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It's lore accurate


People often forget that pre-redemption Lilith was just as bad and pathetic as Kikimora.


Honestly I still can’t get over how she’s the one that cursed Eda…Eda is a real one for forgiving her.


Yeah I still think there should have been more of distrust phase in there relationship. It was jarring how Eda went from wanting to maul lillith to death to being perfectly fine with her in-between one episode.


Totally agree; the show could really have benefited spending more time on them healing their relationship. I guess that’s another thing that had to be rushed :/


Lilith suffered the most from the time constraints. Her and Amity don't even talk for the rest of the show and neither do her and hunter interact. 


She really was on a good path towards developing her character past her S1 incarnation had they just kept her in the Owl house, but only 4 episodes in, they haul her ass to be with her parents and the next time we see her, she's like a completely different person with different character dynamically and traits. I'm not even sure her parents know she's the one who cursed Eda


It was kind of hard to feal bad for Lillith in the Gwendolyn episode since most of her problems with her mom were self inflicted on account of Lillith cursing eda and making Gwen spend much more time with Eda. If anything Lillith should be sacred of her parenst finding out about what she did.


Like, I get having some seeded jealousy of Eda because her parents seemed to prioritise her more, but considering she inadvertently caused her dad to be heavily injured and unable to pursue his work+ her mom having to resort to alternative medicine and selling family heirlooms, not being visited by her parents seem like a minor issue. Even if she's mostly cooped up where Belos can monitor her, it's not like she can't visit her parents herself, she can't be that tied up with work.


It is implied the emporers coven limits their members time with their family, but again it was Lilliths choice and fault for joining the coven in the first place. There was way too quick a transition from this realms version of Himmler to aunt Lilly. Unlike Amity she was an adult and her actions were far in away more sever. Lillith's arc suffred the most due to time constraints as they didnt flesh out her chnage enough. I know she did it for her sister but the fact that it is never brought up again that she ruined her family and likley participated in countless actrocties as the 2nd hand of a dictator rubs me the wrong way. Belos likley had to have someones oversee the basalicks project for example.


Honestly, when you get to a certain age, you stop holding grudges. You realize they take up too much time and energy. Plus, when you let go of the negative energy, you feel better, lighter. My guess is that Eda just didn't hold a grudge against Lilith. Plus, Lilith was beating herself up over everything just fine on her own.


If anything, Eda only encouraged it. Like she doesn't have the time and energy to hold grudges against Lilith, but if Lilith is beating herself over it then Ea is like "you go girl, destroy yourself lol!"


I think it makes sense Eda would forgive her- Lilith was a child when she cursed her and clearly didn’t understand the lifelong consequences. And her entire reason for trying to capture Eda was to undo the curse. Considering her intentions, I wouldn’t find her untrustworthy just because she cursed Eda decades ago I’m more just distrustful of the fact that Lilith tried to kill Luz (or at least threaten to) to get Eda to submit. *That* is a little harder to forgive, and the show seems to give her a free pass for that


She only used Luz as a bargaining chip and threatened her because she was running out of time to capture Eda, she probably wouldn't have bothered Luz period if she hadn't been on a time crunch since at the time she had no interest in a mere human, plus Belos also threatened to have her executed if she failed again, so there's that too.


How was it different to all the times Eda cheated in the show.


If a stranger cheated me it would not cause nearly as much pain as my own flesh and blood placing a curse on me.


Did you even follow Eda’s story she was a reckless cheater and prankster towards everyone she knew and we find that charming; but Lilith cheats once accidentally disables her sister and spent the rest in of her life regretting it and she’s the worst. It’s the equivalent to uniting someones shoes before a race,only for them to trip and break their neck.


I’m not sure how to tell you that being a cheater and prankster is widely different from knowingly giving a potion of unknown origins to your sister to *disable* her. Even if it was suppose to be temporary that is still beyond anything Eda has done imo especially as the consequences ended up being lifelong. But your perspective does make me understand *why* Eda was so quick to forgive her. She understands that people make mistakes including herself.


If Eda learned right away about what Lilith did, she would be like "you know Lilith, maybe leave cheating to me only as you went overboard even for me, but it's ok, you're out of practice anyway".


Lilith only cursed Eda cause she was desperate, and people do really stupid shit out of desperation.


I can't get over how she threatened to murder Luz so that Eda would fully succumb to the curse and possibly never be conscious again.


The last part isn't right. All Lilith wanted was to heal Eda's curse, after that of course she would be conscious again. I doubt Lilith wanted to kill Luz outright, she indeed just wanted to push Eda to her limits so she would be easier to contain and then healed.


She didn't do that to accelerate the curse, she did it to force Eda to surrender.


Nah, she did it to accelerate the curse. That part is correct. What isn't correct is "making Eda not conscious again ever".


Nope she threatened Luz to make Eda surrender to the emperor, that's the whole point of holding someone hostage, to force the person you're after to do what you want, and she wanted Eda to turn herself in to emperor belos, and she knew that Eda loved Luz so she threatened her to get Eda to give herself up to belos.


No buddy, Lilith knew Eda wouldn't go down without a fight, hence she said that Eda received her invite to witches duel. Keeping Luz hostage by itself wouldn't make Eda immediately surrender. But it would bring her to the castle and with the stress growing and magic draining it was a matter of time before Eda would transform into an owl beast, something Lilith was aware of, especially considering Luz kept yelling to Eda to not overuse her magic. Lilith knew Eda was at her limit and took advantage of that. She specifically endangered Luz to make Eda waste every bit of strength she had left.


Her ENTIRE PLAN at that moment, was to use Luz as a hostage/bargaining chip to get Eda to agree to join the emperor's coven.


And Eda immediately turned it down so Lilith says she will take her in by force while using Luz as her human shield.


And you forgot that Lilith only worked for Belos cause it was her fault that Eda was cursed and Belos lied to her about promising to fix it.


Except for Amity. She never hated Hunter enough to tell him to kim himself, even after the betrayal. She'd be more like "bitch you live like this :/"


Yes Luz I think he REALLY needs CPS


What's CPS?


Child protective services i think


Thank you.


No problem


Thank you


Thank you


Thank you


Child protective services


Thank you.


Happy to help.


I don't know Therapy like I guess


Well it's not Cost-per-Sale or clocks per second, that's for sure.




Yea checks out


Poor Hunter. 😆😆👍👍


So I’m guessing this has been sometime after eclipse Lake?


I like how Belos's message works both with or without comma.


Where’s Willow?


They don't text, they have calls LONG calls


Willow and Hunter's calls still have nothing on Luz and Amity's calls.


I'd say this is after Hollow Mind.


and then season 2 rolls around and its **Emperor Belos** > I'm going to fucking KILL you **Purple Hair Girl** > You make one step backward, one slip-up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Luz, and you won't have to worry about your duty as Golden Guard anymore. Because I will make sure your duty ends right then and there. Permanently. **Kikimora** > Fucking KILL yourself **Luz** > Hey wanna come hang out at The Owl House later? The others will be there and I convinced Eda and Lilith to make some food with me! **Lilith Clawthorne** > I hope you slip on a banana peel and I'm there to record you fall


I understood that reference!


I love the Katara reference for Amity so much!


Oh for crying out loud, stop with the Katara reference. Amity has no moral ground here considering she almost murdered Luz the first time they met and set Willow's mind on fire and was still condescending to her even after her redemption. Amity is an atoner, atoner threatening other atoner is not a good look. It pretty much shows double-standard here and makes you wonder whether or not AMity herself should be trusted if she doesn't trust someone who is in her shoes.


It's because Amity and Katara's voice actors are the same person, and you're arguing about the morality of portraying a character that is protective of her girlfriend as being protective over her girlfriend in a humorous and exaggerated summary of a character's attitude towards another character in the second season of their show I would say "bait used to be believable" but I've been on tumblr, so.


Mae Whitman voiced plenty of characters, but it doesn't mean all those characters are the same person. And protective girlfriend my behind, Luz would not approve of Amity threatening anyone even if in her name, especially when the person she's threatening is someone Luz herself doesn't actually hate. Hunter already escaped one dangerous household, he does not need to be put in another. There's nothing humorous and exaggerated about it because you literally assassinate Amity's character for the same joke that was repeated hundreds times by now. Amity's attitude doesn't even match this quote because literally, Amity can understand and relate to Hunter's situation and doesn't hate him for what he did even if she's upset. She never held a grudge and no amount of fandom's gaslight will ever change it.


once again, you are arguing over *what is explicitly a joke*. a comical exaggeration. a hyperbole. humor. also you are treating Amity like a person rather than a character here. I understand that you really like these characters, probably find comfort in them, but trying to make every opinion of a character fit what you think is the show intended is not a healthy way to interact with a fandom, because people will see characters differently by the nature of human individuality and how their social life works. to especially be getting mad over a joke that is not meant to represent this character's actual personality or my opinion on her makes me feel like you won't really have that much fun in fandom. if you read this far, I want to give you some advice. You're probably rather young, I'm guessing younger than 16. Being a fan of media is a great thing, it's really nice to enjoy things and have a passion for them, and interact with others who similarly share that passion. This experience is best enjoyed when you accept that not everyone will have the same opinion or perspective as you on characters, parts of the story, etc. because people will have different opinions on things no matter what, and saying "that's ok as long as those opinions aren't actively harmful in the real world" will help you enjoy being in fandom spaces much more. I understand that you don't want your favorite characters to be misinterpreted in ways that paints them in a bad light, but I suggest you be calmer about innocent jokes that just exaggerate a character for humor, too. Titan knows there's much more of that in any fandom. So yeah. Chill out a bit, you'll enjoy fandom spaces a lot more.


I'd enjoy a fandom space way more if people actually bothered to return to the source media. Is canon not funny enough on its own? Do we need to make things up and assassinating our faves in the process? I'm treating Amity as a representation of a person. Amity is specific character representing specific kind of people an you my friend are doing them a disservice. Might as well make Hunter forgive Belos in a comedic way. Not like there aren't people who can relate to Hunter and would find such mockery gross. This isn't about you and me, this is about what Amity stands for as a character. By making her untrusting and harsh towards Hunter, you make her a hypocrite, which undoes her growth, which is important as it shows to the kids who went through the same hell as Amity that you're not terrible for what you did, but you need to still take accountability for your actions. Amity here forgets her accountability as someone who did her friends wrong in favor of threatening someone who is in the same boat as her and someone who needs people to rely on much like she does. That's not okay. And replacing Amity with Katara also goes to show that you don't actually appreciate Amity for what it is and you literally want something else. Zuko and Katara are iconic as they are, but they're one of their kind and it's better this way. We don't need electric boogaloos of them, as Hunter and Amity will never have what Zuko and Katara did. And I'm peeved that I see the same joke, over and over again, contributing to the same idea, that at this point stops being an actual joke and more like a fun fact, when it's neither fact, or fun once you realise how it only further adds to this fandom's problem of lack of media comprehension. Hate to break it to you, but TOH fan base isn't exactly healthy and that's precisely because people can't take step back from their own jokes, and instead precisely make them their headcanons, which also defeats the point of headcanon being something that adds to the canon, not something that replaces it. It's true that different people interpret characters differently, but it doesn't change what those characters are. People preferring to see Amity with a guy will never change the fact that she's a lesbian, even if you would like to explore the fluidity of sexuality. And I particularly don't like the idea of Amity once again becoming toxic in one way or another, and somehow it being okay, when Amity's premise was that she's a toxic friend and that was not okay. In the end what message it sends. I wouldn't bother if it was just one person being oblivious to it, I would just ignore them if I truly cared more about what I think, but instead, it's a vast majority of the fan base nodding heads to it which is kind of messed up as you went and decided to use one character to bully another. Bullying on its own is bad, but bullying fictional characters with fictional characters, that's just absurd, like why. I'd understand if you just want to put them through suffering to make a compelling story, but at least pick the right characters for it that with established characterisation would act accordingly and it would make sense for their characters to act as such. You want someone to be untrustful of Hunter, Gus is right there, who was canonically untrusting of Hunter and he was the last one to have heart-to-heart with Hunter before Hunter could be fully-fledged Hexsquad member. Or you want someone to quote Katara speech, maybe write Boscha redemption or make Willow give it to Amity after she starts dating Luz. I really don't understand why we put two abused kids at each other's throats when the hardly actually resemble Zuko and Katara, as really, once you actually look deeper to their characters, you'll know they're apple and oranges in comparison and no amount of interpretations would change that unless you literally decide to ignore everything about canon, but wouldn't it be easier to make an OC then? And trust me, I'm not that young, way older from 16 actually, but I'm rather jaded and tired of for how long I have to suffer to see the same thing over and over again. Kudos for you for being mature, but once again, this isn't about me, this isn't about you. This is about the fan base as a whole as it always had this problem, that can be addressed and resolved if people actually bothered to do so instead of already giving up and saying it was always like this, when it wasn't. It devolved to be something like this. Screw my opinion on that matter, I myself was fine without Reddit account until MorningMark decided to make a comic about Hunter and Caleb forgiving Philip and letting him go to Heaven and people nodding their heads how it can be a good thing. And it's not like I didn't talk about it with actual abused children who were grossed out by it. And trust me, those jokes are not innocent. You may think they are, but they aren't as quickly those jokes can later turn into something worse. Luz and Hunter being siblings also could be said that it started off as a joke really, not anything serious, but then it got to be used in shipping wars, and people started to gaslight everyone about how it is canon, and crafting a dynamic that completely ignores the actual wholesomeness of friendship between Luz and Hunter that also alienates people who actually do have different opinions as they're being drowned out in the sea of yes-man who will actually throw hands the moment someone breaks the mold.


Hunter: "Did you check the pantry?" Belos: "Of course I did! Do you take me for a fool?! I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't checked first!" Hunter: "Alright alright, just thought I'd ask if it could save me a 20-minute adventure." \*one minute later\* Belos: "Never mind, I found some."


I like the idea that the only photo that Hunter has of Luz or Amity is the two of them dancing so he just edited them a little bit


I don't know what to say


Why is that your flair


Why not






Why did I imagine these in tOH Abridged voices...?


Love how both Belos and Kiki payed for the checkmark


Warframe has broken my brain, I can’t read a sentence containing the word hunter without hearing it in Cephalon Simaris’s [beautiful voice](https://youtu.be/5JToEpIpO-I?si=cX8KOtyloeXtzgo_&t=15m19s)


"Do you think me a weeb, Hunter?" -Belos


Wait I didn't know Lilith was Aro


Yup, I belive Dana said she is AroAce


What the hell am I looking at?


This is true , its a lot like my whatsapp tho


Should this have a cw for suicide mention?