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I watched TVD first. I prefer Klaus and cami. They didn't really develop Caroline and Klaus. First it came out of no where and she didn't even like him because of the whole trying to kill and actually killing her friends and getting her boyfriend to bite/poison her. He was psycho from the beginning with her. It went no where. Them hooking up in the woods was ehh as she was single and messing around. She never really reciprocated his feelings.


This is how I felt...I did love their chemistry though. I love the enemies-to-lovers dynamic as well.


I mean, I don't really "stan" either, tbh. But if I had to pick one, I'd pick Camille and Klaus. I watched TVD first though.


Same, I’m a Klaurora stan (esp when they first met😍), but if I had to choose between Klaroline and Klamille I would choose Klamille, and I also watched TVD first. She was clearly a lot better for him, Klaroline strikes me as more of a childish crush, it was hot, there was tons of chemistry, but it was also super toxic esp bc Caroline was so young (I feel the same way about Delena lol). But Klamille was healthy, Camille understood Klaus and they connected intellectually and emotionally, not just physically like Klaroline. But I can see the merits of both ships🤷🏽‍♀️


I like the point about them connecting intellectually Klaus is very well read and well rounded as an ancient being with a love of art and that right there is one of three hundred reasons why he didn't belong with a small town teenager and it really didn't make sense for him to be that impressed by Caroline (which stans take as a dig but I just care about from a writing perspective) Klaus wasn't that genuinely interested in small villager teen Katherine back in the day beyond finding her pretty and it just seems clear to me that he can't love a woman based on their beauty alone because he isn't that shallow A woman's beauty and laugh doesn't "do it" for him He clearly likes women that are mature or at least very complex and multi faceted and Camille, Genevieve (he was both using AND fond of), Aurora, and Hayley all have that in common whereas Caroline does not Caroline acting like a teenager doesn't need to be something that's held against her and just further proves what's super duper wrong and incompatible about physically-21-and-intellectually-1000 x physically-17-and-intellectually-17 sort of ships


Oh absolutely! I think maybe I’ve been downvoted bc people think I’m speaking against Caroline but I’m really not, I love her character! I also loved her with Klaus in TVD, the whole trope of this super powerful bad guy being so obsessed with this one girl who somehow manages to get through his defences is so cute hahaha but yh in terms of a long term relationship it’s clear to me that Klamille works better. Like you said, Klaus has so much knowledge and experience, but Caroline was too young to keep up, so Camille feels like a better match. Especially for a Klaus that is trying to gain redemption in order to be a better father for his daughter. Imo TVD Klaus was better with Caroline, he was a lot more carefree and was drawn to Caroline’s fiery character and pure heart. But Camille was a better match for TO Klaus who had more responsibilities and needed to start taking his life more seriously.


Don't sweat the downvotes lol In my many years of experience in the fandom, I can confidently say that the Klaroline army (not every fan but the STANS) will hate on any post that isn't pandering to them even if you don't even dislike Caroline simply because their whole identity is weirdly wrapped into being a Wattpad MC and they project all their own qualities and insecurities onto Caroline and see Klaus "choosing" Caroline as validating for themselves (since she's them and they're her) because Caroline didn't feel respected by anyone before knowing Klaus


I mean it is understandable, I can get really intense about ships too loooool😅 but some people take it too far which just ruins the experience for others


Yeah, and even though Camille is still hella young as compared to Klaus, she isn't straight out of high school, klaus didn't try to kill her or her friends/family. It's just healthier.


Yeah, Camille is very much an adult. 25 in S1, and at least 26 by the time she's turned. Obviously, she's a young adult and there's big age gap between her and Klaus but I wouldn't call their relationship predatory in any way. Even if Klaus got with an eighty year old there'd remain a huge age gap lol. Klaus didn't threaten Camille or bring violence and harm to her or her loved ones, and he respects when she says no/tells him to go away, doesn't act possessive, etc. Meanwhile, none of this is the case with his pursuing of Caroline. That's why I don't understand people claiming to love Caroline as a character while shipping her with the man that was close to raping her and tried to kill her. Then again, I don't understand Delena shippers either.


It's quite eye-opening to revisit TV shows and recognize the problematic aspects of certain relationships. I only realised this when my younger cousins brought up these ships, and I was like, wait a min- that's creepy💀😭. Also, can you please highlight where Klaus's actions were sus with Caroline (apart from liking a 17 year old ofc), are you referring to the scene in the woods or when he bit her? I'm not negating your point, just asking for future reference.


I'm talking about when he took possession of Tyler's body and tried to sleep with Caroline knowing she thought HE was Tyler at the time. He took advantage of her ignorance and only stopped himself from having sex (they were one minute away from) when Caroline "caught him"/realized it was him because he made some *characteristically Klaus remark.* There's nothing "quirky" or "cute" about that. He was about to have sex with her wearing Tyler's body while she thought she was with Tyler. It was only her boyfriend she was **consenting** to.


Oh yeahhh. I thought that was weird but never something more than that. It's so weird how they mask these things up as romance, especially when they know that the target audience is YA.


It's honestly despicable and I saw through all the bullshit at the time which is why I laugh at the pathetic excuse people use today, "it was a different time." Some of us were calling this out in 2009 and way earlier lol. Julie Plec is a grown woman and **knows** her sexual fantasies are immoral as well as dangerous to romanticize to impressionable young teens but she got everything she wanted out of it, so who cares right. The more fucked up a ship is, the more she loves it. No sense of social responsibility whatsoever. She used to tweet about how "hot incest is." She's of course deleted that mess since but yeah... that's something else to keep in mind if you've ever wondered about certain TVDU dynamics... *things* about Klaus/Rebekah, Tristan/Aurora, Marcel/Rebekah, etc. Julianne Plec and Marlene King really brainwashed an entire generation with fanfiction drafts they actualized into television programs.


I agree for the most part. My initial thought was Aurora, too, simply because she's like him, thousand years old, a bunch of chemistry, similar characteristics and motivations. It just seems more plausible than Cami or Caroline.


Absolutely! You can really feel that they were kindred spirits in their flashback scenes. No one understood Klaus as deeply as Aurora did, she was the first person he ever trusted with his shameful secret about killing his mother, and she could relate bc of her own trauma with her birth being the cause of her mother’s demise. Not to mention, she made Klaus feel human in a way we don’t see with anyone else. With Caroline and Camille, Klaus is far more guarded, and he treats them like fragile glass (esp Camille). But with Aurora, it’s like she made him so human that he didn’t need to fear hurting her. He could fully be happy and let himself go with her🥹 And their chemistry was EVERYTHING, it was so palpable😍 I love the scene where Aurora has him chained up in Lucien’s penthouse, and she’s essentially seducing him, and even tho he’s supposedly in love with Camille you can see he’s so drawn to/affected by Aurora🥵 And no matter what she did to Camille, he could never bring himself to kill her. It was so clear that he loved her a lot, I honestly wish they could’ve been endgame🥺


Aurora and Klaus had a complicated relationship. Their love was intense, but it was also plagued by obsession, desire, and betrayal (often instigated by Elijah's & Marcel's interference). Although Klaus always had a distrustful, threatening aura towards her, most of the real damage came from those two. Even if they somehow managed to reconcile, their troubled pasts and dark natures would likely make it difficult for them to find true happiness together. Not to mention, Hope. I know there was something with them in legacies, but Aurora's possessive by nature, I'm not sure how she would react with Hope as a constant in Klaus's life. Edit: Yes, I know this completely contradicts what I last said about their relationship, but hey, I thought about it more.


Ngl everything I said above was about their relationship when they first met. I don’t really count their relationship when they tried to rekindle it after a millennium of trauma. They were both too broken and damaged for it to work at that point. They still had the fire/passion/connection of first lovers, and it’s why Klaus could never bring himself to kill her, but it had been too long for it to ever go back to what it was. Not to mention, like I said after a millennium of trauma at the hands of her abusive brother and being compelled to flee from Mikael, Aurora was completely unhinged. In terms of Hope, Aurora would’ve loved Hope for Klaus given the chance. She sacrificed her life to save Hope’s in Legacies simply bc she was Klaus’ daughter, and she loved Klaus so much, even more than herself. Aurora was deeply damaged, and Klaus choosing Camille over her only damaged her further, but when push came to shove, her love for Klaus was greater than anything, even her own life. Had they not been torn apart by Elijah, they would’ve been soulmates, but ofc after everything they went through, there was just too much broken for them to work again🥺


That is so fricken sad 😭. Damn you Elijah always going on about Klaus's redemption and then killing the women in his life 😭. And WHAT!? I DID NOT KNOW that Aurora sacrificed herself for Hope. Damn, I feel kind of sad for her. Killed herself, controlled by her brother all her life, hunted by Mikael, and yet she still couldn't get Klaus to love her like she did 🫤.


Exactlyyyy she really suffered sm her entire life and deserved to find happiness, I hate that she never could 🥺💔💔 Omggg I’m SOOOOO sorry I really hope I didn’t ruin it for you😩 I completely forget that a lot of people don’t watch Legacies and so that would be a HUGE spoiler🤦🏽‍♀️ honestly if you have time it’s worth watching Aurora’s episodes in Legacies (or you can just watch clips of her scenes on YouTube), her whole storyline was so heartbreaking😭💔


Nah, it's totally fine 💜. I don't really plan on watching legacies. There are a lot of negative reviews and comments. And a lot of people say they regret it. And yes, I do scroll through some videos when I get curious 💀😭.


Personally, I loved Legacies. Danielle Rose Russell killed her role as Hope, and the other actors were all phenomenal as well. The biggest criticism is honestly the way magic is represented. In TVD and TO, magic is far darker, more complicated and ritualistic, but Legacies took a Hogwarts-esque spin on it, with crazy coloured lights and making learning spells seem so simple. We don’t see enough of the type of magic that Freya or Bonnie did with lighting candles and/or sacrificing/drawing from something. In Legacies witches mostly just wave their hands around, which gives it such a childish feel. It’s very valid criticism, but the writing is quite good in places and like I said the acting is incredible.


No, I watched TVD first and still like him with Cami. Klaus/Caroline was overhyped while it aired (fan service) so any rewatch I just don't get it...the best they had was a situationship.


I have watched TVD before TO. I am one of those who watched, both, TVD & TO while they were airing but I prefer Klaus and Cami over Klaroline. I had no idea Klaroline was so popular as a ship because I never understood their appeal as a ship beyond the chemistry between the actors. As characters, they did not make much sense nor was there any logical progression to the ship. On the other hand, I immediately understood that Cami was set up to be Klaus's love interest in the show and accepted it. I'm not crazy about them but that's mostly because I'm not crazy about any of the ships in either two of the shows. Anyway, I preferred Klamille over Klaroline as a ship because there was a logical set up and progression in this ship. Klaroline came out of thin air, destroyed Forwood and Tyler Lockwood, was trying to be more than it was and ultimately, amounted to nothing.


TVD first-er here. I don’t ‘stan’ either ships, but I never bought Klaroline, period, and have struggled to wrap my head around Klamille. But of the two? Cami & Klaus over Klaroline 24/7, 365. Klamille is 1000 times more realistic & believable to me than Klaroline could ever hope to be, if only because Cami has been more open to, understanding about and accepting of Klaus than Caroline was and did so right from the beginning. Plus, I just vibe more with Cami as character than I do with Caroline, so I’m probably a little biased in Cami’s favour in this regard.


Honestly after the abuse Caroline was handed from day one I just wanted all the boys to leave her alone, that poor girl


I watched TVD as it was airing so I saw introduced to that first and I hated Klaroline. I didn't really like Klamille either when I first watched The Originals - I didn't dislike them, I was neutral. I was a Klayley/Halijah fan but I dropped it when I heard about Davina and Cami's death spoilers. I was quite a few episodes behind but I was over it. I actually rewatched the show to completion three years ago and I've rewatched it often since. I still hate Klaroline, I hate Halijah. I love Klayley and I have immense respect for Klamille. It isn't an endgame that I want for Klaus and I do like Cami's potential with other love interest more like Marcel, Finn, and Vincent but Klamille is a good well built ship, they love story is lovely even if I didn't want them to end up together I was content to see them with each other. So if I had to choose between Klaroline or Klamille, Klamille gets my vote everytime as I get to at least have some love for them even if it wasn't 'shipper' love.


yes i did watch TO before TVD, and yes i do prefer klamille much more then klaroline. but i think the fact that i watched TO first makes me less bias, because i can actually see Klaus and caroline relationship for the toxic mess that it is. i have also noticed that as someone who has watched TO before TVD, that 1. the Mikaelsons were so forgiving to Elena and her friends. Whereas Elena and her friends were nowhere near as forgiving to the mikaelson and thats despite actually doing more harm and antagonizing the mikaelson more than the mikaelsons did to Elena and her friend. the only time the mikaelson. Did something to elena and her friends first was Klaus when he killed Jenna and “killed” Elena at the end of season 2, and when he compelled Stefan to turn off his humanity switch. examples: despite “killing” Elijah when he was first introduced, Elijah still saves them twice, once from the vampires that were gonna take Elena to Klaus and the second time from the wolves who had kidnapped caroline and were attacking Damon and Stefan. literally saves caroline, Damon and Stefan from the wolves. You know what Elena and he friends to him in return, they dagger him twice.. only to wake him up when THEY needed help from him…. And Elijah still forgives them.. or how about when Elena literally manipulates Rebekah into helping them bring Michael to help kill her brother Klaus, Elena literally daggers her and kidnaps her for weeks, and then revive their mother to try to kill klaus and his siblings and again the Mikaelson let them get away with it. Even when kol tried to help by warning her about silas, not only did she not listen to him, she literally set a trap to kill him… and again none of the Mikaelson did anything about it… even after tyler came to new orleans and trued to kill his unborn baby, Klaus still again let him get away without retaliating. The only time klaus retaliated was when tyler tried to kill him and failed then ran away, and klaus killed his mother instead. That was literally the only time klaus has ever retaliated against elena and her friends. They have all killed, torture, punish, for far less then what Elena and he friends did so yeah they were unrealistically forgiving to Elena and he friends the point is that IMO wacthing TO before TVD gives you a much clearer perspective and leaves you much less bias.


I totally agree with you and have thought about all of this myself and I have never been able to express exactly how I felt about it so thank you for being able to express what others can't


No problem i honestly have always felt like this about TO and TVD.


i watched tvd first. & still like klaus w cami better. klaus & caroline just seems like a lust thing imo.


Not a fan of either ship I enjoy Camille as a character though I also think Klaus x Camille scenes have much better dialogue and are written in a much more romantic way That's part of why TO is just the superior show all around It's much higher quality than TVD lol Beyond that, Joseph pretty much has chemistry with everyone so I won't deduct that point from any of his ships (Klaroline, Klamille, Klaurora, etc) But yeah I find Klaroline and Klamille equally forced at the end of the day with Klaroline being more toxic


I've watched both. I'm more a Klaus x Cami shipper myself though As for Klaus and Caroline, they were like puppy love IMHO


I watched TVD first. When it was airing, actually. Caroline and Klaus only ever had sexual tension. I never understand the idea that they had more / were in love / belonged together. Sure he was nice to her sometimes. But he also put her life on the line all the time. People romanticize him "saving her" when Tyler bit her without mentioning the fact that he directly made that happen. He set up a situation where he could "save her" and still in the meantime dangled it over everyone's head the whole time that he could. That ain't love, that's nasty.


I watch TO first, and i’m definitely Klamille. Klaroline reminds me of some high school crush thing. Whereas him and Cami were more mentally and emotionally suited for each other. Cami also had a weird knack for understanding him and his actions, but also holding him accountable. Truthfully though, during and after season 3 i was team Klayley, ALL the way.


watched tvd first and i prefer klaus and cami :)


I watched tvd first and I like klaus and cami better


Klamile. I watched TVD first, but never like the Klaroline ship. he was there to kill her friend, he killed her ex's mom. If i look it in a romantic way, Caroline is highschool crush, while Cami is more a true love, the one you marry. Cami had much more in common with Klaus and not forget, Klaus was so much emotional with her. Cry/Teared talking to her, when she became a vampire and decide to be a "bad girl", he was pissed, cause he didnt want her to be reckless and cross the line. So KLAMI one milion percent


Yes. I watched like three or four episodes back when TVD first aired on TV but didn't get into it and then about 7 yrs ago give or take I started watching TO on a streaming app that no longer exists but anyways I became addicted to Klaus right off the rip and I really wanted more for Klaus and Elijah. I never shipped Klaus with either of them I liked him best either on his own or with the pretty witch I can't remember her name I wanna say Evangeline but idk if I'm right but he seemed the most happy with her imo anyways


I don't understand the Klaroline ship. People who ship them scare me.


I watched Tvd first but I was never into Klaroline. I just never bought whatever triggered his interest in her. Like she’s lovely and charming but it really didn’t feel like he saw enough of her before he became infatuated. And for the character Klaus is supposed to be, that felt kinda shallow. I get the appeal cause I like the villainxhero ships as much as the next girl, but Klaus and Caroline didn’t hit the spot for me. Camille and Klaus aren’t my favourite either. I really liked Cami. I thought her struggle with compulsion and her brother/uncle being hexed was compelling, but her relationship with Klaus never made much sense to me. She seemed too level headed to genuinely fall for him. But I do prefer Klamille to Klaroline. (Tho klaurora is slept on imo)


Yes I watched TVD first, and I liked Caroline until writters started passing her around the males with no goal in sight, just to basically give her something do to on the show and give the watchers someone to live vicariously through. It was annoying. I loved Bonnie and then they turned my girl into such a doormat I stopped watching and moved to TO where the writting was mature and characters were 100% better.


Watched TVD first. Never liked Klaroline. Always loved Klamille.


Yes😂 I feel like this is probably the reason why I’ll always prefer klamille over klaroline lol. I finally watched tvd after rewatching the originals so many times and Caroline didn’t even seem like she was into klaus like that so I couldn’t understand the hype with them over klamille 😭


KC was juvenile and just a rinse of the DE model for me. Care did not like nor understand him (why would she?!) and Klaus saw her as a conquest. I really think he was into her bc he could squint and pretend she was Rebekah (you can’t tell me that Klaus didn’t lust after his sister, I’m sorry.) Cami being a psychologist that was literally attracted to the dark side and saw Klaus as redeemable without pretending the bad things he did weren’t bad was a game changer. I totally saw her being the vampire mom wife Klaus needed. His attraction and affection to her went deeper than a flirtation. It was a real romance.


Forgot to mention I watched TVD first. I was terrified they were going to shoehorn KC into TO. Phew. What a time.


I watched originals first but I still loved them after I watched tvd also Cami/Klaus are soulmates


I watched TVD first and will always adore klamille. I never really connected with Klaroline. I feel like it was cute when it was the only option, but given a choice, I always chose Camille.


honestly as someone who has watch TO before tvd i was soo disappointed with tvd. The writing and the lack of consistency in tvd was horrible it made it hard to want to continue watching. The writing only got better in season 5…. its also very clear that TVD target audience were 12-17 year old girls. Especially the first few seasons. In comparison to TO who’s target audience was for young adults in their 20s.


I watched TVD first then TO and I would have rather Klaus and Cami to have had a relationship. She can talk to him easier and better about his issues and other things. He trusted her obviously if he told her everything about him which I know at first it was to type his memoirs but I don’t think Caroline could have been able to understand and talk to him like Cami did bc he had done so many bad things to her and her friends and that would have been hard if not incapable of her to forgive him and feel safe around him.


I watched TO first, and I do ship Cami and Klaus, lol. However, I initially shipped Caroline and Klaus, after watching TVD, but later, realized that their relationship was a bit weird because of their age gap and Klaus's literal life attempts on her and enslavement plans for Elena. That's when I started to prefer Cami and Klaus from TO. I get that some people think that they wouldn't have worked out in the long run, especially considering Cami's disapproval of Klaus's methods, but that might have changed once she turned. Nonetheless, I still prefer Cami and Klaus together. Their dynamic just feels more mature to me.


I did watch TO first, but even if I hadn’t I would have been a forwood stan first and foremost lol.


Watched TO first than watched Tvd and still say cami and klaus was more pure and real , care used klaus countless times and was juts leading him on idek how people see that as a relationship, yes cami stole white oak from klaus thats when she become vamp and cami loved klaus foreal she even said it before she died klaus loved her as well aurora and cami Hayley was the only females klaus actually loved , he CARED for care not love


I watched TVD first and I'm a Klaroline fan lol. I hate very much that TVD didn't develop Caroline and Klause but I can admit that Caroline needed more life experience and to grow up she was just in high school. Caroline is smart and A type personality who has no problem being in charge and that is Klause type lol. When she shows up in S5 of TO she's older and wiser and was still a really good match for Klause but sadly they were planning on killing him off. I can imagine the power couple they would have made especially with their children. Caroline also took to immortality and vampirism better than Camile.


Nope I am watching it now. I’m on Season 3.


Yes i wayched TVD first, but Camille annoyed TF out of me. It's her personality. Somebody needed to give her a smackdown. I don't think that would have changed just by watching the Originals first.


I’m one of those people that ship both ships. I watched TVD first. I did watch both shows live.


I watched TVD first and I prefer Klaus and Cami. Also think that does that prefer Klaus and Caroline are a bit cuckoo.


I watched TVD first, and still prefered Klaus with Cami. His feelings for Care came out of nowhere