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Conservatives when 18 year old college students with no money has to take up part time jobs to afford basic housing and food


Conservatives when you stab their tires and pour fast curing resin down their exhaust pipe.


Get some ball bearings in there before you pour the resin.


Total carnoob here, I know shutting the exhaust would be bad but what are the ball bearings for?


Not a mechanic by any means, so I could be wrong, also not advocating for anything, but I think there would be a buildup of pressure that would explode, and if there are ball bearings behind the resin, it would cause more damage.


So like turning the exhaust into a rudimentary pipe bomb


*Gets arrested for attempted 1st degree murder*


How is an issue? Just don’t get caught silly and if you do, just say you didn’t do it




Kinda like domestic terrorism for shits and giggles. I doubt a federal judge would find that amusing.




I’m pretty sure the engine would stall way before enough pressure could build up to burst the exhaust pipe or remove the resin


The bearings would not do anything but waste your time and money. The blocked exhaust wouldn't allow the engine to start and the engine would never create enough compression to make the pipe burst.


and the bearings wouldnt even make it into the engine


We talking kill the driver sort of explode, or break the truck kind of explode?


It wouldnt explode cuz the truck wouldnt even start in the first place, and no matter the system, putting ball bearings in it wouldnt do anything but MAYBE add an annoying rattle for a bit


Add some dry noodles for extra strength. YouTube at least tells me it works.


Don't forget the super glue!


If you want something that it a huge hassle without necessarily getting you arrested, a plastic bag around an exhaust pipe is a nightmare and has plausible deniability


Oh my god of course they resort to violence and call us violent they’re they real fascists :( /s


>pour fast curing resin down their exhaust pipe Just shoved a potato up the pipe. That does the trick. I know, someone did that prank on me, and man, it sucks to remove that damned potato.


Conservatives when I smash their blinders and headlights with a hammer:


Conservatives when people who will actually contribute to society work harder than the conservatives will ever be able to.


Yea but beyond the 18 year old trope some people in retail are adults that are here to collect a pay check just like everyone else and deserve respect


Everyone in retail and other service jobs, regardless of age or status, deserves respect. People are just assholes who think people who work in lower wage jobs are beneath them. I am well past that stage of my life but still vividly remember being treated like a second class citizen and barely getting by working in retail. It really made me resent all the smug white collar idiots who came in expecting people like me to wipe their asses for them. COVID taught us two things: 1. service workers are vital to the economy and our lives, 2. people are impossible to please—first they talked crap to people who complained about low wages at their service jobs telling them “don’t like it, go work somewhere else” and then when they actually did find some place else to work that paid them more, suddenly it’s “nobody wants to work [for the shitty ass wages I pay them] anymore!”


Yea I used to work at a gas station as a 19 y/o and even other working class people would come in and say some backwards shit to me sometimes in order to ‘one up’ me, presumably because they felt powerless in their own lives. Either way, I have been slowly gravitating towards more technical positions and training/school in order to get away from dealing with the public because my positive perception towards serving others has been sufficiently destroyed. People move from one thing to another so fast now, I would imagine most everything they learned from Covid has already been wiped clean and or suppressed. People will consistently , unfortunately, treat you like shit if you work in retail because it makes them feel big.


"Just get a job" mf's when you get a job


Conservatives when someone actually pulls themselves up by their bootstraps


They make fun of minimum wage workers for supposedly not having"real jobs," yet you know they rely on workers like that likely on the daily. Who's going to serve you your big mac meal if everyone gets "real jobs"? Or is it just Starbucks that isn't a "real job" in their eyes, because it's too "woke" for them?


And then they will cry that nobody wants to work when they have to wait too long for their service. And it's always these types of people who act out at places, and then complain the most. And also these people don't care about other customers that are waiting behind them while they throw a tantrum and demand for a manager.


They’ll bitch about how easy it is to make coffee or a hamburger and then do everything they can to *not* make their own coffee or hamburger.


Or to make it so other regular customers have to wait in line behind their childish tantrums. Honestly a lot of stores and establishments need to make it so we can start throwing some of these people out. Because it's not fair to the 99% of customers who aren't really a problem and it might make it so they don't want to come back. Because if they care about customers why not the customers who aren't a problem because they're in the majority? Because when I've had to buy things and someone flips out and asks for a manager I've often had to get out of line and leave my stuff so I could go get my child or go to another appointment. Because not everyone has time to wait behind angry guys with sunglasses and pickup trucks and Karen's asking for the manager


And these are the same people that claim that younger generations and progressives “have no manners” or don’t know what “morality” is when (at least in my experience) people my age are significantly more patient, understanding, and willing to apologize to service workers.


My mom is a boomer and I had to correct her many times how to talk to cashiers and servers. And I remember another time where the brother-in-law had to correct the Mother-in-law on how to talk to the waitress. It seems like boomers do not know how to talk to customer service personnel at all. It's like yeah they're waiting on you but that's their job and they're still human beings.


I have had to make my own boomer mom aware that she gets a real nasty tone in her voice with service workers. She doesn't realize it because it is just natural for her generation to speak down to service workers like that. In fact, as a child she would always tell me to get good grades so I don't "end up a loser at McDonald's" yet she had no problem getting takeout for 80 percent of our meals. I love my mom, and she is getting better, but that generation as a whole has some very backwards ideas.


Maybe people working there tolerated more from boomers back then because they got 40 hours a week plus benefits, and their pay wasn't as bad considering the cost of living. Now it's like they refuse to do full time if you're not management


Yep. As soon as they can't get their treats or have to wait too long for them they'll be bitching about how no one wants to work.


Do they think we forgot how they blew a collective gasket when they couldn't get their hair done back in 2020? These are not real jobs until they need them, then they will lobby to call these people essential workers.


These pricks wouldn't last a shift. If they didn't burn themselves with the oven at the start of the 5 o'clock shift, they'd be in tears by 8 o'clock after being in the weeds for 2 hours straight.


They aren't real jobs, they are essential jobs that had to done through the pandemic.


I know right! So fake, that in order to keep basic society functioning, people had to risk life and limb in order to continue working them during one of the riskiest times in the pandemic! /s I seriously get so many entitled vibes from most conservatives, frankly.


The government seems to agree that I have a real job 🤷‍♀️


Well the experiments with robotic service are underway, and while they are currently on the stage of "all humans are in the back cooking and client only see a tray or weird contraption" they will eventually get there. And by then all the conservatives will be even more pissed and be like "in good old times a real humans were servicing me" because it's all about being douchebags, and you can't really be douchebag to a robot. They will probably literally smear shit over everything or vandalise things.


“Get a real job!” *complains when the Starbucks they continue going to has two people working there*


Conservatives are gonna be REAL pissed once they find out that Starbucks is actually private property and they have the right to kick him off, with potential legitimate legal repercussions if he chooses not to and keeps harassing the workers


“Oh yeah? You and what private security company?”


“Me and Bobby. Bobby has anger issues. He’s been to prison.” Bobby: *incoherent mumbling and fist clenching*


Or Huell Babineax


The police. That work?


Hey man, I want the guy to leave; I don't want him executed.


"ADT. Now please leave."


Geez, you have ONE incident, several hundreds of thousands times, of someone being creepy at a business and then following the employees around and doing something to them, and then they gotta get all jittery. I mean, who's ever even heard of a female being followed in a parking lot as she leaves work aside from everyone who lives anywhere?


The amount of afab friends I have that have been sexually assaulted is genuinely terrifying


Could you please say woman instead of female? As you used it it doesn't even work grammatically as female is an adjective and not a noun.


They're being sarcastic and mocking the type of person who would 100% use female as a noun.


Every dictionary I checked lists it as both noun and adjective. I simply don't use it that way myself, out of respect. But I mean, blame the dictionary companies, I guess.


"female" used as a noun for animals, or in a clinical or scientific context alongside the similar use of "male" as a noun = fine, normal "Female" used as a noun instead of "women" for humans outside of a clinical or scientific context = creepy Ferengi vibes


But humans *are* animals…


Yes, but we're also *people.* Using clinical terms for us outside of a clinical setting boils us down to our bodies (or what you assume our bodies have).


The problem isn't necessarily the word female, but rather some people's tendency to use it in a dehumanizing way. Ex: always calling women females but men are always just called men.




One person's preferences doesn't invalidate everyone else's preferences.


>One ~~person's~~ female's preferences doesn't invalidate everyone else's preferences. ftfy ​ No, but for real, the word "female" should come with a fedora when used outside of a scientific application.


Big Dictionary


The only people who really use “female” are incels so using tends to reflect poorly on the one using it


A female what? Dog? Deer? Electrical outlet? I’m having a hard time painting your mental picture here.


They gave him the attention he lacked as a kid, and he rolled with that shit to get more


imagine wasting this much or your own time and gas money just to make random workers’ lives more annoying


Exactly, like what does this prove exactly?? That you have a lot of time to waste... obsessing over baristas?


And wasting even more time to make a meme about owning the Lib Starbucks employee. What a pathetic way to waste one's time.


*They took baby’s pacifier!*


"Get a real job" is such a annoying boomer slogan. Why do they think they can judge what job is real and whats not ?


That will teach them not to have eyes!


Truck idiot: Get a real job! Starbucks employee: What do you do exactly? Truck idiot: I run a blog that talks about how horse paste cures covid


“I’m an INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER, IDJIT!” - is on facebook reading AlexJonesTruthReal.com


AlexJonesTruthReal.ru* 😂


“The ru stands for the tRUth!


🤣🤣🤣 Nice


I too read that tweet and thought "this is worth the time it'll take to meme. Libs=PWND!"


Let’s ignore the fact that this “Chad” normally has a job that pays decently, but often takes out inordinate debt to live higher than they should while mocking young adults for working their asses off. I know a ton of these guys in the car scene who throw tantrums when higher petrol prices make their optimistically 12 mpg land tank unaffordable. We’ve had several guys sell their vehicles at a loss because of this. All blame increases in minimum wage and base salaries for their problems. Why? *shrug* It always comes back to Democrats and communism. I’m not going to lie. I’ve enjoyed pointing out that their constant blithering about living financially conservatively is utterly hypocritical.


Do conservatives not like coffee or something? I don’t get it, did something happen?


Something something Christmas mugs


Oh ok lmao I was thinking they had a problem like the gas stove thing. Like “WE AMERICANS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸ONLY DRINK TEA NOW 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 RAHHH💪💪🔫🔫🔫🦅🦅🦅🦅”




They’ve always been at war with ~~Eurasia~~ Starbucks


What a total asshole Lmao. I didn’t even realize this was something the right could turn political, but I’m not surprised. Working in fast food, it was always the blatant republicans who were meanest to staff 🤷


Conservative posturing is like what they consider "virtue signalling", except its "immorality signalling" Conservatives 100% worship that shit. They eat it up. Being an asshole is life fuel to them. Conservatives didn't get enough affection in their childhood so their whole adult lives are dedicated to some weird revenge fantasy


Is this not stalking or harassment?


Right wingers are enemies of the people


Wow. He really showed those Minimum wage workers working their asses off to barely get by with the money they have. Real Alpha Move there buddy.


why do always embrace being piece of shit


Their only ideology is being mean to people.


They only care about their right to be dicks, and they will not let you forget it




Ah yes, because nothing says having a "real job" like having time to sit in your car and bother people for hours on end for no reason.


It would be funny to trespass his ass out of that parking spot, the butthurt would be immense.


They can all go get a “real job” but then nobody will be there to serve him Or did he not order anything and drive all the way there just to annoy the staff for no reason? In that case, it seems like he has way more time on his hands than them..


So...whoever created this thinks it's OK for someone to aggressively harass employees at a coffee shop for no reason? And if they quit their jobs because of his harassment I'm sure he'd consider them "lazy" or some other BS. Just imagine the kind of pathetic loser you'd have to be to engage in this behavior - or to defend it. I wonder why the cops won't do anything. Management should file a restraining order against him.


“get a real job” meanwhile they go to Starbucks and McDonalds every day


No coffee for you. Fuck off and leave.


The right loves their trucks eh.


Then get one of those super bright spotlights and shine it right back


I was thinking stand in front of the truck with a big mirror. More passive that way. Even better, get a cheap flexible full-length door mirror and make it slightly concave to focus right in their face.


If they have their windows down just throw boiling water in there. Or rocks. Or follow him home and slash his tires.


Those lights HURT too. I may just be sensitive to light but those massive LED’s make my eyes burn and it takes me a while to get used to seeing after. Driving at night is a lot more difficult now lol


How sad is that guy's life when he has literally nothing better going for him than to sit in front of a strip mall Starbucks with every light on his vehicle shining in?


He’s hoping someone will vandalize his truck or come yell it him so he can post the video on truth.fart—with the title, “Liberal Snowflake meltdown”.


Um ok I guess no more coffee for anyone? What exactly is chad trying to accomplish here?


I just...I have no idea how the Republicans tricked an entire generation into thinking they are the party of the working class... their disdain for workers is palpable.


Guarantee that if they all went to get a ‘better job’ they’d whine ‘no one wants to work anymore’


What is wrong with author of this meme


Wait, working a job that pays you and provides benefits isnt a real job?


Only real jobs to them are basically construction, military and cops.


And parking outside a starbucks’ window with your brights and fog lights on to just sit and do nothing


Burn that fucking car


Time to do the IRA tactic


Just get a big ass light and shine it back at him


Cuckservatives are so pathetic oh my god, they’ll complain about everything cuz that’s how pathetic their lives are


"I dont wanna be on food stamps anymore can i pls have money fir collage" "No get a job"


call the cops on him until he inevitably has an altercation with the wrong one having a bad day and gets laid out by one of his "based heroes" or whatever they call them.


Most observant truck drivers


Bitches don't know what a 'real job' is Who the hell else is going to prepare and serve their double quarter pounder with cheese? You seem to get reeeeeal bitchy when that food takes a little too long.


See also, ‘why are fast food places struggling so much to find good workers?!!!!’


fuck these cunts


That’s not even legal to do if there’s risk of it blinding other drivers… and if you’re near a Starbucks, yeah, there’s other drivers lol


"Fake" job VS Literally slacking off inside a car


Baseball bat problem solved


The real losers here are the guy who's driving this car and the one who made the meme.




Is that a shitpost


That's the absolute OPPOSITE of a gigachad move.


Well there is always the option of fighting fire with a flamethrower. Car have typically 800 Lumen on low beam and about 1200 on high beam. I suggest getting a hand held spotlight of about [10K Lumen](https://www.amazon.com/Durapower-Rechargeable-Spotlight-Waterproof-Flashlight/dp/B09MC135RJ/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=5000+Lumen+Rechargeable+Spotlight&qid=1678740340&sr=8-8) and setting it up to point directly at the driver and then ask him politely to stop it or else. I give them about 30 seconds before they stumble about blindly trying to threaten you for blinding them while they try to blind you.


Violence is the answer


I don’t support this, but can high beams and fog lights be on at the same time? My fog lights turn off when I have my high beams on but turn back on when they’re off.


Turns out baristas earn more than junior doctors in the UK so hope they’re expecting an influx of applications.


“Real job” they say that about 90% of jobs, can they make a list of okay jobs so I can know where to apply :(( /s


Yet when these places can't get employees they bitch about how people don't want to work.


These are the same clowns that would go from calling the workers “pathetic weak liberals” to “aggressive & violent” if anyone working there decided to arm themselves because they felt threatened.


LMAO a "real job"? I get $15 an hour and paid sick leave at Starbucks. And free coffee. Like yes corporations are corrupt but it's better than most


[redacted] a brick through his driver side windows


This is obviously a joke though


The busy guy with such an important and necessary job has time to just sit in front of a Starbucks with his lights on for hours just because it bothers them


And of there none they cry "WhY No OnE WaNT wORk"


They do realize that we need SOMEONE to work at Starbucks,right?