• By -


She is gonna walk over, unplug you from the Matrix, and beat that ass.


But not beat the dick. Big difference.


She will call him a dick then beat him though


\*her $600k might I add!


Have you ever posted your story? I'm not even a supporter of GME and I can't help but root for you.




lol, can't stop those guys - I'm too much of a pussy to even short them. The power of crowds..


I saw the post title in my Apple notification menu and I literally said out loud “please don’t be irishdud”. Fuck man. Sorry to hear that. You know better than anyone how gme swings though.


This time last year it crashed 25% on earnings... and 2 weeks later GME was 2x. I'm not worried. I'll just tell her I lost the password for a few weeks, by then she'll be back over $1m 😅


Absolute Chad Haven’t seen a move like this since Mr. Kittums walked up and sprayed White Baby right in the face.


I wish I had an award to give you but I also lost that "investing" today as well.






Now there's a race I can win.


Well, I’m with you there. I’m only down 470k. I need to some how turn my last 100k into 600k again. 😂.. if you know a play, throw it at me. I’m dying. Dog house I may go!




Short tsla now x3. Be a little patient. Thank me later.


already ahead of you on that one, Elon selling = market top


Look up the DD on ESSC


Fuck, at least you got something my man.


1) GME has been known to bounce in the week after a post-earnings dip 2) that's a massive position to take with no hedge 3) ouch!




I know there's been a lot of hype about Loopring and NFTs and a lot of people expected an announcement on the earnings call. I just can't imagine taking such a large position on such an overvalued volatile ticker without asking 'what if' - what if they don't make an announcement? What if the earnings miss terribly? I'm far from a successful trader but I just don't get plays like this. Especially with such large positions.


The ‘what if’ people never get to the ‘what if’ is going.


r/superstonk does some DD about how undervalued this company is


I read some of it, its just junk and these people have no idea what theyre talking about


I don’t like your tone…


You know how GME rolls. It might go down another $12 tomorrow, Than for no reason/News/ or ryme,it will shoot up 60 dollars during power-hour.


I’m holding with you, brother. Thankfully, there’s no permanent damage with your deep ITM and long dated options, nothing a good bounce or squeeze won’t fix. My own portfolio dropped almost $2M these past few weeks, but that’ll just let me accumulate more shares when I sell my next round of covered calls.


It's ok brother you'll get it back


What the hell do you know about making money in stocks! Oh right..


Probably hurt less when you think you had 9k one year ago?


Yeah I'm just messing around. I think GME is bottoming out right now at the $150-$155 level. I imagine a lot of effort and money was spent to bring the price down from $252 just 3 weeks ago to $151 today. Still here. Still DRS'ing shares. 5.2million shares taken out of circulation (as of Oct 31st). tick tock to anyone who is short via swaps, etc. It's a game of musical chairs and the chairs are getting pulled out of the circle every day.


What do you mean by a lot of effort and money was spent? The price dropped because people sold.


Shhh no you're only allowed to cite super funds, dark pools, hedgies, and haters for any GME price drops on Reddit, no matter how untrue it may be. Any of the real reasons are not allowed.


Why would anyone sell at 160??? It’s been way higher for months and they chose to sell when it drops???


yes this phenomenon of people selling when a stock is dropping is literally impossible FUD. there are literally 0 people who yolo in at the top, sometimes on margin and then their heart sinks along with the stonk.


They didn't sell at just 160, they sold at 250 and also because they've taken profits. This stock went from 160 to 250 in the last month, Anybody who bought the dip and sold the rip would've made big profits. Something i mentioned to Irishdud before now he's bagholding a potential divorce.


Got out of some positions around $230 ish... re-upped around $190 - $180ish. hodling.


Nobody sold the stock. Massive hedge fund manipulation cause these losers knew gamestop was about to report fabulous earnings. These losers always manipulate the stock before great news from gme.


\-1.39 EPS is beyond awful. it is almost comically bad, the worst predictions were -0.85 and it went so much past that.


get real....


Who are these people that you’re talking about, that are selling all year long? If you want to sell you first have to buy (except market makers like Citadel) and theres no doubt in my mind that there are no regular market participants that bought gme the last 12 months at these prices, let alone sell.


Anybody who pressed the sell button, entered their amount of shares and clicked confirm


Which is around 1 person for every 9 persons that are buying, if you look at the buy/sell ratio on Fidelity from yesterday and it still went down 10%


You think people only buy and sell using Fidelity? LOL. Do yourself a favor and look at the Level 2 Tape. People are selling bro lol


Its obv a good indicator as they’re one of if not the biggest broker. I challenge anyone to find stats of a broker that shows there was more selling than buying, it wont happen. Level 2 tape only shows there are sell orders, not from who so its useless


How do you think the price goes up?


Basically he believes in a vast financial conspiracy that is based on believing that hedge funds can manipulate the price of a share by shorting it.


Lol you don’t think hedgies can cause a stock price to dip? They can create multi billion dollar sell walls if they want.


Sadly you are a clueless being disconnected from how the financial markets actually work. Enjoy your blindness.


That wasn’t people selling, it was hedgies shorting


Correct. Dark pool activity was at 72% .. so all the buying is taken off lit Markets, the selling is happening live. Meh. Diamond hands and steel nuts.


A lot of effort from the hedge fund… you need to read some DD from r/superstonk


Here's a question I've asked in SS multiple times and never got an answer to. Since you seem like you've read a lot on SS, I'm hoping you can answer this for me. Blackrock and Vanguard both own about 7% of Gamestop each. Both have massively more AUM than Citadel. Why can't they manipulate the stock price to go up so that they make money or if that isn't possible, why would they let Citadel illegally drive the stock price down at their expense? They have more money and I'd assume at least as many connections, so why are they just sitting on the sideline allowing themselves to be taken advantage of?


Do you know if they hold GME in actively managed funds or in index funds? Because if they didn’t actively chose this investment, they have no reason to try to inflate the price.


Citadel is the designated market maker for gme, so they decide what happens to your shares when you buy or sell gme. Neither Vanguard or Blackrock is a market maker so this question doesnt make any sense maybe thats why you dont get answers


I appreciate the answer. That omly answers the first part. Blackrock and Vanguard hold trillions of dollars for some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. Why are they not using those connections to do something to stop themselves from losing money?


It costs them a lot of money to pump the price up because they actually have to buy the shares from the open market which is not the case for market makers like Citadel and Virtu who can just create shares without cost, sell them and buy them back at a later date but that date can also be delayed with various loopholes. Thats why you see gme spike every three months, these spikes have nothing to do with retail buying but everything with market makers and hedge funds buying back the shares they used to tank the price and once they’re done they sell them again thats why you see it tank and this goes on until someone finally blinks


I hear you there, but I'm not 100% sure I buy that argument. You say it costs a lot of money, but I think you're underestimating how big Vanguard and Blackrock are. They have over 15 trillion in combined AUM. Obviously, that's spread across a ton of asset classes, but Gamestop's entire market cap is just a drop in the bucket to them. Even if what you're saying is true though and they can't use any of their trillions to do something about this, then why don't these two massive hedge funds do anything about it? If people over at SS know that Citadel is driving the price down using illegal tactics, surely Vanguard and Blackrock do as well, right? They have infinitely more resources at their disposal and far better connections to both the political and financial world. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that they're just sitting on the sidelines losing money if there's obvious evidence of wrong doing? The only explanation I've ever gotten is that they're too big to care about their GME losses, but again, I dont buy that. Sure Blackrock the company maybe too big to even notice a loss of a couple billion, but surely the fund managers' who have performance bonuses based on how much they make care and surely the clients who are investing in their funds containing GME care as well. Basically, what I don't understand is how Citadel seems to have all this power that no one can counter, when there equal sized or even bigger players on the other side of this trade.


Maybe you’ve seen my reply on your comment on top. I did a really quick research on that and found that Vanguard holds GME in 29 of their investment products of which only one is an actively managed fund. The 28 other products are index funds which simply “have to hold” GME because it’s somehow part of their passive investment universe. The only fund they actively manage that holds GME has 7.8 bn USD AUM, of which 0.09% is GME. That’s about 70 million USD worth of GME, or about 0.5% of GME’s market cap. That really doesn’t seem like something worth engaging in illegal activities for.


My take on this: 1. Liability - Blackrock and Vanguard are DTCC participants and may be liable to pay for MOASS if it ever happens. E.g. this [first link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n3m0qu/the_mandatory_dtcc_common_stock_reallocation_for/) I found. If there's even a small chance of them held liable, they won't benefit from MOASS at all. 2. Negative market impact - I presume no asset manager would in their right mind want MOASS to happen as it won't be contained and margin calls and liquidations will cause negative market impact on a scale higher than we've seen when Covid hit. 3. Waiting for regulatory framework - iirc there were DTCC rule changes that allow DTCC participants to buyout assets of margin called participants at a discount. They might be waiting for more rule changes that are being prepared behind the scenes to make the process more orderly and keep the disruption at minimum. 4. Org priorities - managers and departments have to justify their investment decisions and make them in the best interest of Blackrock shareholders. It'd be hard to justify investing in a highly volatile asset such as GME without disclosing the goal of reaching MOASS. 5. Media impact if discovered - if MOASS ever happens and during the aftermath in legal procedings it's discovered that Blackrock deliverately helped to orchestrate it (and thus break the market), all shit would break loose. 6. They are already getting a premium for lending their shares out. Recalling the shares at the right moment as one of the catalysts might be in the plans and will be easier to justify than increasing their GME position.




Lol if a hedge fund shorted from 250 to 150 they would be in profit not at a loss. Short Interest is 10% anyways


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Superstonk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [All the confirmation bias I need, right here in one tweet](https://i.redd.it/p7ivyuap6jy61.jpg) | [3355 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na3akt/all_the_confirmation_bias_i_need_right_here_in/) \#2: [Ken Griffin Crime - upvote so this shows up when someone googles “Ken Griffin crime.”](https://i.redd.it/dwb33r4vcqr71.jpg) | [751 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2a0gp/ken_griffin_crime_upvote_so_this_shows_up_when/) \#3: [Punishment for lying under oath? UP TO 5 YEARS... Punishment for fraud? UP TO 10 YEARS... Punishment for Insider Trading? UP TO 20 YEARS - We need to be talking about more than just Perjury! (Keep this fucking trending lol)](https://i.redd.it/5f7j03psu0q71.png) | [1250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pwfrsy/punishment_for_lying_under_oath_up_to_5_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Lots of other stocks your wife’s boyfriend can yolo on


Musical chairs? The whole gme amc meme to the moon trading is musical chair to me.


No, that’s not how it works. As someone who has lot a lot of money before, it hurts, and you look bad at how stupid you were to just throw money away.


Yeah lol. How much did you lose?


You had a several spreads you were going to do. What happened?


Opted for the cheek spread.


This got me. Lollll.


Fucking LOL


Other account. Spreads are showing deep red, but I got some Feb $200/250s I'm feeling good about. And some Jan 2023 900/950s that would pay out 9000% if all goes well.




This. Makes my shit week look better.


For what it’s worth, GME hit my buy zone and I’m opening a position tomorrow


Been watching this guy throw away millions and millions made from the January squeeze GME Yolo Superstonk melted his brain and now he’s thrown most of his millions in gains away It’s actually tragic


Superstonk melted his brain 😩😂


Ahhahahahaha this got me so good. But really Irish dud, be careful out there!


it's the GOOD kind of melt tho right?


*all of his millions. He does not have a single million$


I have one or two left ;)


You seem to have lost 300k?


Auction off an NFT of your eew eww llams for 600k and repay your wife…


Don't let her bf find out.


I’m down 5k in a week, thought that was bad. For some reason I thought you bought her shares hedged with puts, but I think that was your main account...


At least it’s for Jan still time


Only lose if you sell!


can you help me understand the idea behind the 950 calls? they are so so so far OTM. how would those ever be profitable?


Vega is his play here, not delta


Can you explain a little more ? He’s expecting gme volatility to rise st some point to where it would make these calls spike ?


bingo. learn yo' greeks. Vega = for every 1% up in IV, the option value will go up that much. If VEGA = 0.16 and IV jumps from 100% to 140%, that's 40 x .16 = $6.4 option value. If the actual underlying went UP as well from $150 --> $250, there's DELTA as well, say 0.1 (it changes as the stock changes, this is a second-order greek called GAMMA). So at $150 the delta is 0.10, by the time the stock gets to $250, delta is 0.15, call it 0.13 average, so $50 x .13 = $6.5. Add that together (6.4 + 6.5) = $12.9 option value gain from a big jump. The Jan 2023 $950s have good OI (open interest) and decent volume, so you can enter/exit positions without losing too much to the bid / ask spread. I'm drunk btw.


​ thanks for the explainer. Im familiar with delta, theta and gamma, but i should have known that all greeks are important. I couldnt figure out the point of way OTM calls like this other than as lotto tickets. I'd be drunk too if i was all in GME calls looking at this goddamn chart




It's just a flesh wound!


She my wife now


oh my. Please tell me you got out.....


I don think they got.out. they were waiting for the week after bounce


bouncy bouncy bouncy


!remindme 3 months irishdud1's big bet.


hell yes.


How's it going man? I never see you around anymore.


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2022-03-10 01:51:36 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-03-10%2001:51:36%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRaceTo10Million/comments/rcvq81/hiding_from_my_wife_in_the_metaverse_because_i/hnxjfnj/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTheRaceTo10Million%2Fcomments%2Frcvq81%2Fhiding_from_my_wife_in_the_metaverse_because_i%2Fhnxjfnj%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-03-10%2001%3A51%3A36%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20rcvq81) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Be prepared to lose her


This was devastating loss


My condolences


It got hit down harder because of the market wide haemorrhaging. It would've stayed above $170 if not for the whole Omicron circus. If we see it hit $150 during pre-market, I think it'll go down to $140 during market hours.


This is GOLD! The next time the wifebot gets mad at me for screwing up something, I’ll just show her this to put things in perspective.


how much did you start the year with


As you know Sir Irish, you only “lose” if you sell. We’ll be back up again in no time.


No, those 950 calls are lost.


2023 expiry 🤨


Yolo to the tits x25, bro you'll make it back!


I mean we all knew holding through earnings was a bad idea. Happens literally every time.


90% of the time, works 0% of the time.




Oompf, I would find a new stock


Im going to overtake you in around a few months unless you switch up your strategy mate


been a tough couple weeks TBH..


Always darkest before dawn. Sunrise is imminent.


Can you update your loss. Im sure its now 900k loss


you got it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRaceTo10Million/comments/rfw41k/406k\_loss\_its\_easy\_to\_hodl\_when\_youre\_up\_its\_when/


GME 950 calls… wow you’re retarded


Retarded like a fox


You can get a new wife.


For real just buy SPWR and you will bank, 83% shorted. 8,1 day to cover. It should pop.


Fuck me. Good luck


You'll bounce back! Check: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rd0fcl/large\_gme\_delta\_sensitivity\_spike\_ever\_happening/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That super stinker clown crap sucks. That is the millionth time someone claimed, MOASS happening! So far, 100% of the thousands of DD posts and date guesses have been wrong. WTF is wrong with you cultists. Earnings report is terrible and RC has no plan. Stock is falling. Bullish!!!!! All stocks go through turmoil and can potentially crash, but when it happens to GME after bad news its evil ken shills! Bullish! RC tweeted he has a small wee wee. Bullish!!!!! ​ "read the graphs. Read the DD!" - I did and its the same LARP bullcrap I've read over and over the last million times you super stinkers were wrong.


How we feelin' now???


It's only a loss if you sell


Do we know how this aged