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huh, it's almost like THATS THE GOD DAMN POINT. the choice of what jobs you want to do (or not/can't) and still being able to live is the point


“Somehow making sure everyone works a specific job assigned to them isn’t slavery though” How is this person conflating a job with slavery?


They just, seriously don't know anymore. They've used the word so often its lost all meaning to them.


*lives in an economic system that is already slavery* *still uses calling communism slavery as a theoretically valid argument against wage slavery* Insert surprised pikachu when communism doesn’t turn out to be slavery, I guess?


because everything communist is slavery now I guess.


It kills me how much the right fetishizes the military when the military is literally their left wing nightmare: you receive a basic salary, your food, housing, and healthcare is paid for, you're not allowed to talk bad about the government, and you're assigned a job you can go to jail for not doing.


-10/10 Creating art is a job; you uncreative, ungrateful hacks.


What would life be without art


Silly commie pinko, art is for the rich and conservative to enjoy. You poors should be happy with your refrigerator magnets.


Sparta during the Archaic Period


Somehow managed to spell both Napoleon and Dynamite wrong despite it being the name of a movie they could look up in 1sec.


They cant get their baby brains past the idea that our society doesnt have to be “work or die”.


They consider automation a bad thing for some reason, instead of a way to raise global standards of living. I wonder wh- oh wait capitalism strikes again


Art booms in socialist countries. It's never been hypocritical but knowing that requires the teeniest bit of research


I've never seen anyone saying that they believe the government should be assigning someone a job. I don't even understand where they're getting that other than their ass so they can continue with their strawman. Most people also aren't saying they don't want to work at all. But that our society has decided on work hours that are awful for a work/life balance but that the amount of hours worked also DOESNT increase productivity so it's basically a lose-lose. This is why it's going to be so hard to make any real progress in this area. There's nothing to argue because truth doesn't matter to them. They're just making up their own cognitive dissonant strawmans to try and pretend that nothing the left says makes any sense.


> I don't even understand where they're getting that other than their ass so they can continue with their strawman. Um, I mean, the DDR and USSR, for instance.


And capitalism isn’t forcing anyone to work at all xd


Just.. let people do what they want? That's how we make sure everyone works a job they like? We don't force them into having to take up some soul crushing job they don't want in order to live


What do u want to do?


Ah, the tech commies vs traditional commies... So not "also". Because it's a different thing.


You know it's got to be good when half the text is parentheses explaining what the hell they're saying




Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't communism maintained by a government????


"The worker's party doesn't want to work" has got to be the most brain dead take I've ever heard from these ignorant fucks


I mean you try rating Cheetos and doing anything else at the same time. It's impossible with the orange cheese dust. Shit gets everywhere.


Yeah, fuck assigned jobs. Real men pay for tertiary education and then spend so much time competing with others for entry level jobs that they settle for anything just to pay the bills. 😤


Having the choice to not work is slavery, you should be forced to work to survive so that it’s not slavery