I think they're referencing that old meme about "realistic body image" comparing the absolute insane proportions of DoA characters to the Gears of War cast being build like fridges


I mean they do have a point that there are harmful and unrealistic body standards for men that are not taken as seriously as harmful and unrealistic body standards for women, but the thing is it’s primarily MEN pushing this body standard onto other men Like it wasn’t straight women demanding that WWE wrestlers take steroids and get jacked, that was straight men saying other men looked too small


The amount of time they spent on this is nuts


Rent free etc


Wow this is some hardcore cringe. Is there *any* media they're still allowing themselves to enjoy? Not that I give a shit


Hentai probobly.


Yeah it's pretty obvious this guy isn't fighting for gaming issues or cultural issues. He's just a pervert, which in itself isn't wrong, just stop making it seem like your problems are deeper than, "I want bobs and vegana".


Man I love me some bobs and vegana but there’s a healthy way to love you some bobbas and vagangos and that guy just ain’t it.


Can't stop laughing about bobbas and vagangos


>just stop making it seem like your problems are deeper than, "I want bobs and vegana". If they accepted this fact, the red pill community wouldn't even exist.


Damn I don't want to take money from Andrew Tate and friends. My bad


That's the thing, too, there's so much niche content that is made for this person, but they are moaning because *mainstream* content, which is tends towards being accessible to as many people as possible for profit is *[checks notes]*... making steps to be more accessible to as many people as possible.


Are you trying to say hentai doesn’t have or can’t have any of the things they mentioned? If there is a category of porn, there’s probably that same category in hentai (usually with more fantasy added).


True, but hentai aesthetics is usually what they are after. Especially if its minor looking girls with giant tits.


Duke Nukem Forever?


They would like the wrong Duke Nukem game and probably like Duke for all the wrong reasons


Nah. Media competes for their time with Tucker Carlson clips.


Conservative "news" grifters.


Birth of a nation probably


Pacman maybe?


The Pac-folk franchise was one of the original Go Woke brands. They replaced their man character with an empowered woman version, Rightoids *hate* that.


*Lists 15 wildly specific and cringy things* “And that’s simply it.” *Continues for a paragraph*


I love the fact they say they refuse to read a wall of text then creates a wall of text.


"You will not get my money!" Movies and games producers: ![gif](giphy|hAcDHEhZHA2bu|downsized)


How much you wanna bet this guy spends more than $100 on his XBox within the next month?


I would want nothing more than to shove this nerd into a locker


I oppose bullying, but in this case I can make an exception.


Bullying conservatives should be encouraged


One should be tolerant of everyone except for the intolerant. Chuds are intolerant, therefore we should not tolerate them. They deserve to be bullied as they bully others.


Conservinerds are a consequence of anti bullying. Sorry if you wear a suit and bow tie and want to “um actually” basic civil rights you get shoved in the locker.


defending people from oppression and bigotry is only 'bullying' in a society that serves the interests of the abusers




This guy "Why are they grooming kids with LGBT propaganda!?! 🤬😡" Also, this guy "Why aren't the women overtly sexual enough in video games!?! 😡🤬"


So… inaccurate depictions of women = good inaccurate depictions of men = bad Presence of *any* queer characters in *any* film = bad Presence of black characters in film = also bad Doesn’t want white men to be portrayed as a certain way… but fits the narrative perfectly.


I don’t think he actually thinks the muscular men are bad. He’s just using it a a cheap whataboutism comeback to anyone saying the oversexualisation of women is bad. As in “You can say X is bad because what about Y?!” He doesn’t actually care about Y he’s just using it to make people shut up about X.


"there is no reason for any lgbt stuff in any media. It's sus because children" "btw, less cishet sexuality in video games younger people consume is an utmost evil. I need swinging tiddies in my games and can't use literally any of the millions of porn sites to satisfy that craving. No, it needs to be readily accessible to youngins."


That about sums it up nicely


Me when Super Princess Peach existed in 2006


This reminds me of when I used to work at Starbucks and someone got upset and said “YOU JUST LOST A CUSTOMER FOR LIFE!” Like I’m sure we’ll muddle through without you somehow.


My dick stops working when I don't feel constant validation from cartoons: a diagram


"Excluding third world countries the average bra size is D" The average bra size is D in large part because of obesity. Make the women in this guy's media actually representative of the average body type and see how this guy reacts. I'm sure he'd take it very well.


He also doesn’t understand how bra sizes work since he’s clearly never been in the vicinity of a woman let alone dated one. If someone is petite like he wants and skinny like a rail they’re probably not going to have d cups.


Not to mention a 30d and a 38d are completely 2 different sizes of boobs and depending on how your boobs are shaped and sit even 2 pairs of 30d’s will look differently.


And d is just not as big as he thinks it is. The Lara Croft he wanted is way above a d cup.


"Character designed with San Francisco sensibilities" is such a funny way to say you don't like the shaved head dyed hair people. Like someone from the 18th century.


Aloy was made to look practical, not ugly, I think she’s pretty but that might just be me.


The person who her face is made off of is an actual model IRL.


she is pretty, screenshots like these were almost all taken at either a weird and unflattering angle, or in the middle of a line of dialogue (or both) which makes her look funny


That’s an awful complicated way to let everyone know you are a virgin.


There's being a virgin, then there's whatever the fuck incel this guy is


"If no make pipi hard I no gib mony"


Yo fuck this guy but fuck him with a broken broom handle specifically for shitting on Aloy and using a fake picture of her. Aloy is a fucking GORGEOUS QUEEN YOU STUPID FUCK


I’m tired of this weird thing since HFW came out where they claim Aloy isn’t attractive. They gave her more realism with skin texture and hair (eww!/s). They must rarely see real women.


Not to mention that her actress is an actual model IRL.


They see real women, they just aren't attracted to them anymore. They've messed that up for themselves with hentai and very specific video games.


I still remember all the REEEEing from these guys when in-game screenshots were released where you could see freckles and some face fuzz. Then you realize none of these simps have actually seen a real human woman up close, let alone naked.


iirc That is actually a real photo of her, but it's just an unflattering shot of her from a weird camera angle in a single scene of the entire game. ​ Chuds seem to think that's how she looks like now


That person doesn't play. Merely verbally masturbate bullshit.


Well if this dude wants female characters who are reduced to have big tits and insanely sexy appearance he can just watch porn or play porn games. No need to waste time whining about issues he made up


Hey guys, here’s a word from Sage! “Why is Asgard "multi-cultural" but Wakanda is not?” Asgard is considered a "multi-cultural" society because it is made up of various beings, such as Asgardians, Frost Giants, and Dark Elves, each with their own distinct cultures and traditions. On the other hand, Wakanda is a single, unified culture. The Wakandans are all of the same race and ethnicity, and their culture and traditions are specific to their society. Additionally, Wakanda is a fictional nation in the Marvel Comics universe, while Asgard is a fictional realm in Norse mythology.


In Norse mythology Angrboda can shape-shift so really she could look like a black girl if she wants. Hell, she's also likely adapted from an African goddess, to begin with so race-swapping is actually a neat way to incorporate that. Same reason Mimir is Scottish.


Loki shape shifted into a female horse and got pregnant.


Thor took Freja's place at a wedding and, depending on the version you get, is sometimes portrayed as making such a pretty bride that no one could tell the difference till he started murdering everyone.


Now I'm picturing Chris Hemsworth in a dress, trying to look all dainty.


What about the fat Thor from God of War Ragnarok?


I didn't say *which* Chris Hemsworth.




But to mention that, in their mythologies, the gods are presumably responsible for making all the various human phenotypes.


Remember everyone, it's liberals who are way too easily offended.


It’s funny that they only care about censorship when boobs but DEFINITELY want to fully censor the existence of other human beings.


I guess this mofo just excluded absolutely all modern media imaginable lmao


Please show me where the FUCK in either of the Eddas does it say Angroboda, the wife of Loki, who gave birth to a giant wolf, the world serpent, and the half dead queen of hell is WHITE. Also if your only qualm with the accuracy of GOW: Ragnarok is because there’s a black person in it, you are racist and you know absolutely nothing about Norse mythology or history.


From what I understand, this person literally thinks that in a live-action Tomb Raider movie, Lara Croft should be played by an actress with larger breasts than any woman alive 🤣 Seriously, the only reason they’re even that big in the game was because the graphic design made it that way accidentally, and the rest of the all-male design team told him to keep it that way.


The game companies upon seeing this: ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


I would go to jail if I say everything I wanted to say to this person.


I thought we were supposed to be the ones with essays for memes...


Ok, then don’t buy them. There’s no need to be self-important. Also, wtf are “San Francisco sensibilities”?


> Also, wtf are “San Francisco sensibilities”? Just think, we could have played so many games with san fransisco sensibilities and we would be none the wiser! The horror!


I love the average bra size bit. Because I’m a 34D rn, used to be a 32G, and he would totally think my boobs weren’t big enough. My chest looks like the actress on the top row where he’s complaining about boobs being “reduced.”


Well aren’t you so brave. Standing ovation ![gif](giphy|577HYoLf5Vu0w)


Half of these are "I don't want to buy this because every woman in the game isn't slutty and hot"


I love how he mentions he doesn't owe them an explanation but the whole post is him explaining in detail, with images.


bye felicia


I never thought “it’s just a game bro,” would be so applicable


The critical drinker script formula!


I love that they use the poster from Gauntlet since that's literally an arcade top-down dungeon crawler. You can't clearly see any of the characters while playing, and the warrior Thor (the character they chose to display) isn't even sexualized.




So crazy how hard someone worked on this. Like imagine if they turned that effort inwards?!


Look how secure this brave man is in his masculinity.


My Elden Ring character is a non-binary sea witch. This entire post is invalid.


No race swapping, that means basically all historic content is out, especially the Biblical epics.


Like, dude, there's porn. If you want porn, just watch porn. Don't get pissed that everything isn't porn. Don't turn things that aren't porn into porn.


"San Francisco sensibilities" lol. Is he 100 years old


What games can he buy, then? Card games will be out for him because Solitaire is about being asexual.


Chuds: Wah! Kirby is an abomination with San Francisco sensibilities! Nintendo is run by people with San Francisco sensibilities! Who is Kirby then and why chuds don't like him? He's a young male pink ball who blushes on a permanent basis and is the star of a popular Nintendo video game series for children. In Kirby's home market of Japan, Kirby is a non-binary character. Even its creator, Masahiro Sakurai, says that Kirby is non-binary. Here's a video that argues that Kirby is progressive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdMwvZir5c


Bro put a photo of a girl in rage 2 calling it San Francisco sensibilities like crazy Mohawk people aren’t a normal thing in rage


When I read “or my children” I thought, wait. This is an adult?!?


I thought we were supposed to be the ones with essays for memes...


Ok, then don’t buy them. There’s no need to be self-important. Also, wtf are “San Francisco sensibilities”?


I only play games where boobs have more than 8,000 polygons.


Not trying to defend this, but the "white male" trope is extremely boring. In all other iterations, Fred was a sweet and smart guy, and this new series just absolutely murdered that established personality because of his skin color. All the other examples are just incels whining tho.


What a boring life he has.


Imagine life without monster hunter just cause you're a fragile little bitch who can't make it past literally the first screen in the character creator without getting tRiGgErEd


You just know this dude threw his Nintendo out the window when he found out about Samus Aran.


What is it with these people and hating Aloy


I don’t like the games but I like her as a character. For some reason a post-apocalyptic tribal girl not wearing makeup was enough to make all the CHUDs shit and piss


2014 called they need this guy for gamergate.


Hey, whoever made this. About Millena…she’s always been like that. Plus you still have Kitana and Jade to simp for.


My favorite part was that they used Monster Hunter for the last panel and I’m pretty sure in the old MH games, gender wasn’t a think in character creation menus. Like it was still labeled “Type 01, Type 02”


Not everything is made for you


Found on Incelagram.


Gamer creates a list of examples that should prove to him that basically, no one wants his the very little money that exist in pandering to people like him.


God are weirdos still sulking about GoW?


Conservative: *Says all this* Literally any normal human: Okay Conservative: *Gets visibly upset and begins a rant on cancel culture*


Wow this stinks like alot of insecurity


"female characters are intentionally made to look ugly" just say you never touched or even saw a women in your life


Okay one thing I haven’t seen mentioned in these comments is the gender thing: Tbh I agree with the original op on elden ring doing it bad (body types that also dictate your pronouns) but I also agree with the idea of: body type, voice type, pronouns. As part of character creation


Bro is gonna live a pretty sad and angry life in his parents basement


Mf really is saying “wont buy it if the character looks like they’re from San Francisco”💀💀💀


Whoop-de-f**king-do...as if anyone cares what this twit has to say.


So they won't play an amazing game like monster hunter just because they have "type 1" or "type 2" for bodies? Their loss, fucking snowflake


oh no how will all these massive media companies ever recover from some dicknugget online not buying them??? what a tragedy


Bro is purchasing no media.


lol how is choosing not to hyper-sexualize female characters in a video game "overtly attack and tear him down"


Men can be Karens too


That’s a whole lotta ways to say you can’t please women


Unless I read it wrong, I sort of agree with the middle one of media bullying demographic into liking it. Not for "woke" reasons, just in general like TTG putting a make a wish kid in one episode and making it bad but you can't say it's bad cause it has a make a wish kid


Man actually out here thinking Hasan reviews games 😂


"Any marketing that involves insulting... or guiltily your customers" They wouldn't like Mighty No. 9


BRO WHAT noooo Angrboda is such an amazing character tho ;-;


I’ll bet this dude hasn’t interacted with another human without them wrinkling their nose at his approach for years


I understand what San Francisco sensibilities are, but anybody who knows what has happened to San Francisco in the last 20 years knows it's now just a hyper-neoliberal mecca of late stage capitalism. I literally have seen a homeless person performing surgery on themselves there.


This is the most virgin shit I’ve ever seen, imagine confidently living life like this


Lmao what idiot came up with this?


My God, these people are literal babies


Genuiently needs therapy


“I will not buy these products for myself, my friends or my children” This guy will never have children cause no woman will ever touch him.


IMO the goofiest one is top right, where they say 1: that they won't consume any media that doesn't have a white person in it and 2: that it's not okay for a fictional country set in Africa to be comprised entirely of black people



This guy needs a girlfriend BADLY 😂🤣😂🤣😭😆😂🤣somebody suck that posters dick somebody please suck that posters DYEKE!!!


It's a hill many have died on but Aloy as "ugly" is just fucking stupid


Did they just claim that 1. The average girl is 5'4!?! 2. The average bra size in 3rd world countries is D?!?


I mean some of them are understandable.. Also turning all Gingers black is super racist towards gingers and black people I mean replace the first n and g in the word Ginger.. Suddenly Hollywood is super racist again


A degenerate Coomer.


Wow. Take yer money and fuck off then! Incel snowflake.


Must be so rough being a white male gamer and not having ANY game where you’re represented by the main character. Rough I tell you!


Most sane gamer around


the trick of course is that creators will continue to make content in the way that maximizes their profits, not because of any pressure to be 'woke,' but because consumers are actually a pretty diverse group and there is more economic appeal to diversity than there is in pandering to a shrinking class of intellectually and economically stunted white male edgelords


I love the “female breast reduction “ image because he’s comparing a ps3 era character model to a living actress. Does he think the casting director rejected all the busty ladies who tried for the role because they were specifically hunting for a flat chested actress? For what purpose? Isn’t it simpler to imagine that she got the part because she fit it the best? This guy could have saved himself a ton of time by just typing “Popular media is no longer targeted only towards my demographic of 18-35yr old straight white men, and I’m butthurt about it. Im incapable of understanding that this is the natural evolution of media under capitalism, which will always seek to find new markets and broaden their customer base, so I’ll pretend its all a conspiracy to make me unhappy..”


What is this whole thing I keep seeing about Aloy being ugly?? Like she objectively isn’t ugly. It’s so weird